defends himself at Riom 185, 419
and de Gaulle 444, 445, 449
as Popular Front premier 75, 88, 89, 90
right’s hatred of 98, 106, 107, 117
Blum, René 363, 367
Boegner, Marc 219, 370
Boislambert, Claude Hettier de 552
Boisson, Pierre 225, 391, 447, 457
Bollaert, Émile 463
Bonnard, Abel 213, 263, 264, 303, 307, 311, 338, 350, 371, 508, 553, 568, 569
Bonnet, Georges 90–1, 100, 102, 113, 172
Bonnier de la Chapelle, Fernand 447
Bonny, Pierre 191, 335
Bonsergent, Jacques 275
Bood, Micheline 337
Bordeaux 120, 121, 122, 127, 128, 142, 182, 188, 252, 286, 293, 423, 605
Bordeaux, Henry 279, 304
Boris, Georges 390, 396, 462, 464
Borotra, Jean 157, 338, 347, 350
Bory, Jean-Louis 508
Bourdet, Claude 16, 403, 404, 406, 411, 450, 454, 456, 461, 462, 470, 539, 595, 598, 607, 627, 628
Bourget, Paul 46
Bourgoin, Colonel 548–9
Bourvil 604, 605
Bousquet, Jacques 213
Bousquet, René 214, 216–19, 228–9, 260, 261, 265, 310, 360, 361, 481, 530, 616, 621, 623
Bouthillier, Yves 147, 148, 153, 174, 188, 213, 232, 252
Boverat, Fernand 33, 103
Braque, Georges 38, 311
Brasillach, Robert 5, 50, 65, 79, 201–2, 203, 209, 211, 586, 591
Brassaï 303
Braudel, Fernand 611
Brécard, Charles 152
Breker, Arno 311–12, 315, 322
Bremer, Karl-Heinz 199, 202, 309
Breton, André 300, 301
Briand, Aristide 81–5, 130, 131
Brinon, Fernand de 88, 213, 311, 553, 567, 577, 587
Brinton, Crane 553
Brooks, Howard 430
Brossolette, Pierre 8, 431, 432, 450, 454, 462, 463, 464, 465, 467, 521, 603
Bruckberger, Father Raymond-Léopold 581
Brunner, Aloïs 361, 380
Bucard, Marcel 71, 192
Buckmaster, Maurice 400
Buré, Émile 301
Burgard, Raymond 405
Burrin, Philippe 186, 206, 242–3, 317, 318
Buton, Philippe 559
Cachin, Marcel 442, 576
Cadogan, Alexander 389, 391, 543
Cagoule 77, 192, 193, 396, 428
Caillau, Michel 510, 511
Caillaux, Joseph 81, 98
Caïn, Julien 190
Camus, Albert 302, 310, 314, 492, 586, 591, 611
Capdevila, Luc 582, 583
Carcopino, Jerôme 148, 153, 156, 157, 371
Cardonne, Jacques 481
Carles, Fernand 266, 289
Carné, Marcel 319, 321, 322, 589
Carrel, Alexis 327, 329, 347, 351, 597
Cassin, René 134, 373, 390, 392, 396, 397
Cassou, Jean 403, 404, 442, 606
Catelas, Jean 420
Cathala, Pierre 131, 213, 216
Catholics 25, 49, 58, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 153, 231, 271, 418, 614
see also Church, Catholic
Catroux, Georges 390, 457, 458, 459, 516
Cavaillès, Jean 406, 410
Cayatte, André 604
Caziot, Pierre 148, 213
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand 40–2, 66, 106, 204, 205, 307, 568, 569, 587, 591, 609
Chaban-Delmas, Jacques 521, 547, 549, 562, 564, 607
Chabrol, Jean-Pierre 507
Chack, Paul 200
Chagall, Marc 300, 301
Chaillet, Pierre 270, 376, 418
Chambeiron, Robert 427
Chamson, André 29, 313
Chancerel, Léon 345
Chanel, Coco 335
Chapou, Jean-Jacques 485
Char, René 313
Chardonne, Jacques 205, 205–6, 208, 209, 283, 304, 307, 311, 316, 442, 481, 591, 609
Charles-Roux, François 168, 173
Charpentier, Jacques 372, 515
Chateaubriant, Alphonse de 200–1, 213, 320, 553, 569
Chevalier, Jacques 147, 156, 176, 177
Chevalier, Jean-Jacques 342
Chevalier, Maurice 313, 589
