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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

Page 12

by Aimie Jennison

  Looking at the emotion in his eyes I can see that he really does care about me. Why would he have slept around if he cared so much?

  He speaks once again before I can ask my question aloud. “I’m really sorry, about everything. Nate was right; I am a jerk. I know it’s no excuse but once I felt your wolf when you were asleep, I knew I wouldn't have been good enough for her,” he says, answering my unspoken question.

  I shake my head. “You’re wrong Carter. It wasn’t until you came in after I’d heard every word that went on between you and Nate and you acted like nothing had happened.” I give him a sad smile. “That’s when she decided you didn't deserve us.” I turn my hand over under his and stroke at his fingers comfortingly. “She let me come after you when you left Jesse’s office, wanting to give you another chance but you were already playing tonsil tennis with Clarissa.”

  We waste the day away watching TV and chatting, while I try my hardest not to stress about what is going on with Kelly, Jesse and Rick. I can’t help but see what attracted me to Carter in the first place. It’s not just his devilish good looks; he's caring and smart too. My wolf is content in his company. Nate arrives mid afternoon and we move onto the porch to enjoy the afternoon sun with a couple of board games.

  After a game of Scrabble, Carter leaves Nate and I playing Battleships to pick up a takeaway for dinner. None of us can be bothered to cook after such a relaxing day. We play two games before realizing Carter has been gone a lot longer than he should have. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I enter his number. We both hear it playing its tune in the kitchen. The bloody idiot must have left it there earlier.

  Nate glances out to the field before closing his eyes to listen to his surroundings. “I’m going to go check the drive and field to see if I can see any sign of him. Okay?” I nod and he jumps up and walks down the porch steps. “If anything happens, just holler. I won't be far,” he says, giving me a concerned look over his shoulder, conflict over needing to stay and needing to leave clear in his eyes.

  “There’s a shotgun in the pantry. I’ll be fine,” I say, hoping to ease some of the worry I can feel coming from him.

  With a nod and one last worried glance he walks around the house and out of sight. Nate’s only gone a matter of minutes before I hear Carter’s phone ring again, someone else obviously trying to contact him. It stops and my phone starts ringing immediately. Jesse’s voice comes out of the speaker before I even have a chance to say ‘hello’. “Put Nate on, and tell Carter to answer his damn phone.”

  “Hello to you too,” I say sarcastically, wasting time hoping one of them gets back before I have to tell him I’m alone.

  “I haven’t got time for hello. Put one of them on the phone now!” The growl in his voice makes his rage clear.

  I gulp, knowing I’ve wasted all the time I can. “I can’t Jesse, they aren’t here.” I pause for a second before deciding it’s safer to carry on talking and not give him a chance to yell at me. “Carter went to pick up a takeaway. He didn’t come back, so Nate left two minutes ago to check the drive and field to see if there’s any sign of him.”


  Hearing the gravel on the drive crunching underfoot I ran to the kitchen window to see who it is.

  “Kelly lost Rick’s trail. He sent him on a wild goose chase. We think he might be coming for you,” Jesse states, voice wavering with concern.

  “He's here. And he's not alone.” I gulp, trying to swallow down the terror that’s rising within me. I have no chance of getting away from them. I can hear Jesse’s voice but it’s just a sound; I can’t discern the words through the shock I’m feeling from seeing Rick walking towards me. I’ve never seen Rick before but I can tell who he is by the air of power he’s carrying with him and by the way the men with him are all fanned out behind him allowing him to lead them to their destination - one on either side just slightly behind, flanking him. They’re most probably his Second and Third. There are more in a row behind them, but I can’t tear my eyes of their Alpha - Rick. This man killed my parents.

  “How many?” Jesse’s panicked voice pulls me out of my state of shock and back to the call.

  I spin on the spot, not sure what to do or where to go. “Rick, and seven others on foot plus one driving a transit van, moving at a crawl behind them.”

  “He wouldn’t come with uneven numbers, there must be one in the back of the van too.”

