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Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)

Page 11

by Andria, Alexx

  “Yes, well, you’ll have to pry them out of my sister because she doesn’t exactly share with family.”

  Honey flashed that brief, seductive smile and then pulled her vape pen, lighting it and filling the air with the faint scent of cinnamon.

  “Genius invention, don’t you think?” she asked, referencing her pen. “They say it’ll kill you faster than cigarettes but at least it doesn’t affect the people around you. Fine by me. Die young and leave behind a good looking corpse, am I right?”

  He indulged her with a light chuckle, ready to get the meeting over.

  Each moment spent away from Elizabeth felt an eternity at this point.

  “Would you like a tour?”

  Honey’s eyes lit up. “I thought you’d never ask. Absolutely.”

  Sutton offered his arm and Honey took it.

  He gave her a VIP tour of every room, even the rooms that were occupied — treating her to a bird’s eye view of some of the naughtier aspects of Malvagio — and by the time they returned to the booth, Honey was sold.

  Who wouldn’t be? Malvagio sold itself to the right person.

  “I want it.”

  “Excellent taste. You won’t be disappointed.”

  He scribbled the asking price onto a piece of paper and pushed it over to her. She read it and then pushed it back with a smile and a nod.

  A mere formality, Sutton asked, “Shall I tell my cousins we have a deal?”

  “Yes, of course.” She nodded and leaned forward. “Now how shall we celebrate?”

  “Champagne, we carry the best, of course.” He signaled for Sapphire to bring the champagne and a heartbeat later Honey’s hand was on his cock. He remained calm, even managing a subtle grin as he pretended ignorance. “Did you have something else in mind?”

  “I’ve heard about this cock of yours. Something else the Buchanan men have in common...big, fat cocks. I’d love to see for myself what all the hype is about.”

  “And I thought you were firmly a fan of pussy,” he returned casually, as if intrigued and flattered, but in truth, he was desperately trying to find a way to respectfully turn her down.

  “Darling, it’s true I love pussy but I’m willing to try new and exciting rides, especially when they come so highly recommended.”

  Admittedly, Honey was a beautiful woman but he felt nothing.

  Besides, he didn’t believe it prudent to fuck around with a potential buyer for a major deal like this one.

  “Tempted,” he lied easily. “But not tonight. I must respectfully decline. However,” he said, when he saw Honey on the verge of being offended. “I would never leave you without something sweet.”

  He motioned for Sapphire and she bounced over to him with an accommodating smile. “Yes, Mr. Buchanan?”

  “Sapphire, do you think you could show Sweetpea a lovely time?”

  “I would love to,” Sapphire purred, her eyes lighting up as she sank to her knees before Honey. “May I, mistress?”

  Honey grinned with delight, Sutton forgotten. “Yes, you may, pretty thing.”

  And then Sapphire’s head was between Honey’s legs, lapping up all that sweet juice no doubt dribbling down the soon-to-be-new owner of the most decadent club in town.

  And Sutton couldn’t wait to get out of there.

  All he wanted was Elizabeth.

  Bookmark: 15


  Elizabeth fell into bed later that night, exhausted to the point of welcoming a coma when she drowsily heard Sutton entering the apartment around one in the morning.

  Even as exhausted as she was, every sense went on high alert, her ears pricking at every sound.

  And the anger and hurt that she’d managed to stuff into a deep, dark place, welled to the surface like lava erupting from a sleeping volcano.

  She wanted to quip something cutting and hurtful as soon as he entered the bedroom and started undressing but she remained silent.

  Maybe he wouldn’t realize she was awake and would just climb into bed and go to sleep.

  But even that wasn’t ideal because now that she was awake she wanted to yell and scream at him and if she didn’t, then she might just explode from the tension building inside her.

  “I know you’re awake,” he said with a sigh as if wishing she weren’t. “Exactly how long are you going to nurse a grudge?”

  A grudge? That’s what he thought she was doing? A litany of hot words bubbled to the surface but she kept them back.

