A Colony in a Nation

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A Colony in a Nation Page 19

by Chris Hayes

  criminal justice system as rebirth of, 33

  Johns Hopkins University, 196

  Johnson, Ron, 28

  Jordan, 181

  Justice Department, U.S., 65, 70, 74–75

  Cleveland investigation of, 82–83

  Ferguson investigation of, 44n, 46–47, 62, 64, 67, 74

  Kaba, Marianne, 125, 206

  Kelling, George L., 153–60, 174, 191, 193, 195, 198

  Kelly (foot patrolman), 155

  Kelly, Ray, 171, 175–76

  Kentucky, 53

  Kerry, John, 193

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 145

  assassination of, 25, 26

  King, Rodney, 119

  Kinloch, Mo., 75

  Knowles, James, 38, 149–51

  Know Your IX, 193

  Koch, Ed, 151, 152

  Koenig, Sarah, 195

  Kohler-Hausmann, Issa, 162

  Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C., 142

  language, racism and, 35–36

  Latinos, in prison system, 38

  law and order, 134, 135

  as appeal to primal fears, 27–28, 29

  black vs. white experience of, 37–38

  civil liberties and, 26–27, 30

  Richard Nixon’s call for, 25–27, 30

  Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, Maryland, 204

  League of Conservation Voters, 193

  Lee, Umar, 63

  Lehigh University, 200

  Leovy, Jill, 129

  Liberty Affair, 51

  Locking Up Our Own (Forman), 123–24

  Loehmann, Timothy, 81–82, 83

  Los Angeles, Calif., 53, 105, 129, 144

  Los Angeles Dodgers, 118

  Los Angeles Police Department, 161

  Louisiana, 208

  Love, Dayvon, 19–22, 24, 36

  LSD, 192

  Ludwig, Jens, 174

  MacDonald, Heather, 177

  Madeira wine, 51

  Madison, Wis., 193–95

  Maine, 53

  Marcus Garvey Park, Harlem, 164, 165

  marijuana, 111, 112

  Martinique, 71

  Maryland, 204

  Massachusetts, 135, 186

  Superior Court of, 58

  mass incarceration, 109, 174, 175, 208

  crime rate drop and, 172–73

  as emergent phenomenon, 114–15

  growing opposition to, 137, 173

  1990s explosion of, 113

  prosecutorial zealousness and, 113–14

  as rebirth of Jim Crow era, 33

  as response to 1960s–1990s crime rise, 135–36

  revenue-generation by, 214–15

  McCullough, Bob, 100

  McDonald, Laquan, 36

  Melvin, Craig, 212

  mental illness, as factor in police shootings, 96–97

  mercy, in criminal justice system, 207

  Mexico, 24, 69

  Miéville, China, 36

  Milwaukee, Wis., 167

  Minnesota, 112

  Miranda decision, 26

  Mississippi, 145, 208

  Missouri, 28

  Model UN, 21

  Morris, Seth, 128

  Morrisania neighborhood, Bronx, 151

  Morris County Sheriff’s Office, 90

  Morris Park neighborhood, Bronx, 147, 151

  Mosby, Marilyn, 131

  Mount Morris Park, see Marcus Garvey Park

  MSNBC, 29

  Murakawa, Naomi, 207

  NAACP, 124


  definition of, 32

  see also white middle-class

  Native Americans, settlers’ fear of, 84–85, 87

  Navigation Acts (British), 50

  Navy, Royal, in crackdown on American smuggling, 59–60

  neighborhoods, stability of, 148–49

  police foot patrols and, 153–62

  white fear and, 145–46, 149–50

  Newark, N.J., 157

  white flight in, 155–56

  Newburyport, Mass., 72

  New England, 56

  smuggling in, 53, 57–58

  New Haven, Conn., 198

  New Jersey, 90, 93, 97, 153, 208, 210

  New Jim Crow, The (Alexander), 33

  Newport, R.I., 52, 57

  New York, N.Y., 19, 53, 55, 76, 112, 116, 128, 132, 158, 160–71, 175–76, 192, 213, 215, 218–20

