Book Read Free

Evil Stepsister

Page 15

by Scarlett Jade

“I’ve got nothing to say.”

  He sighed and turned back to the car he was working on. “You’re making a big mistake.”

  “Am I, Dad? Am I really? You don’t know what it was like for me when she left the first time…or when she left again after telling me she was staying for good. Then to see her collapse over this cockamamie dream of hers…and now she wants to jump back in the deep end? I’m fucking tired of saving her. I am tired of being her savior. I’m pretty sure even Jesus would throw his hands up on this one.”

  “Whoaaaa…” Dad shook his head. “Cockamamie dream? You do know the kid’s seriously talented, right?”

  “Of course I do. God damn. Of course! But talent only takes you so far, and she doesn’t need the stress and exhaustion.”

  “Soooo…you acting like a dick is keeping her calm? Why aren’t you supporting her? Oh, that’s right, because you’re scared. You’re scared to give up any of the control. So you withdraw.”

  “Look, Dr. Phil, back off.”

  “No, Carter, you back off. You’re wrong on this one.”

  “I don’t have any of the control in this relationship. She’s always been the one pulling the strings. Always!”

  “You’re completely overreacting. She’s just making some music. Her and Kirby are working hard, and they sent out a demo to a couple small labels. She’s excited. She’s happy. Music makes her happy. She’s not asking you to save her. But you can’t let her be happy because God forbid everything isn’t about you. God forbid she’s not there every waking moment to fulfill your needs. Grow up, Carter. Love is a two way street. It can’t be you driving, all the time. You have to trust her. Trust that she loves you enough to stay. Let her run free, but also let her know she’s got a home to come to. Or keep pushing her away and lose the best thing you’ll ever have.” He threw down his wrench and walked to the door. “I’m done for the day. I can’t stand to look at you.”

  The door clanged shut behind him and I looked around the shop. Parker and Jason kept working, not saying a word. They knew better than to mess with me. “Parker, can you finish this job?”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  “I need a break.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll handle this.”

  I rushed upstairs, taking them two at a time, and I paced the floor, running my hands through my hair. I needed to clear my head and focus. Grabbing my keys off my nightstand, I hustled downstairs and out the door. I needed to drive fast. The Porsche would bear the brunt of my anger. Unlocking the doors, I slid in the seat and started the car. She purred to life under my hands and I gritted my teeth as my brain took me to a vision of Brielle purring under my hands.

  Tearing out of the parking lot, I drove. I rolled down the windows and let the wind whip through the car. The slight chill helped me think. I slowed the car as I hit some backroads and I drove aimlessly for a couple of hours.

  I ended up in Dad’s driveway. His car wasn’t in the drive, so he wasn’t home. I didn’t know if she was, but I was about to find out. Jumping out of the car I stalked up the steps and unlocked the door, throwing it wide.

  “Brielle?” I yelled.

  No answer. Just as I turned to leave, I heard faint noise from the basement. Of course she was there. Singing. Opening the basement door, I trotted downstairs. She stood in the middle of the room with her back to me. Her headphones were on and she was singing. I froze.

  “Give me freedom and give me home,

  hold me close and let me go,

  tie me up and let me loose,

  remove your hands, they’re not my noose

  love me, leave me, cut me deep

  you’re not the only one losing sleep

  all I wanted was you

  all I needed was you

  but it takes two to fall in love

  it takes two to make a home

  Chase me out say I’m running away

  Don’t even give me the time of day

  Scream my name and cuss me out

  this ain’t what love’s all about

  Romance novels don’t tell the story

  they just give the sweet stuff all the glory

  He’s too damn scared to hold me near

  still just a little boy full of fear

  all I wanted was you

  all I needed was you

  but it takes two to fall in love

  it takes two to make a home

  I can’t take you pulling me in and pushing me out

  this ain’t what love’s supposed to be about…”

  She stopped and hummed, “No, that’s not it yet! Dammit!”

  Anger coursed through me again and I stomped forward, snatching the headphones off her head. She screamed and swung at me.

  “Holy shit, Carter, I almost hit you! Don’t sneak up on me!”

  “I am not a little boy. I am not scared of you. I’m scared of losing you. If that song’s about me, you better change it because you’re wrong about me.”

  She backed up slowly. “That song is about you. It’s how you make me feel.”

  “Want to know how you make me feel? You’re driving me crazy. I’m waiting for you to run. Holding on for the sky to fall isn’t fun. You can’t build a home on shaky ground. You’re twisting me up and turning me around, you’re tearing me up and I’m letting you drown.”

  “Wait, what?” she pushed a button on the keyboard in front of us, and I heard my words replaying from her speakers. “That’s…that’s good!”

  “I’m not helping you write a fucking song. I’m telling you how I feel!”

  “And it was good…I’m just saying. Why are you here and why are you manhandling me? I’m not your property.”

  “I’m here to talk.”

  “Then talk.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared me down.

  “I feel like you’re going to leave, again.”