  He didn’t deserve her ire.

  He was a pig and she hated him. Well, that was the plan.

  As it turned out, she couldn’t help spatting, “I don’t care enough about you to hold a grudge.” And then gave him her back.

  “My little spitfire” he murmured with a smile in his voice.

  Oh, no you don’t get to call me pet names like you care!

  Elizabeth sat up, pushing her hair out of her face, the cold tone of her voice in direct opposition to the heat in her heart.

  “Truly, the last three days have been wonderful without you constantly underfoot. I enjoyed having the bed to myself again. Feel free to take yourself off to whatever rock you’ve been hiding under because I don’t care.”

  But, oh, damn her heart, she did care.

  And either he saw through her act or he didn’t give two shits because he climbed into the bed and pulled her to him as if everything were just fine between them.

  Although she wanted to remain stiff, the familiar weight of his body against hers was her kryptonite.

  Why did it feel so right to be pressed against him? The terrible yearning that’d nearly threatened to eat her alive when he was gone, dissipated like smoke on the breeze as her curves fit so wondrously against the hard planes of his body.

  “Just because I like the feel of you against me doesn’t mean anything,” she wanted him to know. “I still think you’re—“

  “Shhhh,” he said, already dropping off as if he were drugged. Within seconds, he was asleep, the sound of his deep, even breathing giving him away.

  How was it he could drop off so easily? Had he no shame? No sense of decency?

  For all she knew he’d been out dipping his billionaire wick in whatever hussy opened her legs for him.


  He never promised fidelity.

  And she’d been too ignorant to demand it as part of the deal. This was a problem of her own making.

  She wanted to jab her elbow in his gut and wake him but her own exhaustion had slowly leached away her adrenaline and her eyelids were starting to drag.

  Within moments, she was sleeping, too.

  And it was the best sleep she’d had in three days.


  The following morning Sutton awoke early, dressed and left before Elizabeth woke up.

  It was a cowardly move but he wasn’t ready to address the questions or the accusations just yet.

  Mostly because he didn’t have answers.

  He didn’t know what he was feeling or understand why he felt a strong need to be around Elizabeth but he wasn’t willing to go so far as to say he was falling in love.

  Love was an illusion. Smoke and mirrors thanks to a complex chemical reaction in the brain.

  He craved her body, that was true, but there was so much more to Elizabeth than her banging body.

  She was smart — maybe smarter than him — and talented.

  And she didn’t back down when pushed into a corner.

  She didn’t beg or cry. She stood up to him when everyone else cowered.

  Ah hell, he didn’t know why he was obsessed with her but it was only getting worse.

  Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that he hooked up with that prostitute—oh, yeah, now you’re really swimming in denial.

  He couldn’t even pull off the bullshit in his own mind, so how was he supposed to explain it to Elizabeth?

  He was still stewing in his office when he received an unexpected visit from Emma, Vince’s wife.

sp; Straightening, he greeted her with a polite smile. “And just like that my day got a whole lot brighter. What do I owe the pleasure?”

  Emma, a beautiful woman with blond hair similar to Elizabeth, took a seat opposite him and said, “Vince told me you could use a woman’s perspective on things.”

  Damn you, Vince.

  Sutton held his smile. “Oh? I can always use a woman’s perspective but help me out, what am I needing perspective on?”

  “Not sure but I’m assuming that you’re probably struggling with that damn stubborn Buchanan DNA and getting in your own way. You and Vince used to be pretty close, right?”

  He nodded, wondering where this was going.

  “And from what I can tell, you’re a bit alike. So, seeing as I’m married to Vince, and when I met him he was more like you, I might be able to add some insight as to what’s going on with you.”

  “I didn’t realize there was something so obviously amiss,” he drawled, a bit uncomfortable that Emma had hit a nerve.

  “Of course not, because you’re in your own way. So…what’s her name?”

