The Ghost of You
Page 15
“He asked you to go with him,” I say because it is what happened.
“I couldn’t live that life.”
I shrug.
“No. No, you can’t take his side, Anna May. This is my battle to win.”
“By all means, go. Let me just grab the popcorn first.” I laugh as I say it and it calms her down a bit.
“Bitch.” She smiles. “Fine, you get the popcorn. But you better text me when he is at the studio.”
“He is back in town for a few days. He is probably there now. I was going to head over tonight so I can finish up a song Mason and I were working on.”
“You better text me!” she yells before getting in her car.
I strum a new melody on my guitar as Mason sits in his office on a call. Darnell has been putting the word out about Starlight Studios as he went on a short tour and it’s started to spark some interest.
Mason even hired a receptionist today so he doesn’t have to worry about who is coming and going through the studio all the time.
I scratch out words on a notebook and rewrite something that sounds a bit better for the melody when Darnell walks in.
“Coopcake! I was hoping I would see you today.”
I smile at Darnell as he takes a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Well, I was hoping we could finish that song we started yesterday. I can’t get the melody out of my head but can’t seem to find the lyrics for it.”
“You and me both, baby girl. That melody is fire. It’s haunting. It needs a powerful lyrics.”
I flip through a few pages of my notebook. “I have some words I’ve written over the years that might work for it.”
“Let’s take a look.” He looks at my words and starts jotting down notes next to them as I play the melody over and over.
“Fuck me. I know this song will be a hit. I can feel it. But it’s still just not right.”
I scratch my head with my pen. “I know. Maybe Mason can help? He should be out soon.”
Darnell nods and we both go back to writing, hoping we can find the right lyric for the incredible melody.
Within a few minutes, Mason appears and sits down next to me on the couch. “Hey Anna May,” he says with a goofy grin.
My cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “Hi.”
“Have you thought about what I asked you yesterday?” he whispers in my ear.
I glance toward Darnell but he is completely engrossed in his songwriting. “A little.”
The truth is, I never told Mason no. I told him I had to think about it. Because I am not entirely sure Noah will ever give me the time of day. “I still don’t know.”
“One date isn’t going to hurt, Anna May.”
I look at his handsome face and truly think about what it would be like to date him. I have so much more in common with him than I do Noah. But with Noah, I have a connection I can’t deny. “I know. I just—”
“What the fuck are you doing here, Darnell Baker?”
I am saved by Seraphina as she comes barging into the music studio.
Mason jolts up from the couch. “Who are you and how did you get in here?”
I might have given Seraphina the code to the door but I am not about to admit it. Instead, I go into my bag and pull out the popcorn I brought.
Darnell pales when he sees his ex. “Ugh, Sera—I didn’t think—”
“What? You didn’t think you would ever see me again?”
Darnell grips the back of his neck with both hands and looks up to the ceiling. I doubt he is going to find answers there. “No, Sera. I didn’t think I would see you again.”
I pull on Mason’s arm to bring him back to sitting next to me on the couch.
“What the fuck? Who is that?” he asks me.
I just grin and pass over the popcorn. “Dee’s ex. My best friend. Those two loved each other hard and fought each other harder. I accidentally spilled the beans about seeing him.”
Mason looks at me in understanding. “So you let her know he would be here?” I nod. He looks down at the popcorn I am offering him. “And you thought it would be entertaining?”
I chuckle. “Oh it will be entertaining alright.”
Mason gives me that goofy grin. “Good, I could use some entertainment after the long-ass day I had.”
We sit there and watch the two of them argue for fifteen minutes. I don’t even think they realize we are still sitting here.
My mouth nearly hits the floor when Seraphina spills a huge secret I didn’t even know about. “You proposed to me, Darnell. Do you not remember that? After all that fighting we did, when I finally spent three weeks with you on tour, you proposed!”
Darnell grabs her arms. “I remember everything about that Sera. I fucking loved you.”
“But then you slept with that groupie!”
Oh fuck.
“You told me you would only marry me if I quit the band!”
“I was overemotional, okay? You know I always have been!”
Darnell sits on the arm of the couch across from us, burying his face in his hands. “I made a goddamn mistake, Seraphina. A huge mistake.”
Mason leans over and whispers in my ear. “This is intense.”
“And entertaining,” I interject.
“It’s like a soap opera.”
“Aren’t you glad I brought the popcorn?” I look at him and smile.
“Extremely.” He places his hand on my thigh and I tense. He must notice the movement because he immediately removes it. Darnell starts to sniffle. “Oh shit, is he crying?”
Seraphina kneels in front of him. “I never should have said those words to you, Darnell. I was selfish and an idiot. I wanted you all to myself. I’ve never been good at sharing.”
“You didn’t need to share me, Sera. You just needed to let me live my dream.”
“I wanted you to.”
He shakes his head. “No, you didn’t. My dream wasn’t just the music. It was you.” He looks up at her, tears trailing his espresso skin. “You were my dream, Sera. I wanted you there by my side every step of the way.”
