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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 10

by Unknown

  “Alexa?” he whispered. I nodded, looked around briefly and then flew to his side at vamp speed.

  “Name’s Rico. Follow me,” he stated. Rico stood about 5’9”, dark brown hair falling a little past his shoulders, the dark brown eyes and a gorgeous tan on a semi-buff bod. All these tan vampires were making me jealous that I didn’t visit the beach more before I transformed; I was also noticing a pattern. Almost all the guards I’d seen had muscles to flash. The subtle detail that stood out on Rico was a scar that ran diagonal from his left temple across half his forehead up to his hairline.

  He led me down the alley to a door that was labeled ‘Stairs – Fire Exit Only.’ He placed his hand on the vertical door handle. A green light flashed and the door unlocked. It was a clever disguise. Humans who tried to enter would assumed it’s locked or an exit from the inside only type door when it didn’t open.

  We immediately entered a stairwell with only an option to go down. We raced down the three flights, through a grey metal door and into a white room. (I was shocked… not) A short Asian woman greeted Rico.

  “Hey Rico. What’s happenin Papi?” she giggled and batted her eyes, which were pale blue. – Could she come on any stronger?

  “Gotta newbie here,” he announced pointing back at me. She gave me the once over.

  “Stand against the wall and spread your arms,” she directed, her tone hard compared to moments ago. Nonetheless I listened. She scanned me as the other blue-eyed guy did hours before.

  “She’s clear,” she said. “Call me later Papi,” she winked at Rico.

  “Sure,” he replied. It was obvious he wasn’t into the girl. We walked through the other door and were in a subway station type replication with a turn style and mirror, clearly a looking window. Rico swiped his card, scanned his hand and went through the turn style. “Wait a sec. I have to enter a code for you.”

  I decided to make small talk. “The girl back there, it’s obvious you don’t feel the same way she does. Why didn’t you just tell her?” I asked.

  “Cause outside the puppy love, she’s a good lay,” he answered bluntly. “Scan your hand on the pad, count to three and walk through,” he commanded.

  I obeyed and we exited another grey door straight onto the crazy business floor.

  “Auggy is in the Battle Room,” Roxy advised on her way to another office.

  “It’s this way,” Rico prompted, leading me across the floor to a conference room that actually had a table, but now there were no chairs. Inside Auggy was talking to another officer.

  Abruptly he threw up a hand to silence the officer. He turned to Rico and glared so strongly that I thought fire was going to flare from him. Auggy got right up in his face. “Get your head out of the gutter and your mind off sleeping with Alexa! She’s a minor! I catch you thinking like that you’re off to camp. Now get back to work!” he yelled. Rico quickly left.

  He turned back to the officer who stood at attention. “Sarz you’re dismissed. Close the door,” he ordered. The vamp was gone in half a second.

  “Let’s get down to business,” he prompted. “What do you know or have you heard about the Bladangs?”

  “Basics. Not a lot but definitely enough.”

  “We need several people on the inside. This gang of slums has launched an attack on our Florida force. They’ve converted a quarter of our ranks with cash and flash. We’ve had to lock out all officers and guards on our special high security task force. It’s a disgrace, an utter disgrace,” he briefed, anger and frustration clear in his expressions.

  “I don’t know if this helps but Mike, my ex who’s obsessed with me, was recently turned by the Bladangs. He’s working with them,” I offered.

  “That’s an excellent in. You can rekindle a romance with this new vampire and have him present you to the Bladang leaders. It quickly gives you an alibi and a way inside. Once in, ideally, try to learn their plans and codes. Try to penetrate the higher circles and uncover their strategies. Your primary goal is to find their weak spot. With this info, we can launch a counter attack when they least expect it and over throw the Palace,” he rambled eyes sparkling with hope.

  “What or who is the Palace?” I asked.

  “It’s their version of the White House. It’s where he would present you to the leaders. Look,” he pressed a button and suddenly the table glowed of a 4-D live map of the forest. He zoomed in to show me what looked like a log cabin.

  “That’s it?” I was far from impressed.

  “Don’t be fooled by appearances Alexa. There’s more artillery in the cellar of that shack than in half the world. And they have advanced technology even we can’t pay to obtain. Think smart. There’s always a reason why a gang hasn’t been erased, usually it’s because the loss risk outweighs their potential threat. It’s only because they attacked us that we’re fighting them,” he challenged. It made sense. I assumed it was the same as in the human world.

  “Do you have men inside already?” I checked. It would be great to know I wasn’t alone.

  “Two. Stacia has been on assignment for three months, but can’t get close enough. She hasn’t reported anything new in weeks. And Caesar has been on the project a year. He’s in one of the higher circles but they still don’t trust him. That’s why I need you. You’re new enough to pass the smell test, have this Mike guy to get you in, and with your gift you can pass any mind test they have,” he detailed.

  “My gift, as you like to call it, is only that I can’t smell humans, vamps or blood.”

  “I think you know it’s more. You even optioned this idea to Kellan. You can protect certain things within your mind,” he countered, squaring off with me.

  “I’m not even sure it works like that.” I was worried about being wrong.