  “A bird has to leave the nest on occasion.”

  “You’re not a bird.”

  “I’m not going to stay locked up in Marysville the rest of my life. I do have Chronic Fatigue, but I’m not dead. I still have dreams. Singing is my life. I’m not going to give that up for you or anyone. So unless you can handle my gypsy feet and occasional need to run, then get out of here.”

  “This is my damn house!”

  “I don’t care. It’s mine too.”

  “I-you…I help pay the bills here.”

  “And I helped to pay off the mortgage. Do we want to keep going?”

  I paused. “You did what?”

  “I paid off the mortgage.”


  “Last month when the bill came.”

  “You had no right!”

  “Why? I can help.”

  “I’m doing just fine without your help. Dad is too.”

  “Funny, I remember Charlie drinking heavily when I came to visit back in December, and now he barely drinks a six pack a week and he’s working again. So…remind me again how you were doing just so great, Carter.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You wish,” she snapped and her face paled. “Stop.”


  “I can’t do this with you. You’re not going to drain me out. This petty, childish bullshit isn’t worth it. I’m here to stay, Carter Travis. I may come and go from time to time, but this is my home, too. It’s not just yours. I’ll write whatever I want to about you. If you don’t want me to write shitty things, don’t be a shitty human being.”

  “If we want to write about shitty human beings, let me start up a novel about Brielle fucking Harper!”

  “Be my guest. You won’t be the first person in my life to turn on me and you won’t be the last. I’m done discussing this, or anything, with you.” She swept past me and I grabbed her arm.

  “I’m not done!” Pulling her close, I kissed her. My tongue demanded entrance into her mouth and when she softened slightly, giving me entrance, I groaned.

  “I hate you,” she hissed between kisses.
r />   “Good, because I feel the same way.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I plan on my dick and your pussy working things out for a long damn time today.”


  I hauled her into my arms and stomped up the stairs to the first floor. “Couch or bed?”

  “Bed,” she growled into my ear as she nipped it.

  Carrying her upstairs, I tossed her down on her bed and reached for the button on her pants. “You are mine,” I informed her as I jerked her pants and panties off.

  “I always have been, dumb ass, you just are being ridiculous, and ohhhhh…” she squealed as I sucked her clit.

  “What’s that?”

  “Shut up and fuck me.”

  “That’s one thing we can agree on.” I buried my face between her thighs and licked her mercilessly. Her hands fisted in my hair and when she came, she nearly scalped me with the force of her grip. “I’d like to keep my hair, thanks.”

  “Get on the bed.”

  “Excuse me, I thought I was taking you.”

  “It can’t just be what you want all the time.”

  “Fine. Do your worst.” I stripped off my shirt and kicked off my boots before peeling off my pants and underwear. I hopped up on the bed and put my hands behind my head. “I’m not scared.”

  She straddled me and impaled herself on my shaft. “Shut up, asshole.”

  She’d never been more beautiful than she was to me at that moment. Not to be a chick here, but it was amazing. Her tits bounced perfectly to the rhythm she set and her pussy clenched me just right. Her hips rocked slow then fast, and she threw her head back, crying out her orgasm. I pulled her to me and rolled.

  I rolled too far, and we ended up on the floor, with me still on the bottom. “Oh, so this is what you want?” she crowed. “Fine.”

  “No, this is what I want.” I flipped her again and drilled deep into her. Grabbing her legs, I pulled them over my shoulders and fucked her mercilessly. As I came, I was sure death was coming for me. Slumping over her body, I whispered, “Well, that was…”

  “Great. I will regret it tomorrow, though,” she chuckled and I became defensive.


  “Because I’ll be really sore. Post-exertional malaise. I’ll be tired. I don’t regret it, though.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think…”

  “I don’t want you to think about me being ‘sick.’ I want you to think about what you just did. That’s how I want you to see me. Your partner. Giving and taking and loving and making love. Don’t apologize.”

  “Okay. I like the sound of partners.”

  “Me too. It’s obvious neither of us can live without each other. The sex is just too good…and you bring me calm.”

  “You shake me up.”

  “It’s scary for us both. I get that…but I don’t want to do this anymore. I need you to support me.”

  I blew out a slow breath. “Just don’t run away again. I can’t…lose you again.”

  “Do you honestly think I’d be that stupid? I can’t let you make love like that to another girl. My God! If we let that secret get out even nuns will be dropping their panties for you!”

  “I don’t think I could even make love to someone else if I wanted to.” I stroked her face and kissed her softly. “I love you.”

  “I know.” I raised my eyebrow and she giggled. “I love you too. Now get off me. Charlie will be home soon.”

  Just like that, we were good again. But that’s how we’d always been, she and I. Gale force winds, then a gentle breeze. She was my fire, and I was her earth. Occasionally when we came together, wildfires started. But we always put them out. In the best kind of way.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest. Marysville’s own Bri Harper and Kirby Lowell. It’s an unplugged jam session, just for Jacoby Jones patrons.”

