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Page 24

by Kindle Alexander

  “I was a teenage boy once, so I get that,” Tristan said, giving her a wink. He walked out into the crowd with his arm still around Cate’s shoulder. “Showtime.”

  Damn, his feet were sore. Dylan stepped off the elevator, trying to decide if these new Italian loafers were headed for the trash can. With every passing minute, his feet hurt worse and worse and that said something for a man who ran miles every day. Ten or so hours after arriving at Secret’s headquarters, he was finally able to come back upstairs to the peace and quiet of the executive office area and decide the fate of these stupidly expensive shoes.

  “Great day, boss,” Rob said, catching Dylan off guard. He instinctively lifted a hand, knowing a high five was inevitable. Rob grinned ear to ear, much like Dylan himself, even though his thoughts were focused on his feet. The exhausting day had finally come to an end with a dinner reception for the local media. His stomach let out a loud rumble, expressing its own anger that he hadn’t been able to take even a small bite of food since this morning. “I’m heading out to dinner now. Wanna grab a bite?”

  Dylan pretended to contemplate the offer. Under normal circumstances, he would have taken Rob up on the suggestion, but not tonight. Tristan was somewhere in this building with plans to head back home first thing in the morning. Their evening together had already been cut short with the dinner reception.

  “Where is he?” Dylan asked.

  “In your office. He complained about the lighting in the office he was using. I called maintenance. They’ll get that worked out before he comes back. To be honest, I didn’t see a difference, but he did.” Rob shrugged.

  Dylan just nodded. He looked over at his office and grinned. He couldn’t wait to see Tristan. His heart sped up, and he had the familiar butterflies in his belly at the thought of Tristan sitting in there waiting for him. Lighting, huh? The brilliant business mogul, entrepreneur, and philanthropist couldn’t come up with a better excuse than bad lighting?

  “I should probably stick around, then,” Dylan whispered when Rob began to lower his things, looking like he might wait on him. Dylan rushed on to say, “You go. I’ll call you if I can break free, but I have a boss now. That’s gonna be different.”

  “Yeah, you do!” Rob said, slapping Dylan on the back as he walked out. “I’ll hold a spot for you down at the Mac.”

  Dylan waited until the elevator doors shut, taking Rob downstairs, and then checked David’s office. The lights were turned out and he was gone. Dylan shut off the interior foyer light where his assistant sat and locked the suite’s door from the inside. Only then did he make his way to his office. His breathing picked up when he opened that door and saw Tristan in the far corner sitting at his four-top table. The man was busily typing away on his laptop, his suit jacket neatly draped over the back of the chair next to him. He’d loosened his tie and undone a few buttons on his neatly pressed dress shirt. Tristan never looked away from his laptop, typing a few more strokes and hitting a final key before he glanced up at Dylan and extended his hand.

  “Don’t be mad. I stayed over here in the corner the whole time,” Tristan said as Dylan shut the door and twisted the lock.

  “I’m not mad. Is the lighting really bad?” Dylan asked, walking toward him.

  “Of course not. It’s all I could come up with, and for the record, Rob tried real hard to get the problem worked out for me. He stood on the table, working with the equipment. I seriously thought he might pull out a tool belt, but then he just gave up and opened this door to me.” Dylan stared down at him. One of the most well-known pioneers in their industry could only come up with lighting problems as an excuse. For some reason, that just tickled Dylan to no end. Hell, Tristan now owned the entire company. He could have just come inside the office and shut the door.

  “I know—stop looking at me like that. It’s almost nine o’clock. I leave in the morning. I’m a man in love. I wanted to be around you. If not you, then your things.” Ah, that was much better and Dylan smiled. He had to admit, he liked coming in to see Tristan waiting on him.

  “It’s fine.” Dylan stepped closer and palmed Tristan’s upturned face, then kissed him right on the lips. The kiss was no more than a soft brushing of lips, and it lasted only seconds before Dylan spoke. “What a seriously great day, but you bailed on the reception.”

