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One Last Fight - Part Two (The One Last Fight Series Book 2)

Page 36

by Ashley, Ava

  “Oh, God,” I moan. “Oh, baby, yes.” Cooper slides his other hand between my bare legs, stroking my sopping wet sex, and simultaneously circles my nipple with his genius tongue. I feel the pleasurable pressure building below my waist and then, like a chain reaction of fireworks all lined up head to tail, my senses succumb to the explosive orgasm that rocks my body. “YESSSS!”

  As I’m coming down from my orgasm, breathing heavy and gearing up for the next one, there’s a knock on the door. “Um,” the real estate’s high-pitched voice sounds a little nervous. “Um, guys? Can I come in and get y’all to sign this?” There is no way that she didn’t just hear me come and, given that she is a grown woman with a wedding ring on her hand, there is no way that she didn’t know what that just was. And that it was a damn good orgasm, at that.

  “We’ll be down in fifteen minutes,” Cooper calls.

  “But, um,” her voice protests, uncertainly.

  “Add five percent to your commission in the interim,” Cooper calls. That gets rid of her uncertainty quickly.

  “Sure thing!” she calls back, bright and chipper as can be. “I’ll see y’all in a bit!”

  Cooper turns back to me. “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asks. He knows the answer.

  “Oh, yes,” I breathe. The he thrusts his rock-hard penis into my wet sex again and I’m rocketing off to another mind-blowing orgasm. Just as I’m on the edge, in the very deepest throes of passion and arousal, Cooper leans in close.

  “I love you,” Cooper whispers. “And I cannot wait to fill this house with our beautiful children.’ Then he thrusts deeper and I’m off on another orgasm.

  Life could not be more wonderful.

  Chapter Thirty

  Savannah - Six more months later...

  I am sitting on my large, wooden porch, with Lily on one side and Nikki on the other. We are sharing stories about our little ones over glasses of ice cold lemonade while our men cook steaks and brats on the grill on the other side of the porch. The babies are all happily cooing and playing with their stuffed animals and teething toys on the big blanket spread out next to us. Cooper Jr. has his father’s piercing, blue eyes and my black hair, thick and lustrous and dark as the night, even though he is still only an infant. I would say pinch me to wake me from this dream, but I never, ever want to be awoken. I don’t know what will come next, whether that be a month, a year, or a decade from now, but with Cooper by my side and Cooper Jr. in my arms, I know that I have all that I need to make it through any challenges that life may throw my way.

  “Do you think they’re going to let me put my veggie skewers on the grill?” Nikki asks.

  Lily laughs. “Veggies on their manly-man, all-meat grill? I really don’t think so.”

  “But how am I supposed to get my pre-baby body back by eating brats?” Nikki pouts, running a hand down her still ridiculously thin side. “Besides, Quintin is still nursing and he needs his vitamins. If Nate knows what’s good for him, he’s going to let me put these on there.” True to form, Nikki pulls a little cooler bag of veggie skewers out of her massive handbag, straightens her tight MILF black leather pants, and gets up to strut over to the men. Lily gives me a look and we laugh, but I am not just laughing at Nikki’s obsession with her Barbie-esque appearance and how seriously whipped Nate still is. I am also partially laughing at the absurdity of all of this. Nate is little Cooper Jr.’s godfather and Quintin is named that in honor of Cooper. Nate was, and is, incredibly grateful to Cooper for making it possible for him to be with Nikki, even though that was only a side result on Cooper’s real goal in taking down the Maneater and earning the right to marry me. He did everything he could to be the best friend possible to us and it turns out that he is actually a pretty great friend these days. We are actually planning on going on vacation together once the kids are a bit older and things have settled back into a steady, calmer routine at Cooper’s gym and The Ink Joint.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” says Lily, breaking my reverie.

  “What is?” I ask.

  “That we all managed to put all that happened behind us,” Lily says, articulating exactly what I was thinking. “That, and we managed to start these beautiful, happy families. All of us!”

  “It really is,” I say, smiling.

  “I brought rum cake!” Bettina crows.

  “Bettina!” I exclaim, jumping up to give her a hug. “When did you get here?”

  “Just a few minutes ago. Vlad went straight over to the grill to make sure that your men aren’t messing up his meat.” Bettina chuckles, sitting down in Nikki’s temporarily abandoned chair. “Now, I won’t be having any of this cake, as I gave it a little extra punch, but I suggest you ladies enjoy it. It’s a formula night for the babies tonight, anyway, since Auntie Bettina is babysitting, and it’s been a while since you guys have had some kids-free fun!”

  “Oh, I am so excited for tonight’s fight,” Lily says, nodding emphatically. “Never tell Nate this, but Cooper is my favorite fighter to watch.”