Chevance-Bertin, Maurice 471, 539
Chiappe, Angelo 266, 530
Chirac, Jacques 623, 631
Choltitz, Dietrich von 563, 565
Chomsky, Noam 620
Chouffet, Armand 107
Church, Catholic 69, 103, 571, 623
denounces labour service for women 332
and education 155–6
and Jews 370, 375–6
and Vichy regime 268–71, 482
and youth movements 161–2, 340–1
Churchill, Winston 112, 113, 129, 176, 177, 389, 390, 392, 394, 393, 395, 447, 448, 452, 452, 459, 529, 531, 541, 552, 557
cinema 286, 317
empire in 101
Franco-German cooperation in during 1920s 84
Jews depicted in 320–1
and Liberation 325–6
during Occupation 318–26, 506
post-war representations of Occupation in 2, 16, 604–5, 613, 626–7
tolerant attitude to illegitimacy in 330
Vichyite values in 319–20
Clair, René 300
Clark, General Mark 224
Claude, Georges 293–4
Claudel, Paul 301–2, 303, 307, 310, 315, 500, 586
Claudius-Petit, Eugène 411, 461, 607
Clément, René 604, 605
Clerc, Henri 255
Closon, Francis-Louis 469, 518, 519, 520, 538
Clouzot, Henri-Georges 324, 589
Cochet, Gabriel 385, 402, 415, 440
Cocteau, Roger [Gallois] 565
Cocteau, Jean 38, 191, 304, 309, 310, 311, 315, 322, 591, 609
Cohen, Gustave 301
Cointet, Michèle 12
Colette 201, 315
collaboration 12, 81, 140, 141, 266, 289, 293, 360
in the arts 311–12, 315–16
attitudes towards 254, 274–5, 285, 288, 302
business and 293–4
Church and 269
continues after Laval 174–6
discussions about military 183–4
economy and 185–9, 295–6
Empire and 172–3, 180–1
French government disillusion with 184–5
Germany and 170–1
Jews and 217–19, 234
jokes about 282–3
motives behind 168–9
National Revolution and 139, 179
policing and 181–2, 216–17, 264–5
propaganda for 254–5
results of 233–5
typology and definitions of 167–9, 239, 242–3, 295
women and 334–5
collaborationists 140, 190, 192, 306, 315, 354
and black market 191
enter government 232
final assault on Vichy 553–4
German attitudes to 194, 198, 200, 205
and Laval 213, 220–1, 229–31
leftists among 195–7
numbers of 194–5
and press 200–1
at Sigmaringen 568–9
among writers 201–12
Colson, General Louis-Antoine 147
Comert, Pierre 396
Communists 24, 50, 242, 298, 594, 596
advocate insurrection 503, 541–3, 558, 561–7
and anti-Communism before 1940 67, 79, 92, 98, 99
attitudes to women 508, 596
CDLs and 519–20, 537–8, 575–6
criticize Silence de la Mer 442
de Gaulle and 445, 538
denounce attentisme 468, 516, 502, 540
immigrants and 423, 424, 496–8, 598
influence in Resistance 498–9
influence over CNR 465, 473–4
intellectuals and 301, 304, 500–2
join CNR 456, 466, 468
Liberation policies of 515–16, 574–6
Maquis and 485
mass mobilisation policy of 443
memory of Resistance and 601–2, 603, 605, 627
National Front 422, 425, 444, 466–7
patriotic militias and 537–8, 541, 566, 575
in phoney war 114–16
possible seizure of power and 527–8
pre-1940 history of 65, 66, 67, 74, 76, 77, 89, 91–2, 103
purges and 577, 592
relations with Germans in 1940 419–22
repression of 151, 182, 216, 261, 262, 265, 422, 424
Resistance movements and 425, 444, 467–8, 470–1, 549
target professionals for Resistance 499
terrorism of 158, 182, 423–4, 442–3
