Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 15

by Unknown

  “What is there to think so hard about?” Kalel asked as he entered the library.

  “Life, choices…” I replied shifting in the chair to a more upright position; somehow it felt disrespectful to slouch.

  “Kai is right. You over think.” I shrugged. That’s just me; it’s how I’d always been.

  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You just don’t have as much fun.”

  “Yea. I can see that being true,” I smiled giving in to his blunt charm. “Kalel,” I began.

  “Uh oh. You switched to serious,” he said taking a seat in the chair angled beside me.

  “Have you ever thought about signing a peace treaty with the High Authorities?” I asked cautious not to word it wrong.

  “What for?”

  “To protect yourselves and your land from any threats from the vamp army. Think about it. That would give you less to deal with and a tiny sense of security,” I conveyed a view hoping to entice him or hit a ping.

  “There is no such thing as security in our world,” he bucked defensively.

  “Okay, wrong angle. Wouldn’t you like to have a strong ally? One where when you band together, it truly is world domination…” I felt his mood change.


  “Less work, less stress. You’ll have access to all your men and all of theirs. You’ll be able to safely share strategies. If you need a weapon, they can lend it. They would be like an extended family, an extension of you, Kai, and Gabi and all you’ve fought to protect and accomplish.” I painted the picture for him. I knew Kalel was the one to convince. He would be the best at coercing the others if he liked my idea.

  “Bonds are not strong in our community. There is no such thing as a loyal vamp; they can always be bribed or threatened. There is no guarantee that we will not be used or exposed,” he reasoned.

  “What is binding to our kind?”

  “Very little. The only thing acknowledged and honored is the exchange of blood,” he answered.

  “So draw up a document, a copy for each party; sign and seal the document with blood. Should one party break the contract, then you could easily expose them as untrustworthy and recruit many of their ranks. And new wanderers will side with you since you proved loyal to your word. Vamps will roll over from side to side but only if they believe you will follow through on your promises.” I was speaking from no experience making it up as I went along hoping that I made business sense.

  “You do make business sense Leka; it’s just whether we can get past our own insecurities and trust another,” he explained. “You have contacts with the vamp army, don’t you?” He said it almost accusingly which sent me on alert.

  “Yes…” I whispered hesitantly unsure where he was headed.

  “How high up?” he pressed.

  I sat frozen unable to think or speak a response. I was suddenly panicked. How did this conversation go so wrong?!

  “I don’t say much but I’m not stupid. Your thoughts are too gapped and spacey for your intelligence level which means you know how to protect them from us.”

  “Actually I don’t know how I do it; it just sort of happens. Same way I don’t know how to fix my nose. I don’t smell humans, vamps or blood…” I offered hoping to ease any concerns on his part.

  “I know you’re working for them,” he bluntly stated. I swallowed hard, the serum rising in my throat.

  “How do you know that?” I tried to stay calm but my voice quivered a bit.

  “Several ways. I tracked down and spoke with Mike. He sung like a canary on certain interesting situations surrounding you. The other day when we were hang-gliding out on the water, your ring blinked red. It was quick, I barely caught it. It’s a tracker and emergency device isn’t it?”

  Well, there’s no use in lying. I was cornered. Either way I was dead whether I lied or told the truth. “Yes.”

  “I’m not going to kill you because you didn’t kill us. You knew we had no protection here and didn’t call in anyone. That was your mission, right? To find a weak spot for an attack…”

  “Sounds like you know it all…”

  “But I don’t. You’ve been here nearly two weeks. Why did you protect us?” I heard the subtle surprise and genuine wonderment in his tone. He sounded almost grateful.

  “When I came into this, I thought I would be dealing with power hungry heathens; horrible war bent vamps with little emotion. What I found took me by surprise… You only protected, never intentionally tortured. The whole hand thing was borderline but I understood why you did what you did. I understand why you do everything you do partially from what you’ve all shared and the rest from spending time here. It was a short time but I felt so much during that span. I felt like I was accepted with open arms into this perfect, slightly dysfunctional family. You embraced me as one of you though I hadn’t proven my worth of it which means you all have good hearts.

  “The High Authorities favor me because they see my loyalty and my morals only compliment it. But that lies in more than one field. You have done nothing to me to morally allow your home to become an uneven battlefield. I respect all of you and would rather negotiate peace than initiate a gang fight. You all mean something to me. I’ve learned from everyone. The biggest thing I value from you and Kai is to protect your family regardless of whether you support them. I view you as my extended family because that’s how you’ve treated me even with your suspicions. I can’t and won’t throw that away regardless of what you do with me now…” I explained. I took a deep breath and waited. I wasn’t sure if he was going to lock me up, kick me out or feed me to the wolves.

  “Thank you.”

  I jerked my head and looked at him with sheer shock. “What?”

  “Thank you,” he repeated.

  “For what?” I stuttered still in amazement.

  “Leka, regardless of why you are here I appreciate that you protected us while you were here. Anyone else would have pressed that button the moment they found out. You didn’t. You spared my family because had they come, we would have been unprepared. We would have survived but not without a great loss, even possibly my only brother. Speaking of him, he hasn’t been this happy in decades. The truth is going to kill him…”

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t plan on this,” I said. I felt horrible. Now I had more people to add to my list of people I’d hurt.