I bring my hand to my chest. This is so romantic. Sera better make the right choice.
She brings her hands to cup his face. “You were my dream too, Darnell. Is it too late for us?”
His hands go over hers. “It’s never too late.”
They both go at each other at the same time. Their lips locking, their hands everywhere, moaning each other’s names as they fall backward onto the couch Darnell was sitting on.
Mason clears his throat and they both shoot off the couch.
Seraphina smiles at me and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen her look so happy.
“Ugh, sorry, man. I’m going to need to take a raincheck on the songwriting tonight.” Darnell grabs Sera’s hand and pulls her out the door before Mason or I can even respond.
“Well that didn’t go as I expected,” I say to Mason.
He laughs as he shakes his head. “I don’t think I have ever seen that side of Dee before.”
“Only when he is around her has he acted like that.”
I don’t want this to get awkward. “Well since he isn’t here, I think I am going to head home.”
“We can still work on that song.”
“Nah. I think I am too worn out , it’s been a long day,” I say as I stand up.
He stands with me and grabs my hand. “Think about it, Anna.”
“I will. I just need time to—”
He doesn’t let me finish. He pulls me against him and presses his lips to mine.
I nearly stumble backward at his forwardness but he catches me.
This kiss doesn’t last long. Just long enough so he can give me a taste of what it would be like with him.
I pack up my guitar quickly and grab my bag. I leave without saying another word. Because I don’t know what to say. I just kissed a Taylor brother and it wasn’t the one I wa
I’ve managed to steer clear of Mason all week. I kept making up excuses as to why I couldn’t come to the studio. All valid ones. I did have to work.
But I am so confused. I’m twenty-nine years old, my love life shouldn’t be this complicated.
I can’t even talk to Seraphina about it. I’ve only seen her at the yoga studio and the time between classes isn’t enough time to ask for advice. Besides the fact she is so smitten with Darnell right now.
Who would have thought that me telling her about Darnell would have sparked their relationship to go back full swing? The few times we have had enough time to talk about anything she has been gushing about the sex between the two of them.
In no way am I a prude. In fact, I like it a little dirty in the bedroom. But Seraphina is trying to give me the play-by-play of her and Darnell’s sexcapades. I would rather be having sexcapades of my own than listening to hers.
It’s Saturday night at the Beer Garden and it’s slow. Winter is slowly making an appearance into the North Carolina weather and it’s keeping a lot of the kids out of the bars.
“Liam, I just don’t know what to do about this?” I decided Liam was my only other choice to get advice from about the Noah/Mason situation.
Liam pours us both a shot of tequila and I gladly take it, anything to pass the time. “I think you should just bang them both then decide from there.”
I roll my eyes at him. “Gross. I am not sleeping with two brothers to determine if one of them is more compatible with me in bed.”
“I don’t see the problem. I’ve done it.”
I throw the dirty towel I was using to wipe down the bar at him. “Again, gross. But I don’t doubt that.”
He smiles at me. “Oh I have an idea. Threesome. Let them battle it out with you in bed together!”
“Why did I even ask you?”
Liam grins at me before grabbing drinks for a group of college students that just walked in.
I make my way to the tables to clean up any empty glasses before heading back to the bar. The managers cut the servers tonight because it was slow so it’s just Liam and I taking care of everyone. Which neither of us minds because it means more money for us.
Liam walks back over to me. “I think you know who you would rather date.”
“I like both of them.” I shrug.
“But I’m sure you have a better connection to one over the other.”
I nod. “I do.”
“Then maybe that’s your answer.”
I slump my shoulders as I lean my back against the bar. “God, Liam. There is just something there between me and Noah. I know we both feel it. But he is so hot and cold. He almost kissed me once and I pulled away. Then on Thanksgiving, I almost kissed him and he pulled away. Some days I think he wants me and others he is just stuck in his head.”
“Wow, sounds like someone else I know.”
I glare at him. “I know I am just as bad as he is. But does that mean it will never work out for us?”
“It could go either way. Sometimes it doesn’t work out and other times it lights a fire. Love isn’t black and white. The best love is gray, the push and pull into the unknown.”
He makes a good point. Too bad my stupid heart can’t decide.
It starts to pick up in the bar, not too much that we are overwhelmed but enough to keep us busy. Liam takes over the bar as I work the tables. I bring a load of glasses over to the sink to wash before I start making drinks for the three tables by the dartboards.
“Mmm. There is a tall, built, sexy as sin man looking this way.”
I don’t look up as I mix the round of long island iced teas I am making. “Sounds just like your type, Liam.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Oh baby girl, he is. Too bad he can’t take his eyes off of you.”
I snap up as he says it to see Noah staring at me from across the bar. He wasn’t there five minutes ago when I was cleaning up that table so he must have just walked in. “Damnit.”
“What’s wrong? I see nothing wrong with that man.”
I pour the drinks into glasses of ice before garnishing them with lemon. “I need more time to think before I talk to a Taylor brother.”