  A cheer went up around the room as Brielle walked up to the little stage and sat down on a stool. Kirby settled in beside her with his guitar on his lap.

  She blushed and grinned out at the crowd. Straightening the mic, she said, “Thanks for having me here tonight. First things first. I am making a donation to the Marysville school system in the amount of one million dollars for their music department. I want any kids in our community with a dream to have a chance to learn to play an instrument.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. I had no idea she was planning on making an announcement. The crowd went wild and she blushed hotter. Delilah tapped me on the shoulder and I glanced over at her. “Yeah?”

  “So that’s the one?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “She’s a damn lucky woman. I’m happy things seem to be working out.”

  “Me too. How are you and Diego?”

  “Ay yi yi,” she giggled. “We’re great.”

  “Good, you deserve it.” I turned back to the woman I loved and paid attention to what she had to say.

  “I’m also going to invest in our police and fire department. They are our first responders. I’ll be donating five hundred thousand dollars to each of them. All of you know I lost my mom in a car accident five years ago. Without them, I know I wouldn’t be here.” After the crowd died down again, she said softly, “Let’s make some music, yeah? Kirby?”

  Mindy sidled up to me and leaned her head on my shoulder as Kirby began to play. “Look at how happy they are,” she sighed.

  “Are you happy?”

  “I am.”

  “How are the babies?” She’d slipped outside to call and check on them again. Her parents were watching Daisy and Travis so she could come see them play.

  “They are great. I can’t believe you got them a show here.”

  “I had an in with someone who works here. She’s a fan of Brielle’s.”

  “She sounds great.”

  “They both do.”

  Brielle sang the song she wrote about me. I didn’t mind. The ending had changed. I was needed up on stage. Passing Mindy my beer, I hustled through the crowd and took the mic to sing my part. The crowd went wild.

  “Give me freedom and give me home,

  hold me close and let me go,

  tie me up and let me loose,

  remove your hands, they’re not my noose

  love me, leave me, cut me deep

  you’re not the only one losing sleep

  all I wanted was you

  all I needed was you

  but you’re just a wildfire burning it down

  Chase me out say I’m running away

  Don’t even give me the time of day

  Scream my name and cuss me out

  this ain’t what love’s all about

  Romance novels don’t tell the story

  they just give the sweet stuff all the glory

  He’s too damn scared to hold me near

  still just a little boy full of fear

  all I wanted was you

  all I needed was you

  but you’re just a wildfire burning it down

  You’re driving me crazy

  I’m waiting for you to run away

  Holding on for the sky to fall some day

  You can’t build a home on shaky ground

  You’re twisting me up and turning me around

  you’re tearing me up and I’m letting you drown

  You’re the fire to my earth and I can’t get enough

  I love when you call my name and tell me you want it rough

  Desire sparking between us and we burn up the bed

  maybe we should quit while we’re ahead

  You’re just a wildfire burning it down…

  Oooh, just a wildfire burning it down…”

  I kissed her and catcalls echoed through the bar. “This right here, ladies and gentlemen, is my little wildfire. Now if you’ll excuse me?”

  Sweeping her into my arms, I hauled her through the bar and took her outside to the Porsche. I set her on her feet and
she laughed. “I can’t believe you just did that!”

  “I feel the need to hear you scream my name, baby. You were so damn sexy up there tonight.” I opened the door and almost shoved her inside the car.

  Hurrying around to my side, I jumped in the car and buckled in before tearing out of the parking lot. “I need you.”

  “You have me, but I do hope any further gigs won’t involve you carrying me out of the bar caveman style to fuck me.”

  “I make no promises.”

  “Well then, maybe we should get a car with a backseat…”

  “No, I’ll just take you home and make love to you all night, in our bed.”

  “That sounds fun too…but we really missed out on car sex.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Find somewhere to pull over.”

  I loved this woman. Turning down a side road, I pulled over on the shoulder and parked the car. “How are we doing this?”

  “Recline the seat a little and unbutton your pants. I’ll do all the work. I knew I didn’t wear panties tonight for some reason...”

  Groaning in anticipation, I slid the seat back and shifted my pants and underwear down my thighs. “You’re evil.”

  “And you love it.” She crawled across the car and straddled my lap. “Look at that…just enough room,” she murmured as she kissed me.

  I ran my hands along her legs and under the little skirt she wore. True to her word, she wasn’t wearing panties. I squeezed her ass then slipped my hand around her thigh to tease her clit. Her pussy was soaked for me and I flicked her clit and fingered her until she was leaning back over the steering wheel and panting.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned, rocking over my hand.

  “Never, baby,” I promised.

  With a shudder and a keening cry, she came. I grasped her hips and impaled her on my shaft. She rode me hard and fast, and I pulled her down to steal a kiss. Roaring, I came and her hips slowed, but her muscles milked me for all I was worth.

  “I’ll never get tired of that.”

  “Good thing,” she giggled as she rolled off me and straightened her skirt. “I want you when we get home.”


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