  Sutton hesitated. He wasn’t ready to introduce Elizabeth to the family but with Emma there, waiting with an expectant expression, as if saying, she wasn’t going to leave until he gave up the goods, he relented out of sheer self-preservation.

  The Buchanan wives were…tenacious to say the least.


  “Elizabeth,” she murmured, testing the name. “Very nice. You like her?”

  “To run the risk of sounding indelicate…where’s this going?’

  Emma ignored his pointed question, instead saying, “When Vince first started having feelings for me, it wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t flowers and dinner dates, it was…well, he was caring for me because I’d been assaulted at Malvagio and he couldn’t risk too many questions. What started out as self-preservation turned into something else, for us both, but I can tell you, neither of us were open to it and it happened anyway.”

  “Sounds frightful.”

  She laughed. “At the time, it totally was, but now? We’re both happier than we ever imagined we could be.”

  “A truly beautiful story,” he said politely.

  “You’re so much like Vince,” Emma said, shaking her head with amusement. “Okay, here’s the deal: stop torturing yourself over some ingrained screwed up belief system and just accept that you have feelings for Elizabeth.”

  “Just say for arguments sake, I do. Then what? Trust me, there is no happily-ever-after for us.”

  “Only if you keep it that way. Love has a funny way of fixing things that you thought were broken.”

  He snorted.

  “Adorable but unrealistic. The fact is…a part of her hates me and rightly so.”

  He hadn’t meant to share that. But seeing as he was already drowning, he might as well tie cement blocks to his feet.

  “The fact is…I own her. I purchased the right to her body by forcing her hand. Trust me, there will be no love in her heart for me and I would question any woman who would after what I’ve done.”

  But Emma wasn’t shocked. Hell, she barely batted an eye.

  In fact, she looked…bored?

  “Ugh. The Buchanan contract. Well, maybe you ought to talk to Penny about that and see how well that worked out. I mean, it worked out for me because she ended up with Dillon instead of either of the twins but honestly, it’s a stupid, arrogant way to start a relationship and cowardly, too.”

  “Cowardly? I don’t follow.”

  “Because when you go out on a date with someone, you’re putting yourself out there for possible rejection. By throwing money at someone, you’re saying you don’t have the confidence it takes to risk being turned down. And I just don’t understand where that insecurity comes from. I mean, I know Vince’s dad was a real prick and I can only guess that yours was too, seeing as they were brothers, but can you really not handle the idea of approaching a woman you find attractive on your own merits?”

  Sutton didn’t know what to say but it seemed Emma wasn’t finished.

  “Have you tried dating Elizabeth? Maybe taking an interest in something she enjoys?”

  He stiffened. “We don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “Then you better be prepared to lose her to someone else. If you’re okay with that, then keep on the same course, but if not…then you’d better start doing things differently. A woman’s heart is only so forgiving.”

  Emma rose with a sigh. “Well, I’ve done my part. If you’re too stubborn to listen, that’s on you. I hope it works out though. I suspect beneath all that Buchanan bullshit, there’s a decent guy buried. I’d like to get to know him but this guy,” she motioned dismissively to the entirety of Sutton “is a douchebag and I don’t have time in my life for that. Good luck, Sutton.”

  And then she let herself out.

  Well, hell.

  He’d just been schooled.

  An unexpected smile tugged at his lips.

  Vince had landed himself one helluva woman, but then, his cousin already knew that because he’d married her.

  So where did that leave Sutton?

  According to Emma — somewhere between potential good guy and forever douchebag.

  Hmmm…not much of a choice was it?

  Bookmark: 16


  Elizabeth was blissfully lost in her painting for the gallery show when a knock at the door interrupted her creation.

  She thought to ignore it but when the knocker seemed intent on gaining entrance, she sighed grumpily and went to the door.

  A very handsome, boyishly devilish — and quite obviously a Buchanan — stood there with the most exquisite flowers she’d ever seen.

