Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 14

by Unknown

  “Ke Akua, Makua Kane, mahalo. Thank you for all you provide and all you protect. ‘Amene.”

  “Gracias,” Gabi added. “Bueno. Comen mi amores,” she prompted.

  It became a madhouse of hands flying over the table as food quickly disappeared. Chatter filled the air as everyone talked and occasionally bickered with each other. I sat quietly and motionless. I wasn’t able to eat this food like them.

  “Sure you can,” Kai interrupted my thought. He placed two pancakes and a large scoop of berries on my plate. He lifted a gravy bowl of steaming hot red syrup and poured it over the pancakes. “This is O-positive. And before you argue with me, the berries are sitting in B-positive and you can eat any human food you’d like as long as it’s soaked in their blood,” he explained.

  I looked at it apprehensively. I’d longed for this before but that left me wondering if this was too good to be true.

  “It’s not Leka. Don’t you trust me?” he asked.

  Ugh! The good old trust card. Now I had to eat it. I lifted my fork and cut off a piece of pancake covered in the hot blood. I stabbed it and stuffed it quickly in my mouth. – Better to die fast than slow. I chewed and swallowed. I waited for my serum to bubble in my throat, but it didn’t.

  “Hmm…” I forked a juicy strawberry and repeated the test. Again, nothing. “Amazing.”

  Kai chuckled and stuffed a big bite in his mouth. The feeling, the atmosphere was one of family and togetherness. If I had to compare it, it felt like an Italian family’s Sunday brunch. Laughter, stories and love surrounded me. No one was excluded, even me as the newbie. Gabi even chatted with me over books and plays.

  By the end of the meal, I had eaten two pancakes, scrambled eggs in blood instead of ketchup, two blood cooked sausages, a ton of fruit and the ultimate Carolina delicacy – shrimp in blood with grits. I know it sounds disgusting, but I guarantee every vamp would devour it like a human would cheesecake.

  I helped Gabi with the dishes since the men deemed it “woman’s work.”

  “I hate to admit it because you’re a skinny Minnie next to me but it is nice having another woman around,” Gabi said as we towel dried the dishes.

  “I haven’t been this size forever. I was pleasantly plump, and that’s being nice to myself, up until my transformation,” I shared putting away the plates. Wow, vamp speed makes doing dishes a breeze.

  “Either way I’m envious. This is the downside of being a vampire instead of a vampeen. Whatever size you are when you’re turned, well, you’re stuck that way forever. I partially blame Kai of course. I gained four stone when we dated. He was obsessed with watching me eat because he couldn’t, back then anyways,” she explained.

  “How much is four stone?” I asked.

  “Nearly sixty pounds,” she groaned. “I shouldn’t have let him turn me at this weight, but he claimed to love me and said it was the only way we could be together forever. What a bunch of crock! Three weeks later I caught him with my favorite maid. She was the opposite of me too – a skinny, blonde haired, blue eyed French beauty. Ugh! I get mad all over again just thinking about it,” she huffed.

  “But you forgave him. I mean you live with him here…”

  “Eventually. When my parents passed and I inherited the throne, I returned to Spain. I lost my rule to democracy but retained my wealth and status. I spent a decade in Basque Country and learned all I could of my new life. I then set sail and ported here in Charleston. Kai and Kalel had created this army empire of protection in honor of their father and I, coming from royalty… Well, it only seemed fitting that we collaborate. My money, negotiating skills, and connections plus their manpower and gifts, shall we say, got us all this.” She lifted her arms as if to show off their assets within the room.

  “Wow.” I just stood there in awe. Gabi was a savvy business woman it seemed. And she certainly knew how to handle men.

  “Well, I guess we’re done,” she announced. I scanned the kitchen before agreeing. Kai walked in sporting board shorts and nothing else. I could see he still flustered Gabi. I noticed she was still attracted to him by the way her eyes glistened and opened just a bit wider when he walked in, but I would never say anything. No woman wants to be called out… oops. Kai, you better keep your mouth shut! He laughed.