  abandoned buildings in, 151–52

  author’s childhood in, 117–21, 141–44, 147, 150–52, 163–64, 169

  “broken windows” policy in, 160–63

  Crack Years in, 120–21

  explosion of real estate values in, 166

  homicide rate in, 121

  post-1980s crime rate drop in, 160–61, 166, 171, 177

  racist violence in, 146–49

  seediness of, 141–44, 150–51, 152–53, 161–62, 164

  segregation in, 218

  squeegee men in, 143, 160

  New York Police Department (NYPD), 94, 160, 162, 171, 176

  “stop and frisk” policy of, 55, 176

  New York State, 205

  New York Times, 147–48, 152, 209

  New York Yankees, 118

  Nixon, Jay, 28, 29

  Nixon, Richard, 25–27, 30, 31, 110, 111, 147

  Southern Strategy of, 147–48

  War on Drugs of, 110–11


  as crime victims, 109, 121–22, 171

  white undervaluing of lives of, 126, 127–30


  black migration to, 144–45

  racism in, 145

  segregation in, 144–45

  North Charleston, S.C., 37, 149

  North Korea, 181

  Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition (NWBCCC), 122–23

  Norwood neighborhood, Bronx, 118

  Oakland, Calif., 128

  Obama administration, 112

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 219


  civil liberties vs., 156–57

  maintenance of, as police function, 154, 155, 158, 169, 174, 215–16

  see also law and order

  Osborne, Steve, 94, 99

  Osborne Association, 205

  Otis, James, Jr., 58

  Paris, Treaty of (1763), 54

  Parkchester neighborhood, Bronx, 147

  Parks, Asia, 96–97

  Parliament, British, 47

  Parsippany, N.J., 90

  Pennsylvania, 200

  Pennsylvania, University of, 198

  Pennsylvania State University, 200

  Percy, George, 84

  Perea, Dani, 197–98

  Persky, Aaron, 203, 204

  Petraeus, David, 94–95

  Pfaff, John, 113–14, 174

  Philadelphia, Pa., 17, 198

  Phillips, Kevin, 147–48

  Pilgrims, 85

  Pitt, William, 47

  Plymouth, Mass., 84


  accountability of, 204–5

  armaments of, 47–48, 67, 88, 100, 105, 208

  author’s interaction with, 16–19, 22

  blacks’ interactions with, 21, 37–38, 46, 67, 69–71

  “broken windows” policies and, see “broken windows” (police foot-patrol) polices

  desecration of bodies by, 68–69

  “Ferguson effect” and, 176–78

  gun violence against, 103

  individual autonomy of, 89–94

  insufficient conflict resolution training of, 94, 95–97

  internal and independent investigations of, 201–2

  order-maintenance function of, 154, 155, 158, 169, 174, 215–16

  personal discretion of, 190

  prevalence of guns as constant threat to, 98–99, 101–2, 103, 104–5

  revenue-generating policies of, 61–62, 64, 66, 74–75, 214

  rights of, 204

  “stop and frisk” policies of, 55, 176

  unconscious bias and, 116–17
r />   war-zone mindset of, 82–83, 101, 102, 104–5, 116–17

  whites’ interactions with, 16–19, 37

  Police Foundation, 153

  police simulations, author’s experiences with, 90–94, 97–98

  police violence:

  accountability and, 204–5

  black gang violence cited as rebuttal to, 127

  against black officers, 129–30

  mental illness as factor in, 96–97

  against unarmed blacks, 39

  against whites, 39

  see also specific incidents

  Politics as a Vocation (Weber), 32

  poor whites:

  as crime victims, 208

  incarceration rates of, 208

  in prison system, 38–39

  Portugal, 51

  poverty, persistence of, 169

  prison population:

  blacks in, 38

  crime rate and, 110–11

  decline of, 173

  Latinos in, 38

  poor whites in, 38–39

  War on Drugs and, 110–13

  see also incarceration; mass incarceration

  privacy, right to, 47, 55–56, 66

  Prohibition, 59


  election of, 182

  mass incarceration and, 113–14

  Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 218–20

  ProtectAndServe (Reddit police message board), 89

  protests, civil liberties and, 49–50

  Providence, R.I., 188, 190

  punishment, 206

  in American culture, 181–82, 183, 205–6

  criminal justice system as based on, 205–6, 210–11

  punishment rate, 110–11

  Queens, N.Y., 146

  Quick Trip gas station (Ferguson), 49

  race, unconscious bias and, 115–17

  Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life (Fields and Fields), 35

  racial equality, white fear of, 213, 215–16


  language and, 35–36

  in North, 145

  see also white fear

  rape, see sexual assault

  Reagan, Ronald, 111, 112, 147, 151, 186

  Reddit, 89

  Republican National Convention:

  of 1968, 26, 30

  of 2000, 16–19

  Republican Party, Republicans, 124, 145

  Southern Strategy of, 147–48

  Rhodesia, 31

  Rice, Tamir, 36, 81–82, 83, 220

  Rise of the Warrior Cop (Balko), 105

  Riverdale neighborhood, Bronx,


  Roman Empire, 75

  Rowe, James, 72

  Rumspringa, 190–91

  Russia, 23

  Ruttenberg, Raphael, 167–68

  St. Louis, Mo., 33, 62

  St. Louis County, Mo., 62, 63, 67, 75, 100, 150

  St. Marks Place, New York City, 144

  Salem, Mass., 72

  San Bernardino shootings, 105–6

  Sandtown-Winchester, Baltimore, 23, 131

  San Francisco, Calif., 142

  Saudi Arabia, 181

  Scheindlin, Shira, 55

  schools, integration of, 156, 213–14

  Scott, Walter, 37

  search and seizure, unwarranted, constitutional protections against, 55, 73

  Second Amendment, 104


  “broken windows” policies and, 161–62, 163

  of cities, 141–44, 146, 150–51, 152–53, 161–62, 164

  in suburbs, 149

  segregation, 185

  in Jim Crow era, 34

  in New York City, 218

  in North, 144–45

  political power and, 33

  in post-civil-rights era, 33–34, 36–37

  see also integration

  Semayne’s Case, 55

  Senate, U.S., 124

  sentencing, mandatory minimums in, 83, 112–13, 203, 207

  Sentencing Reform Act (1984), 112, 113

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of, 134–35, 136

  Serial (podcast), 195

  Seven Years’ War, 54, 56

  sexual assault:

