Billionaire Romance: Desires (Complete Series)
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It was less complicated to be with her rather than meeting an entirely new woman. He couldn’t deny he enjoyed her company, for she was a bit of a wild thing, and being around her was always an adventure: one that was certain to catapult off a cliff. He had all but gotten Melody out of his mind, until one afternoon he spotted someone that resembled her at an angle, and suddenly he wished he had been cruising the Caribbean with her instead.
Billionaire Romance
Desires #3
Nothing was the same for Melody anymore, and she spent her days wallowing in self-pity. Now she felt extremely foolish as she checked her account balance once more. The figure was growing rather thin, and had it not been for the check she’d received at PC Innovations on that first interview, she could not have been able to hold on for much longer. She was forced to call home for assistance after a week passed by, cursing herself for splurging on those steaks for a man she know hated to think of.
“Melody, is everything alright?” Her mother asked her when she did get the nerve to call.
“Not really, Mom. I haven’t gotten a job as yet, just a few close calls. I was wondering if it would be any trouble if I asked you and Dad for a loan until I can get on my feet.”
“Nonsense, my child; it’s no bother at all. You have done very well for yourself paying your way through college when I still say we should have been the ones doing it for you.”
“Thanks, Mom. I just didn’t want to burden either of you.”
“How much do you need?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but maybe about a thousand dollars, if that’s not too much to ask for,” she said as she cringed, not knowing whether or not they could spare that much.
“I’ll wire it to you tomorrow,” her mother said. “Just take care of yourself, and visit us soon.”
“I will, and thanks, Mom. I love you,” she said, and hung up. She could survive another three months on that at the least, but she couldn’t keep doing this. In a few more months, she’d have to leave and go back home if no job surfaced. There was nowhere left to apply, and soon she looked over to the phone, wondering if she could call PC Innovations and check if the position was still open. But even as her mind wandered there, she was forced to think about all that had happened between her and Phillip. He had knowingly sat there in the restaurant, listening to her every complaint, and had manipulated the situation to his benefit. Why did he think she would not find out? Or was he that self-centered to think that she would stay nonetheless, just because she was in dire need of money? She was a proud woman, and she would not be used.
But then his last words echoed in her head; at what point had she gotten used, without doubt? He had been nothing but kind to her after all, and...
Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of someone knocking. She froze, half believing it to be Phillip. Would he dare show up here again? She got up slowly and went to open the door. “Crystal,” she said as soon as she was able to breathe again. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you I would be coming over the following day; I got caught up,” she said as she breezed past her and went inside. “Now, where is my steak?”
Melody laughed then, for the first time in a long time. Or so it seemed. Crystal was always so direct. “I am afraid he ate it all, and why would I still have that?” She asked and her face took on a sour expression.
This did not escape Crystal. “So, how did it go?”
Melody was silent for a while. “The other night was great. I had the rooftop all decorated with candlelight and the works, and we danced and then came back down and, you know...” she said as her voice faded.
“Then why do you look like that?” Crystal asked, now folding her hands. “Didn’t he call you after? Is that it?”
“Oh, he did more call me. I got a call for a job interview, to the same place that had mistakenly called me in for an interview the morning of the day we met. Little did I know that Phillip owned the company and had created the job for me after he’d heard my sob story earlier. I got upset and walked out.”
“I’m sorry, what? You walked out?” Crystal asked, clearly shocked.
“Yes! I’d like to be hired because I’m qualified, not because I’m pitied,” Melody defended herself.
“And you were overqualified for the position? I fail to see what the problem is.”
“Crystal, I was used, and maybe that was his way of getting into bed with me. He knew I would feel so happy about the job that I would possibly sleep with him.”
“And you think a man as wealthy as him would have trouble getting ass? As far as I can hear, you have been the one on the receiving end here, and even if he were using you, you’d still be benefitting. I bet he would have paid handsomely for the job.”
“I don’t care. The job required me to be close to him at all times, and I didn’t feel comfortable anymore.”
“So what now? How are you going to pay your bills?”
“I took a loan from my parents for the time being. I’m hoping something will turn up soon so I won’t need to lean on them.”
“From where I’m standing, your pride is going to be your downfall. This is not the best state to get employed, and what’s worse, you totally misunderstood his intentions.”
Crystal did not help Melody feel any better; if anything, she only served to make her feel worse. She might have blown the entire thing out of proportion, and even though Phillip had tried to make amends, she had refused to give in. Did that seem like a man who was trying to use her? And like Crystal said, use her for what? He already had it all.
After her friend left, Melody was riddled with depression. Sometimes she didn’t even want to answer the phone, and the only times she did was when she remembered that someone might be offering her a job. Her mind was flooded with guilt at the way she had treated him, and she could hardly believe that a man who had been nothing short of a one night stand could have such an impact on her. Several times Crystal called, inviting her for a drink, and she always turned her down, until one day her friend showed up with two tickets in her hand.
