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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 16

by Unknown

  “Question is, are you okay? You don’t sound good…” I prompted.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Now tell me what’s going on,” she insisted. I heard her switch me to speakerphone so my dad could hear. That only made me more nervous. I knew he’s strong for a human, but how much of our world could he handle…

  “They know who I am and why I was sent here,” I started. I heard my dad gasp quietly and my mother inhale deep, but neither of them spoke. “They’ve agreed to meet and we’re hoping to negotiate a peace agreement that benefits both parties with a strong ally. They want to meet tomorrow on neutral ground which they’ve both deemed our house to be. Are you okay with that?”

  My mother let out the breath she was holding. I pictured her talking to my dad with eye and facial expressions. “I guess we have to be. We can’t deny two sets of authorative leaders the use of our home. That would be like denying the President and Prime Minister…” she sighed.


  “I take it we won’t see you until then?” she stated and asked.

  “Probably not…”

  “Well, that’s manageable. It sounds like you’re safe and we can handle it knowing there’s an end in sight.”

  “I have a quick question…” I don’t know why I got so shy. “You’ve talked to Kellan I’m assuming. How is he?”

  “He’s more frazzled that your dad. But he loves you and I’m sure he’ll be relieved and overjoyed to hear this news,” she stated.

  My heart sank knowing he was so distraught these last couple days. I suppose I also felt guilty because he’s proven his love for me. He risked his life to ‘rescue’ me. Meanwhile I’d been daydreaming of what it would be like to be with another man, kissed this other man, and thought about him more than Kellan. I really was a horrible girlfriend…

  “Don’t beat yourself up kiddo. He’ll be okay,” my dad chimed in.

  “Thanks Dad.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow sweetie,” my mother added.

  “Sure. I love you both.”

  “We love you too,” they confirmed simultaneously.

  “So you’ve been daydreaming about me?” Kai asked. I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. I didn’t hear him come in, which was unusual. I turned to see him smirking with a look of pure amusement on his face.

  “Not about you in particular. Moreso about living here in general,” I stumbled to defend myself. I needed to learn how to block my thoughts…

  “You already block quite a bit.”

  “Well, I clearly don’t block enough…”

  “So tell me Leka, do we have a venue?” he asked loudly plopping down on a chaise.

  “Of course.”

  “Good work. You, you’d make an excellent assistant. Care to entertain the idea?”

  “I’m still in school, remember?” I opted for a less venomous response.

  He’s so… moody and hard to keep up with sometimes. Kellan was impulsive in his emotions, but Kai was plain unpredictable… Oh my! I’d been so stupid! I could never have with Kai what me and Kellan have. Over and over Kellan had been there for me; he was even supporting me now despite not agreeing with my choice. Kai had only proven that he’s unpredictable and quickly bored. Guys like him were lifelong bachelors. They seek adventure with bold, ambitious women, but once the excitement is over and the rush settles into a schedule, he would quickly evaporate without a solid goodbye. I was young, I know, but that was definitely not what I wanted. And him asking me to downgrade to an assistant revealed the lack of commitment from the start.

  How could I have been foolish enough to even entertain the idea?! Worse, how could I have tested it?! I let him kiss me. I had purposefully hurt Kellan over a slight temptation. Kellan was committed enough to risk his life for me; meanwhile I threw it in his face by succumbing in a weak moment of curiosity. How dedicated was I truly to our relationship? Granted all Kai and I had done was kiss a few times… and I slept in his bed, sometimes beside him, but nothing more. Yet that was certainly enough to count as cheating regardless of my mission.

  “Oh Leka, stop overanalyzing. Every advance I made, you hesitated on. The only solid stand you took with me was actually against me when I was ready to shred your vamper.” He walked over to stand directly in front of me. He put his index finger under the chin of my drooping head and lifted so I was forced to look into the eyes of my mistake.

  “Listen to me Leka. You are a good girl, a perfect girlfriend. I knew that and that’s why I wanted you. That and you’re ‘muy caliente’ as Gabi would say. Kellan is a lucky man. And I can attest that you did nothing with me out of desire. You are innocent,” he said consoling my frantically racing mind.