  “It took me about five minutes to see those people didn’t want to talk to me. It was all about you and your success. You were a hit today. I haven’t seen you like this before. You’re such a gentleman. I picked well.” Tristan pushed the laptop to the center of the table and leaned back in his oversized chair, so Dylan propped himself against the table. Tristan ran his palm along Dylan’s thigh, caressing and stroking him gently with that big smile still in place. The touch was one of encouragement, not sexually provoking like Dylan’s body always tuned into.

  “That’s not true. They stayed glued to you during the press conference. Those were the same people at the dinner,” Dylan said.

  “I wanted to do some paperwork, check on our progress. Look, we’re trending huge right now. Biggest hashtag of the day was Wilder-Loves-A-Secret.” Tristan cocked his head to the side, looking past Dylan to his computer. Dylan followed his gaze and looked down at the screen. A grid sat open, tracking the trend minute by minute.

  “That’s great. Seems people like this idea. I always said Wilder was the best social network out there,” Dylan said absently, staring at the screen. That had Tristan’s hand moving in longer strokes across his leg. That switched Dylan’s focus. He watched that hand move further up his thigh. All the while, Tristan’s attention remained on the screen.

  He had to give Wilder credit—this had been an incredible day. The whole community was excited about this merger. The mayor gave Tristan a key to the city for moving part of Wilder, Inc. to Dallas. Teri and the kids were perfect. The fight from earlier faded as they smiled and acted respectful and courteous. Although there was a small amount of whining behind the scenes about their cheeks hurting from all the grinning they had to do.

  He heard about the hashtag earlier in the day. Chad was the first to catch the trend performing so well. The three of them followed the posts all day, giving him a regular whispered blow by blow when any big news agency or celebrity posted or retweeted about the merger. Cate was most excited that one of the guys from One Direction sent a shout out, commenting something about her and Chloe being the secret behind Secret. That was the only time they broke from the charming children they presented to the world. Cate squeaked out a yell and ran straight to him, interrupting an interview. But that was taken as normal, fun teenage conduct, making the whole company seem a little more down to earth and accessible.

  The other huge success of the day, drawing his attention away from the festivities was the heightened usage both Secret and Wilder were experiencing. As a company, they prepared for the extra jolt, something a large team of technicians stayed out of the activities to handle and monitor closely for any problems.

  He made a mental note to work on the Landry issue regardless of what Tristan said. He knew the guy wouldn’t like the way this all played out. He prayed, for the time being, they could continue on this course and he didn’t sabotage anything out of frustration. They needed the synergy both offices were building in order to make this thing a success.

  The feel of Tristan’s palm stroking his leg made it hard to think of anything other than what he truly needed at that moment—to see Tristan spread out on his office table, damn the consequences. The adrenaline coursing through him had him gripping Tristan’s hand and guiding the palm to his dick. Tristan grinned up at him and squeezed through his pants. The look of lust that flashed across Tristan’s eyes had his cock plumping even more. He already wanted Tristan so bad he hurt. Tristan didn’t waste any time unfastening his belt and trousers. Tristan’s strong hands stroked him lightly, almost reverently.

  “I wanted to do this all day.” Tristan growled and pushed Dylan’s slacks and underwear down arou
nd his thighs, then leaned in and mouthed his shaft. Tristan’s warm tongue licked and flicked at his sensitive tip before engulfing him in all that hot wet heat.

  “Feels good.” Dylan arched his hips forward and watched Tristan’s blond head move back and forth on his dick. Yeah, he’d wanted Tristan’s mouth on him all day too.

  “Have I ever told you how much I love your mouth?” Dylan slid his hands into Tristan’s hair and urged him on. His knees about buckled when Tristan did that swirly thing with his fist and tongue. He pumped his hips forward, pulling Tristan’s head into his thrust, fucking his hot mouth with abandon. His need to possess this man was overpowering. Tristan gagged around him but he couldn’t stop his movement; it felt too damn good, and hearing Tristan gag turned him on even more. He was being rougher than usual, but Tristan wasn’t complaining. In fact, his lover’s actions suggested he was into the moment as much as Dylan.

