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Forbidden Passions

Page 4

by India Masters

  Libby gasped as the twins positioned her, and Ty used the opportunity to slide his tongue deep inside her mouth for a scalding kiss. In spite of herself, she moaned, arching her breasts into Ty’s hands.

  Oh God, it was too much! Ty’s kisses, his hands on her breasts, fingers twisting her nipples. Bodie kneeling between her widespread thighs, his thumbs tracing the contours of her cunt.

  Bodie’s deep voice praised her. “Mmm, you’re wet and slippery, Lib. You want this as much as we do.”

  “No.” It came out on a moan, and she secretly acknowledged that she was a big, fat liar.

  He nuzzled her pussy, then ran his tongue around the inner rim. “Look at me, Libby.” She wrenched her mouth from Ty’s and looked down at the man poised between her legs. “I’m gonna eat your pussy until you come, sugar, and I’m gonna fuck you with my fingers. Now, unless you wanna advertise to the hands what you’re doing out here, I suggest you keep on kissing Ty. But first, I want you to watch while I slide my fingers into your pussy.”

  Libby watched in fascination as Bodie’s middle finger slid inside her.

  “That’s one,” he said, then another slid deep. “This won’t compare to my cock, darlin’, but you won’t get that until we can be totally alone. You are gonna let us take you, aren’t you, Libby?”


  “Imagine it, honey. You, me, and Ty.”


  “You spread out in the grass while the two of us feed on you.”


  “My cock in your pussy. Ty’s in your ass. You screaming while you come, over and over again. And you will, Libby. You’ll come so hard and so often, no man will ever be able to please you as good as we can.” He eased back and rammed into her hard, burying his fingers deep. “You’re gonna want to kiss Ty now, sweetheart, ’cause I’m fixin’ to make you scream.”

  Libby’s moans were swallowed by Ty’s greedy kisses. His hands stroked and caressed her breasts; his fingers plucked and twisted her nipples. She didn’t know if she was in heaven or hell. Thick, strong fingers fucked into her cunt while Bodie’s mouth devoured her, lapping and sucking her clit. Her hips followed Bodie’s rhythm, and the only sounds in the stillness of the day were the liquid sounds of fucking and the attendant moans.

  She was going to come, and hard. She could feel it building, feel the heat spreading from her clit to her pussy as her body tightened in anticipation. Her fingernails dug into Ty’s forearms as she ground her cunt against Bodie’s face. His fingers curved inside her, wiggling and stroking against her G-spot, and she screamed into Ty’s mouth as her body arched like a bow.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.” Those were the only sounds she could make as her body trembled and shook. She lost complete control, heaving her body against those thrusting fingers. At the very last second, he slid a finger deep into her ass. She clawed at Ty, wrenching her mouth away from him as she howled her final release. Dark spots swam in front of her eyes as her body hurled her into the abyss. She slumped against Ty, oblivious to anything around her.

  Libby came to moments later, cradled between the Cade twins, each one whispering soothingly to her. She’d just had the most intense orgasm of her life, with the promise of more if only she’d say yes.

  “Say yes, Libby,” Bodie pleaded.

  “Say yes, darlin’,” Ty cajoled. “We’ll take real good care of you.”

  At that moment, Libby didn’t care if it meant she was the biggest slut in all of Wyoming. She’d just erupted like Old Faithful, so she’d take what they offered and leave when her job was done. No harm, no foul.

  Chapter Five

  As a rancher’s daughter, Libby knew very little changed from day to day, year to year. Life revolved around a schedule of feeding, cleaning stalls, repairing fences and buildings, and anything else that needed doing. Much as she hated to admit it, she found the familiar routine a comfort. Her real life could be so complicated that it was nice to know the natural rhythm of life remained the same here. She had just finished mucking out the last of the stalls when Alex found her.

  “Hey, I’m riding up to the high pasture to check on a few things. You wanna ride along?” Alex’s brow was wrinkled, and Libby could tell she expected her to say no.

  Well, she was about to spend the next week or so on horseback, so Libby figured she’d be better off introducing her ass to a saddle now rather than in the backcountry.

