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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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by Unknown


  Vamp Yourself for War


  Christin M Lovell

  Diary of a Vampeen

  Copyright © 2011 by Christin M Lovell


  *Note: Photo on the book cover is owned and provided by:


  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to my son, Kaleb. You carry the same ability to charm all those you encounter simply by being yourself. Never change.

  2 If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us: 3 Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us: 4 Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul: 5 Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. 7 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.

  Psalm 124:2-5;7 KJV

  Chapter 1

  “This is a super car – think Batmobile. You don’t have to pound the gas to get somewhere. Ease down gently on the right pedal,” Kellan instructed.

  I sat in the driver’s seat of the new Mercedes my dad gifted me at my birthday party yesterday. As he promised my parents, Kellan took me out to a deserted lot for driver’s ed. I’d carried my permit for seven months now and had an appointment to get my license at 7am on Monday. This left me roughly forty-three hours to learn everything.

  “You know, I’m glad you’re a vampire,” I babbled aimlessly to Kellan with a smirk on my face.

  “Why is that?” he chuckled.

  “Quick reflexes and harder to kill. I can’t give you a heart attack if I royally suck at driving, which seems to be the case thus far.”

  “Just press the gas pedal,” he stated moving past my unexpected appreciation over his vampiric DNA.

  I gently tapped the pedal sending the tiniest bit of gas into the engine yet the car leapt forward with a vengeance. Thinking fast I slammed my foot on the break sending Kellan against the dash and myself into the steering wheel despite my similarly enhanced reflexes.

  “Ha… ha… oops,” I smiled sheepishly.

  “Ok. Next time don’t hit the break, just ease up on the gas and the car will steady itself,” he advised. Despite the almost-smash of his body into the dash, he remained calm, patient.

  “Okay,” I agreed inching my foot down again. The car sped off reaching fifty-five miles-per-hour in two seconds. Heeding his advice, I let up a few centimeters and the car steadied to a safe thirty miles-per-hour.

  “Good. That was really good,” he praised. “Now lightly come down on the break.”

  I removed my foot, switched from gas to break apparently too fast since the car abruptly jerked to a halt. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kellan tossed forward a few inches though my speed wasn’t outrageous.

  “Sorry,” I said. My facial expression showed my embarrassment. I’m stubborn sometimes. I don’t like the learning process – it clearly displays my ignorance on a subject.

  “It’s ok, you’ll get it,” he encouraged. “I won’t let you stop until you do.”

  “You really are better than my parents when it comes to this stuff,” I commented. “But we’ve been going at this for an hour and I’m bored, not to mention frustrated.”

  He opened the door and came around to my side. I put the car in park as he opened my door.

  “Umm… What are you doing?” I questioned hesitantly.

  “Teaching you how to drive. Get out for a sec.” I sat for a minute before giving in to his request. As soon as I exited he adjusted the seat back and slid into the driver’s spot. “Now sit on my lap.”

  “You’re joking, right?” I was dumbfounded.

  “Not at all. Sit,” he ordered.

  I stood staring at him cautiously. Apparently becoming a vampeen hadn’t erased all fear and rational from me, which is definitely a good thing in my book.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Hey, no trick questions!”

  “Come here Lexi.”

  “Ok, I’m trusting you,” I said slipping into his lap.

  “Now, hands on the wheel,” he instructed. I properly placed my hands on ten and two; he placed his directly below mine. “Put your foot on top of mine. You’re going to feel how I drive, how much pressure I do and don’t apply on the pedals,” he explained.

  “Umm. Okay. I trust you,” I reiterated, more for my self-assurance than anything since I was blind and didn’t see how this would work.

  “Good. Now put the car in drive.”

  I obeyed. I copied his move from the break to the gas never losing his shoe beneath my own. We started out with him in control and I just mimicked his moves as a puppet. I calculated the push he pressed each time to the break and gas pedals; stop and go, right turn, left turn, up and down the aisles of the abandoned parking lot.

  After a few minutes he let go of the steering wheel allowing me to control our direction as he determined our speed. We sat silently as I maneuvered through the course. Having stationed my foot atop his for at least five minutes now, having crossed atop his from break to gas so often, I didn’t realize until I stopped at the far end of the lot that I was in control; that I had been driving the last two lanes. I pulled into a spot and locked the car into park.

  “I did it!” I squealed.

  “Very nice,” he commented. “But we’re far from done.”

  “Ugh. Way to burst my bubble,” I pouted.

  He chuckled, “The worst is over. Coordination of the pedals is the hardest part to master.”

  “Ok, what’s next?” I prompted.

  “Three point turns,” he announced sliding from under me to the passenger’s seat.

  It took one try for me to successfully complete a three point turn, although my enhanced vision and new mathematically driven mind did assist me in this objective.

  “Perfect. Now, last but not least, parallel parking,” he grinned.

  “How do I practice without cones?”