communitarianism 59, 147, 154, 350, 352–3
Congé, François 268
Conseil national 12, 153–4, 159, 161
Costantini, Pierre 192, 328
Copeau, Jacques 345
Copeau, Pascal 406, 411, 444, 455, 456, 461, 462, 465, 470, 471, 474, 508, 537, 539
Coquoin, Roger 411
Cordier, Daniel 17–19, 628, 630
Corporatism 100, 149, 161
Cortot, Alfred 153, 312
Coste-Floret, Afred 404
Coston, Henri 199
Cot, Pierre 54, 92, 395, 396, 427, 428, 456
Coulaudon, Émile 545, 548
Coulet, François 552
Courtin, René 404, 515, 516
Cousteau, Pierre-Antoine 610
Coutrot, Jean 61, 75, 327
Couve de Murville, Maurice 186, 226, 263
Crémieux, Benjamin 39
Creyssel, Paul 214
Cruvillier, Louis 418
Daladier, Édouard 54, 55, 90, 91, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 125, 143, 185, 214, 311, 399, 587, 596
Dallidet, Raymond 424
Dandieu, Armand 37, 58, 63
Dannecker, Theodor 215, 218, 356, 358, 365
Daquin, Louis 506–7
Darlan, Admiral François 12, 121, 155, 157, 159, 173, 175, 176, 177, 189, 256, 261, 275, 281, 283, 331, 341, 588
allied landings in North Africa and 222–6, 447
anti-clericalism of 156
assassination of 448
collaboration policy of 178–84
dismissal of 185
government of 146–7, 148
Jews 356, 364
personality 178
Darnand, Joseph 230, 231, 232, 530, 531, 532
Darquier de Pellepoix, Louis 358, 361, 614, 620
Darrieux, Danielle 323
Dautry, Raoul 61, 95, 99, 163
Déat, Marcel 63, 146, 213, 200, 230, 308, 312, 608
credulity of 144, 553, 610
and Doriot 197–8
founds RNP 193–4
joins government 530, 568
opposes war 101, 114
proposes fascist single party 143–4, 196, 221
radicalisation of 231
at Sigmaringen 568–9, 610
as Socialist 54, 55, 62
supports Munich 92
Debarge, Charles 424
Debré, Michel 99, 499, 515, 518, 607
Debré, Robert 363, 597
Debû-Bridel, Jacques 240
Decour, Jacques 499, 500, 502
Defferre, Gaston 419, 445, 607, 615
Degliame, Marcel 17, 472, 473, 539
Dehove, Paul 267
Deiss, Raymond 411
Dejean, Maurice 399, 400
Dejussieu, Pierre 464, 539
Delannoy, Jean 322
Delaunay, Robert 37
Delay, Bishop 376
Delestraint, Charles 436, 450, 454, 461, 462, 453, 520, 547
Delmas, André 92, 93
Deloncle, Eugène 78, 192–3, 196
Demolins, Édmond 156
Dënoel, Robert 307, 591
Dentz, General Henri 392, 393
Derain, André 303, 312, 317
Derrien, Admiral Louis 225
Desgranges, Abbé Jean-Marie 609
Desnos, Robert 346
Detmar, Charles 261
Detoeuf, Auguste 61, 94, 100
Dewever, Jean 604
Dhavernas, Henri 152, 338, 339
Didier, Paul 262
Diethelm, André 400, 516
Dolivet, Louis 427, 428
Dorgelès, Roland 34
Dorgères, Henri 69, 70, 71
Doriot, Jacques 78–9, 94, 98, 103, 144, 193–4, 197–8, 210, 213, 220, 229, 230, 568
Dormoy, Marx 106, 192
Doumergue, Gaston 56, 72, 89, 123, 124, 143
Doyen, Paul 181
Dreyfus, Alfred 5, 23, 25, 44, 45, 46, 57, 67, 75, 97, 109, 112, 275, 314, 396
Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre 39, 60, 158, 243, 275, 308, 311, 553, 587, 591, 609
attacks Aragon 500
disillusioned with collaboration 209, 211–12
fascism of 210–11
and NRF 205–9, 304, 500
obsessed with virility 34, 211
and PPF 78, 103
pre-war career of 209–10
saves Paulhan 316
Dronne, Raymond 565