  “Sure. Just let me go grab my hat and pull on some boots.”

  Alex nodded. “I put together some sandwiches and water. Thought we could stop up at the creek and soak our feet. Promises to be a hot one today.”

  Libby grinned. “Why, Alex Wild, are you suggesting we go skinny-dipping?”

  Alex shrugged nonchalantly, but her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Been a while, little sister.”

  “Woo-hoo!” She stowed her tools and headed for the house at a trot. “The Wild sisters ride again.”

  The phone was ringing when they got inside, and both women ignored the insistent shrilling as they raced to get their stuff together. Libby toed off her dirty shoes in the entryway and hit the stairs at a run. The Little Rocky would be colder than a well digger’s ass, but after a couple of hours mucking out stalls, it was just what the doctor ordered. She was just jamming her feet into her boots when Alex shouted up the stairs.

  “Get a move on, city girl!”

  Libby laughed. “Bite me, buckle bunny!” Then, “Hey, where’s my Resistol?”

  “Hall closet. Come on, Lib, we’re burnin’ daylight.”

  Libby pulled an old blue work shirt on over her tank top and bounded down the stairs. “Let’s do this,” she said, reaching for the hat Alex had liberated for her. She grabbed her camera and followed her sister out the door, where two horses stood saddled and ready to go.

  Her mount, a sorrel gelding named Cinnamon, was chomping at the bit to run, so Libby gave him his head and they raced toward the high pasture with ground-eating speed. Alex’s mount easily kept up, and they were climbing the hills in no time.

  “Herd looks good,” Libby said, resting her forearm on the saddle horn. “In fact, the whole ranch looks good, Alex. How’s the horse business going?”

  Alex had recently started a breeding and training program. She was gradually making a name for herself providing quality cutting horses for the ranching community, as well as training barrel racers for rodeo. She’d also taken in a few wild horses, a circumstance that had raised some eyebrows. Some folks hereabouts thought the wild horses were pests. Alex and Libby had always loved them.

  Alex tipped her hat back, a gesture common to ranch folk when they wanted to look someone in the eye.

  “It’s goin’ good. Some of the hands aren’t too happy with it, but they kept it to themselves until Carl passed. We’ve lost a few men over the mustang thing, but to hell with them. Those horses were here long before anyone thought of ranchin’ these parts.” She smiled. “I sure do miss old Carl, though.”

  Libby nodded. “Yeah. It was weird coming back and him not being here. But he died like he wanted, in the saddle, so that’s something.”

  “Absolutely. I hope I go the same way.”

  They rode in silence for a while. It was a perfect blue day, devoid of clouds, and there was a freshness to the air Libby’d forgotten existed. Wildflowers bloomed along the way, and she took a few minutes to dismount, lie down in the pasture, and take a few close-ups of a field of purple coneflower, black-eyed Susan, and meadow blazing star, all interspersed with tiny white asters, meadow larkspur, and Indian paintbrush. The sheer majesty of the place took her by surprise, and she blinked back the tears that threatened.

  The mountains reached skyward, cradling them as they made their way up the valley. The gray-green peaks were bold against the blue of the sky. Mule deer and pronghorn antelope grazed in the distance, and Libby switched to a powerful zoom lens to capture the image of the small herds nibbling at the grass. Remarkably, neither the deer nor the antelope felt threatened by the
ir presence, and she got off several good shots.

  When she finally met her sister’s eyes, Libby smiled wistfully. “I’d forgotten, you know? How beautiful it is here. I’ll miss it when I go.”

  “Then don’t go, Lib.” It was the first time Alex had brought up the subject of her staying. “Stay here, help me move the Wild Horse Ranch into the twenty-first century. This place is in your blood. It needs you.” She paused to deliver the coup de grâce. “I need you.”

  Libby sighed and nudged her mount closer to Alex’s. “What’s going on, Alex? You’ve never needed anybody a day in your life. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

  Alex shook her head. “I’m tired, Lib, and I’m alone.” She held up her hand as Libby was about to respond. “I know, I’ve got the ranch and the hands. I keep busy, but I’m still alone. I’m tired of being alone. Come home, sis.”

