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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

Page 20

by Unknown

  Kellan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I fought back tears for my best friend. A tsunami was about to crash her world and she didn’t even know it.

  I sat like a zombie the remainder of the two hours we waited. My mother returned with both men and a mile high stack of papers!

  “Yay! Let’s sign! Everyone get your pens, pins and seals out!” Everyone obeyed.

  “I never sign anything without reading it first,” Auggy declared.

  “I’ve read it on your behalf and ensured every clause is binding. You can sign without the formality of reading,” Laurence replied.

  The factory line began. Mom separated, I passed, they all signed. Once all their signatures were on the papers, followed by a drop of their blood, I requested that Kalel and Laurence seal them. Moments later the deal was done. I felt a load lifted off of me and dispersed into the air.

  “Please congratulate each other with a formal handshake and exchange business cards with everyone for contact purposes while we separate your copies,” I ordered. The vamps shook hands and swapped cards all over. I heard random chatter of meetings and tours being prepared. I helped my mother separate two copies for each party, the second being a precaution. History reveals that if a treaty is destroyed most of the time the agreement is never redrawn. I wanted to ensure at least one of my worlds was protected from that.

  I passed two copies to Laurence and two to Kalel. “Congratulations vamps and thanks for doing business with Alexa Jackson, Vamp Mediator,” I smiled hoping they loved the edgy ad I adlibbed.

  “No thank you. Great work Alexa. I’m very impressed. I was nervous in the beginning, but you proved your worth and worked your appeal,” Laurence beamed approvingly. Pride surged through me. Somehow he defined a father figure type role in my life now and his approval meant the same as my biological father’s.

  “Thank you Leka. You must promise to visit still.” Kalel pulled me in for a hug, an informal appreciation I would never expect from the High Authorities.

  “I promise.”

  Hugs and handshakes were all over the dining room before they left. Kai gave me a special good bye I wasn’t expecting. A hug, kiss on the cheek and Hawaiian lei with a key to their house. “Come visit anytime. I could always use some entertainment,” he winked. I knew he would miss me though he didn’t say it.

  When the house was empty, I didn’t know what to do with the silence. Granted there was still noise from outside but for a while I’d had much more inside. I went to the kitchen and looked at the clock. 5:06pm. Eighteen hours after it all began; it was finally over.

  “I’m so proud of you sweetie. I’ve never been so proud of you in all my years. You were amazing,” my mother hugged me tight.

  “Don’t break a rib,” I teased.

  “I didn’t know you had it in you. You’ve never come across so assertive and commanding. You commanded their presence and interest. You certainly impressed everyone. I’m just so very proud of you,” she continued to gush over me.

  “Thanks Mom,” I smiled.

  “Now I need to locate your father and you need to take a rest. When was the last time you fed?” she asked.

  “Oh my gosh! Yesterday and I ate human food!” I detailed the breakfasts with the Bladangs. She was intrigued and at times appeared slightly relieved. “So can we maybe do something like that here? It doesn’t have to be every day but I’ve never had a family meal with all of us together. Do you think Dad will go for it?” I was excited at the possibility. I know it’s a small thing for most people, but it was huge for me.

  “I think he would be delighted. Perhaps queasy in the beginning, but I’m sure he will adjust if it means a meal with you,” she fixed my hair that I was sure was a wreck at this point.

  “Awesome. I love you Mom.”

  “I love you too sweetie. And you really did make me proud today.”

  “I know…”

  “Kellan!” she called. He was at my side in half a blink just like Gabi, who I’d surprisingly missed a bit. I missed all of them. Even though I was only there two weeks, I’d really bonded with this family.


  “While I’m away, please make sure my sometimes rebellious daughter lies in bed and rests after a long day at the office as the newest Vamp Mediator in Charleston,” my mother ordered. This was the first time I’d ever seen her that playful. Her mood was light and flowery.

  “As you wish Your Honor,” Kellan bowed before my mother.