  When his dick hit the back of Tristan’s throat, Tristan moaned around him. The vibrations rushed through his body and settled in his balls. Dylan picked up his pace and thrust into Tristan’s mouth. He loved how Tristan alternated between squeezing his balls while rubbing and pressing his fingers into the area behind them. The suction of that warm wet mouth was entirely too much. He was going to come before they even got started if he didn’t do something now.

  He pulled out of Tristan’s mouth and used his fingers to tilt Tristan’s head back. His lover’s eyes lifted to meet his as he spoke. “I want you spread across this table or my desk. And we’re both gonna come while I’m buried deep in your tight ass.” Tristan groaned at his suggestion, and his own body tightened at the sound of Tristan’s approval.

  Tristan unfastened his pants and shoved them down his legs as he rushed to stand. He kicked his shoes off to the side and stepped out of his pants, leaving them in a bundle on the office floor.

  Damn! The guy’s gorgeous. Tristan’s grin was back in place as he strolled over to Dylan’s desk and shoved his papers and things to the side.

  “So is that a yes?” Dylan smiled at the look Tristan gave him.

  “Of course. You have all the best ideas.” The guy unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it to the floor, but didn’t bother to remove his tie, which was hot as hell. Dylan couldn’t take his eyes off Tristan. He stood quietly as he took in the sight in front of him. Tristan had on a black jock strap that framed his perfect bubble butt. God, that man was going to be the death of him.

  “This how you want me? Bent over your desk like this?” Tristan’s voice drew his attention from the thoughts building in his head. Dylan watched as Tristan spread his legs, pushed his ass out, and looked over his shoulder at him. Dylan squeezed the base of his own dick. He could have come just from the sight of Tristan’s tempting ass alone.

  “Yes, I think we’re on the same page.” Wasting no time, he stepped up behind Tristan’s wide-spread legs and ran his hand down and over his lover’s full, round ass then back up again, smiling when Tristan’s muscles quivered beneath his palm.

  “So beautiful.” He bent down and placed lingering kisses against Tristan’s back, then bit playfully at his shoulder. Dylan sucked the skin between his lips, lightly marking Tristan as his. Dylan’s dick left a trail of moisture along Tristan’s crevice as his lover groaned and moved against him. His body was in overdrive. He wanted this man, needed this man. He wrapped his arms around Tristan, pulling him up and back against his chest. He slid one hand down his flat stomach, moving lower to push away the thin piece of material and lovingly stroke his cock. Using his other hand, he palmed Tristan’s jaw, angling his head just right for a kiss.

  Tristan responded by sucking greedily at his lips. He opened for Tristan’s persistent tongue, meeting it with his own. He raked his fingers down Tristan’s neck and gripped the ice blue tie still hanging there. Wrapping the silk material around his hand, he tugged his lover closer. Dylan let everything out in that kiss—his feelings of inadequacy, his need for Tristan, along with the hunger that had been building from years of denying himself. This was who he was, and Tristan was the man he wanted. The kiss turned intense as they probed and explored each other’s mouth. He could kiss this man forever. Their tongues twisted and swirled in a heated dance that fueled his hunger. Dylan moaned into the kiss as they rocked hard against each other. He loosened his grip on the tie as Tristan broke from the kiss, dropped his head forward, and raised his hips.

  “Please…I need you in me, Dylan.”

  “And I will be.” Dylan licked and nibbled his way down Tristan’s spine, lowering himself to his knees. He spread Tristan’s ass cheeks wide, his dick twitched at the sight of this beautiful man in front of him. Dylan circled Tristan’s hole with his finger and used his tongue to tease his lover’s entrance. Tristan’s essence burst across his senses, intoxicating him. Dylan pressed his face against Tristan’s ass and worked him with his fingers and tongue. God, he loved the scent of his man, but his taste was even more incredible.

  “That feels so fucking amazing.” Tristan gasped and arched his back.

  Dylan pointed his tongue, pressed inside, and began fucking Tristan with his mouth. His lover moaned and writhed wantonly against his oral assault. Dylan’s own desire leaked against his skin, leaving the wetness cooling against overheated flesh. His need to be shrouded in his lover’s body became too much to bear. He pressed a kiss against Tristan’s butt cheek and sat back on his heels. “Please tell me you brought supplies.”