  “Easy. With me.” He got out of the car and stood acting as the position of the front bumper of a vehicle. I swung the car into reverse moving sideways and backwards simultaneously until I was inches from Kellan. One second later he was in front positioned as a rear bumper. I chuckled devilishly to myself before hitting the gas pedal. Kellan heard the acceleration instantly and jumped out of the way. I slammed the break stopping abruptly several centimeters from where he was standing prior.

  I rolled down the window smiling innocently, “I for sure thought you weren’t afraid of anything.”

  He tried to keep from smiling but couldn’t. “You got me. That was good. Actually, that was a Craig move.”

  Kellan’s best friend, Craig, still lived in Seattle. I knew he’d missed the male companionship since he moved to Charleston, South Carolina a little over a month ago. Yesterday, Kellan gave up his iPod for me, gifted it to me as a birthday present though I knew it was his favorite possession. So in return, I was going to secretly get Craig here before the end of the month.

  “So, now that I’ve passed the course, can I drive back to the hotel? I promised Mel I’d have brunch with her.”

  “As long as you stay out of the slow lane,” he stipulated.

  “Now I have to drive like a grandma just to irritate you.”

  “Don’t even try it,” he warned.

  “Kiss me and I won’t,” I leveraged. He slid into the passenger’s seat. He gent
ly took my hand, despite me being close to indestructible he was still gentle in his caress, and kissed the back of it.

  “You know that doesn’t count, right?!”

  “You know you didn’t specify where I had to kiss you,” he smirked. “Drive back in the fast lane and I’ll revisit your request.”

  “Okay. You got me. You may want to buckle up though,” I suggested at the challenge.

  Every day I’d spent with Kellan, I’d discovered a new part of me. I didn’t realize I held a competitive lever within me. Even more tell-tale was my rebellion surfacing from time to time since his appearance. Of course, he appeared just as I learned of my true heritage.

  “O.M.G. Lex!” Mel cried as I entered her hotel room fresh from my lesson. “The video already has 5,237 hits!”

  Of course, my best friend was referring to the tape of Jason and Jenny, the king and queen of the pop crowd, reacting to my remarkable transformation at my birthday party last night. I admit it was a drastic change. I went from a fat, blemished teen to a fit, attractive vampeen blurring the lines between a human and a vampire. Even I was still amazed when I caught my reflection; another vamp myth killed.

  Mel enjoyed their faces though. So much so that the moment it ended she raced back to her room to upload her masterpiece to YouTube.

  “Holy sugarplums!” I sarcastically replied.

  “That was such a low blow. I’m blonde but so not stupid,” she grumbled.

  “Yea, yea. You know I love you,” I smiled as we slid onto her unmade bed, cozying up to her laptop near the edge.

  “I do. That’s why I put up with you.”

  “Ha. Ha. I can’t believe we have that many hits in what, seven hours?”

  “I know. The whole class must be pasting the link. I’m not the only one who despises those two.”

  “True. So are you going to breakfast in your PJ’s or are you going to change?” I pressed as Mel closed her laptop.

  “I have to get dressed,” she whined.


  “Lex, have you checked your reflection lately? If I ever want to get a guy around you I have to practice and present,” she said, standing to cipher through the clothes in her bag.

  “Practice and present? Do detail,” I insisted.

  “Practice as in make sure I primp myself daily with make-up, nice clothes and the curling iron or flat iron to be best presentable. Practice and present,” she explained with precision and pep.

  “Uh huh… Don’t you already do that most of the time anyways?”

  “Most of the time… before. Listen Lex, please don’t take offense but I feel like I have to work overtime to stand a chance next to you now. Before I could bum-it sometimes, but I don’t feel I can anymore,” she sighed with a twinge of depression seeping in.

  The worst part was I’d felt that way next to her before. The difference however was I didn’t even try to hold my own. I allowed Mel’s size zero beauty to swallow me whole. At times I would get depressed, experience a stint of jealousy, but for the most part I ignored it allowing myself to drown in low self-confidence, to sit in comfort within her shadow.

  The design comparisons separated us though. I was fat, had acne, wore glasses sometimes and made no attempt to appear fashionable. Mel is skinny, has perfect skin, always has the cutest, coordinated outfits and carries the personality of a bubbly funshine bear. Bottom line was she stood a chance beside me now but I never did before. It still baffled me as to how or even why she felt so insecure.

  “Okay. Number one, wake up! You are gorgeous. You’re the whole kit and caboodle fit into the perfect, tiny package. Number two, hello?! I’m not single. So even if some guy was stupid enough to pass on you, I would reject him and shoot him back to you. And last, there is no freaking comp Mel. I would never compare myself to you as the standard or one to beat. So don’t do that to me. We’re a team. We together put people like Jenny in that position not each other. Now get dressed and I’ll be back in a minute,” I commanded.

  “Where are you going?” she asked still processing everything I’d said despite her curiosity being voiced.

  “To change. I feel like bumming it,” I winked as I left her room.