  “I am shocked that they favor you. They don’t like anyone usually but I see your appeal. If I’m honest, I’ve thought about a truce for a while now. I’ve been doing this for over a hundred years with not one vacation. I’m ready for change and I believe you can initiate all this,” he continued. I didn’t want to say much. I felt like he needed to talk through and develop his own conclusions. He stood and began pacing.

  “Kalel!” Gabi called. I could tell she was at the stairs which meant another catch.

  “Come,” he ordered walking towards her voice. I followed silently.

  Going down the stairs Gabi briefed us. It was another spy who was in their higher circles. My gut told me it was Caesar… The serum rose in my throat.

  I stepped in the room with them. I saw the vamp wrapped tighter than a sausage in casing on the floor as I’d been delivered. Kai was pacing angrily around him.

  “What’s your name?” Gabi demanded.

  Nothing. He didn’t say a word or move a muscle.

  “What is your name?” Kai yelled. Gabi joined him in pacing the marble floor. Kalel stood beside me, his chin pursed on his thumb, his fingers moving in a thoughtful motion.

  “Caesar?” I asked softly. Out of habit his eyes looked at me in acknowledgement. That’s all I needed. “Release him please,” I requested directly to Kalel. He’s the only one who knew at this point.

  “You can’t be serious!” Gabi exclaimed.

  “Are you vouching for him?” Kalel asked.

  “I don’t know him to vouch for him but I know who he works for so please release him. Please…” I was praying for trust. And if not tru
st, at least allowance this one time.

  After a minute of Gabi refusing the suggestion and Kai yelling objections, Kalel withdrew his dagger and cut Caesar free. He jumped up and settled against the back wall on the opposite side of the room. His nerves were shot, but I was surprised and respected him for keeping quiet; he didn’t grovel.

  Kalel called for Connor who promptly appeared. He turned to me. “What would you like me to do with him?”

  “Seriously Kalel?!” Gabi was furious. “Why don’t you give her the key to our weapons room while you’re at it! She must have been a great fucking lay because she still has your balls!” She stormed out. Kai looked between the two of us in dismay. He seemed vulnerable as if Gabi’s words planted an idea that hurt him.

  “Escort him off the property,” I answered in defeat, my tone held no inflections.

  “You heard the orders Connor,” Kalel iterated.

  “Caesar,” I called. He looked directly at me. “Tell Auggy to prepare for my call. We want to negotiate.” His lips lifted slightly in the corners as he gave me a quick nod. Connor looked stunned but swiftly pulled himself together. He opened the door and rushed Caesar through it.

  “What the hell was all that about?!” Kai demanded. He was so upset that he was visibly trembling in an attempt to control himself. His eyes pierced me.

  “Calm down brother,” Kalel said patting Kai’s shoulder; his voice a sooth tone when he spoke. “Come. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 14

  Kai took it better than I’d thought he would. He was embarrassed that I had slipped through their many radars. They prided themselves on their defense yet I, far less than an experienced assassin, reached them easily.

  “Starting immediately, all posts will be tightened and every interrogation scrutinized more,” Kai declared. “I’m angry. You got through!” He was beating himself up as he paced the floor with heavy feet.

  “We got lucky brother,” Kalel said calmly. We sat on the loungers as Kai circled the room in front of us.

  “Lucky? How the hell is a security breach lucky?!” he yelled. He irritably ran his fingers through his hair tugging roughly on his strands.

  I stood and slowly approached him. I looked up at him until he made eye contact. I closed the gap once he stopped moving and wrapped my arms around him. “You’re lucky because I like you. And of course because I have morals; I’m a good, loyal vamp,” I smiled. It must have been contagious because he gave in. His wall of bitterness crumbled and gave way to a grin that grew every second longer he held my gaze.

  “I guess I did luck out with you…” he admitted shyly. He pulled me into a tight hug. He gently kissed me but didn’t linger. He straightened up and became all business. “Kalel, go tell Gabi and Rafique. She listens better with you. I’m going to the library with Leka to draw up our terms. She will set a meeting up for us in a neutral location. Once Gabi is done with the insults, join us so we can finalize the details,” he ordered. Kalel nodded and sped upstairs without speaking a word. They had to be able to communicate mentally. “We can,” Kai confirmed aloud.

  “I said to stop doing that,” I scolded lightly.

  “Old habits die hard,” he smirked. I trailed him into the library.

  “Where do you want the meeting and for when?” I asked settling into a chair. He pulled a few old journals off the shelves and sat at the antique mahogany desk in the room. He retrieved several sheets of paper and a pen from the drawer. He began flipping through the worn notebooks like a mad man.

  “Um… hello? Date, time… location?” I prompted again. He looked up at me from his work.

  “Twenty four hours from now. Make it some place neutral like your house or book a conference room somewhere secluded. Make the terms known that no guards can accompany them as none will us,” he quickly rattled. I shook my head in acknowledgement but he was already back to flipping and now writing furiously.