  “Always.” Tristan dropped several packets on the desk before handing one to Dylan. “Good thing I brought these hoping I’d get lucky tonight.” Dylan heard the teasing tone in his voice.

  “Always one step ahead. I like that in a man.” He stood, ripped opened the package, and spread the liquid across his fingers. “I believe we’re both gonna get lucky tonight.”

  “Too much talking and not enough action, Reeves. Now, give me what I want and don’t hold back. I’m a big boy.” Tristan lowered his chest back to the desk and spread his ass cheeks. Dylan lost his breath at the sight. It took him a few seconds before words formed and he was able to speak.

  “No holding back tonight, I promise.” He pressed two fingers against Tristan’s rim, circling them lightly across his opening before pushing them deep inside his lover in one swift motion. Tristan surged back on his fingers, the movement causing them both to moan. Dylan began driving his fingers in and out of Tristan, twisting and scissoring them as he opened his lover. Tristan kept pushing back on his digits, groaning and breathing hard. He curled his fingers and found that soft spongy knot and pressed. Tristan whimpered and widened his stance.

  “Want your dick stretching me…” Tristan hissed, grinding his hips faster against Dylan’s hand. Dylan added another finger and pumped them in time with Tristan’s movements. “I’m ready.”

  Dylan withdrew his fingers and hurriedly tore open the package then rolled the condom on. He gripped the base of his dick and positioned himself at Tristan’s opening. Dylan pressed the head of his erection into Tristan, slowly pushing past the tight ring of muscle before fully seating himself deep inside. Dylan froze for a moment, savoring the mind-numbing heat enveloping and drawing him in. After a few seconds, he began to move his hips.

  “Oh damn, Tristan.”

  “Fuck me. I wanna feel you move faster,” Tristan begged, driving himself back into Dylan.

  Dylan did as his lover suggested. He held on to Tristan’s hips and pulled out a fraction of an inch before pushing deeply inside Tristan. He repeated that movement over and over until he was almost pulling out completely and slamming back into his lover with powerful thrusts. Dylan took him hard and fast, driving deeper into Tristan with every snap of his hips. He canted his hips, changing his angle, and pounded into Tristan’s prostate over and over.

  “Yes, there…right there.” Tristan moaned, his fingers turning white from the grip he had on the desk.

  Dylan’s hips pistoned uncontrollably in and out of his lover’s body. The heat grew and
spread through him till Dylan thought he’d combust. The fire breathed at the bottom of his spine, expanding to the base of his skull.

  “I’m so close,” Dylan said through clenched teeth. Hunger and need spiraled deep inside his belly.

  Thrusting harder into Tristan, he reached around, shoved his hand in Tristan’s jock strap, and found his stiff, leaking cock. He freed him from the damp material and began to stroke him with long, firm movements.

  “Harder, fuck me harder,” Tristan demanded.

  Tristan cried out and came, hard tremors racking his body as his hot come spilled over Dylan’s fingers. His lover’s ass drew him in, constricting and clenching around him with every spasm, he couldn’t hold off his release any longer. Dylan pushed in deep, thrusting twice more before coming unglued, and completely losing himself in Tristan’s body.

  “Oh fuck, Tristan.” His balls tightened against his body, his muscles tensed, his dick started to pulse uncontrollably, emptying his load deep in his lover’s still contracting channel. Dylan slid his free hand up Tristan’s back, to the base of his neck and into his hair, pulling his head back. “You’re mine,” he growled possessively, forcefully plunging into Tristan a few more times, drawing out both of their orgasms.

  “Yes, yours,” Tristan answered as he gasped for air.

  Dylan collapsed on top of Tristan, neither moved except for the last few post orgasmic shudders as they spiraled back down to earth. Dylan loved the feeling of Tristan beneath him, their sweat-covered bodies pressed tightly together. What he’d shared with Tristan was something he had thought he could never have with anyone. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined he’d be in his office with Tristan Wilder bent over his desk. He was in love with this man. This man had found him and opened up a side of him that had been buried for so long. Dylan ran his nose up the back of Tristan’s neck and into his hair. “I love you, Tristan Wilder.”


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