Druon, Maurice 625
Drouot, Henri 439, 479
Duchamp, Marcel 300
Duchesne, Jacques 398–9
Duclos, Jacques 420, 421, 536, 575
Duhamel, Georges 35–7, 303, 315, 482
Dullin, Charles 315
Dumazadier, Joffre 342, 598
Dumérial, Edmond 240–1
Du Moulin de Labarthète, Henri 145, 152, 159, 161, 163, 213, 266, 349
Dumoulin, Georges 197
Dupuy, Pierre 176, 177
Duroselle, Jean-Baptiste 12, 75, 180
Duverger, Maurice 372
Duvivier, Julien 301
Eden, Anthony 393, 394, 395, 459
education 52, 66, 155–7, 514
Eichmann, Adolf 215, 217, 613
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 222, 457, 459, 543, 544, 552, 557, 562, 565
Elbel, Paul 107, 501, 591
Emery, Léon 87
Empire 176
allies land in 221–2
celebration of after Munich 93–4, 101–2
and collaboration 180–1, 183, 220, 227
and collaborationists 219–20, 229–30
loss of by Vichy 223–6, 230
possibility of fighting from 121–2, 126–7, 128
Vichy and 172–3, 177–8
Epting, Karl 171, 309, 314
Erlanger, Philippe 363, 367
Ernst, Max 300, 308, 310
Ésteva, Admiral Jean-Pierre 225, 587
Exodus 119–20, 166, 246, 272, 280, 289, 302, 307, 333, 363, 373, 419
Fabrègues, Jean de 345, 353, 509
Fabre-Luce, Alfred 78, 81, 82, 93, 103, 199, 207, 208, 209, 280, 283, 311
Falkenhausen, General Alexandre von 135
Farge, Yves 411, 414
Fascism 23, 73–4, 78, 79, 144, 157–61, 210, 214, 261
Faure, Paul 89, 92, 93, 101, 102, 107, 114, 418, 622
Faurrisson, Robert 620
Fäy, Bernard 190, 211
Febvre, Lucien 7, 77, 317, 318, 405, 611
Ferdonnet, Paul 117
Fernandel 323
Fernandez, Ramon 78, 208
Fernet, Admiral Jean 553
Fessard, Gaston 270, 418
Flandin, Pierre-Étienne 72, 90, 93, 94, 100, 116, 132, 132, 145, 146, 153, 173, 175, 177, 186, 441, 513
Flouret, Marcel 563
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 48, 123, 124, 126, 127
Foissin, Robert 421
Fonck, René 172
Forestier, Marcel-Denys 69, 152
Forman, Pierre 400, 401
Foucault, Michel 626
Fouchet, Max-Pol 240, 305
Fourcade, Marie-Madeleine 491
Franco, Francisco 125, 156, 172
Freemasons 45, 150–1, 158–9, 190, 191, 198–9, 200, 213, 214,
216, 231, 261, 267, 321, 414, 619
Friedländer, Saul 377–8
Frenay, Henri 16, 405, 418, 429, 437, 438, 593
in Algeria 462, 516
anti-Communism of 472, 628–30
attitude to Vichy 3, 415, 425, 426
background of 404
early resistance activities of 407, 408, 410, 411
and de Gaulle 386, 430, 446, 460–1
1940 manifesto of 3
and Moulin 18, 19, 428, 436, 445, 451, 453, 455–6, 521, 628–30
relations with other Resistance leaders 426, 436, 455–6
seeks American funds 455
views for post-Liberation 513–14
Fresnay, Pierre 312, 322, 325, 589
Friedmann, Georges 318
Fry, Varian 300
Fuks, Simon 377
Fumet, Stanislas 270, 418, 501
Funès, Louis de 605
Gabin, Jean 301, 319, 604
Gallimard, Gaston 97, 205, 303, 304, 305, 304, 311, 314, 316, 499, 500, 591
Galtier-Boissière, Jean 249, 286, 567
Gamelin, Maurice 118, 119
Gance, Abel 318
Garel, Gerorges 370, 376
Garric, Robert 69, 152, 259
Garrone, Louis 161
Gaulle, Charles de 5, 7, 43, 85, 121, 269, 291, 307, 609
arrival in liberated Normandy 551–3
arrives in liberated Paris 565–7, 570
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