  “It does. I know because this entire conversation hasn’t passed through your thoughts once yet you’ve answered my questions and obviously considered the project, correct?”

  “Yes,” I acknowledged, caught off guard by the verification.

  “You’re worried about protecting yourself in case they can do as we have in mind probing. It has prompted your gift into motion. I must admit, it’s fascinating,” he marveled while staring at my head.

  I stood motionless staring at the image in front of me. I noticed guards in the trees and a few on foot. I thought about the concept of it all of course, but mainly I was calculating the danger involved. Kellan and my parents were lingering in my consideration.

  “How long would I be on assignment if I agree?”

  “Depends how long it takes for us to gather a weak spot. As soon as you give word, the officers and guards will take over and your job is done,” he answered, his eyes directly on me waiting for the green light.

  I hesitated. This was like deciding whether you’re willing to go to war to protect your family. I respected the military a lot more after this.

  “Okay. Give me twenty-four hours before I start. I need to gather and prepare myself.”

  “Great. We appreciate it Alexa. Now listen to my instructions. In seventy-two hours I expect a report. How you report is silently. I will meet you in the garage; make sure no one follows you. Regardless I will not speak and neither will you. I will retrieve the info from your thoughts. Any responses or updates I will write out and quickly destroy. If you’re in trouble, you will press the panic button on this ring,” he instructed. He handed me a yellow gold ring with a large emerald stone. It looked like an actual antique fashion ring from the fifties. I placed it on my right middle finger.

  “If you press it, we’re coming and your cover’s blown. So only do it as a last resort. Caesar and Stacia will be advised of your arrival and your alliance with us. Go along with whatever they say. Once you’ve gone out there, when you come back to see your family and Bancroft, you cannot speak. They will most likely bug you without your knowledge. Write on paper and nothing else. They will also tap your cell so no texts or calls you don’t want them to hear. Any questions?”

  “Will I be updated with Stacia and Caesar’s finds?”

  “Only if I feel it’s important or will help you in any way.”

  “If I find a weak point the first day, will you act on it?”

  “Most likely, but only if it’s penetrable.”

  “Well, F.Y.I., I’ll be looking for a weak point asap. I want this to be over with quickly. How do I contact you if I need to?”

  “Text ‘call me’ to my phone. That ring has a tracker inside so I’ll meet you anywhere in five minutes. If I’m away Rico will be there.”

  “Okay,” I stated, the nerves kicking into overdrive.

  “You’re protected Alexa. I won’t let anything happen to my best weapon,” he assured me. “Rico!” he called. He was in the room in a second ready for his orders.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Escort Alexa out and report back here in five minutes.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good-bye for now Alexa,” Auggy said with a slight nod.


  I couldn’t believe this was happening, that it’s real. I just signed myself up for mission impossible…

  Chapter 9

  Rico escorted me out the same way I had left before. I was relieved and overwhelmed when I reached my car. It hit me that I’d agreed to infiltrate the camp of a known enemy beside Mike of all people, but it didn’t sink in all the way. The obvious thoughts of fear and possibility ran through my mind, but emotionally I was numb. I knew what I had to do, had my strategy mapped out already. And while it was dangerous, I was more afraid of telling Kellan, Mel and my parents than following my plan of action.

  I picked up my cell phone and dialed Kellan.

  “Lexi?” he answered on edge. I could tell he had been stressing.

  “It’s me. Are you at my house or yours?” I asked trying to determine where I was headed.

  “Actually I’m at Mel’s with Craig,” he replied. “I didn’t, couldn’t,” he corrected, “Be alone while you were gone…”

  “I understand. I’ll be there in a few.” I closed my phone.

  He sounded miserable. His voice was full of depression and nerves. He wasn’t himself and I was the one to blame. Did I really make the right decision? First my dad, now Kellan and I was sure my mom and Mel would feel bad, they just wouldn’t be as… severe I guessed.

  I pulled into Mel’s driveway. Kellan was sitting alone on the porch steps. He looked so lonely and cold. Without stepping out or speaking one word, I knew his walls of defense were up.

  I sat in the car for a minute. We looked into each other’s eyes from afar, neither one of us moved. It was this long, silent moment of desire, understanding, and finally compromise. I now realized how my mom and Kellan spoke with their eyes alone the day he told me he was a vampire.

  In the old black and white movies it was common to see a tearful good-bye with few words spoken. I believe those to be more passionate than all the adoring words one person can speak. And the highest intensity farewells are the ones where they stare at each other for a good while before running together to embrace one final time.

  I blinked and Kellan was in the passenger seat of my car.

  “I can’t do this any longer. Just tell me,” he pleaded looking at my dashboard, then the floor, everywhere but at me.

  “Are you sure you want to hear this now?” I started to object but he cut me off.

  “Just tell me.”

  “Infiltration of the Bladangs. My mission is to get into the higher circles and locate a weak point for Auggy’s team to attack. My get in free ticket lies with Mike. Auggy thinks I should make up with him and have him present me to the Leaders. It gives me an alibi.” I sat silently waiting for him to respond. I couldn’t look at him. I was too afraid of what I’d see. I guessed his reaction ahead of time but given the silence I wasn’t sure anymore.