  “Come ladies. Change into your swim suits. Let’s go jet skiing.” He put an arm around each of us and motioned us toward the living room.

  “Uh, I don’t have a bathing suit…”

  “Ah, but you do. Art was kind enough to purchase one for you while you slept. It’s cheap. Comes from that twenty-four hour supercenter, but I’m sure you can make it work,” he winked.

  Gabi raced upstairs leaving only a gust of wind – like I said, size means nothing with vamps.

  “Where is the swim suit?”

  “In my room. I will meet you outside,” he said. He kissed my cheek and left like an overly excited child.

  Upstairs the suit was on the bed. I sighed. Of course he had Art buy the skimpiest one available. Well… skimpy to me anyways. I’d never worn a bikini in my life as no fat girl should.

  The two piece was solid red. The bottom tied on the sides at my hips and the top tied in the back and as a halter around my neck. The triangle pieces of clothe covered more of my boobs that I thought they would, but far less than I was used to or comfortable with. Thank God I wore a tank top, even if it was green. I didn’t mind looking like Christmas early. I put it on over the suit and went down to the dock.

  “Hello sexy. You know I’m going to get that wet,” Kai greeted me with a smug smirk.

  “I kinda figured.” I looked around and saw Art and Kalel pulling out into the water. Gabi was just getting on to hug Rafique’s waist. She wore a black one piece with a sarong. It fit her like a glove and whittled a good twenty pounds off her.

  “She’d love that comment,” Kai interrupted.

  “Would you stop reading my thoughts?” I laughed smacking his arm lightly.

  “Only if you promise I can read dirty ones later,” he winked.

  “Don’t be an arrogant pig,” I reprimanded sarcastically.

  “I like her!” Gabi chimed in after overhearing my remark.

  “Quick question. How do you keep your location a secret playing out in the open like this?”

  “Easy. These aren’t your everyday jet skis. They have a built in mirage feature. I press this blue button and the person we appear to be is far different from who we are. It genetically calculates and reflects the image of your exact opposite,” Rafique explained.

  “Wow. Very… techy?” The High Authorities were right about the technology these vamps had.

  “Come on. I’m ready to soak that shirt,” Kai said. Before I knew what happened he had me behind him. He started the motor and pressed the blue button located near the center of the dash. A small blue light flashed and he took off. We flew across the water at an alarming speed.

  “You tweaked the engine, didn’t you?”

  “No. I paid someone else to tweak the engine.”

  “Figures,” I sighed. I squeezed my arms around his waist tightly and leaned into his back.

  “You can lose the death grip. You’re immortal you know,” he laughed.

  Suddenly Kalel came racing past us and did an abrupt right turn splashing us with water.

  “Thanks bro!” Kai yelled.

  Gabi and Rafique did the same on our left officially soaking my shirt as Kai had wanted. He sped after Kalel and repeated his move soaking him.

  I was shocked to see Art doing jump shots with the water craft as if it were a motorcycle and the water a ramp.

  “Hold on tight Leka,” Kai warned.

  “No way… You’re not…” Too late. Kai revved the engine and leapt forward. When the speedometer nearly reached its max he jerked the handles upward, stood halfway and propelled us in a full loop. I didn’t move a muscled, only felt the breeze and saw the water upside down below. We finally circled around and landed with a mega spl
ash that created a mini tidal wave in both directions.

  “You’re immortal Leka. Take advantage of it. Forever isn’t fun without risks,” he said.

  “Don’t you hate being right?”


  We roughed it on the water for several hours. After a few more loops, I loosened up and let go of Kai mid-air… Okay so I quickly wrapped myself around him again. Today I saw something and felt something I’d never imagined I would here. My family, Kellan, Mel… none of them did this. I don’t think I’d ever had that much fun. I realized that I was uptight. Comparing who I was out on the water and at breakfast to who I usually was – it’s like night and day. In twenty-four hours Kai broke down all my barriers, ripped apart my insecurities and changed me from an uptight, reserved republican into a carefree yet loving democrat.