  It’s never my intention or desire to overshadow anyone, especially Mel. I recalled every emotion harbored within my self-esteem plunge over the years. I could be crowned Miss America tomorrow and my self-doubt would still linger. Though I looked like a model now, I still felt like the old Lexi inside which was just how I wanted to be. Just because I was part vampire didn’t mean I should lose my humanity. And if dressing down in sweats and a tee would make my best friend feel better about herself then I would.

  I was shocked still at how quickly the tables turned. I was still adjusting to my alternate form of travel, a.k.a. running or speed racing as my dad called it. Another twist is the constant noise. I hear beyond concrete walls to their keeper’s chat and the blip of a frog hopping in the rain. And now I heard my Aunt Claire chatting away with a friend in her suite, my parents getting dressed and discussing last night simultaneously in their room. I heard another couple down the hall in quite a promiscuous rumple – wish I could tune that out.

  My hearing had magnified in such a dramatic way enhancing my surroundings with both good and bad echoes. The first few days my head was pounding non-stop. I often wished it came with a remote containing up and down volume controls and a mute button. However, given my time, I had adjusted as well as expected and possible. Kellan had supported me every step of the way. He and Mel had kept me from losing my sanity.

  I zipped into my room for my two second wardrobe change.

  “That was nice of you,” Kellan stated from the balcony.

  “You know you really shouldn’t eavesdrop,” I replied as I swiped my hair into a quick ponytail. “But since you did, you think this is scruffy enough?”

  “I don’t think you could ever look scruffy but you do look casual,” he commented.

  “Casual and comfy, though I haven’t worn an outfit that wasn’t since becoming a vampeen.”

  “It comes with the territory. Your skin is no longer sensitive to the environment and surfaces it contacts,” he casually explained, taking a sip from his coffee mug, though I knew that’s not what was in there.

  “Can I have some? I need to make sure I can swallow at least half a plate of food with Mel,” I asked stepping outside to take in the morning air and high tide with him.

  “Of course,” he said passing the warm mug to me. I took a sip of the contents to taste for flavor.

  “Let me guess… B positive?” I raised the cup to my lips again.

  “Getting close. AB positive,” he answered, beaming over my progress.

  A smile lifted within me. He still takes my breath away especially when he smiles. His dark brown hair was being blown slightly by the wind. And his emerald green eyes are deep and sultry; they lure me into him every time. And his lips are perfectly proportionate and highlighted by the dimple on his left cheek. When he grins and displays his little quirk I just melt, even though it’s physically impossible for a vampeen. Inside though, I was pudding. And his dimple drew me down to his jaw, strong yet soft at the edges.

  All of his allure doesn’t lie in his face alone though. His body is solid muscle clearly defined yet not overwhelming. He is slim, far from lanky but not quite army beefcake material. Standing at around six feet, he is the perfect height and form to encapsulate me with a hug. My face fits perfectly within the center dip of his chest where he always spritzes his cologne for me. I guess my main point is he’s perfect for me; alluring and captivating in every way. I so easily get lost in him, beside him. This is the only time I’m able to successfully tune out the world around me, when I’m lost in the wonder of him.

  “Lexi,” Kellan whispered breaking my concentration. I didn’t realize how close he was. He took the mug from my hands and gently kissed my forehead. “Mel is walking to our room now,” he announced.

  “Oh. Right. I hea
r her. I’ll see you later,” I replied.

  I opened the door just as Mel was about to knock. “Perfect timing. I was just about to go get you,” I smiled.

  “Awesome blossom,” she perked in response.

  Taking in her appearance, I saw that she’d decided to bum it as well. We were paired in our favorite Victoria Secret capris, mine green and hers pink. And while I went with a white slim fit tee with flip flops, Mel decided on a navy blue tee and sneakers.

  Noticing my quick eye she explained, “You were right. And yes write it down cause I’m admitting it, but what you said was true. I shouldn’t try to compete with you. We’re a team, sisters, and I shouldn’t allow my insecurities to ruin that.”

  “I’m glad you came to your senses,” I chuckled. “Now what do you want for breakfast? I hear your stomach growling.”

  “Would I look like a pig if I ordered one of everything?” she groaned and laughed at the same time as she moved her hands to her stomach.

  “As long as I don’t have to match what you eat,” I smirked as we stepped into the elevator.

  “It’s a deal.”

  We entered the lobby and made our way towards the onsite restaurant. It baffles me how the cheap hotels always have free continental breakfast yet the ones that charge an arm and a leg make you fork over more cash to eat. I suppose their rational is if you can afford our rooms, you can afford to buy your own breakfast.

  Nonetheless we entered the restaurant and were promptly greeted by a hostess wearing black pants, a button up white shirt and a nametag displaying ‘Heather.’ She led us to a window table peering directly out on the ocean, though every table had some sort of view. Three walls in the four walled restaurant were entirely floor to vaulted ceiling glass, broadly displaying the painted view of the beach, pier and historic homes surrounding the coastline.

  Most of the tables were vertical and lined up to the windows with the larger groups within the center. A closer look showed these were the same collection of pieces the hotel used at my party for seating, though no couches were in sight.


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