  “Thanks Kai. That was really sweet of you. You are good with tender moments,” I smiled.

  “I know,” he grinned.

  “Ugh!” I shoved away from him sarcastically. “You’re such a play boy!”

  “You’re forgetting irresistible and charming.”

  “Try pushy and cocky.”

  “I was irresistible and charming to you,” he smirked; now he was taunting my brief insanity.

  “Make up your mind. Either I’m innocent or guilty,” I shot back.

  “I’ll stick with innocent, just attach naïve to it.”

  “Ugh. You kill me!” I stomped dramatically towards the library. He used his vamp skills to speed in front of me and block my path.

  “Going somewhere?” he asked, one eyebrow raised. He stood with his legs shoulder width apart and his arms crossed.

  “Yes. Are you?” I sassed copying his stance and narrowing my eyes at him.

  He burst into laughter. “Oh Leka! Promise me you’ll visit after this.” He wrapped one arm around my neck and pulled me in under his arm and against his chest like a football. He roughed up my hair at the top of my head as if I was a locker room buddy.

  Speaking of which, I hoped this was over soon. I couldn’t miss too much more school or else I’d fail due to absences…

  “Stop thinking,” he scolded releasing me from his death grip. “I think I will start tuning you out.”

  I quietly giggled trying not to crack a smile. Regardless of his actions or behaviors, I kept coming back to this feeling of family. We’d been bickering like siblings yet flirting like sinless lovers.


  “Sorry! Turning my brain off is not an easy quest you know…”

  “Clearly I do.” He plopped down on the sofa nearby.

  “When was the last time you left this house?” I asked thoughtfully; an idea was beginning to circulate in my mind…

  “Ugh, today,” he sarcastically replied. His tone reminded me of a valley girl.

  “You know what I mean. How long?” I demanded.

  “I don’t know,” he shrugged.

  “You obviously are long overdue. I say we go out for a night on the town,” I suggested punching as much enthusiasm in as possible.

  “I can’t just up and leave my responsibilities,” he argued right as the library door swung open. Half a blink later Gabi was beside me.

  “I knew I liked her!” she exclaimed. “Guys, you have to agree. It’s been a lifetime since we left this place. And I could so use a night out,” she pleaded. She went around persuasively pleading with each person.

  “Rafi, wouldn’t you love a romantic night on the town? We could even book a room and, you know,” she leaned in to whisper the rest in his ear. I immediately tuned out, Kai and Kalel quickly copied. Based off the look on Rafi’s face, Gabi had swayed him her way. She kissed his cheek and completed a graceful twirl over to Kai. He quickly turned his head away from her as if to give her the cold shoulder; hard to do though when Gabi’s hands were firmly placed on the right one.

  “Kai,” she began.

  “You’re not talking me into anything. We cannot abandon our posts. Imagine what could happen if we did…” They began to argue back and forth. I turned my attention to a silent Kalel. Originally, I pegg
ed him as the one to object.

  “What do you think? Could you use a night out?” I prompted him.

  “It’s not about what I want; it’s about what’s best,” he answered, the entire time his eyes never left Gabi and his brother. Kalel was a sensible business man; I knew I had to appeal to that part of him.

  “When a man opens a restaurant, he pours his heart and soul into every part of it. He’s there long before opening prepping and long after cleaning day after day, night after night. This is how he launches and establishes his business successfully, by coordinating every detail. But over time, human or vamp, you get tired. And if not tired then bored with monotony in the rigorous schedule. That weakens you. If the restaurant owner doesn’t take a break, he will get sloppy and lose some of the quality he founded himself on,” I explained. He finally turned to look at me.

  “Wise beyond your years. Point made,” he sighed. He went back to a still arguing now borderline yelling Kai and Gabi. “Enough!” he yelled, his voice authorative and final. The silence that erupted proved his strategy as effective.

  “Seriously?” Kai grumbled. Apparently they communicated mentally.

  “It makes sense brother. We are going into a hard ball negotiation tomorrow. We could use the rest,” he stated.

  “You all go without me,” he insisted sitting down to sulk.

