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Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)

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by Andria, Alexx

  If she lied about her sexual experience, he would know the minute she fumbled in confusion so she went with honesty, no matter how embarrassing.

  “No, I’ve never given anyone oral sex. Frankly, it sounds disgusting. And the idea of someone else doing it to me…well, I don’t see the appeal in that either.”

  At that he openly laughed as if she’d just uttered the most comical bit ever heard.

  She glared, hating that she’d made this deal.

  Could she renege? What would he do to her if she backed out?

  Maybe she ought to tell him to rip up that stupid contract and shove it in his ass since he seemed to like butt-stuff so much.

  “Your ignorance amuses me,” he said, once he was able. “I cannot in good conscience let my poor pet continue to believe such ridiculous thoughts about oral sex. Take off your panties and come here,” he said, patting his desk, indicating where she ought to put her behind.

  “What are you going to do?”

  He tsked at her question in warning and once again patted the desk, only this time his gaze brooked no argument.

  Did anyone argue with a Buchanan? Not likely.

  Seeing no help for it, she removed her panties and climbed onto the desk, her face heating with embarrassment.

  He flipped her dress up to her waist, revealing thick white thighs that hadn’t seen nearly enough sun and her blonde curly thatch of hair that had never been waxed or shaven beyond what was absolutely necessary.

  “Lean back and scoot all the way to the edge,” he instructed, his gaze gleaming with hunger and lust.

  Warmth suffused her belly at the blatant desire in his stare. Sutton Buchanan wanted her?

  She couldn’t wrap her brain around the thought without stuttering in surprise.

  He grabbed her feet and placed them on the armrests of his leather chair and she wanted to die from mortification. This was worse than being in the doctor’s stirrups.

  “You have the sweetest pussy, Elizabeth,” he said, the satisfaction in his tone stirring something wild inside her. “The little blond curls, damp and dark in some places, are quite beautiful.”

  She squirmed with unexpected pleasure at the odd compliment.

  But before she could say anything Sutton’s mouth was on her, sending wild torrents of explosive pleasure rocketing through her as he leisurely sucked and licked at her clitoris as if he had all day and he hadn’t anything better to do than eat her out on his desk.

  Elizabeth seamed her mouth shut, refusing to cry out even as a near uncontrollable moan built behind her lips.

  Oh God! Why did that feel so good? Don’t give in! Don’t let him know that you’re drowning in amazing sensation!

  But stuffing down her cries was like trying to hold back a tsunami — ludicrously impossible — and a keening gasp escaped as Sutton sucked at the tiny swollen bud buried between her folds, kept secret and forgotten all these years.

  Elizabeth’s arms began to shake but she held herself rigid, clinging to the pleasure that rippled through her in wild arcs of ridiculous wonderment.

  Sutton’s muffled grunts of pure enjoyment as he sucked and licked, teased and nipped, was gasoline on the fire.

  And then just as she was about to tumble over a cliff, lost to oblivion, Sutton abruptly stopped, pulling back with a grin that was almost cruel.

  “First rule you will learn, my pet, you must ask my permission to come. To come without my permission is to risk terrible punishment. Am I clear?”

  Elizabeth, confused and still muzzy from what Sutton had been doing to her, could only blink and shake her head, almost prepared to beg but the scraps of her dignity refused to let the words loose.

  “Ask for permission and I shall grant it,” he said as if he were the most generous man on the planet when in fact, he was the devil.

  Shaking, Elizabeth willed her heart rate to slow to normal but the terrible tension binding her insides wouldn’t relent so easily.

  Sutton realized she would rather bite her own tongue off than ask him for permission.

  “Stubborn and willful,” he observed but she got the impression he found those traits an asset, which scared her a bit.

  What would he do to her?

  Sutton abruptly pulled her to her feet and then pushed her to her knees again.

  He grinned as he stared down at her, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly. Horrified and yet curious at the same time, Elizabeth realized what he wanted from her.

  Sutton pulled his cock free from his silk boxers and the fleshy head loomed in her face like a giant pink mushroom on a rock hard stalk.

  Palming his cock, he stroked it slowly, watching her reaction.

  “Open your mouth,” he said and when she gave a small, minute shake of her head, he gripped her jaw painfully and forced her mouth to open.

  Tears sprung to her eyes but she accepted the fleshy head of his cock, surprised to find the skin hot and silky smooth against her tongue.

  Her first reaction was to gag but there was something sensual about the way his hips thrust against her, the way he threaded his fingers through her hair as he pumped gently, the moans that he couldn’t quite help as she found a rhythm that seemed to please him.

  And then she realized that there was power in the giving of pleasure that she never would’ve imagined.

  The subtle tremble in his hands as he gripped her firmly betrayed that she was the one in control, not the other way around and that knowledge sent a surge of pleasure through her own body.

  She didn’t fight the cock going in and out of her mouth, instead, she went after it hungrily, emulating similar motions with her tongue as he had on her and the triumphant result was more satisfying than she could’ve dreamed.

  Sutton groaned, his grip tightening almost painfully.