  I look back out the window and watch as the van comes to a stop and the driver gets out, I watch them, on tenterhooks as they gather around the van’s side door. The driver opens it and a guy fluidly jumps out. The driver and the guy who I’ve appointed as Rick’s Third reach into the open van and drag two unconscious bodies out, dumping them unceremoniously on the ground. Nate and Carter.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper into the empty room, forgetting I have Jesse on the phone until I hear his calm voice in my ear.

  “Frankie, talk to me. What is it?”

  “They’ve done something to Nate and Carter. They just dragged them out the van. I can't tell if they’re dead or unconscious. They’re not moving.”

  “Shit! Frankie, you need to run and find somewhere to hide. I’m on my way,” he orders before hanging up.

  “I can’t hide from a pack of werewolves, they’ll sniff me out,” I say to myself. Running across the room to the pantry, I tug the door open and try to still my fingers from their shaking as I roll the combination on the gun safe. I finally get the right sequence and pull out the gun with a handful of cartridges. I stuff them in a small shoulder bag that’s hanging on a hook by the back door. I know shotgun cartridges won’t kill them, but it will at least slow them down.

  Knowing that hiding would be impossible, I decide confrontation is the best and the only option I have until Jesse arrives. I walk out of the kitchen door with the gun hanging at my side and the sound of my feet on the gravel catches their attention. I lock my eyes on Rick and don’t dare let them stray.

  He takes a sharp intake of breath. “Wow. You are definitely Maria’s daughter.”

  The sound of my mother’s name coming off his lips causes anger to flow through me. “I wouldn't know. I don’t remember what she looks like. You killed her!”

  “You’ve got her sharp tongue as well as her looks.” He lets out a menacing laugh. “She’d be stood there with a shotgun too.” With each word he’s slowly getting closer to me. His guys stop, leaving him to walk the final ten metres alone. “I didn’t want to kill her, I told her they could all live if only she’d come home with me. But no, she thought they could take on my whole pack; six against more than twenty. We both know the outcome to that.” His smirk makes me want to smack it off his face. One minute he’s ten metres away from me, the next he’s centimetres away.

  I jump back, and feel strong arms wrap around me from behind, bringing me tight against a hard male body and holding me in place. A satisfied smile spreads across Rick’s face. All that talk about my mother was just a distraction so I wouldn’t hear his guy coming up behind me. He tugs the gun out my hand and throws it to the side, I watch helplessly as it skids across the gravel and comes to a stop about five metres away. “Stick her in the van, Gary.”

  Doing as he was told, Gary lifts me in his hold so my feet are no longer on the floor, and drags me to the van. My kicking and screaming don’t hinder him a bit or loosen his grip. He stumbles over Carter’s body - my thrashing body probably blocked his view, and we tumble to the floor. He quickly loses his grip and I come face to face with Carter on the floor His eyes open and he pops up, making me think he was pretending to be unconscious; at least for the last minute or two, biding his time.

  “Run!” Carter bellows.

  I don’t wait to be told twice. I run.

  The telltale sound of fighting surrounds me - males grunting in exertion, bodies slamming together. I daren't look back to see who’s fighting or how they are fairing; it’ll slow me down. I run as fast as my legs will take me, heading toward
s the cemetery, knowing it like the back of my hand. There are plenty of tree roots and head stones to slow down my pursuer whom I can hear gaining on me. My wolf’s pacing inside me, pushing me to run faster, but my human body can't move as fast as she wants me to. Her wolf body is faster. It can get us out of here in no time. I need to be in wolf form.

  The thought is barely through my mind when I feel my body shift. Bones breaking. My face elongating. It hurts like hell, but I don't have time to dwell on it. I need to focus on getting out of here. I can’t slow my stride.

  My four paws hit the dirt, as I hear a growl coming from in front of me. Looking up I see a familiar wolf fly over me. Tony. Jesse. Hearing the impact of his body colliding with my pursuer causes me to dig my paws in and spin around.

  I can’t tear my eyes away as I watch Jesse sinking his teeth into the abdomen of the guy still in human form, blood pouring everywhere from the rip in his stomach. I take a step forward wanting to rip into the prize of Jesse’s hunt. My instincts hold me back from following through on the thought; Jesse hasn’t invited me to join him.