“Come on, get dressed,” she said, not giving Melody a chance to question her.
“Where am I going? I’m not in the mood, Crystal,” she retaliated.
“I didn’t ask. There is no way I’m letting you stay here holed up in this apartment until you die. Now get a carry-on, and pack some things; we are going to St. Lucia.”
“St. Lucia? In the Caribbean?” Melody asked.
“The very same, so let’s get moving; our flight leaves in four hours. Deal with it.”
“Crystal, but what if someone calls me for an interview? And look at my hair, it’s a mess. And I have no suitable swimwear, whatsoever.” She started to find all sorts of excuses, searching her mind for more, but Crystal would have none of it.
“There is nothing wrong with your hair that a comb can’t fix; I have plenty of swimwear, all new, that I can give to you, and you’ll have your cell to receive any calls. The vacation is only for a few days, not for a year. If they haven’t called yet, they can always just wait.”
Melody had no other excuses, and finally gave up. “Fine,” she said as she threw her hands in the air. In another hour and a half she was all set, and the two made a dash for the airport; they had to be there in twenty minutes to secure their places. Once on board, Melody gazed outside the window, and suddenly she wondered what Phillip was doing just then.
Soon Melody could feel the excitement bubbling in her as she thought about being in St. Lucia. “How are you able to pay for this?” She asked Crystal.
“Don’t worry about that; just enjoy,” she said as she smiled at her. Crystal had been the closest friend to Melody while in college, and she’d envied her the luxuries she not having to work and pay her own tuition. Despite that, though, they’d become close friends, and M
elody had to be thankful her friend hadn’t allowed her to simply wrap herself up as a hermit in hiding.
Pretty soon the pilot announced that they were about to land and should buckle up. Melody looked out the window at the tiny island as it loomed in the distance, and at the beach, already so inviting. She was all but forgetting about Phillip by the time the plane landed in the Hewanorra International Airport. They hauled their luggage behind them, and soon a taxi operator approached.
“Taxi?” He asked them.
“Sure,” Crystal answered, and right away he took their bags from them and hurried to an older model Corolla he called his own. He stuffed the bags in the trunk and the girls got into the back.
“Where to?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“The Cotton Bay Village, please,” she said as she confirmed the name of the hotel. Melody was awash with excitement as she viewed the lovely surroundings and began soaking up the entire aura of the place.
The driver, noticing their expressions, adjusted his mirror so that he could see their faces. “First time in St. Lucia?” He asked.
“Yes,” they said together.
“Welcome,” he smiled. “I hope you enjoy your time here and that you will come again.”
“Thank you,” Crystal said, not used to cab drivers being that polite. They got to the hotel and paid the fare. By the big grin on the driver’s face and his running from the car to ensure they made it all the way to the front desk safely, they could tell he was pleased with the compensation he’d received.
When Crystal had confirmed the rooms, she turned to Melody. “Why don’t you go on up? I want to make a call in the lobby.”
Melody thought nothing of it, and agreed easily. She was accompanied by the bell boy, and soon she was at her room; she assumed Crystal had the one next to her. She entered the room and was immediately in awe of the spacious area, with plush carpeting, and a ceiling fan as well as air conditioning. The room had accentuated furniture to match the four poster bed, and when she ventured to the window, she was pleased with the garden setting she came face to face with. She was going to love it here. She was just unpacking some of her stuff when there was a slight knock on the door. She already knew who it was.
“Come in, Crystal,” she said.
Crystal walked in, but she wasn’t alone. Behind her was a tall and handsome man with brown skin and a white smile. Her heart skipped a beat, then. “Who is this?” She asked, confusion thick in her voice.
“This is Milton, and he will be your personal escort for the duration of this trip. He will serve you with whatever you need while we are here. And I do mean whatever,” Crystal added for emphasis, ending her overly formal introduction.
Milton walked over and leaned in to give Melody a kiss on her cheek that served as punctuation to Crystal’s words. “Hi, Milton,” she said. “Would you excuse us for a second?” She walked over to Crystal and hauled her out into the passageway. “What are you doing? Are you crazy?”
“Just chill; he’s a rental, so no strings attached. You may need some company while we’re here, and since Phillip is seemingly out of the picture, you could use some...Milton,” she winked.
Melody reached out and punched her on the shoulder. “Don’t set me up like that again. The least you could have done was warn me...” She paused. “At least he isn’t bad looking.”
“No, he isn’t, and had I introduced the idea earlier, what would you have said?” She asked Melody.
“I would have said ‘no’,” she sighed, and covered her face.
“Exactly. Now, let’s go back inside; it’s rude to leave him all alone in there.”
They went back into Crystal’s room to find Milton staring out into the garden. He turned when he heard them come back inside. “I will be in the next room if you need me,” Crystal said, leaving the two all alone.