  He stiffened and suddenly warm, salty liquid spurted into her mouth, sliding down her throat in great gobs, choking her with its volume, forcing her to swallow out of fear of making a mess.

  “Good God…”

  Sutton breathed, his voice a sexy rasp as he pulled away and collapsed in his chair, his cheeks flushed, his gaze hazed.

  When he could form words, he assessed her with a narrowed stare, saying with suspicion, “You lied to me.”

  And she just about fell over.

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  “What do you mean, I lied to you?”

  Elizabeth repeated, dumbfounded as she began to rise until he shoved her back down to the floor on her knees.

  “Ouch! What are you doing?”

  “You will not rise until I give you permission to do so,” he replied, regarding her keenly.

  Why had she lied about her sexual experience? What else had she lied about?

  Was she still a virgin?

  She scowled at him but sank back onto her knees, mollifying him briefly.

  “Are you, in fact, a virgin?”

  “What are you talking about? Yes, I told you I was,” she said, openly offended. “If you don’t believe me, that’s your problem.”

  Was she defensive because he’d caught her in a lie or was she genuinely upset that he questioned her honesty?

  He didn’t know her well enough to tell.

  “You give pretty good head for a girl who’s proclaimed to never had any experience with it,” he said, gauging her reaction.

  She blushed two shades of pink, which he found heartening.

  “Beginner’s luck, I guess,” she mumbled. “Can we not talk about it, please?”

  His suspicion relented a notch. Her discomfort was genuine as was her embarrassment.

  Was he that lucky that his little virginal pet was a natural in bed? An instinctual lover?

  While he was delighted at having landed such a delectable morsel for such a unique arrangement, there was something about Elizabeth that threw him off kilter.

  He regarded her as he tucked away his cock, enjoying the way she averted her gaze as if afraid to look when in fact.
r />   Oh, sweet little peach, you are going to become intimately aware of every nook and cranny of my body.

  Just as he would become of hers.

  “You may stand,” he said, smiling as she adjusted her skirt, still concerned with propriety when he’d just creamed down her lovely throat.

  “Collect your things and go to this address,” he paused to jot an address and hand it to her “I want you showered and ready for me when I arrive by five. Understand?”

  Elizabeth read the address and drew a halting breath, realizing that he meant to fuck her tonight.

  He was giddy to have what belonged to him.

  All of those beautiful curves…

  The end of the work day couldn’t come fast enough.

  If he didn’t have pressing details to attend, he’d say fuck it and bail so he could sink into that pink flesh but that wasn’t the case.

  The west coast cousins were all about respectability these days and that meant putting in an honest day’s work — whatever that was.

  He watched her leave, enjoying the view immensely, until on the heels of Elizabeth leaving, his cousin Vince entered the office with a quizzical scowl.

  “Who was that?”

  “Someone I’m eager to get to know better,” Sutton answered cagily.

  The last thing he needed was Vince going all sanctimonious on him.

  Since getting hitched and having a kid Vince seemed to have forgotten that his roots used to be blacker than sin.

  Hell, Vince used to be as bad as they came; he used to be fun to hang out with.


  Giant buzzkill.

  Vince dropped into the chair opposite Sutton. “We might have a buyer for Malvagio. Can you meet with them at the club?”

  “Sure.” Relaxed after that epic blow job, Sutton didn’t even bother trying to convince that hanging onto Malvagio was a good business decision.

  Vince wouldn’t listen anyway.

  “Who is it?”

  “Honey Cresswood. She comes from old money, European nobility that crossed the pond several generations ago. She’s loaded to the gills and kinky as hell.”

  “My kind of woman,” Sutton murmured with a grin. “Married or otherwise attached?”

  “Settle down, tiger. I’m not sure she’s into guys, at least not this year anyway. She’s been shacking up with Emily Rochester for a year.”

  “Last I heard Emily let the door swing both ways.”

  Sutton would know — he’d fucked her at least twice.

  Smirking, Sutton, added, “But whatever works, right? Why do you think Honey is a good fit for the club?”

  “She’s connected to the right people, rich as fuck, and understands the need for discretion. I think she’s perfect. Hell, I’m half tempted to slash the asking price just to sweeten the deal. I’m sick of lugging this albatross around my neck.”

  “What happened to you, man?” Sutton couldn’t help but ask. “It’s like I’m looking at a stranger. Malvagio is a legacy, not an albatross.”

  Vince chuckled as if Sutton was the one who had it backward. “Someday, you’ll realize that there’s more to life than fucking.”

  “God, I hope not,” he said with an involuntary shudder, immediately thinking of how he couldn’t wait to sink into his new pet.

  He reluctantly pulled his thoughts into focus.

  “All right, so when’s this meeting supposed to happen?”

  “Tonight. You free?”

  Under any other circumstance, he would’ve shrugged off his plans but not even a night at Malvagio was worth missing out on what he planned to do to Elizabeth.

  “Sorry, tonight’s no good for me. Got plans already.”

  “Might those plans include the girl with the banging curves who just left?”

  Sutton knew that Vince only had eyes for his wife but just knowing that Vince had noticed just how hot Elizabeth was made him feel growly.

