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Their Juicy Woman

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Sliding his hand down to her pussy, he slid a finger between her wet folds. “She’s soaking.”

  Shawn and Parker were touching their cocks as he stroked Poppy.

  “I want you,” she said, holding his arm. “I want you to be the first.”

  She stared into his eyes, and he was shocked by her answer.

  He’d expected her to say either Shawn or Parker, but not him.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because you’re oldest. You have the most experience.” She looked at Shawn. “He’d be too nervous in case he hurt me, and he’s not touched anyone before. You have. I want you.”

  “She’s right,” Shawn said. “I wouldn’t be able to do this.”

  Casey couldn’t believe that he was going to be the first. “Then I want it to be in my bed. Not down here.”

  Shawn and Parker were nodding.

  Poppy smiled. “Tonight.”

  He would give her whatever she needed.

  “Tonight.” He held his hand out, and she took it.

  He was nervous, there was no denying that, but he was going to make sure she enjoyed making love.

  For virgins, he’d heard that there was pain, but he was determined to make her first time memorable. She deserved that.


  Shawn smiled and glanced over at Parker, who was also smiling.

  “She took him completely by surprise,” Parker said.

  “I know. If anyone can do that it’s Poppy.”

  Casey was always the serious one. Rarely did he take time for himself. Even tonight, Casey hated horror movies, but he’d allowed them to watch while he’d sat with them. He never took anything for himself, always working hard.

  He was the first one on the ranch, and the last man to leave it.

  “You’re not jealous right now?” Parker asked.

  “Not at all.” Ever since he realized that he loved Poppy, and the relationship his parents had, he’d been hoping that maybe he and his brothers could have the same.

  His mother was loved more than anything. Shawn’s love for Poppy was absolute. This life was what he always wanted. Poppy would always be taken care of, no matter what.


  Parker continued to watch the horror movie with a sense of excitement. Not at the movie because that was a mixture of gross and lame, but at the prospect for the future. Poppy had always belonged to them. He’d known it for a long time.

  At first, he didn’t know if Casey had even liked Poppy until he saw the necklace he’d gotten her. Then he realized that his older brother not only liked her, he loved her. In recent years, he saw that Casey’s love was in fact devotion.

  Casey adored Poppy, and behind the scenes, he’d taken care of so many things.

  Emptying out the trailer, Parker had found several items that he’d been witness to Casey buying. A set of trainers, or a bag that Poppy needed. If there was something Poppy’s mother couldn’t afford, Casey had been there to take care of it.

  They each loved Poppy in their own way. Soon, she would be married, and any doubts she had would cease.

  Casey had wanted to wait so that she was ready.

  That time had come, and Parker hoped Poppy was ready for the kind of love they all had. Love was too mild a word; it was blind fucking devotion they all had for her.

  Chapter Nine

  Casey didn’t want to be nervous, but they were there, waiting for him. Closing his bedroom door, he still held Poppy’s hand, and he pulled her toward him, banding an arm around her back, holding her tightly.

  “Hey,” she said with a smile on her lips.

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  “More than sure. I want you, Casey.”

  “I’ve never been with a virgin.”

  “Then I’m glad I get to be your first as well.”

  He groaned, pressing his head against hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I trust you.”

  She released his hand, and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were both naked, and his cock pressed against her curved stomach. “Do you want me?” she asked.

  “More than anything.”

  “Then I’m yours for the taking.” She kissed his lips. “I won’t break, Casey. I’m not some delicate piece of china.”

  He cupped her ass, lifting her up so that she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her toward the bed and lowered her down. Kissing her lips, he didn’t move from between her thighs for the longest time.

  He kissed down her neck, going to each of her breasts and sucking her hard nipples into his mouth. Waiting for her moan and gasp, he kissed down her body, dipping his tongue into her belly button, and then licking down.

  Spreading her legs wide, he took her clit into his mouth, sucking on the swollen bud. Gripping her ass and telling her to keep her legs open, he attacked her clit, sucking, licking, flicking his tongue back and forth, driving her crazy with it, making her beg for him to stop but to also keep on going.

  He wanted her wild, soaking wet, and ready by the time she took his cock.

  Casey wasn’t small. His cock was big, and if he didn’t prepare her right, he was going to hurt her.

  “Oh, Casey,” she said. “I’m going to come.”

  He brought her to her first orgasm with his tongue. By the time her second one came rushing through, he was teasing her with both his tongue and fingers.

  She was begging him to stop, and she tugged on his head, letting him know she couldn’t take anymore.

  “No more putting this off. I’m ready,” she said, panting.

  Her eyes were glazed from the orgasms he’d given her.

  For the first time in his entire life, Casey was nervous. He’d never been anyone’s first, and he’d never cared so much about a person.

  Moving up the bed, sliding between her thighs, he stared into her blue eyes. She was so beautiful. Perfect beyond words. He’d gladly spend the rest of his life just watching her. That was how perfect she was to him.