  “Um. Hello?” She ventured, not sure what to think. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Reece…and you must be…the lovely woman taking up all my big brother’s time. May I?”

  Elizabeth glanced down at her paint splattered overhauls and the tiny tube top she was wearing underneath that barely covered her breasts and didn’t know how to react.

  She didn’t want to be rude to Sutton’s brother but…what would Sutton think about her spending time with his family?

  He hadn’t seemed keen on introducing her, for obvious reasons and she didn’t think anything had changed in that department.

  But Reece seemed harmless enough and nice, even. And besides, Sutton was a jerk so who cared what he thought.

  Reece, as if suddenly remembering, handed her the flowers. “These are for you. I hope you like exotics. I think they lend a certain something, don’t you?”

  Elizabeth accepted the beautiful blooms with undisguised pleasure. No one had ever brought her flowers before. “My name is Elizabeth, pleased to meet you. Come on in.”

  Reece took a quick glance around the apartment.

  “A little cramped isn’t it?” he remarked, though it didn’t seem insulting, just an observation.

  “Oh, it’s much bigger than my last place. And nicer, too,” she couldn’t help but add. “I like the neighborhood here and it’s within walking distance to Kerr park. I like to sketch there sometimes.”

  “Ahhh, yes, an artist. Let us get acquainted. I bet we have much in common.”

  She liked Reece almost immediately and it didn’t have anything to do with the fact that he’d brought her flowers when Sutton had never done anything quite so chivalrous.

  Buying her an entire wardrobe didn’t count because he’d done it for selfish reasons, she countered in her head.

  “So did Sutton ask you to come and keep me company?” she asked, trying not to search for small kindnesses in Sutton’s inexplicable behavior.

  “God no. Sutton is oblivious to most things, including me. But I, on the other hand, notice a great many things, such as when he decides to move out of the west coast cousins’ place and seek out a place of his own that’s separate from any of the multiple holdings we own throughout this city. Makes a man go, hm
mmm, doesn’t it? So then, I figured, he must want some sort of privacy, something off books. And because I’m bored most days, seeking out the truth of my brother’s secret seemed a worthwhile endeavor and here I am, sitting and chatting with a most intriguing woman.”

  “Well, told like that, it does seem intriguing,” she murmured, though a tingle of apprehension threatened to ruin their light banter.

  What if Reece already knew about her arrangement with Sutton and he was coming to get a taste?

  “So, are you and Sutton close?”

  “Close is a relative term,” he answered, sinking into the sofa while she put the flowers into water. “How did you meet, exactly?”

  Elizabeth bit her lip, not sure what she should share. Of all the things she thought she might think today, wishing Sutton here there was not one of them!

  But she didn’t know what to think about this visit with Reece.

  He was, admittedly, very handsome, charming, and probably used to getting his own way just like Sutton, but what did he want with her?

  But Reece seemed to sense her apprehension and said, “Don’t answer if you don’t want to. I’m just a nosey shit most days. Frankly, I’m jealous. My brother always seems to find the prettiest, most unusual gems for himself. I dabble in art, myself. You can’t possibly have that in common with my brother; Sutton wouldn’t know a Picasso from a Rembrandt.”

  She laughed. That much was true.

  “Yes, but would you believe we met at an art gallery?”

  “Ahhh, let me guess, Covington House?”

  “Yes. How’d you know?”

  “Because Buchanan Enterprises recently acquired the art house — tax shelter if we’re being honest — and Sutton had drawn the short straw. I volunteered to take it but Sutton, for whatever reasons, had decided to keep it. Fate is funny that way, isn’t it?”

  Elizabeth nodded, letting that information sink in.

  If Reece had been the one in the gallery that day, how would things have turned out differently?

  “But that’s my brother, the luckiest bastard in the bunch,” Reece said with a sigh. Then he brightened and asked, “Would you permit me to see what you’re working on?

  Elizabeth hesitated, never being one to openly allow strangers to look at works in progress.


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