  Libby looked up, certain the sky must be ready to fall. Her big sister, the one woman in the world she wanted to emulate, and always fell short of the mark, wanted her to come home and help her run the ranch.

  “But what about my job? I’m a photographer, Alex, not a rancher.”

  “Nothing says you can’t be both, Lib. Plenty of wildlife to photograph out here. Just promise you’ll think about it.”

  “I will. I’ll think about it.” But would she? Could she really come home again?

  “That’s all I can ask. Now come on, let’s go check the fences next to the Cade place. That goddamn bull of Archer’s has a thing for my heifers. He broke through that fence three times last summer. I told the son of a bitch if he did it again, I’d send him home a steer.”

  As they loped across the meadows toward the property line with the Cade ranch, Libby couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging she’d never felt before. Funny, she’d grown up here, had ridden this section of fence with her father and Carl. She’d pushed cattle up to the summer pasture more times than she could count, but she’d always felt . . . disconnected, somehow. Like she wasn’t part of the life her family had built here over the generations.

  “Oops,” Libby said, easing back on the reins. “Is that Archer’s bull?”

  “Son of a bitch, my fence!” Alex pulled her father’s ancient Winchester from the saddle scabbard and chambered a round.

  “Alex, no.” Libby maneuvered Cinnamon into her sister’s path.

  Her sister uttered a disgusted snort. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, I’m not gonna shoot him. I’m just gonna encourage him to get back on his own side of the fence so we can repair it.”

  “Well, if you shoot at that animal and curdle his little swimmers, Arch is gonna have a blue bloody fit.”

  “Well, that’s just too fuckin’ bad, isn’t it?” She nudged her mount sideways and aimed at the ground in front of the bull’s feet.

  Libby held up her hand. “Just let me see if I can nudge him back to his own side. You fire that damn rifle and there’s a Cade man within a mile of here, he’ll be on us before we can get that damn fence fixed.” She released the saddle rope strap and approached the massive bull slowly. “Move along, Bubba.” She waved her rope at him and urged him back toward the fence.

  As the bull crossed the property line, she squinted her eyes. “Ah, man, he’s got half a dozen head of our heifers in this pasture, Alex. I’m gonna go round ’em up.”

  “I don’t know, Lib; he’s—”

  But Libby ignored her sister’s concerns and jogged toward their cattle, gathering them up. “Let’s go, cows.” She woo-hooed, whistled, and waved her rope, driving the cows through the fence. The enormous bull followed, much to her dismay. She turned her horse and waved her rope at him, then got close enough to swat him on the rump. Which was when things went from frustrating to downright dangerous. The bull spun and charged, startling the little sorrel, which commenced to bend his legs and shoot straight into the air.

  “Holy crow!” Libby was too startled to curse as the frightened horse spun and reared.

  The bull snorted and pawed the ground, advancing on the bucking horse and rider. When he bellowed and lunged, the terrified gelding leaped, kicked out with his back legs, and connected with the now-bellowing bull. Cinnamon shrieked in alarm, reared again, and tumbled backward to the ground. Libby leaped from the saddle and somersaulted away before the horse could roll over on her. When she staggered to her feet, she was face-to-face with twenty-five hundred pounds of pissed-off bone and muscle.

  This is so not good. “Oh shit. Alex? Now might be a good time to put this sucker down. I don’t fancy getting gored or trampled to death.”

  “Take a step back, baby. Slow and easy. Let’s see what he’s gonna do.”

  Libby took a step back. The bull took a step forward. “Now, bull. You don’t really wanna do this. You go on back to your side of the fence, and we’ll call it even, dude. Neither of us has to die today.” She took a couple more steps back, and the bull stayed put, as if weighing her assessment of the situation.

  “Easy, Lib. I’m gonna shoot at his feet, back him up some. Lord, I hope this works.”

  Libby glanced at her sister. “Ya think?”

  “Just be ready to move. You good to go?”

  Libby took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and nodded. “Ready.”

  A shot rang out, and Libby dived sideways. Two more and she raced toward her skittish mount. “Sum bitch!” Cinnamon bolted, heading back down the mountain. Then all hell broke loose.