  “Frankie! Run!” Jesse’s voice rings inside my head. “Follow my scent back to my house. Rick won’t go there, you’ll be safe.”

  The thought of Carter fighting runs through my head, should I really be leaving them to fight? I have teeth and claws. I could fight too. “What about Nate and Carter? They're out numbered,” I thought hoping he’d hear me, the sight of Nate unconscious on the gravel drive clear in my mind. I can’t leave.

  “We’re okay. Kelly, Big Mac, Tim and a couple of others are here,” Nate’s voice informs me once again in my head. Does the whole pack hear everything when we’re in wolf form? I shake my head to rid myself of that worrying thought. It’s not important right now.

  Knowing there are plenty of our guys dealing with Rick and his men, I take one last look at Jesse, who nudges the lifeless male on the floor. Not even a whimper escapes the body. With the amount of damage I can see across his body, I know he won’t be getting up. Jesse, having no doubt come to the same conclusion, flicks his eyes to me. “Run!” he orders before running off through the trees and out of sight towards the farm.

  I follow the order, knowing my presence would only hinder their fight. I’d only be running on instinct with no idea how to really fight. I break through a line of trees and step onto the driveway with Jesse’s great big mansion at the end of it. As I slow my pace I’m overcome by an horrendous pain deep inside my chest, taking my legs from under me. A chorus of howls come from the direction of my house. A howl escapes my own snout, and I’m suddenly aware that someone is dead. One of ours is dead. I don't know how I know it, but I do. Panicking, I quickly feel through the rope-like pack bonds inside me. I find Kelly immediately, followed by Jesse, Carter, Nate, Big Mac and Tim, too. Finding the severed bond my panic increases tenfold, there’s nothing to tell me who it belonged to. Drowning in sadness, I turn and flee back to the farm. I need to know who’s gone.

  Skidding to a halt on the gravel, I take in the scene before me. It’s horrific. There are lifeless bodies scattered around the drive. Trails of blood are everywhere. The van is no longer in sight, which is a telltale sign that at least one of the bad guys got away. A quick glance and count of the bodies confirms Rick escaped with at least two of his men. Our guys are all standing around a figure on the floor, their clothes tattered and torn from the fight. I’m vaguely aware that Nate and Jesse are both naked and in human form but I’m too focused on the body to really care about their state of undress. Jesse is leaning over the body - Our dead. I catch a familiar scent on the breeze and don’t believe my own senses. It can’t be.

  Reaching down the pack bonds my worst fears are confirmed, and my heart breaks into a million pieces. Joey’s dead.

  I lose sense of the moment and I’m suddenly in human form pushing my way through the circle of men. I crouch beside Joey’s limp body and take in the sight of him. I flash back to the first day I met him, seeing that carefree sixteen year old trying to persuade Nonna to give him a job.

  I gently rub the blood off his face with the tips of my fingers, not wanting it to mar his beautiful face. My eyes blur with tears as I realise I’ll never see his charming smile again. I need to hold him. Jesse’s hand on my shoulder stops me lifting Joey into my lap. I glare at him over my shoulder anger flowing through me.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, But…” He points to Joey’s neck. I follow his finger with my eyes and only have enough time to turn to the side before losing my breakfast. Joey’s head is no longer attached to his body. I vomit until I’m left dry retching. I put my head in my hands not wanting to see the sight before me again. Unfortunately, it’s ingrained behind my eyelids and it can’t be unseen. I sob uncontrollably in my hands as I feel a blanket cover my shoulders and let whomever it is lead me into the house and place me on the sofa, leaving me to hug the blanket tightly around my body for comfort as I fight to get the sight of Joey’s body out of my head.

  The cushion beside me dips, pulling me out of my trance and I look up to find Carter holding a cup out to me. “Here, drink this.”

  Not caring to argue I do as I’m told and take a sip. “Ugh, too much sugar, ” I complain as I pull a face. It’s so sweet he must have put the whole canister of sugar in my mug. I’m surprised it isn’t more of a syrupy texture.

  “Sugar’s good for shock.” He raises a brow and gives me a determined look, which makes me think he won’t let me get away with just having the one sip.

