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Pharaoh's Desire

Page 5

by Chanta Rand

  Kama looked away, refusing to meet his hard gaze.

  But he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face toward him, forcing her to look him directly in the eyes. “It matters little to me that you do not want me. All that matters is that I want you.”

  Kama felt her rage rising again, slowly simmering like a pot on a fire. She had tried to appeal to his sense of fairness, but he’d brushed her away like an insect. She wanted to scream in frustration. How dare he treat her like chattel? “Do what you will then, Pharaoh. If you want me, you must force yourself upon me. But always know that you would be with a woman who is repulsed by your touch.”

  Their eyes locked, and he stared at her with such intensity that she thought he would strike her. But his rebuttal took a different form. Before she could protest, he pulled her into his arms and crushed his mouth against hers. His tongue swept inside, and he took possession, stunning her with the force of his deep kiss.

  Caught off guard, she did what came most naturally to her. She kissed him back, curiously exploring the soft folds of his mouth. She responded to his demanding strokes, her tongue battling his with an erotic dance. All sense of time seemed to leave her.

  As Amonmose tightened his embrace, Kama felt her body yield to the hard planes of his muscular form. His velvety tongue met hers thrust for thrust as she tasted everything he had to offer. Her flesh tingled in response to his touch, and she felt an intense heat building inside her. In her mind, she fought him, called him the foulest of names, and denounced his possession of her. But her body succumbed easily.

  Abruptly, Amonmose withdrew from her mouth and sneered wickedly. “Kama, you lie. Your words say I do not please you. Yet, your tongue says otherwise.”

  Dazed, she fingered her swollen lips and watched the smug look on his face. “You do not understand.”

  “No, I understand completely. You wanted me, and you proved it. There is no need for me to force you when you give yourself to me so willingly.”

  She shook her head, pulling herself from his embrace. She’d never been kissed before. He’d clearly taken advantage of her, somehow. “Y-You deceived me!” She accused, backing away.

  He gazed at her, his eyes burning like lava. “I did nothing except what you wanted me to do.”

  His kiss had left her teetering like a newborn lamb. What had he done to her? What kind of sorcery had he used to make her body betray her? She touched a dainty hand to her forehead.

  Amonmose frowned. “If you faint again, I will no doubt be forced to kiss you repeatedly until you regain consciousness.”

  Kama turned on her heels and fled. Hours later, she could still hear his cruel laughter ringing in her ears.

  Chapter Four

  Kama managed to avoid Amonmose for the next several days. She didn’t think she could ever face him again without dying of humiliation. She still remembered every second of the kiss they’d shared—the most intimate act she’d ever experienced. She recalled the taste and texture of his mouth. The warmth of his tongue touching hers. She thought of that kiss at least a dozen times a day. Visions of him began to haunt her dreams, and she soon found herself wishing for the bitter tranquilizer the old doctor had brought her days earlier. Even if she did escape the powerful Pharaoh, she would never be able to get him out of her mind.

  She was angry with herself for not putting up more resistance. If only he were an ordinary man, she would have slapped him or hit him with one of her many verbal barbs. But the Pharaoh was no ordinary man. He was all smooth words and brutal kisses—a charmer and a viper. Perhaps a sorcerer as well! Why else had her body responded so wantonly? Perhaps, she thought, she would have responded that way to any man’s kiss, not just the Pharaoh’s. But there was no way for her to know. Amonmose had branded her as his property, and she knew in her heart that it would not be long before he sought her out again.

  A few days later, a royal page appeared at her door with a missive. Dyzet was there to answer, and she read the note excitedly. “Oh, Kama! Our presence is requested at the royal hunt tomorrow. The Pharaoh sent a personal invitation for you”—she waived the pale parchment in the air—“and I’m to come as well!”

  Kama stared at the paper as if it were dipped in poison. So, Amunmose would not give up so easily? Of course not. He was Pharaoh, used to having all of commands obeyed.

  “Let us find something for you to wear.” Dyzet rushed to one of the reed chests and rifled through its contents. “By the gods, all you have are these white tunics.”