“Ahh so this is one of the Taylors,” Liam says as he eyes Noah up and down. “Hmm from his posture, that face, and the death glare he is sending me. I am going to guess it’s Noah. He a bit protective over you?”
I sigh as I put the drinks on a tray with the beers I just grabbed. “Just a little. I mean he’s a cop, it’s like second nature for him.”
“Well with that stare I would definitely want to find out what he’s like in the bedroom. Maybe even with handcuffs?”
I punch Liam in the arm. “Good luck with that, you dirty whore. But he is one hundred percent straight.”
“And one hundred percent into you.”
“Unlikely. I don’t even know what he is doing here. He doesn’t drink in public.”
“He is probably here for you then.”
I don’t answer him as I walk away to serve drinks. I make my way around the tables, delaying my interaction with Noah as much as possible.
“Hey,” I say when I finally make it to him.
“Hi,” he says with that grin that makes me want to take my clothes off in front of him.
“What can I get you?” I ask as I pull my notepad out of my apron.
He doesn’t answer me but just looks at me. I look down to see if I spilled something on me but I am relatively clean. However, my shirt is low cut enough, the girls are on display. “How about an IPA?” I ask, knowing that is what he usually drinks. He doesn’t answer so I start to walk away.
He clears his throat and it makes me pause. “Can I just get a light beer?”
I nod and leave before he says anything else.
When I get back behind the bar to pour a beer for him and a few other tables, I can’t help but glance in the mirror on the back of the bar to look at him in the reflection.
“You got it bad for him?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Well he has it bad for you,” Liam says. “And I don’t think he likes me.”
“He doesn’t even know you.”
“Let me try something.” Before I can even ask what he means, he comes up behind me and places his hands on my hips, his front to my back as I pour beers from the tap. “Just what I thought. Look.”
I look up in the mirror and see Noah clenching his jaw as he stares at us. “Okay, point made, Liam.”
He laughs as he walks away from me to make a pitcher of margaritas.
With shaky hands, I set the beers on a tray and bring them to the tables. When I get to Noah, I almost spill the beer all over him but catch it in time.
He doesn’t say a word, just stares toward where Liam is behind the bar.
“Do you want me to start you a tab?”
He blinks a few times before turning toward me. “Uhh, yeah. My brothers will be here soon.”
My heart deflates a little. I thought maybe he came here to see me but he is just meeting his brothers.
He hands me a credit card and I put it in my apron as I step away.
“Mayberry,” he says, grabbing my arm in the process. That electricity I felt zap through us on Thanksgiving returns. “I’m sorry about last week.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He doesn’t let me go. He pulls me closer to him. “I mean it. I just—I am a stubborn idiot sometimes.”
I snort at that.
“Can we talk later?”
“If I can get a break, yeah.”
He doesn’t let me go and pulls me even closer, I can smell his body wash, a mix of cedar and juniper. “Who is that guy?”
“What guy?” I ask dumbly.
“The bartender.”
“Liam? He’s my friend.”
His jaw tightens as he thinks. “I saw him leave your place one morning.”
I burst out laughing. “Oh my god. Are you jealous?”
He doesn’t answer but I see the slight tic in his jaw. I decide I might as well play this up a bit to see how much he cares. “He just sleeps over sometimes when I need someone to cuddle with.”
His grip on my arm gets tighter. I can tell he didn’t like that answer.
“Have you never needed someone to hold you at night?”
“No,” he answers sternly.
I giggle at his jealousy. I lean in and whisper in his ear. One because I like this side of him and two because I want to flirt with him. My breasts press against his chest and I can feel him shift underneath me as I whisper in his ear. “Liam would probably enjoy your company more than me. Although I don’t know if you would as much. Especially if he got a little morning wood.”
Noah pulls back from me, letting go of my arm. “He’s gay?”
I nod as I step back but Noah is faster than I am and his arms wrap around my hips, resting on my lower back. “We need to talk.”
I put my hands on his chest, feeling the race of his heartbeat and the hardness of his muscles. “We will.”
He hesitates to let me go but then a howl comes from the door. We break apart when we hear the brogue of Asher’s voice.
“I’ll be right back to grab their orders,” I tell him, stepping away before his brothers see how close we are.
I run behind the bar and collapse onto one of the coolers.
“Well that got interesting.”
I hold my hand up in front of Liam. “Please don’t.”
“Oh no baby girl. I am going to say something. That man,” he points to Noah, “has got it bad for you. He just needs to realize it before it’s too late. Maybe don’t tell him brother dearest kissed you the other night.” He pauses then a big grin comes across his face. “Actually please do. Maybe they will duke it out at the bar, in front of us. Shirtless.”
“You and your fantasies. That is never happening.”
“A man can dream.”
“You should get a job at the gay bar down the street.”
“No way honey, too much drama for me.”
I make my way back over to the Taylor brothers to grab their drink orders. Seraphina walks in with Darnell so I grab Darnell a beer and make a margarita for Seraphina.