  Forcing myself to swallow another mouthful I know I won’t be able to drink anymore. “Thanks Carter, but I can't stand tea.” The tears come back twofold. Joey would have known to bring me coffee, not tea. Joey knows me better then anyone. Joey knew me. Seeing my distress Carter pulls me into his side with and arm around my shoulder. I don't fight him, I need the comfort he’s offering. I let him sit back pulling me along with him and I sink into his side.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Having fallen asleep, it’s dark when I open my eyes again to find I’m still lying on the sofa against Carter’s side. The loud snore coming from him tells me he’s asleep. Hearing voices in the kitchen, I decide to go and find out what is happening. I move slowly so as not to wake Carter and remember I’m wrapped in a blanket and naked beneath it. Having some modesty I tiptoe upstairs, avoiding the steps that I know creak, reminding me of the many times Joey had crept up on me by avoiding them too? What am I going to do without him? I feel the tears well up again but fight not to let them fall. I can’t break down again; I need to know what happened. Joey is a submissive wolf, he would’ve never been sent into a fight. How the hell did he get caught up in all of this? Once in my bedroom I pull out some underwear, jeans and a blue tank top from the dresser and throw them on before heading back down the stairs.

  “Frankie!” Carter yells, his voice shrill in panic. I run down the stairs hitting all the squeaky steps deliberately so he will hear me. He pulls the door at the bottom of the stairs open as my feet hit the last step and steps up to me taking my face in his hands. The relief in his blue eyes is hard to miss so close to mine. “Don’t do that to me again,” he begs before pulling me to his chest. “Please,” he whispers into my hair.

  I push his chest to escape his tight embrace. “I can’t… breathe.” He reluctantly releases me and I see through the open door; Jesse, Nate, Kelly, Tim and Big Mac have all moved from the kitchen to the lounge. Their faces all show concern in either the furrow of their brow or a grimace. “I only went to put clothes on.” My words don’t change the looks on their faces.

  “I thought someone had taken you,” Carter says as I step around him. He didn’t need to say the name, we all knew he was talking about Rick.

  “Do you really think someone could sneak in and out with you lot here? They wouldn't make it a metre up the drive,” I state with a sad smile on my face, remembering the mess that was on my drive not long ago. “Is it still there… the… bodies?”

  “No, it’s been cleaned up. You can walk out there now and you wouldn’t know anything had happened,” Jesse says, stepping forwards.

  I walk towards him and stop a little in front of him. “It can’t be unseen,” I whisper to myself more than anyone else. “How did it happen?”

  Jesse reaches his hand out and wipes a tear from my cheek. “We don’t know. That's what we've been discussing,” he says, knowing exactly what I’d meant. “I’d left him at my house, I told him I was sending you back and he should wait for you.” He shakes his head as though he’s trying to make something fall into place. “I can only guess that he thought he knew a short cut. That he thought he could get here quicker to help you. Unfortunately, he ran straight into Rick.”

  “He had no chance, it wouldn’t matter which of Rick’s men he’d run into. They were all much more dominant than him.” I state as the dam bursts once again, and the tears flow down my cheeks.

  Jesse tugs me into his embrace. “I’m sorry Frankie.” He strokes my hair and holds me against him while I cry on his chest in silence.

  After what feels like hours but must have only been minutes, Big Mac’s deep baritone breaks the silence. “I need to go to the bar, is that okay, Boss?”

  “No problem. I don’t think he’ll be back tonight. It will take him a while to think up a new plan and find some strong wolves to replace the ones we took out,” Jesse states over the top of my head. The feel of his voice vibrating through his chest is surprisingly comforting and I allow myself to take the security his arms offer.

  I listen to Big Mac’s footsteps as he walks out through the kitchen before leaning my head back to look up into Jesse’s face. “You think he’ll be back?” I ask nervously. I’d assumed he would give up after failing today.

  “He wants you, Frankie. He’s wanted you for a long time and he won’t give up until he gets what he wants, or dies trying.” I bite my lip in worry. Jesse gently pops it out with a thumb on my chin. “He’ll die trying because I’m not letting him take you anywhere. Okay?”


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