  I got up and walked out to the living room. Upstairs I heard Gabi having a fit. It took me a minute to realize that the library was sound proof to our standards, very unusual.

  “I told you two to stop thinking with the wrong head and now look what happened! We could have been destroyed and at the very least would have suffered a major loss!” Silence, not even a breath by anyone in that room. Though the door was open, I barely heard the rustle of a shirt.

  “I hate to admit it but I did like her,” she sighed. “Not at first, but she grew on me. And if the High Authorities favor her like you said, then she’s our best opportunity in negotiating something with them…” I heard Rafique console her. He didn’t say anything but I heard his lips press to her and a slight wind from a back rub.

  “Are you ready to write our demands with Kai now?” Kalel asked. He sounded nonchalant as if he asked if she wanted a cup of coffee.

  “Yes. Come with us Rafi,” she stated.

  A second later she was in front of me inches from my face. Kalel and Rafique were on high alert but did not pull her back. I didn’t budge in hopes of proving my respect.

  “The ring,” she ordered with her hand out palm up. I slid it off my finger and obediently turned it over to her. She said nothing more to me; instead she took my hand and led me out the back door onto the deck overlooking the lake. She threw the ring out into the open water where it would sink to the bottom to never be used again. I watched it soar through the air and plink heavily into the lake a good mile out. It wasn’t until she looked at me and smiled that I understood her actions as symbolization. She was tossing away my precinct for being there and embracing me and what I offered.

  We turned back to the door and saw all three men staring at us. “What are you gawking at? Haven’t you seen two women bonding before?” she huffed. I couldn’t help but crack a smile with that.

  “Well, if you ladies are done with your Gilmore Girls happy moment, we have work to do,” Kai announced.

  “You watch Gilmore Girls?” I teased.

  “He used to. It’s not on anymore but he was obsessed. He has all the seasons on DVD,” Gabi laughed.

  “Thanks,” he was now a scorned man.

  “Just painting you in the perfect pink light you live under,” she grinned. They went back and forth for a while like siblings until Kalel cut them off.

  I again saw their family dynamic on display. They were so different yet blended perfectly. The weakness of one was always the strength for another. And understandably, by them having such a small circle of friends, trust was never an issue; though I didn’t think it would be regardless. They formed a united front that the largest of armies was afraid of.

  “We’ll be in the library if you need us,” Kalel prompted. He must have read my thoughts, again, and saw my checklist for Auggy.

  “Schedule it at your house. I want to feel safe and anyone could infiltrate a hotel ahead of time,” Gabi requested.

  “I’ll have to ask my parents first…” I replied, quickly adding, “But it should be okay.”

  “Good,” she smiled. “I’m curious to see your wardrobe. It looks like you have fabulous taste.”

  “Thanks.” I looked down at the ensemble I’d thrown on that morning. I wore my dark wash skinny jeans, a long black and teal plaid, three-quarter length sleeve button up shirt with a wide black belt around my upper waist, and the one pair of silver ballet flats I talked my aunt and Eduardo into. The shirt was a mix of soft flannel and cotton so it’s ultra-comfy.

  They retreated to the library and I looked out the window for a while. I was washed with relief to know my stint was short. On the same level though I was nervous. I had to contact Auggy and not only tell him I blew my cover but I also had to convince him that a treaty was in everyone’s best interest. I never checked to see if it was a viable option for the ranks. I was hoping it was or I would be in an awful position to choose a side.

  “Jackson, talk to me,” Auggy demanded the moment he answered his phone.

  “They know,” I offered up, mainly as a feeler.

p; “Caesar informed me. You’ve worked some magic considering they didn’t off you,” he sighed. “What do they want?”

  “Peace. They want to negotiate something like a merger so you can work together when need be but exist separately at no threat level to each other,” I explained.

  “Hmm. Do they want to meet?”

  “At my house or a neutral location to discuss terms from both parties and ultimately draw up a legal document for everyone to sign in blood. Multiple copies should be made and everyone will have their own copy for safe keeping.”

  “Twenty-four hours. No guards or spies. Tell them to call off their Florida pursuit or else we won’t agree to meet,” he ordered.

  “I will relay the message.”

  “This could be a major advantage in the vamp community. An alliance of the strongest powers would be next to world domination,” he thought aloud. “Excellent work Alexa. I’m pleased with your magic. Twenty four hours and don’t be late.”

  “Thanks. We won’t be.” He hung up immediately. I found it ironic that he knew the terms they wanted and prompted them himself. Made me wonder if he wired me without my knowledge or bugged me as he said they would; I guess I’ll never know.

  Now that I’d set up this meeting at my house, I hoped that my parents would agree to it. I probably should have called them before Auggy. Given how my mother reacted to the High Authorities though I didn’t see her rejecting them.

  “Alexa?!” my mother exclaimed. That was her ‘hello’ for today I supposed.

  “It’s me, Mom,” I replied. I sighed hoping she wouldn’t overload me with questions or a lecture.

  “Oh thank God. Are you okay? Your father is a wreck!” she said. She sounded very breathy, almost winded which wasn’t like her at all.


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