  After five minutes of nothing I peered over at him. He had a solid blank stare straight through my windshield to the back of his car. He was motionless and sat still as a statue.

  “Kellan?” I whispered.


  “Please say something, anything…”


  “At least move a finger or take a breath so I know you’re hearing me,” I pleaded, slightly worried by his reaction or lack thereof.

  He finally turned to face me. The expression on his face was clearly one of pain.

  “If you’re going to do this, at least let me claim you,” he spoke calmly.

  “I’m not sure that would help me…”

  “Are you saying you don’t want to be with me?”

  “Kellan, stop. You know that’s not true. But I do have to pass as Mike’s girlfriend in front of the Leaders. It won’t help me to smell of another vampire,” I tried to rationalize with him, but his look prompted doubt.

  “So you’re saying you don’t want to be with me, to reek of me?” he asked enraged.

  “Kellan calm down. You know that’s not true. You know I love you.”

  “Then prove it,” he demanded.


  “Have sex with me.”

  “Kellan, my first time is not going to be to prove some irrational proclamation,” I argued. “I love you but I also love myself enough to demand respect on that subject.”

  He was quiet before speaking again. “If you won’t give or share some part of yourself with me then what guarantee do I have that you’ll come back to me?”

  “You have my word and my love,” I replied. For that one moment I understood how he felt. I imagined myself the pudgy teen from a few weeks back. In that form I would have grasped for the same confirmation as Kellan was given my insecurities, but he shouldn’t have any. He’s perfect, to me anyways.

  Suddenly he was laughing.

  “Um… what did I miss?” I studied him leerily.

  “I’m sorry babe. I know I’m being irrational and possibly delusional but,” he stopped laughing and got serious. “I know how dangerous these people are. And I especially know how deranged your ex is. Maybe this makes me crazy or maybe it shows I really do love you but should something happen to you, I want more than just this to remember you by. I want you to be a part of me and me a part of you forever.”

  “Can we finish this conversation at my house?” He nodded. “I should tell Mel something.”

  “Craig just did. Weren’t you listening?”

  “No. I guess I was focused on you. I blocked everything else out…”

  He didn’t say anything. I turned on the car and drove two neighborhoods down to my house. My parents still weren’t back. Given the subject of our discussion though I was glad we were alone.

  Out of habit I went straight up to my bedroom. Kellan was right behind me. I settled down on my bed lying on my back face up. I saw him staring at me by the door.

  “What do you want from me?” I whispered, focused on the slight indention on my otherwise smooth ceiling.

  “Whatever you’re willing to give,” he answered.

  “What if I have nothing?”

  “But you do.”

  I didn’t say anything. I knew he was right. I did have something to offer but did I really want to give that up at this point? I’d known Kellan for about a month. Regardless of my certainty on how I felt, a girl who moved that quick with a guy was easy. I didn’t want the slut nametag… but exchanging blood could ruin my cover with the Bladangs.

  I just realized that in my consideration, saying ‘no’ never popped up. Why do girls feel inclined to always please the guy? Why do our fears and plain hesitation always get covered? And why do we allow them to be?

  It’s a one-word answer – love, or the idea of love. To have sex in our view is to give of oneself to the other. We would only do that if we cared a lot for the other person so naturally we pass that same reasoning onto the male. He must care a lot about me to give me part of him like this. But I’ve seen plenty of times over that our rationalizations are wrong and lead us to heart
break and disappointment most of the time. That had me asking:: was Kellan part of the majority?

  “Lexi,” he was hovering over me so I had to look into his mesmerizing eyes. “Do you love me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Do you believe me when I say I love you?”

  I replayed the last few weeks with him at my side. He was a constant friend, protector, boyfriend and so much more. I knew I was more to him too given how truly emotional he was last night. “Yes.”

  “Then what’s holding you back?” He brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers. He leaned in and kissed me. Instantly we melded together. I allowed him to see all my fears.

  “I wouldn’t think any less of you. I love you Lex, unconditionally. And there’s no standard, no expectations, and no title to be attached to you. But this, this is what I want; only you can decide if this is what you want.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “Because it is for me. I know anything I do with you I won’t regret.”

  “Wow, that hit home.” I pulled back to look at him. “I wouldn’t regret anything with you,” I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

  “That’s good,” he said, the corners of his mouth turned up. I couldn’t help but smile. He kissed my cheek. He continued down my jaw and up to my lips. All my reservations went out the window. I really wouldn’t regret anything I did with him, so why hold back, especially with my upcoming mission?

  I stopped thinking and pulled Kellan to me. I held him tight and kissed him passionately. I let him see what I wanted and finally decided I was ready to do.

  “I love it when you think dirty,” he giggled.

  Just as his hand slid up my shirt, I heard it; what every teen dreads: my parents pulled in the driveway. I gave Kellan one last kiss. He grunted and sighed before rolling over. I turned on my side and kissed his cheek.

  “Sorry babe,” I whispered near his ear.

  “You have no idea just how bad I want you,” he replied, desire sparkled in his eyes.


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