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Remus: #6

Page 10

by Madison Stevens

  “Did they catch you going home?” he asked.

  He knew it had been a risk asking her to come. It was his fault she was in this mess.

  She shook her head, and he frowned.

  “Did they go to your house?”

  She looked down and shook her head again.

  “They came for the book? I knew they were catching on…” he started. He chastised himself silently for not warning her off earlier.

  Jenna placed a hand on his chest, and he stopped talking.

  “I came to save you,” she said and looked up at him.

  The room spun as he processed what she was saying. No. It couldn’t have been what she said.

  “Save me?” he repeated.

  She nodded and stepped off the bed again.

  He could feel his anger growing as he thought about the situation.

  “You put yourself in danger on purpose?” he ground out.

  Jenna straightened up as she looked down at him.

  “I put myself in danger to save you,” she said.

  He could feel it, the anger he kept in check, burning just below the surface, fueled by fear for the woman he loved.

  “I didn’t need your help,” he growled.

  Jenna frowned at him. “Didn’t really look that way last night.”

  He glared at her. Using his weakness against him hurt more than he would have thought.

  “I would have managed,” he said and looked away from her.

  She sighed.

  “Well, now you don’t have to,” she said softly.

  He climbed off the bed and made his way to the sink. Maybe a few splashes of water would help. Despite all his planning, he never would have guessed Jenna would pull such a stunt.

  Rem could hear her fall heavily onto the mattress and groaned inwardly.

  Having her there was going to complicate things. He leaned over the sink and sighed. There were too many things up in the air, and now he had to keep her safe.

  “Why did they bring you to me?” he asked and gripped the edges of the sink.

  Jenna cleared her throat. “I told them we were bonded.”

  Rem whirled around and stared at her in horror.


  The room spun as she nodded.

  “It was the only way they would bring me to you.”

  She had no idea of the horror they had been exposed to, no idea what sort of hell the Horatius Group would put them both through.

  “It would have been better if you never came,” he whispered.

  Jenna lay on the cot quietly, letting her silent tears slip onto the hard pillow below her head. She knew he’d be mad but thought he’d at least be a little happy to see her.

  She pulled off her glasses and wiped her face.

  “Here,” he said from behind her.

  She rolled over and squinted her eyes. He was squatting close to her, but she could only make out the fuzzy outline of his face with her glasses off. He gently wiped away the tears with the wet towel in his hand.

  “Did you fall?” he asked. “They didn’t hurt you…” Rem turned and glared at the door. “I can smell him on you.” He growled.

  She put her hand on his.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  Rem stared at her for a long moment. He placed a hand near her knee.

  “You aren’t fine,” he said.

  She’d forgotten the cut, but when she thought on it, memories of earlier haunted her.

  Rem frowned. “Something happened,” he said. “I know he was involved.”

  Jenna slipped her glasses back on and tried to scoot away. She didn’t want to talk about it. Besides her own feelings, it’d only set Rem more on edge. They wouldn’t escape if he tried to kill Romulus the first time he saw him without thought.

  His firm hand shot out and pulled the injured leg back to him. His eyes burned into her.

  “Let me clean it,” he said.

  She watched as he pushed the leg of her pants up over her knee. The harsh material scraped the cut, and she hissed at the pain.

  Rem frowned at the jagged cut. He wiped the bloodied spot until it was clean.

  “I don’t have anything to put on it,” he said quietly and looked over to her.

  Jenna shook her head. “It’s fine. I really didn’t…” She trailed off as Rem gingerly leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the cut.

  Her heart thumped at the tender act. She reached forward and placed a hand on his cheek.

  They stared at one another in silence for a moment, just trying to forget all the things that had put them in this mess.

  “I had to come,” she said.

  Rem closed his eyes and rubbed his face against the palm of her hand. Her thumb brushed his lips, and she could feel the pressure inside her mount.

  “It’s dangerous,” he rumbled.

  Jenna nodded. She knew how dangerous it was. Everyone involved in the situation knew how dangerous it was. Still, she had to come, regardless of the consequences to her.

  “If you hadn’t noticed, pretty much anything to do with the hybrids is dangerous,” she said. She followed with a light laugh.

  Her smile faded as he stared at her.

  “You should get away from us,” he said, his face uncharacteristically serious and earnest. “As far away as you can.”

  Rem pulled away from her hand, and the loss rippled through her.

  “No,” she said and scooted to the edge of the bed.

  Rem was on his knees in front of her. She watched as surprise washed over him.

  “I’m not leaving you,” she said.

  All the worry from the last day came crashing back over her. With everything in her, Jenna leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his.

  Rem tensed at her touch and pulled back.

  “I can’t…” he fumbled. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Jenna stared into his beautiful green eyes.

  “I trust you,” she whispered.

  When her mouth touched his again, he groaned against her. Jenna wrapped her hands around his head to keep him from pulling away. He wanted her. She knew he did, but something always seemed to hold him back.

  She pulled back and stared at him again.