  “I will not go,” Kama declared.

  Dyzet gasped. “Have you gone mad? You cannot refuse a royal summons!”

  “I can if I am sick. In fact…” She touched her forehead. “I feel ill this very moment.”

  Dyzet stood slowly and eyed Kama evenly. “You know you are simply delaying the inevitable.”

  “So be it.”

  “You cannot avoid him.”

  “I have been successful up to this point.”

  “You cannot outsmart him.”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  The two stared at each other, neither willing to back down. Dyzet’s small fists rested firmly on her hips. Her legs were spread in a defiant stance. “I do not think you realize the seriousness of your situation,” she warned Kama.

  “And I do not think you realize the extent of my determination,” Kama retorted.

  “Stubbornness is more like it.”

  “I prefer to call it endurance.”

  “Your endurance could be your undoing.”

  “It has not failed me yet.”

  “The Pharaoh will not be happy.”

  Kama crossed her arms. “That is one thing we shall both have in common.”

  “Your beauty and intellect have brought you this far, Kama. But his patience will wear thin.” Dyzet opened the door and prepared to leave. “The Pharaoh will have you sooner or later.

  The entire palace was alive with excitement on the day of the hunt. Amonmose sat comfortably inside his litter and admired the view. He was suspended above the shoulders of forty men who carried him effortlessly to any destination he chose. The top of the litter was equipped with a hard canopy that shielded him from the merciless sun and the The dark red interior was roomy, comfortably seating four people if necessary.

  He inhaled a deep breath of fresh air. This was what he lived for. He was an accomplished hunter, and as a member of the royal lineage, he enjoyed the privilege of this sport. He could easily conquer any animal on his own; his bodyguard and royal entourage only slowed him down. He was not afraid of man or beast, and he had the trophies to prove it.

  Amonmose pulled aside the curtain that protected him from the harsh rays of the sun and surveyed his surroundings with a nod of satisfaction. His servants were making final preparations for the hunt. There would be a feast upon his return. And then, he supposed, all his soldiers would get drunk and horny before the day was over.

  He watched as the last of the hunting party arrived. From his where he sat, he had a clear view of Kama walking with her usual grace:her head held high, her shoulders squared. She was dazzling in her customary white, long dress. Her waist-length hair was straight, plaited in tiny braids, and pulled back from her face with a leather bandeau. Amonmose had an urge to yank that cord off and thread his fingers through the mass of hair. No woman had ever made his body respond the way she did. He tried not to concentrate on her sumptuous figure, uncertain whether he would be able to control his reaction.

  His inner voice nagged at him. You are lord and ruler. You do not need to contain yourself. Everything is yours to be taken. He shrugged off the thought. He did not have to force himself on anyone. Plenty of women threw themselves at his feet every day!

  But there is only one that you want.

  As he watched Kama, he noticed some of the other men openly staring at her. She obviously had no idea the effect she had on the male species. Amonmose’s lips lifted at the corners to form a rare smile, and it was at t
hat moment their eyes met. He saw a flicker of anger in her dark eyes, and then they softened, and a nonchalant gaze replaced the spark. She narrowed her eyes and turned away. His heartbeat quickened. She would be no easy conquest, but he’d felt the erotic promise of her kiss. When she finally gave herself to him, it would be well worth the wait.

  Kama turned her attention to Dyzet, but she could still feel the Pharaoh’s eyes upon her. The nerve of him, ogling her like a piece of cattle! She knew her fate was sealed here, but she could not bear the lustful way he looked at her. She chanced another surreptitious glance at him, but he never took his eyes off her, staring at her with that lecherous grin. She knew he was thinking of the kiss in his chambers; she burned with embarrassment. At least she would not have to ride with him.

  Kama had turned to whisper to Dyzet when she noticed a burly man out of the corner of her eye. He stepped close, intruding on their space, and his formidable presence could not be ignored. “Why is that behemoth lurking around?” Kama whispered. “Making sure I have no chance to flee?”