  “O.M.G. you two!” I burst into laughter. My mother left through the garage right as Kellan scooped me up and rushed me up the stairs. He threw me onto the bed and hovered over me in a protective cage.

  “Finally, you’re all mine,” he whispered. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. We picked up right where we’d left off easily reliving the night through his thoughts. He gently went from hovering to lying on top of me. His hands caressed my face while mine explored his toned back. I felt relief in the moment. I was releasing all my pent up stress, anguish and nerves in the action.

  “You were great. You’ve never looked so sexy,” he thought aloud to me.

  “Thanks for sticking by me.”

  “I always will, even if you venture off with Kai, Mike or Joe Schmoe.”

  “I know you will. That’s what makes me love you even more.” Kai had limits. He would only protect me to a degree. Kellan wouldn’t. While Kai was appealing, it’s for the wrong reasons. While Kellan thought he would stay even if I ventured off, he would stay and resent me for it after. I couldn’t risk that. I didn’t want to chance losing this; especially when this was so good. I’d had to learn that, to recognize that before I could accept Kellan and reject the temptation around me. There will always be someone better available if you leave the door of opportunity open, but I don’t want the door slammed in my face if I realize I made a mistake. Kellan is it. No more back and forth. Kellan is my forever as everyone has confirmed.

  “Did you forget I was in here too?”

  “Maybe. But I don’t mind that you know how I rationalize things… I’m ready Kellan.”

  “What are you ready for?”

  “I’m ready for you to claim me. I want you to claim me. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Are you sure?” He asked in my mind but pulled away to look into my eyes. His were shining that beautiful grassy green with the emerald sparkles.

  “I’m sure,” I said returning his gaze. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want him to question me; I just wanted him to do it. I wanted to be his forever. I was ready for everyone to know I was his.

  He sat up on his knees and looked down at me contemplatively. I knew he wanted to do it, but he also didn’t want to pressure me. He wanted to be sure I’d wanted this and wasn’t just talking from a high from the events of today.

  I slipped off my jacket leaving me with my tank top. My collar bone was exposed but my shoulders and neck covered by my hair. I lifted my hair and pulled it to my right side. I lay back down on the pillow and tilted my head to my right exposing my neck and my central pulsing vein. This was the greatest form of seduction to a vampire.

  He ran his fingers over my neck up and down the vein. He collapsed back down and gently placed himself on top of me. He put his hand on my left cheek and moved my face to look directly at him. He pressed his lips to mine sensually. I felt the contour and minimal dips of his on mine.

  He trailed to kiss from my forehead down along my jaw line. I tilted my head offering myself once more as he made his way to my neck. He stopped at my ear and whispered, “I love you.” He immediately bit my neck sending a quick sting before a surge of ecstasy through me. I inhaled a silent gasp of pleasure. I felt the blood being pulled from me into him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed feeling so close to him. A part of him was in me and I was going into him. It was such an intimate exchange of the highest forms of love making for a vamp.

  I felt his withdrawal. He licked my neck as a warm ooze of his seru
m closed the wound. He kissed me again more passionately than before. We rolled around until I was on top of him. He held me tightly to him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked between pecks.

  “I’m better than ok. I’m in love,” I smiled.

  He turned his head to expose his neck. I took the moment to tell him what I now knew without a doubt. “You are my forever.”

  I bit down on his most vulnerable point. His blood filled my mouth. He let out a low growl no doubt of pleasure. His blood tasted better than anything I’d ever tasted in all my life. No dessert could ever compare to the sweet nectar he carried. I felt stronger than ever as I drank his life force. He flowed into me with such flavor I didn’t want to stop. But I did. I loved him enough to pull away. Perhaps that is the greatest proof of a vamp’s love. That they love the other enough to stop when it’s the best addiction they’d just developed. I finally understood Edward’s words to Bella, “You’re my own brand of heroine.”