  “I’m not letting you go,” she said and kissed along his mouth.

  His breathing was ragged, and she hoped that she wasn’t pushing him after being so ill. The need to be close to him raged in her body. It was as much a driving force as the heartbeat in her chest.

  She made her way to his neck. She nibbled the heated flesh.

  His hands slid down the side of her body. He brushed along the side of her breast, and her breath caught in her throat.

  Her hands rested on his chest. The bare skin beneath her fingers twitched as she let them roam. When she reached his stomach, the hard ridges made her tingle deep inside.

  “Jenna, I’m no good for you,” he whispered.

  She shook her head and continued to trail down his body with her hands. When she reached the top of his pants, she stopped.

  “I don’t believe that,” she said.

  As if something broke in him, Rem pulled her hard against him. Jenna lost her balance and found herself half on top of Rem, her body straddling his.

  He rolled his hips under her, and she moaned at the feel of him between her legs.

  Her center ached for him as it had for some time. She squeezed her legs to help with the pressure.

  Lost in the feel of their bodies finally connected, she didn’t feel as his hand snaked up her shirt. Jenna rocked hard against him and threw her head back when he pinched her aching nipples through her bra. She rubbed herself against his hardened cock as Rem continued to roll her nipples between his fingers.

  “Rem,” she whispered and leaned forward.

  His eyes were closed, and she could only hope that meant he liked what they were doing.

  Her mouth met his, and he kissed her feverishly. His tongue crashed against her own, and she moane
d for more.

  She could feel the build from deep inside. Something fluttered in her, and Jenna gripped his shoulders hard.

  “More,” she groaned and pulled back from his wicked mouth. She wanted to feel him inside her. Have his hard body over her own. She wanted to see him as she came.

  Her eyes found his, and she gasped at the sight.

  His eyes glowed blood red.

  Rem placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back hard. Within seconds, he was standing over her.

  “This,” he growled at her. “This is the real me.”

  She shrank back. Rem knew what she was seeing: the monster that bubbled just below the surface, the beast that he could never bring out fully because of the dire consequences.

  One time he had allowed his emotions to get the better of him. Years ago, during a practice fight, they had brought in an older hybrid. He was ruthless and fought like an animal.

  He didn’t know then, but now it made sense. The man likely fought like an animal because there had been no other choice but to fight that way. Still, Rem was young. He had no idea how to stop a brute like that.

  Scared and with no other options, Rem unleashed the full extent of his powers, the true form of himself that he’d kept hidden so well.

  When he came to, his hands were covered in blood. The evidence of his evil inner self lay with the bloodied and broken man across the room. There had been little they could do for him. And with the death came the shadow of his guilt.

  “Do you see now?” he shouted. “Do you see I’m a man that you can never be with?”

  Jenna trembled. Her eyes were wild with fear.

  He turned away from her. Seeing that look on her face hurt more than he ever thought it would. Knowing she was scared of him crushed his heart.

  Rem ran a hand over the back of his neck. Hell, he was afraid of himself. She was only reflecting the fear that already existed.

  “Rem,” she whispered.

  His name on her lips cut through him. He shook his head.

  “No,” he said firmly. “No more.”

  He jumped when her hand landed on his shoulder.

  “Please,” she whispered. Her arms wrapped around his middle, and she placed a cheek on his back. He could feel the muscles there twitch at the feel of her hot cheek against his bare back.

  “Jenna,” he groaned. Didn’t she know what she was doing to him?

  She kissed him, her tender mouth a soothing balm.

  “I don’t care,” she said quietly. Her hands linked to get around his stomach, and she squeezed him hard. “I love you.”

  Rem let out a choked laugh.


  The door slammed open, and Agatha stepped in.

  “Well,” she said with an evil smile. “Isn’t this cute?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rem cursed himself for not paying attention. With Jenna around, he found himself consumed by her. It was not the best plan if they were going to get out of there alive.

  He slumped over and leaned heavily against the wall. Whatever Harold had given him seemed to be working. With every moment that passed, he felt more and more like himself. But there was no way he wanted Agatha to know that. The more that woman knew, the less he could use this to his advantage.

  “I’m glad to see the two of you getting along so well,” Agatha said and smiled at him. She watched him closely and then turned her attention to Jenna. “It’s too bad you aren’t truly bonded.”

  Jenna shook her head vigorously and opened her mouth to dispute the claim.

  “Romulus only confirmed what I had suspected,” Agatha said, cutting Jenna off. “No matter. You have still been of use.”

  Rem glanced over to Jenna and thought about what she had done. Coming after him had been stupid. It put her in harm’s way, and that was the last place he wanted her to be.

  “I can see that being near one another has returned some of your color,” she said to Rem, her eyes predatory as she spoke.

  The conversation was far more polite than he would have liked. Something about her pleasant tone just didn’t sit well with him. Agatha wasn’t the type of woman to make small talk. She also wasn’t the type to just let things happen. If that were the case, she wouldn’t have gotten to where she was.

  No, she was up to something, and he needed to figure out what that was.