  “No. We all go or no one goes,” I stood my ground; he really did need a night out. Kai cut his eyes at Kalel; seems I wasn’t the only one persuading.

  “I guess that makes sense. Fine. You win.” He conceded.

  “Yay!” Gabi shouted each arm squeezing Kai and Kalel without a millisecond of notice. “I have to pick out an outfit! Come Lexi!” She grabbed my hand and had me flying up to her room. I gave a quick wave to the guys but they were gone, well, I was, too fast…

  Chapter 15

  Gabi had a wardrobe that trumped me and Mel combined. I felt like I was in a small department store. She had turned the room next door into her personal closet and everything was organized on display. Seeing how fashionable you could be as a plus sized girl made me feel like I was a bum before always in jeans and a tee.

  I helped Gabi narrow down her choices. In the end she wore a bold black and white printed empire waist halter dress that hit her mid-thigh. She paired it with slimming black tights, leather 2-inch thin heeled ankle boots that had a few gold studs on them and a cropped distressed black leather jacket. She accessorized with purple feather earrings, a huge amethyst ring and a small black and dark teal checkered distressed leather clutch purse. It somehow all came together perfectly in a high fashion way.

  It was Gabi who inspired me to step outside my comfort zone and wear, in my opinion, the most daring dress, no outfit, I owned. Aunt Claire and Eduardo raved over it and said I had to have it. It’s a yellow, yes bright yellow, scoop neck dress that hit mid-thigh like Gabi’s. The silk material perfectly skimmed my body.

  Doesn’t sound daring you say? Try a scoop back that leaves me bare from just above the butt on up. The gorgeous detail I actually loved was five small, delicate silver chains link the shoulders and each one scoops and hangs lower than the last. The final chain adorned a yellow and burnt orange feather. This dress certainly had a wow factor to it. I paired it with a pair of 3-inch high gray peep-toed pumps, stud earrings and a hammered silver cuff bracelet. We both went for the straightener with our hair, clean simple make-up and a spritz of Chanel No.5 which I found out was Gabi’s favorite. She called for an in-house spa manicure and pedicure so we were perfect tonight. We ended up with the same plum polish.

  We chatted, flipped through magazines and bonded over ‘girl time,’ which Gabi clearly conveyed a lack of in recent decades. She missed that female camaraderie and in turn made me miss Mel. The two of them had a lot in common.

  Mel, my ever devoted best friend. She’s been worried sick about me, despite my clear advantage, yet I hadn’t thought of her as often as she had me. How could I get so wrapped up in my mission that I forgot my loved ones outside here? Was this what’s supposed to happen? Was I meant to forget them at the door? I guess it didn’t matter now since it would all be over soon… I hoped.

  “Ready Lex?” Gabi asked doing a final primp in the mirror. She even took to my shorter nickname like Mel.

  “I’m ready,” I replied pulling down my dress again. I felt so exposed. “On second thought, maybe I should wear tights like you.”

  “You can’t. That will totally ruin it. Stop fidgeting; you look great.” Ugh, she even sounded like Mel…

  “Maybe I should change then…”

  “Stop! You look perfect. I’m super jealous. I certainly couldn’t rock that. Now let’s go. The boys have a surprise for you downstairs.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the door. “Ooh! I’m super excited to see you two together!” she squealed.

  “Huh?” I wrinkled my forehead in surprise and confusion.

  We were out the door before I could get an answer or even a clue as to the surprise. I had listened to the rustles below but occasionally got lost in our chatter; I had picked up nothing out of the ordinary though.

  At the bottom of the stairs the guys were sipping a blood cocktail and chatting over sports, which I hadn’t seen them watch. They immediately stopped when we approached to break up their huddle.

  “You look gorgeous babe,” Rafi commented kissing Gabi sweetly as an embrace. She was beaming.

  I glanced at Kai and Kalel, both had a deer in headlights look straight at me. I quickly yanked on the hem of the dress self-consciously.

  “Stop,” Kai put his hand on my arm to assure me it looked okay. “You look…”

  “Breathtaking,” Kalel finished his thought.

  “Umm, thanks,” I replied shyly. I was still not comfortable with my exposure in the dress or my new body if I was honest.