  There was no one quite like her in his life.

  She smiled. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I’m one of the luckiest men alive. I love you, Poppy. More than anything else, I love you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I love you, too.” She cupped his face and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  Reaching down between them, he held his cock as he moved toward the entrance of her pussy. Not once did he look away as he took her virginity, sliding his cock to the hilt inside her. He saw tears slide out of the corners of her eyes. She gasped, and he took both of her hands, holding her close as she dealt with the pain.

  Her pussy was so tight. He felt each pulse as he filled her.

  Casey counted to ten, then to twenty. He did anything to gain control so he’d remain still within her, and not hurt her.

  The pleasure was intense. Even as he wanted to pound inside her, he held himself back, making sure that he was the one in control.

  She wriggled, and he saw the pain in her eyes had been replaced by wonder.

  “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  Poppy had given him a gift that no one else ever could. She’d given him something precious that no one could ever take away from him.

  “Please, Casey, move. Make love to me.”

  Holding her hands above her head, Casey watched her reactions as he pulled out of her pussy, and then slowly began to rock inside her.

  There was no pain in her gaze, only need.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. Please, Casey. Don’t stop. I need you.”

  He took possession of her lips and made love to her body, taking his time. He was so close to exploding. There was no way he was going to last much longer.

  Thrusting inside her, he groaned as his orgasm washed over him far too soon. He refused to ever let her go.

  Casey had released her hands, and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her neck and shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  She chuckled. “What are
you sorry for?”

  “I wanted to last longer. I ruined it.”

  There was silence and he pulled away, seeing confusion in her eyes.

  “That was the best experience of my life.” She cupped his cheek. “You made it magical for me.”

  “I didn’t last.”

  “I don’t care. I love you, Casey, and that was so beautiful.” She ran her thumb across his lip. “I wish you could feel what I do right now.”

  He kissed her again. “The night is still young, baby. I intend to make love to you long into the night.”


  The next morning Poppy woke up, and she knew she was sore. She didn’t care. Glancing across the bed, she saw that Casey was still asleep. Her virginity was gone, and she felt glorious.

  One of the three men that she loved lay beside her, and she touched his chest, marveling at how good it finally felt to be able to hold him, to touch him.

  She couldn’t resist pushing the sheet down off his body until she unveiled his cock. He was already hard, and she couldn’t believe that he’d been inside her last night.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  Poppy smiled at the teasing tone of his voice. “I’m admiring what’s mine.”

  “Ah, we can do that?”

  “Yeah, I think we can.”

  He tugged the blanket off her, unveiling her well-fucked body. He’d taken her three times last night, each one more delicious than the last. His fingerprints were on her waist. Her nipples were red from his stubble.

  Even though her pussy was sore, she felt good.

  She felt alive.

  Reaching out, she grasped his cock and worked it exactly as he’d shown her last night.

  “Fuck, I didn’t think it was possible to need you again,” he said.

  Casey reached out and moved her so that she was straddling him. She held his cock up and slowly sank down on his length.

  She was wet, and as there was a little pain mixed with the pleasure, she took her time, biting her lip as he went to the hilt within her. He was almost too big for her.

  Putting her hands on his chest, she smiled down at him.

  “You look like a fucking she-devil.”

  “I’m here to make every single one of your fantasies come true. What would you like, my lord?” She batted her eyelashes at him and waited.

  He held onto her hips and began to work her up and down his cock. Casey showed her the pace that he liked, and she followed it. His hands didn’t stay on her hips for long. He cupped her tits, or moved down to her pussy.

  Sliding his fingers up the inside of her thigh, he teased her clit, making her pause as pleasure washed over her entire body. She closed her eyes, and when he stopped she looked at him.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked.

  “Why did you?” He thrust up inside her, making her gasp.

  She rode his cock and he fingered her pussy, sliding over her clit, and drawing out more pleasure. She screamed his name, never wanting it to end.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, I’m going to come.”

  “Me, too.”

  They both came together, moaning as his cock flooded her pussy. She sank her nails into the flesh of his chest because the pleasure was so intense, almost too much as she saw stars dance across her vision.

  Collapsing against him, she tried to catch her breath.

  “I’ll move in a second,” he said.

  “Don’t bother.” She snuggled. “Stay with me. Don’t go out to work today.”

  “I’d love to do that, but I’ve also got two brothers, and they wouldn’t want me to keep you all to myself for too long. We can share, but only for so long.”

  She smiled. Thinking about Parker and Shawn, it made her feel complete, and with Casey.

  “I didn’t know it was possible to feel this happy.”

  His hands stroked down her back. “I hope we can keep making you happy. That’s what I want for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’m happy, Casey. Have no doubt about that.” She kissed his lips. The sounds of the ranchers arriving filled his room. His bedroom was toward the back of the house, and his window was open. “We’re going to have to go and be all responsible.” He grasped her ass then took possession of her mouth.