  “I’m particularly glad to see you have shown your true colors,” Agatha said. She gave him a wide toothy grin.

  He paled at her comment. And there it was. Not even thinking about it, he had given her the incentive she needed. All these years of hiding himself only to let someone like her rule him.

  “It was decided that you’d be of better use if we continued with the reversal,” she said, her eyes never leaving his. “Given your current talents, you’ll make a fine warrior for me. The greatest Glycon ever.”

  Nero pushed into the room with several Glycons. The Glycons grabbed Rem’s arms.

  Rem continued to feign feebleness. He needed to wait for his chance.

  “No,” Jenna whispered and rushed to him. One of the Glycons snarled and snapped its mouth at her. She shrank back from the creature.

  “Take him downstairs,” Agatha said, waving a hand at Nero. “Tell that sniveling man to get things ready.”

  Rem struggled not to turn around. It broke him inside not to, but it wasn’t the time to break free. Jenna had to know that. He could only hope that she did.

  “And you,” Agatha said to Jenna. “You have been spoken for.”

  Jenna shook her head.

  “I won’t,” she said quietly.

  Agatha let out a sharp laugh. “You really think there’s a choice in this?”

  The sharp woman was in front of Jenna in mere seconds. She grabbed her throat and squeezed lightly.

  “Romulus wants you,” Agatha said. “And if that means I get him out of my hair, so be it.” She gave a harsh smile and let go of Jenna’s neck.

  Jenna took in deep breaths.

  “Besides, you should be happy,” Agatha said. “You are the first documented Vestal to have two men who are strong, viable matches.”

  Jenna felt her stomach lurch. She leaned over, trying to breathe.

  “It can’t be,” she whispered. Her body shook as she processed the information. Why? Why would she have the ability to bond with that monster? He was nothing like her Rem.

  “I will get you for this,” Jenna said quietly. “You and your people have ruined so much. Hurt so many.”

  “For the sake of progress,” Agatha whispered. “We will stop at nothing.”

  Jenna clenched her fists as she struggled to maintain some composure.

  “He will come for you soon,” Agatha said and made her way to the door. “If I were you, I’d ready myself.”

  * * *

  Rem leaned heavily on the Glycons as they made their way through the maze of tunnels in the cave. There were still so many places he hadn’t gone, and without Nyx or Magnus, he would have to find his own way back to Jenna. But first he needed to meet with Harold again. There was one bit of information he couldn’t leave without.

  A distant rumble filled the halls around them, and he glanced around. Maybe there was some monster here that he hadn’t seen or heard.

  “Underground rapids,” Nero said when he’d glanced over to him.

  He wondered why he’d never heard of it before, but then, he’d never much had his brother’s full confidence. In truth, Rem had often wondered why he had been kept around. But then, in the end, they never had intended to keep him around, not as he was anyway.

  Being captured by Vanessa hadn’t been coincidence. He had been told he was being sent on a secret mission to collect data. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that Romulus never intended for him to return.

  In the end, it had been an opportunity, one he had been waiting for since he was a child. The chance to escape. The chance for freedom.

  It wasn’t until he actual
ly got that freedom that he knew what his true mission was. He needed to take down his brother and free Magnus and his people. With the other man’s help, they had all been able to escape Vanessa. Rem intended to repay that debt, no matter what.

  They stopped outside large wooden double doors. The doors were old and worn. The metal handle looked worn, the design antique.

  Nero pushed the doors open. Candles lit the inside of the room. They flickered with the wind from the door and cast eerie shadows on the walls.

  “Bring him in,” Harold said quietly.

  Rem watched the man closely. He had been willing to help him before, but would that be the case now? Things had gone far beyond what he thought they would, but maybe the sharp scientist had a better idea of the outcome.

  The Glycons pushed Rem to a table, and they stopped abruptly. One command at a time was all they were good for.

  “Let him go,” Harold said.

  The two released him immediately.

  Nero stood by the door, likely waiting for Agatha to show. When she came, it would be Rem’s only chance to get back the stone.

  “Lay on the table,” Harold said.

  Rem climbed onto the table and watched the scientist.

  As he strapped in Rem, the man nodded. Rem still wasn’t quite sure why, but he couldn’t only assume it was Harold’s sign that he was on his side.

  Harold turned around to the table behind him. Rem’s heart picked up at the sight of something blue on the table. Maybe Agatha had left the stone.

  The stout man turned, and Rem could see it more clearly. He frowned at the sight. Several syringes containing clear blue liquid lay on the table.

  Harold picked up one and stared at Rem.

  Something hummed inside him as he looked at the liquid. It was the essence of Atlas.

  Harold leaned over and smiled.

  “Benigno numine,” Harold whispered and emptied the liquid into Rem.

  The Latin words swirled in his head as the essence of Atlas worked though his body.

  By the favor of the heavens.

  * * *

  Jenna moved swiftly around the tiny room. Like hell she was going to just wait around for that monster to come and take her. There had to be something she could use as a weapon.


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