After she had gone, Milton dug his hands into the pockets of his Bermuda shorts and walked over to her. “You were set up, huh?” He asked, and she adored his island accent.
“That obvious? I guess it wasn’t enough that she dragged me here.”
“She is a good friend, then?” He asked.
Melody smiled. “She is.” Then she turned uncomfortably in the room before sitting on the bed. “So, what do we do now?”
“Well, we can hang out. There will be a party later down by the pool. We can go there.”
“Oh, that sounds lovely,” she said, and Milton left then with the promise to pick her up again when it was time. Melody found Crystal once more, and together they changed into their swimwear and went to the beach. Melody could not tell the last time she’d felt this free, and as she skipped out of her sandals and tossed her towel on the chair, she was grateful that she knew how to swim. She let the water beat upon her as she swam about two hundred meters and back. By the time she did, she was exhausted, having not had this much exercise for a long time. She grabbed up her towel and dried herself before plopping herself down next to Crystal, who had chosen to sunbathe instead. She was reading a novel that was now splayed across her face.
“This is not what the beach is for,” Melody said to her. “Look at that blue and white expanse of beauty.”
“I’m sorry, but that is not how I am going to die,” Crystal told her.
Melody laughed. “Milton says there will be a party by the pool later.”
“Oh,” she said as her eyes lit up.
“Where is your escort?” Melody asked, only now realizing she might be the only one with one.
“I didn’t need any; I’m in a relationship,” she said, and smiled.
“Anyway, I’ll be going. I intend to make the most of this. And seeing as I haven’t rested all day, I may as well do so before that. You coming?” She asked as she got up.
“No, I think I’ll stay here a while longer; the ocean relaxes me.”
Melody walked off then, and as she got into the room she walked right into the shower for a hot bath. Her adventures had worn her out, and she fell asleep even before she touched the bed. She rose a few hours later, and realized that it was already dark. She got up to get ready while she waited for Milton. She had barely done so when she heard a rap at the door.
“Just a minute,” she called as she hopped into her sandals. She opened the door and he stood there like a Roman God, in all white.
“You ready to party?” He asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said as she slipped her hand through the arm he held out for her. The two walked down the hall together, and though the scene was a lovely one, she couldn’t help thinking that something about this picture was entirely wrong.
The party was already in full swing by the time they got there, and soon more tourists could be seen venturing out. Milton got Melody a spot that was close to the wall; there were thatched umbrellas lining the poolside that presented a beautiful picture. Melody looked around, but she couldn’t find her friend Crystal anywhere. They were playing calypso music now, and some of the braver folks were gyrating to the lively sounds. Melody couldn’t help swaying to it as well, and soon Milton had coerced her into joining a conga line that had formed.
He was a most gracious escort, and Melody wondered how much Crystal had paid for his services. He was very charming, and catered to her every need. Now, he was returning with some chicken soup that she’d requested.
“Thank you,” she smiled as she took the hot beverage from him.
“No problem,” he said as he sat down; he had a cup as well. “So, how do you like this party?”
“It is very nice,” she had to admit. “I am glad you asked me.”
“Usually we have some event happening every night; tomorrow I believe is karaoke, and then the next night is a beach picnic and party in one.”
“Sounds like fun. I’m game,” she said.
The party continued, and since Melody couldn’t dance, she was content with sitting
and watching the other braver tourists tackle the Caribbean sounds that streamed from the speakers. She encouraged Milton to participate, and she found it immensely funny to watch him dancing with others who didn’t have a clue how. Finally he returned to her and held his hand out to her; they had changed the tempo to slow ballads and he wanted her to have those dances. She smiled and stood up, and soon her head was resting against his chest, his arm was holding to the small of her back. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the ocean as they swayed there like trees in the wind.
“Would you like to go for a walk?” He asked her when the music stopped.
“Sure,” she said, and he held her hand and led her down to the beach. There were a few people milling around, and she hugged herself as the breeze from the ocean swept over them, giving her a chill.
“Are you cold?” He asked her.
“Just a little; I’m afraid I didn’t dress for a night’s walk along the beach.”
He slipped out of his shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders then, and his essence clung to her as he warmed her through his shirt. “Thanks.”
He reached down and held her hand, and she didn’t object to his doing so. Pretty soon, he found a secluded spot and pulled her down to sit. He started a conversation, and soon they were discussing the weather, politics, and eventually sex. She was a bit uncomfortable broaching that subject, but she didn’t want to appear rude. She turned away from him as he provoked memories she would have preferred remain hidden. The moonlight on the water was hypnotic, and maybe it stirred something in him as well. When she turned her head around again, her lips met his. She paused for a second before opening her mouth to respond, but when she closed her eyes, there was only one face that popped into her mind. She pulled away hesitantly, and he tipped her head towards him.