  This felt like paradise compared to my home… And these people embodied the kind of family I’d always wanted. They’re loose and fun yet responsible and never neglected their business. They supported each other regardless of whether or not they agreed; they never worked without a united front. That’s what protected them long before their advanced techno weapons and systems.

  I felt guilty for comparing them to the people who had raised me and been there for me the past sixteen years; I felt worse that they outshined them in my eyes. My parents, Kellan and Mel, they all would have been devastated if they ever heard this view of mine…

  I suppose I was just shocked. I never imagined the Leaders to be so… well… welcoming. I felt like I was at home, the home I should have always had…

  Chapter 13

  “Are you ready Leka?” Kai called.

  I had been passing the time in the library before we left for my house. They asked me to join them in their rounds which consisted of dealing with attempting criminals, getting a report from all their “workers”, and then receiving updates on their Florida battle; I graciously declined. I was able to claim exhaustion since I was a vampeen and needed sleep while they’re all vampires and well… don’t. I wasn’t tired, but certainly didn’t want to participate in ‘punishing the sinners.’

  “Yes,” I replied. I set the book back on the shelf and went to meet him in the living room.

  I followed him through a door and down a set of stairs to an underground hallway. We raced down a good mile to the dead end which was a garage. Though it was below ground, it was surprisingly bright. There were five cars, all expensive luxury ones built for speed or bullet proof excavating lined up. The two that stood out stood out only because of their size. A black Hummer and a black Escalade were parked between the cars. All the vehicles had blacked out windows even I could barely see through.

  He pressed a remote access button and the lights of the Maserati on the end flashed. He sped ahead, opened my door and was in his seat within a nano second. I vamped forward and slid into the leather passenger seat. Stitched into the upholstery was the same symbol I saw in the elevator at the vamp army headquarters.

  He started the engine, which purred with vengeance, and headed up a ramp and through a remote controlled door leading to the street above.

  “What does this symbol mean?” I asked nudging towards the seat.

  “It is the universal symbol for our kind. See, most believe we first appeared in Transylvania, they are going off the Romanian myths, but we actually originated out of Egypt. The hieroglyphics showed this symbol as far back as AD, which proves we’ve existed far longer than most cultures. It was easier to hide back then though. The land was not developed and over populated as it is today. We could feed on the lone traveler that no one missed,” he explained.

  “Then why is it that Romania is always associated with vamps?” I was really interested in our history as I was never offered this foundation of facts.

  “Because it was where we first were exposed to humans as anything other than one of them back in the 1200’s. Coincidentally, the first vampeen was created at the same time,” he answered.

  “So this symbol stands for vampire?” I checked.

  “Not exactly,” he smirked.

  “Ok? Help me please…” I prompted.

  “We’re here.”


  “You’re house,” he stated.

  I looked around and realized we were, but I didn’t give him directions.

  “Didn’t need them. You’re in the vampeen database.” I knew of the master record in Spain that listed names and birthdates but knew nothing of locations being given.

  “What database?”

  “The official one. Enough questions, let’s go.” He opened his door and was at my side in half a blink.

  “You can chill. I’m not going to run off,” I huffed independently pushing past him to the front door. Luckily I didn’t see or hear my parents. I retrieved the spare key from under the door mat and opened the door. I ushered Kai in from behind me so I could close the door. I stopped in front of the stairs when I heard a noise.

  “Hello?” I called. I looked back at Kai just as he sprung.

  “No!” I yelled. It was too late, Kellan attacked Kai from behind. Kai whipped him off and had him pinned to the wall as if he’d surrendered and never fought. I could see Kellan struggling. He broke free and they warped through the room; over, under, a punch, a kick. I heard bones crack and impact of smacks and crushes.

  “Stop! Just stop you two!” I screamed.

  Nothing. They acted as if they didn’t hear me.

  I panicked at the sight of gold. I knew instantly it was Kai’s gold dagger. Remembering what it did to the vamp before I didn’t think, I reacted. My reaction, my instincts drove me right between them just as Kai pinned Kellan again.

  “No! Don’t! Stop!” I cried. I positioned myself fully to cover Kellan.

  “Don’t Lexi. I can handle him,” Kellan insisted.