  I laugh. “He’s mine, too, but I don’t think you’re allowed to favor Cooper,” I tease. “You know, since Nate is your brother.”

  “I know,” Lily laughs. “But your man is one-of-a-kind in the ring.”

  “Out of it, too.” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively and all three of us, even the more conservative and refined Bettina with her fifties housewife auburn bob and pearl necklace, crack up.

  “What are you ladies laughing about?” Cooper walks up to the table and bends down to plant a kiss on me. Even though we live together and see each first thing every morning and last thing every night, we always kiss each other when we first see each other again. Even if it has only been a few minutes, while I made something in the kitchen or he did some repairs around the house. Being with each other is amazing and it is always just—oh, so right.

  “Just you,” I say.

  “Oh?” Cooper raises an eyebrow. “I guess I won’t ask, then. But are you guys looking forward to my fight tonight?”

  “I’m sorry I’ll have to miss it,” Bettina says. “But I can’t say that I am not very much looking forward to spending the evening with all your cuties.”

  “Little Cooper definitely gets all his good looks from his mom,” Cooper says, giving me another kiss on the top of my head. I am a lucky, lucky woman indeed.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I enter through the back entrance. The guys at the arena and I are on a first-name basis now. They always wave me through without a concern at all, because I eventually tired of the crowds of screaming fans and paparazzi snapping my photo, as Cooper “Veni Vidi Vici” Quin’s wife, at the entrance. I will have enough of all of that during the match.

  I certainly have not tired of watching my man fight, however, and I never will. Watching his sheer athleticism paired with the masculinity of the fight serves as an incredibly powerful form of foreplay and, as amazing as our sex life is each and every day, I cannot deny that there is nothing quite like post-fight sex. I would rather give up all my material possessions than post-fight sex.

  It’s a beautiful day outside and Lily, Nikki, and I are dressed up to the nines, finally all free of big baby bumps and flaunting our figures for our men in the fully done up makeup, hair, and wardrobe expected of MMA wives. My spike heels could put out an eye or two themselves. It’s good that it’s men in the ring, not spike-heeled women, because there is already enough blood as it is.

  We take our seats right by the ring, on a slightly elevated platform. I sit in the middle and pay the photographers absolutely no attention at all, while Nikki preens and poses and blows kisses at them from the seat next to me. Despite my complete lack of interest in them, they have their lenses trained on me. I am used to it and I don’t mind the attention that comes with being with Cooper by now, but I also am not going to play to them like Nikki does. Some of us are MMA wives and some of us are just wives of MMA fighters. I am the latter, she is the former, but we ar
e both happy.

  I am lost in my thoughts and the excitement of being all dressed up and at a match again, after a few months of sitting them out for the last stages of pregnancy and the first weeks after giving birth to Cooper Jr. I don’t even notice the announcer beginning his spiel until the competitor has already been announced and a squat man who is about as wide as he is tall, with a bald head like a breakfast egg, is standing on one side of the ring and roaring at the crowd.

  “And now welcome our defending champ, Cooper ‘Veni Vidi Vici’ Quin!” Everyone, including me, absolutely loses it when the doors at the far side of the stadium crash open and we see Cooper’s dark outline. His body is backlit by bright lights from out in the hall and the overall effect is very impressive. He walks towards us, his cape flaring out behind him and the hood pulled down low over his face, and my heart flutters. That’s my man.

  The crowd is deafening as he walks down the aisle to the ring. He gets to the edge and jumps up into the ring, throwing his hood back with one smooth move. He looks straight at me and gives me a quick wink. My panties did not stand a chance to make it through this night dry.

  The bell goes off to signal the start of the fight and Cooper has three punches in before the other guy even has the chance to put up his hands. I used to get scared watching Cooper fight, but not anymore. Ever since watching him take down the Maneater, I know that he can, and will, do whatever it takes. It is his opponent who should be worried.

  That’s not to say that the fights are all a predictable snoozefest. His opponent is probably two hundred thirty-five pounds of solid muscle and the type who most likely got there with the help of a little, or a lot, of juice. Though he takes the first few punches, thanks to Cooper’s almost unmatchable agility, he is back up and blocking in moments. With the growl of an insulted bear, the man launches himself at Cooper. Cooper blocks the first blow, but takes the second across his chin. I wince, but I know he will be okay. And he is. Cooper comes back up with a knee to his opponent’s side and the crowd goes wild. I leap out of my seat.

  “Yeah, Cooper!” I’m watching him fight, my very own virile example of perfect masculinity, and it really is the best foreplay. After some difficulty, I have found my hero.

  The End

  Thank You! :)

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