  I pulled out of him and allowed the serum to build up on my tongue so I could lick him closed as opposed to the ultimate unladylike way of spitting or vomiting it on him. I kissed a path up his neck and jaw to his lips. His fingers fit like combs in my hair and his thumbs caressed my cheeks. A few tears slipped from my eyes as I kissed my forever.

  Chapter 19

  It felt great to return to school and a somewhat normal routine. My teachers loaded me down with make-up work. One good thing about being a vamp was the whole little or no sleep needed part. I finished all my assignments in one night.

  Jason was still persistent, but Kellan stayed glued to my side as often as possible which put him off slightly, not off enough though. It was nice to see Jenny throw a mini-hissy fit in the cafeteria when he paid her no mind. It was a decent distraction for the moment because I was bursting at the seams every few seconds to tell Mel about her family and heritage. But I couldn’t go back on my word. Just because we were best friends didn’t mean I had the privilege of delivering news of this magnitude.

  “How was school sweetie?” Mom asked as I walked in the house from school.

  “It was school. Not the same once you’re a vamp,” I commented.

  “You received two letters in the mail today. They have the Bladang and Vamp Army seals on them,” she added. She was trying to be nonchalant, but I could tell she was struggling to control her curiosity.

  “I wonder what they sent. They could have just called you,” Kellan stated entering the kitchen behind me.

  My mother handed them to me. I opened the first with the seal of the Vamp Army. There were two sets of papers inside. I opened the first, a letter, and read it aloud.

  Miss Alexa Jackson

  You have achieved the highest of honors within our ranks and amongst your fellow kind. We would be delighted and honored to title you our Chief Ambassador within the Vamp Army. The terms would not change per your discussion with Augustine Ponte.

  We were impressed by your achievements in the Bladang mission and have valued you beyond our initial payment via an asset assessment.

  We hope you will accept this position ongoing with flexibility being offered with your conditions.

  We appreciate all you have contributed to our organization in the short time you have worked with us and look forward to an eternity of future endorsements and alliances.


  Laurence Chateau

  “Oh my!” my mother exclaimed. She reached her hand out for the letter which I relinquished to her.

  “I wonder how much the initial payment is,” Kellan pondered aloud.

  “It can’t be too much because I didn’t do much. It was barely two weeks of work,” I rationalized as I pulled out the other paper. I unfolded the trifold discovering it was printed like a paystub with a check on the bottom third. I gasped.

  “How much is it for?” my mother asked. Kellan had leaned over my shoulder and was staring at the paper as dumbfounded as I was.

  “Uh… I… it… uh…” I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t get the number out. Pinch me! I needed to be pinched! This wasn’t real. I was dreaming. It couldn’t be real…

  “Alexa!” she screamed. “Oh my goodness!”

  “That has to be a misprint!” I blurted trying to rationalize the number. But it wasn’t. The stub, numeric portion and written portion of the check all matched. At sixteen, I was officially a millionaire.

  “Come to papa my sugar mama!” Kellan swept me up in his arms and kissed me.

  “Stop, put me down,” I was laughing. I was trying to process this but couldn’t.

  “Five million dollars is a lot of money Alexa. I hope you will be responsible with it,” my mother tapped into her parental role to explain the magnitude of the opportunity.

  “I don’t even need anything. I have nothing to spend this on… Aunt Claire bought me a whole wardrobe. You and dad got me a car. I have a computer. I don’t eat food… well sort of. I don’t need anything except for maybe a new phone,” I said looking at my worn Motorola. It was a good phone, but definitely beat up. It could use an upgrade.

  “You’ve qualified for a free upgrade for over a year now,” my mother offered.

  I burst into laughter. “See, I can’t even pay for a phone. I guess I could get a fancy phone.”

  “You have time sweetie. I’m still so proud of you. And they obviously are too.”

  “Thanks mom. Now pass me the other one.” She handed me the second envelope. I opened it and pulled out a letter from Kai. This one I didn’t read out loud since it was personal.