  Dyzet smiled. “His name is Shu. He will stand guard over you,” she said. “The Pharaoh wants you protected at all times.”

  Kama made an undignified snort. She needed no protecting. If anything, Shu’s presence was more of an annoyance than a comfort, a constant reminder of her place. “Give him leave,” she told Dyzet. “I have no need of a guard.”

  Dyzet shrugged. “The Pharaoh thinks otherwise. And whatever the Pharaoh desires—”

  “Yes, yes. I know. Whatever the Pharaoh desires is fulfilled without question. You may wipe that stupid grin off your face.”

  Kama watched Amonmose pull one of the men aside and point in her direction. She stared, mortified, as the messenger walked toward her. As he made his way through the throngs of soldiers, she recognized his tall, dark form. Nadesh! She had not laid eyes upon him since the night of the fire. Just looking at him brought back all the horrible memories. He’d wanted her raped and killed. If not for the Pharaoh’s interference, his will would have been done. Her eyes narrowed, but she caught herself. Now was not the time for confrontation.

  “You are to ride with the Pharaoh,” Nadesh said as he approached.

  Kama merely gave him a curt nod and brushed past him without speaking.

  Nadesh inhaled Kama’s scent as she passed and turned to watch her go, mystified. He knew she recognized him, yet she said nothing. He’d expected her to try to claw his eyes out, but she barely acknowledged him, practically made him look the fool with her indifference. Was she trying to embarrass him in front of his men? Did she think her new status as the Pharaoh’s consort gave her such a right? He wondered if Amonmose had bedded her yet. But no, he would have heard. The palace was a breeding ground for gossip.

  This Kama was not the wild woman Nadesh saw in Aswan. She was more reserved, as if she’d been humbled and now accepted her fate. A grin split Nadesh’s face at the thought that she had been broken, and his loins tightened. If only the Pharaoh would find disfavor with her, then, perhaps she could be his.

  “She is the Pharaoh’s woman,” Dyzet said aloud.

  Nadesh looked sharply at the pretty girl. Just two summers ago, she’d been a flat-chested child. Now, she was on the verge of blossoming into a fertile, young woman. He licked his lips. “And what of you?” he asked. “Whose woman are you?” He was a powerful man, very well respected and financially stable. He knew he was not handsome, but his invitations for illicit encounters were rarely turned down.

  “I am my own woman,” Dyzet replied haughtily, before walking away.

  Nadesh watched the sway in her young hips and mumbled under his breath. In Egypt, foreigners were regarded with suspicion. Yet, Kama was being treated like a queen. She was a Nubian. She didn’t deserve the privilege of riding in the Pharaoh’s litter. As of this moment, it was his sole purpose to make certain Amonmose did not fall victim to her charms.

  The Pharaoh’s caravan consisted of seven litters, four dogs, and a party of well armed soldiers. It was Kama’s first journey out of the palace, but Amonmose’s close proximity made her so nervous that she found it hard to enjoy herself. She simply stared at the passing scenery and tried to be inconspicuous. She couldn’t help but make comparisons to Kerma’s lush landscape. She missed the thick, green grass and the cool, dense jungles. But the colors of Egypt pleased her as well. Its familiar reds and browns warmed her like a long lost cousin come to visit.

  Instead, Kama concentrated on the dark bodies of the men carrying the huge litter on their shoulders. She was surprised that the ride was so smooth. After a few minutes, she began to frown. “Won’t the men soon tire?” she asked.

  “No,” Amonmose answered her in a low tone that caressed her entire being. When she glanced over at him and saw the sensuous gaze in his eyes, she purposely looked away.

  “How long must they carry us?” she asked. “Are they permitted to rest?”

  “They do not complain. It is an honor for them to transport us.”


  Amonmose switched positions, sliding up beside her. He leaned over and hooked his index finger under her chin and softly turned her to face him. They were inches apart. When he spoke, she could feel his warm breath against her cheek. “There are many who would give their lives to be in my service,” he told her. “I guarantee there is no one here who does not wish to be.”