  “At least I’ll know that I’ll be inside you all today.”

  He pulled out of her pussy, and she felt the slide of his cum down the inside of her leg.

  Climbing off the bed, she didn’t move far before Casey was picking her up, leading her toward the shower.

  She let out a little gasp. “I can walk.”

  “You’ll be walking all day. I want to hold you right now, and I never want to let you go.”

  Casey washed her. He was careful as he washed her pussy and pressed kisses all over her body.

  She dressed in a pair of his sweatpants and a large, baggy shirt. She didn’t want to leave his room but found she had no choice.

  Heading downstairs, she followed close behind him. Parker and Shawn were waiting for her.

  They both smiled at her, kissed her cheek, and made their way out into the yard.

  She had breakfast with Casey, seeing as they were the last two to eat.

  When he was at the door about to leave, she went into his arms, kissing him passionately, and watched him leave.

  Her three men made her so happy.

  She only hoped that she was good enough for the three of them.


  Parker and Casey had told Shawn that he was to be with Poppy next. He stood at the lake, recalling all of the times he’d been with Poppy here. They had spent so many hours, finishing homework, or just relaxing. She’d read to him as he lay back getting a tan. So many memories.

  It was also the place where he’d realized that he was in love with her. Casey had just dumped her ass in the lake, and instead of going down and crying, Poppy had jumped on Casey’s back and pulled him back into the lake along with her. Shawn had laughed so hard, as had Parker.

  Thinking about his past, he realized that he and his brothers had always been a part of her life, just like she’d been with him.

  “Parker said you’d come to the lake,” Casey said, drawing Shawn’s attention away from the water.

  “I was just chilling out. Enjoying the view. The lake’s always pretty this time of year.”

  “Do you hate me?”

  He looked at Casey. “What?”

  “I didn’t know if you’d hate me because of what happened last night.”

  “No, of course not. I could never hate you,” Shawn said. “We all love her, and we all agreed to share her. I’m not jealous.” He released a breath. “I’m … kind of nervous.”

  “What do you have to be nervous about?”

  “I’ve never done this before.” He held onto the tree, seeing his and Poppy’s initials they’d done when they were seven. Elijah had given them both a knife, and stood watching as they carved their names into the tree. “I’ve not been with a woman before. I don’t know what I’m doing. I want her to like it.”

  “Shawn, it’s not rocket science. You and Poppy share a bond more than anyone else. You’re best friends. When you’re with her, doesn’t it feel natural?”

  He heard a twig snap, and he saw that Casey was looking past his shoulder. Looking behind him, he saw that Poppy was there.

  “I thought I’d find you here,” she said. Her gaze was on him.

  “I’ll leave you two alone,” Casey said.

  Shawn swallowed past the lump in his throat.

  “You didn’t come and get any dinner.”

  “I wasn’t hungry.”

  She nodded. “Me neither.” She took a step toward him. Her hand went to the tree, stroking over their initials. “So much to remember. I love this place, you know.” Poppy took his hand, and he felt her shake a little.

  “Do I make you nervous?”

  “No. You don’t make me nervous.” She pulled him close, cupping his face. “There’s nothing that y
ou’d do that would make me think less of you, Shawn. I will never compare, nor will I mock you. I love you. You’re my best friend.”

  “I want you, Poppy. I want to be memorable to you.”

  “You always will be.”

  Shawn pressed her up against the tree and cupped her cheek. This woman was the only person he’d ever fallen in love with. She was the only one he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

  Poppy was it for him.

  He kissed her, sliding his hand down her body, touching her, remembering every single inch of her. Poppy was as much his as his brothers’. She was the love of their lives, and they would always love and protect her.

  He lowered her down to the ground. It felt right having her in his arms and making love to her at the lake. This was their spot, and no one was ever going to take that away from them. Parker and Casey often came to the lake, true, but she and Shawn spent a great deal of time growing up playing around there.

  She helped him out of his clothes as he did the same with her. Everything else seemed to stop. Moving between her thighs, he stared into her blue, sparkling eyes and knew deep in his heart there was never going to be anyone else quite like her. She was the love of his life.

  “I want you, Shawn,” she said.

  He held his cock at her entrance and slowly eased inside her, filling her sweet pussy. Nothing had ever felt so good in all of his life. She was fire, and she filled his veins with need.

  Shawn thrust to the hilt inside her, holding himself deep within.

  “This was how it was always supposed to be,” she said, whispering the words against his ear.

  “I love you, Poppy. More than anything in the world. I love you.”

  He made love to her out in the open, at their lake, their spot, protected by the long grass.

  It was everything he’d imagined and then some. He finally found his peace, and it was with Poppy belonging to them.

  She held him throughout it as he gave her his virginity.


  Parker was strumming on his guitar two days later when he felt her close behind him. He turned, and there she was. Her blonde hair cascading all around her. The jeans she wore molding to every single curve. The shirt tied at her stomach. She leaned against the door, smiling at him.


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