  Hello Leka,

  I haven’t written a letter in so long I’m not sure I remember how. Amusing, I know.

  It has been very different here without you. I thought you would have visited by now. Gabi is back to sulking with violent mood swings and even Kalel seems a bit down. You are certainly missed.

  I do have a point in writing you. I decided you were right. I should take a vacation. I have booked a trip back to Hawaii for after the holidays. I would love for you to come with me. Please don’t leave me hanging.

  Take care of yourself. Come for a visit soon if you can.



  My heart melted knowing they missed me. And I’d never been to Hawaii. But could I trust myself to not slip up? Was I sure I wouldn’t make a mistake with Kai on the trip? Maybe Kellan could come with me… Actually, that would be more awkward. I would be stuck between both men the entire time. I would have to think about it.

  “There’s another paper in here,” my mother handed me the envelope I had set on the island. I retrieved the second paper. It was plain white printer paper. I opened it to a quick note handwritten in Kai’s penmanship.

  This is from Kalel.

  “Another check. Another check! Holy sugarplums! These people are serious when they say they pay good!” I held up the second five million dollar check. This one was a personal check from Kalel Kulani. Next to For he’d written services rendered.

  “What am I going to do with all this money Mom?” I asked somewhat frantic and overwhelmed. I couldn’t believe I was holding two checks for such high amounts. This was more than most people saw in a lifetime and I had double in my hands at sixteen for less than a month of work. All I could think was that I didn’t deserve it.

  “You can invest it and save it. Buy your new phone and put away the rest. You are immortal, so you will get to spend it.” God bless her for being so calm and well put together all the time.

  “You’re right. Do you and dad need anything, want anything?” It’s the least I could do for all they’d sacrificed and done for me.

  “No sweetie. I appreciate the thought, but we don’t need anything.”

  “Kellan. What about you?” I checked. I guess in a way I was hoping someone needed something or wanted a splurge. I felt bad having that much money sitting there, but in truth, I didn’t know what I could do with it. I might need it so I didn’t want to spend it, but then again I did want to buy some

  “I have all I need right here,” he smiled pulling me into my arms. He playfully kissed my cheeks and neck making a loud, dramatic noise with each one. I was beyond blessed.

  A week went by with little commotion in my life for once. I deposited the checks into my account. I’d never felt comfortable discussing money with friends or family even. It’s not that it’s a touchy subject; it simply felt wrong. If you had more, you were rubbing it in their faces. If you had less, you could easily become unhappy and invest in greed. I didn’t even tell Mel. Only my parents and Kellan knew.

  Auggy contacted me about a potential mission in Spain, but said it could be postponed until Christmas or Spring break to accommodate my schedule as it’s only talks of a potential militia group coordinating. I was relieved to know I had more time to enjoy the somewhat normal teen life I was permitted to live between all things vamp.

  After weeks of debating, Craig had taken up a permanent residence here in Charleston. He purchased a condo near downtown through my mom that he was set to close on in a few weeks. In the meantime he’d been all over Mel. I was afraid to ask how far they’d gone. I just hoped she hadn’t gone too far. I’d tried to keep her mom out of my thoughts, but she’s forever lingering in the backdrop. The shock factor hadn’t left me. You always hear that serial killers appear to be perfect citizens and neighbors; typically one wouldn’t suspect a thing. That was definitely the case with Mel’s mom. I couldn’t even bring myself to ask my parents if they knew about it.

  I knocked on the door politely waiting for an answer. They gave me a key, but I still felt like a guest and didn’t want to barge in. I heard faint footsteps in and about the house. A second later the door was opened.

  “Leka!” Kalel greeted and announced pulling me in for a hug. “Where have you been?”

  “Oh, you know, around,” I smiled coyly.

  “So it seems. I smell the change,” he smirked.

  “Really?” My mom never said anything to me so I assumed me and Kellan’s exchange remained private.


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