  “Shut up Kellan. You’re not helping,” I scolded.

  With my back firmly against Kellan’s chest, I looked up at Kai. He was angry and looked ready to off us both at any moment. “Kai,” I spoke calmly, “Please listen to me. Put away your knife.”

  “No. Who is this moron?” he demanded pointing the dagger at Kellan.

  “Kellan. He’s my ex,” I answered.

  “Ex? Is that what I am to you? Just your ex?” Kellan questioned angrily. I ignored him.

  “Just let him go Kai. Please…” I pleaded. “For me?” I added in desperation.

  “For you?” Kellan spit the words at me.

  “He’s clearly a bitter ex,” Kai stated. “And you obviously still love him to step in front of my dagger.”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Kai grabbed my arm and jerked me to his side stepping away from Kellan. “Go,” Kai ordered to Kellan.

  “No,” he replied, standing his ground.

  “She has saved your life. Don’t be an idiot and waste her humility. Go!”

  “Lexi.” He looked at me with intense eyes shining desperation. I quickly looked away.

  “Just go Kellan,” I sighed in defeat. There was no way Kellan could destroy Kai as long as he held the dagger. And I loved Kellan to much to risk permanent injury or death to him.

  Without another word or opposition, he left.

  “That’s strange,” Kai commented, his forehead scrunched in confusion.


  He narrowed his eyes at me. Uh oh… I wondered if Kellan slipped. Did he give me away? I told him about pretending to be broken up but I never briefed him on protecting his thoughts…

  “Why would he need to protect his thoughts?” Kai asked. Crap.

  Thinking quick I answered, “Because no offense but I don’t want you seeing or hearing or whatever you do with my past relationships. It’s bad enough I have no secrets from you in the present.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry. Oddly when you’re with him I can’t read your thoughts. And either his brain is empty or his thoughts are protected somehow too,” he explained.

  There was
so much I wanted to think and ask but couldn’t. Alas I just sped upstairs to my room. Kai was right beside me though I had a head start.

  “Cute,” he said scanning my room. “Not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?” I asked pulling a few items from my closet.

  “Not this,” he answered vaguely. I let it go.

  “How long should I pack for?”

  He approached me slowly and wrapped his arms around me but didn’t pull me into him. “You can stay with me as long as you want, Leka,” he offered, but never answered my question. I guessed he wasn’t going to.

  I broke away and grabbed some items from my drawers. His avoidance sent my mind spiraling. I was set to meet Auggy tomorrow but it looked like that would be next to impossible. Oddly, as upset as I was about being a prisoner, I still somehow understood his logic and precaution so I wasn’t mad at him. We left with no more disturbances.

  The next few days flew by. I was able to observe the Bladangs more and felt bonded to them. Each morning we did breakfast followed by some sort of extreme, fun sport. We climbed trees and leapt between them one day daring each other with a larger gap; the next we water skied but naturally the boat was at max speed. Then, of course, came business. They included me on several outings to the separate sites and requested my opinion on several criminals. Each day brought me out of my shell a bit more but further complicated my mission. I had bonded with these people. They brought out a side of me, a lighter part of me, I didn’t even know existed all while instilling a harder work ethic than I’d known.

  I was able to get a text to Auggy but kept it generic. ‘I’m out of town so I have 2 cancel our plans. Look forward to catching up next time you’re here.’ If they read it, it wouldn’t send up red flags.

  By the ninth day I was sulking. Maybe I was being petty, perhaps I was overwhelmed by my emotions in the moment but I went from loving it here to not hating but resenting my time here now. I’d briefly spoken with my outside friends and found out Kellan was struggling, my parents were upset, Mel was distraught and it was all because of me agreeing to this mission. And even though I had their weakness, I was here where they could track me to the spot of attack, yet I guessed I’d grown to like these vamps more than I ought to have. Even worse, I respected them and saw them as a potential extension of my family. I had to do something though. At some point fate would present itself; I couldn’t protect or prevent it all. How long could I truly go on like this in neutral? Think, think, think Lexi…


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