  in colleges and universities, 199–200, 202–4, 205

  in military, 200–201

  Seychelles archipelago, 22

  Shaw, Andy, 17, 18

  Simi Valley, Calif., 119


  anti-colonial movements in, 30–31

  crime rate increase in, 24–26

  street protests in, 24, 25

  transformation of criminal justice system in, 24


  revolts of, 86

  white fear of, 85–88

  Smith, Adam, 51

  smuggling, in American colonies, see American colonies, smuggling in

  social norms, of compliance, 48–49

  Somalia, 181

  South, 148, 208

  black migration from, 144–45

  black vs. white incarceration rates in, 208

  segregation in, 144

  white fear of slaves in, 85–88

  South America, 125–26

  Southern Strategy, 147–48

  Soviet Union, gulag in, 23

  Squanto (American Indian), 84–85

  squeegee men, 143, 160

  Stalin, Joseph, 23

  Standish, Myles, 85

  Stanford University, 203–4

  Starr, Kenneth, 200

  State College, Pennsylvania, 195

  Staten Island, N.Y., 76

  “stop and frisk” policing, 55, 176

  Stoughton, Seth, 105

  Stuntz, William, 182

  suburbs, seediness in, 149

  Superior Court of Massachusetts, 58

  Supreme Court, U.S., 26, 156

  Miranda decision of, 26

  Swann, Cynthia, 129–30

  SWAT teams, 105, 208

  tariffs, British Empire and, 50–61, 75

  Taxi Driver (film), 158

  tear gas, 47, 48, 67, 73, 100, 102, 211–13

  television news, fearmongering by, 134

  Tensing, Ray, 198, 240n

  terrorism, exaggerated fear of, 134–36

  Texas, 37

  Thanksgiving, 84, 85

  Think Progress, 97

  This American Life (radio show), 195

  Time, 161

  Times Square, New York City, 142, 178

  Tompkins Square Park, New York City, 144

  Torbit, William, 129–30

  triangular trade, 52

  Trump, Donald, 137

  Turnaround: How America’s Top Cop Reversed the Crime Epidemic (Bratton), 161

  Turner, Brock, 203, 204, 205, 206

  Twitter, 47

  United States:

  criminal justice system in, see criminal justice system

  founding values of, 49

  homicide rate in, 22

  incarceration rate in, 22–23

  University Neighborhood Housing Program, 166

  urban blight, 153

  see also seediness

  Vaux, Calvin B., 219


  blacks as, 126–27, 185

  nonwhites as, 109, 121–22, 171

  punishment of offenders as only compensation for, 205–6

  whites as, 185, 208

  Vietnam, 35

  Vietnam War, 26

  violence, fear and, 88

  Violent Crime Control and Law Enforce-ment ACt (1994), 124–25, 171

  Virginia, 84

  Virginia Company, 84

  Virginia Gazette, 86, 87

  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 200

  Voting Rights Act (1965), 34, 148

  Wall Street Journal, 177

  War on Drugs, 110–13, 134

  black and antiwar activists as unspoken target of, 111

  crime rate and, 173

  racial disparity in, 112

  War on
Terror, 134–36

  Warren, Earl, 26, 156

  Warriors, The (film), 82

  Washington, D.C., 121, 124, 142, 169

  Washington, George, 51

  Washington Heights neighborhood, New York City, 142, 169

  Washington Post, 75, 97

  Watts riots, 24, 25, 145

  Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 51

  Weber, Max, 32

  Wessaguessett settlement, 85

  white fear:

  author’s childhood experiences of, 117–21

  belief system underpinning, 126

  as collective experience, 133–34

  criminal justice system as built on, 109, 115–37, 175

  disguised as economic concerns, 145–46

  government policy based on, 136

  gun sales and, 105–6

  laboratory studies of, 115–16

  racial equality and, 213, 215–16

  rhetoric of, 132

  Trump campaign and, 137

  War on Terror and, 135

  white privilege and, 133

  White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, 111

  white middle-class, criminal justice system and, 16–19, 24, 37


  as crime victims, 185

  drug addiction among, 209–10

  homicide rate of, 23–24

  incarceration rate of, 23

  nonwhite lives as undervalued by, 126, 127–30

  whites, poor, see poor whites

  Whitman, James, 183, 184, 207

  William and Mary College, 197–98

  Williams, Jeffrey, 103

  Wilson, Darren, 44, 100

  Wilson, James Q., 153–60, 174, 191, 193, 195, 198

  Wirz, Mike, 105–6

  Wisconsin, 193n, 208

  Wisconsin, University of, at Madison, 194–95

  World Series, of 1977, 118

  writs of assistance, 56–58, 66

  Zillow, 166

  Zimring, Franklin, 161


  Twilight of the Elites

  Copyright © 2017 by Chris Hayes

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

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  ISBN 978-0-393-25422-8

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  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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