  There were more shots echoing off the mountains, along with sounds of an enraged bull, the pounding of hooves, and the shouts of men. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping death came quickly.

  “Libby!” Someone was screaming her name, and she opened her eyes to see Bodie Cade racing toward her on horseback.

  She wasn’t stupid; she knew exactly what to do. She adjusted her stance, raised her left arm, and jumped when Bodie’s hand connected with her arm. She sobbed when she felt the solid heat of his back and wrapped her arms around his waist as he chased down her horse.

  When Bodie had a firm grip on Cinnamon’s reins, he pulled his own mount to a stop. Libby slid off the horse’s rump and sank to the ground, shaking like an aspen leaf. Bodie was beside her in a second.

  “You okay, baby?” There was an urgency in his voice that caused her stomach to clench. This man really cared about her. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure it out. He’d been so cruel in high school. Still, she couldn’t stop the shuddering as Bodie’s hands did a quick assessment of her condition, checking for broken bones. She’d always been honest with herself and acknowledged that the trembling wasn’t just about her near miss with the bull.

  When he was sure she was okay, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her wildly. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight as he tumbled her to her back, kissing her as though his life depended on the feel of her mouth against his, her body beneath him.

  The pounding of hooves drove them apart, and then Ty was leaping from his horse, enveloping her in his arms.

  “What happened? Are you all right?” He didn’t give her time to answer but covered her mouth with his, kissing her with the same passion that Bodie had. When he released her, she was still shaking, but for an entirely different reason. “Libby, what the hell happened?”

  “Bull,” she gasped as Bodie reached for her again. “Busted the fence. He’d rounded up six head of our cattle and took them to your pasture.” Both men continued to run their hands up and down her arms and legs, checking for damage. “When I brought ’em back, he didn’t wanna give ’em up. Scared my horse. He threw me.”

  “What were the gunshots for?” Ty asked.

  “Alex was trying to get him to see the error of his ways, give me some room to run, but that fuckin’ Cinnamon just took off for the barn. I don’t think she would have shot him unless he decided to go after me.” She gave each man a little shove. “I’m okay. You can get off me now.”

  Ty chuckled. “Honey, we’re never gonna get off you. Not in this lifetime.”
But he did stand up and pull her to her feet.

  Bodie handed her Cinnamon’s reins. “This horse needs to be sold for dog food. He could have gotten you killed.”

  Libby blew out a breath. “Tell me about it.” She cocked her head, hearing shouting in the distance. “Arch and Alex, I presume? They always at each other like that?”

  “Pretty much,” Bodie confirmed. “Especially since she dumped him.”

  Libby mounted Cinnamon. “She dumped him?”

  “Sure did,” Ty said, riding up next to her. “Caught him havin’ supper with Mavis Gardner down to Bubba’s. It was all perfectly innocent. They just bumped into each other and sat down together, but Alex, she don’t like to share.”

  Libby laughed. “She never did.”

  Chapter Six

  If Libby lived to be one hundred years old, she’d never forget the scene that greeted her that afternoon. There was her sister, pressed up against a huge slab of granite, with Archer Cade’s muscular thigh between her legs. He was kissing her, none too gently, and unless her eyes deceived her, Alex was kissing him back and doing a first-rate job of humping his leg.

  “Holy shit!” Libby chortled.

  The two jumped apart as if they’d been shot from a cannon.

  “Libby! This isn’t what it looks like.” Her sister gave Archer a shove, and he stumbled back, managing to regain his balance before he fell on his very tight ass.

  Libby leaned on her saddle horn and offered her sister a serene smile. “I don’t know, Alex, seems pretty straightforward to me.” She looked at Archer and grinned. “Y’all do this often? Because, frankly, it’s a little disconcerting to find my sister humping your leg, especially with that damn bull standing there watching. It might just prove to be too much for my delicate sensibilities.”

  Libby watched the ripple of muscle as Archer leaned down to retrieve his and Alex’s hats. He handed Alex hers. “By God, your sister always was full of sass. I see that much hasn’t changed.”


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