  “Don’t feel uncomfortable. You look great,” Kalel said kissing my cheek. He excused himself to the library.

  “Kai,” I said. He was still motionless staring at me. He swallowed a bit of his drink and finally looked away.

  “Where’s her surprise? Let’s get this show on the road!” Gabi interjected.

  “Kalel’s getting him now,” Kai stated.

  “Him?” I asked.

  “Me,” he stated. I knew that voice instantly. My heart skipped a beat, not that it beats much these days. I looked at Gabi, then Rafique, Kai, Kalel and dead ended on Kellan. The tears instantly welled just by gazing upon him. I never realized just how horribly I missed him. He took my breath away. I wasn’t alone though; he appeared out of breath too. I was in his arms less than two seconds later squeezing what life was left out of him.

  “Aw. They are so cute together!” Gabi exclaimed.

  “It’s true,” Kalel confirmed. “You can’t read their thoughts when they’re together.”

  “It’s the oddest thing,” Kai announced perplexed.

  “I agree then. He has to be there to protect her remaining thoughts. I don’t want our plans revealed ahead of time,” Gabi stated firmly.

  “Is that why you brought him here? To test us together?” I pressed slightly defensive and accusing. Kellan pulled me into his arms as if to silently say for me to calm down. He knew who we’re dealing with and I suppose I’d forgotten given my experience with them.

  “Relax Leka,” Kai whispered. He moved to me fast and smoothly retrieved me from Kellan to look directly at him. “Despite your original agenda and association, we’ve accepted you as family, and you always protect your family. That is why he’s here.”

  “What about Gabi’s thoughts?” I checked.

  “We’ve taught her how to block them; she just chooses not to most of the time,” Kalel explained.

  “Ay muchacho! It gives me a headache,” she complained.

  “O, okay.” I turned back to Kellan. It was only then that I saw his clothes. All the men were dressed exactly alike; black silk pants, black leather shoes. They all had on a white button up shirt with the
top few buttons undone to their comfort and, except Kalel, they had their sleeves rolled up. His hair was freshly cut and styled. I leaned in to inhale the exact spot on his chest that he sprayed his cologne. A smile spread across my face at the familiar scent. I felt that he was finally relaxing. I put one hand on each cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. A few tears escaped which he wiped away as we separated.

  These last few days forced me to re-evaluate our relationship. It forced me to define every thought and feeling I had for Kellan. My final conclusion? I love him. I was distracted by Kai because I was young. I hadn’t dated around like you’re supposed to which allowed curiosity to get the best of me. Regardless if I did though, my heart would always come back to him. He’s a part of me that I couldn’t and wouldn’t strip away. He had a hold over me that, after this experience, I would never try to break. We truly have something; it’s real. Age was never a discriminated factor in love, as with race and gender. It’s one of the few things in this universe that scientists have never tried to change.

  I reverted to my other tongue. “Mi amor, tu es mi corazon; toda mi vida,” I whispered near his ear; every other part of me was intense.

  “Igualmente,” he stated.

  “Oh! Tu habla espanol! Como magnifico!” Gabi squealed. She started into a Spanish rant over how this was a benefit to us. We could talk about the boys and they’d never know.

  “Ay que bueno,” Kellan snickered sarcastically. I slapped his arm.

  “Estaria bien! Gabi es mi amiga y mi hermana nueva.”

  “Si, ella es tuyo,” he smirked.

  “Oh pah! You’re just as bad as them,” Gabi stated. “And some boyfriend! You didn’t even tell Lex how stunning she looks…”

  “I was getting there.”

  “Well get there,” she demanded. Kai rolled his eyes and offered Kellan a sympathetic look.

  “She’s right. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman. Turn around… please,” he smiled. How could I resist that dimple? I lifted my hair off my neck and turned away from him. I peered over my shoulder back at him, but his expression revealed nothing. He put his arms around me and leaned down to my neck. “You’re breathtakingly beautiful. If it wasn’t for the crowd, I’d take you now,” he whispered in my ear. His breath on my neck so sexy and soft sent a chill down my spine.


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