  She looked into his strange eyes, which she’d seen change from hazel to amber. He was so close she could see each one of his dark, feathery eyelashes. No man should have lashes so lovely. She shook her head and tried to focus on her question. “And each person is free to leave at will?” she asked, her voice surprising her with its shakiness.

  He caressed her cheek. “One who has found my favor often finds the reward well worth staying.” He gazed into her eyes and then dropped his gaze to her mouth. “For some, my generosity knows no bounds.”

  Kama felt a searing heat creep into her body. He was doing it again! Why did he continue these attempts at seduction? If he was going to ravish her, he should just do it and get it over with! Suddenly, she wished Dyzet were there, but they had been separated when Amonmose summoned her to ride with him. She felt like a trapped animal here with him.

  “Your skin is so smooth,” the Pharaoh murmured. “I could touch you all day and never tire of it.”

  “Is that why you have brought me here?” she asked. She didn’t think she could handle him touching her all day. She was fearful that he would kiss her again – and worse, that she would like it.

  Amonmose drew the curtain closed. “Why do you believe you are here, Kama?” There was a hint of suggestiveness in his voice and a raw desire in eyes, as if being this close to her was testing the limits of his patience. Did he plan to take her right here in the litter?

  “I can presume I’m here for only one reason.”

  “And your conclusion is that you are here for my pleasure?”

  “Do you admit I am not?”

  “I must confess, I do not know your purpose here,” he said. “I do not know what I plan to do with you. I do not know if I will ever let you go. I only know that you intrigue me.”

  She gave him a hard smile. “Animals intrigue you. Exotic cities intrigue you. War intrigues you. I am not some pet or oddity to be kept caged for your pleasure. I am just a woman, a simple woman who begs leave to go home.”

  Amonmose shook his head. “I cannot let you go, Kama. Even if I did, you would be here, under my skin. My head tells me to release you, but my heart overrules.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. “It is not your heart, Pharaoh.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “It is lust.”

  He made a sound of assent and traced a finger along her cheek. “And you tell me you feel nothing, Kama?”

  “No. I desire no man.” She forced the words out steadily. “Least of all one who serves as my captor.”

  He smiled slightly. “I proved you wrong befor

  Kama watched his tempting mouth move toward hers, and felt her resistance vanish. Her heart fluttered, as if a cloud of butterflies had taken flight inside her. She closed her eyes as Amonmose brushed tiny kisses along her collarbone. The warmth of his mouth left a trail of heat everywhere he touched. His lips were tender against her skin, and her body flushed with heat, as he pressed delicate kisses along her neck. Kama shuddered, overwhelmed by the gentle affection. No man had ever touched her this way.

  His scent was all male, strong and masculine. When she breathed, she felt surrounded by him, assailed. Then he softly licked her earlobes, gently pulling them with his tongue, and she heard her own sigh of delight. He was a drug, ominous and forbidden but darkly intoxicating. She did not want to be a slave to that drug. She did not want to lose herself in this euphoria. If she fell victim to him, she would never regain her freedom. She had to stop him.

  Kama pulled herself from her passion-induced stupor, her breathing ragged and her heart palpitating. Somewhere, she found the strength to focus. “Why did you kill my family?” she asked.

  Amonmose felt as if he’d been struck by a lightning bolt. Years of training had taught him to control his reactions and never apologize for his decisions. He was a Pharaoh. And yet, he felt moved to give Kama an explanation. But he did not know where to begin.

  “I did not kill your family,” he said simply.

  “You gave the order for them to be killed,” she replied, becoming bolder. “Maybe you were not present, but you were responsible. You engineered the raid. You commanded the soldiers. You are their leader.” She shrank away from him, eyeing him with hatred. “You may as well have killed them with your own hand.”

  Amonmose’s heart thundered in his chest. He did not know that her family had been killed that night. For him, it had been another battle, trying to keep his citizens safe from foreign invaders. He sat back, releasing his hold on her. “You do not understand politics,” he said. “My kingdom, my very way of life is constantly threatened by uprisings. I cannot have the people under my rule living in fright, fearing retribution from neighboring tribes.


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