  What the hell was wrong with him?

  Already feeling territorial?

  He forced himself to chill out.

  “Maybe. We’ll see,” he said without sharing more. “Can you put off the kinky heiress for a night or two?”

  “Sure. We’ve waited this long, we can wait a few more days.”

  “Oh, that reminds me, I’ll be out of your hair by this evening. I’ve found an apartment to rent that suits my needs.”

  Vince didn’t pretend to care. “Nolan will be pleased to hear it. He says you’re a bad influence.”

  Sutton shrugged. “I’ll accept that as a compliment.”

  “You would.”

  “If your pretty wife hadn’t lopped off your balls and stuck them in her Birken bag, you would’ve too.”

  Vince chuckled and rose. “Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”

  “Pre-ball-and-chain or after? Because honestly, the yardstick against pre-married Vince was pretty short. Married Vince? He’s practically a woman.”

  Vince just laughed at the insult and tipped an imaginary hat Sutton’s way.

  “And you, dear cousin, will never know the sublime pleasure of being someone’s other half.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Sutton quipped with an easy smile.

  “Oh, it is. You just don’t have the sense to know it.”

  And then Vince let himself out.

  Sutton shook his head, bemused.

  He found it distressingly odd that all three Buchanan brothers had changed so drastically after falling in love.

  Seemed like something to avoid, if you asked Sutton.

  He liked his life.

  No, correction, he loved his life.

  What wasn’t to enjoy? Endless pleasure at the drop of a hat, exotic locales at the snap of a finger?

  The freedom to do and say whatever he wanted without fear of reprisals?


  The west coast cousins had lost their collective minds.

  He smirked.

  Their wives must have pretty persuasive pussies to change men like Dillon, Vince and Nolan.

  But there was no pussy in the world sweet enough to change him.

  And that was a fact he took extreme comfort in.


  Elizabeth wandered the new, spacious apartment — did this monstrous space qualify as an apartment? — wondering what Sutton planned to do with all the square footage of his newly rented place.

  Take your virginity.

  She blushed hard at the knowledge. It was a surreal thing to both anticipate and dread something that usually happened organically.

  Except in her case, there was nothing organic about what was about to happen.

  Think of something else or you’ll go insane!

  Her gaze frantically sought out a distraction. The place was beautiful, of course.

  Why would a billionaire suffer anything less than the best that money could buy.

  Fine art— good God, was that an original Monet? — graced the walls, perfectly complementing the equally fine furnishings, which only accentuated the overall sense that she didn’t belong amid such opulent wealth.

  For crying out loud, her idea of splurging was dropping twenty bucks on a Target purse — and usually she had a coupon for it!

  This was not normal.

  Not in a million years could she ever imagine that she’d be in this position but here she was, standing like a forlorn, bedraggled plant amidst an apartment filled with hothouse beauties, awaiting her fate.

  Oh, stop being so dramatic, a voice in her head snapped when she felt tears starting to burn behind her eyelids.

  It’s not as if he were going to lop off her head once he was through with her.

  Not to mention, he’d already casually dropped that he rarely remained interested in one thing for long.

  For a relatively short time she’d have to endure being, for lack of a better term, plaything, and then when it was all said and done, she’d have a shit ton of money to go find a really good therapist
because God only knew, she’d need one after this experience.

  She rounded the corner and found the bedroom.

  A huge four-poster bed dominated the burgundy-walled room and Elizabeth felt her courage slipping.

  Her stare remained riveted to the bed, even as her knees shook.

  Was Sutton a gentle lover?

  She nearly barked a laugh. She could guess the answer to that one.

  Would he at least take into consideration the fact that she’d never had sex before?

  Would it hurt?

  She’d heard stories and as stories went, experiences varied.

  Some said losing their V-card hadn’t hurt at all, barely noticing when the guy stuck it in, but others said it felt as if they were being split in two.

  She suppressed a shudder. If there was a God...

  But from what she remembered of Sutton’s cock in her was big.

  Which meant...her cheeks heated anew.

  It’s going to hurt.

  Maybe she could back out.

  Maybe Sutton would take into consideration that she’d made a hasty decision and wouldn’t hold her to it.

  Again with the false hope.

  Any man who would coerce a woman so effortlessly, so ruthlessly for his own gain, wouldn’t give two shits about a woman’s obviously hasty deal-making skills.

  Just get right with your decision because it’s going to happen.

  That meant, no amount of quibbling or hand-wringing on her part was going to make a bit of difference.

  Besides, Gretchen needed her and that was the crux of it all. All decisions hinged on that fulcrum.

  Gretchen couldn’t survive on her own and Elizabeth couldn’t afford to help her without Sutton’s money. black and white terms...Elizabeth would have to see this through, no matter the pain, the degradation, the assassination of her dignity because she loved her sister dearly and would do anything to keep her safe.

  Squaring her shoulders, Elizabeth strode into the bedroom as if she owned the place and began unpacking her meager things.

  If this were to become her home-away-from-home for a time, she’d need to be able to find her toothbrush.

  There was no turning back so there was no sense in looking backward.


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