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Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3)

Page 6

by Anthony, Alexandra

  It didn’t take a split second to answer. There was no reason to even consider any other option.


  Chapter 3

  Tell Me What You See

  It really wasn't much of a choice. I'd choose him above anyone or anything.

  The soft smile that he’d reserved only for me was back on his lips. He stood and offered me his outstretched hand. "Let us go home."

  Slipping my fingers into his, we walked along. We looked like any other young couple in love, walking along the Highline. More people passed us, oblivious and unsuspecting that they were walking among immortal creatures.

  "You will be surprised at how many of us there are, vackra."

  Elbowing him, I released his hand and slipped my hand into his back pocket. "I'm still waiting to see more mythical creatures. Trolls, fairies..."

  The shrill ring of my cell phone interrupted me. Normally I knew who was calling without glancing at the phone. No matter how much I concentrated on trying to see, it was coming up a blank.

  "Are you going to answer your phone?" Stefan questioned. He watched me with a raised eyebrow.

  "I can't see," I mumbled. Giving up, I pulled my phone from my pocket, peeking at the display. I groaned unhappily when I saw the caller’s name. It was Aidan. Stefan leaned to peer at the phone. He sent me a look that told me he wasn't surprised at the call or the caller.

  “Hey Aidan,” I said. Testing our bond, it was apparent that even though Stefan wasn’t surprised on the caller, he wasn’t exactly pleased either.

  "Josie, can you meet me for a drink?"

  Fidgeting nervously, I glanced up at Stefan in question. He shrugged and nodded in agreement. His voice was devious when it entered my mind. "Do not tell him I am with you."

  We resumed walking and I pursed my lips. "Sure. Where are you?"

  There was a shocked moment of silence. "I'm heading to The Tippler on W. 15th. I'll grab us a table."

  "See you in a bit." I pressed ‘end’ and cocked my eyebrow at Stefan. I was going to have to come clean about my relationship with Aidan to Stefan. It was almost ironic that one of the few men I'd had sex with was anxiously awaiting my arrival at a bar in Chelsea. I may not be able to see Aidan's future, but more than likely he would happily inform Stefan about our brief dalliance.

  "I only want to have a little fun with him. You will not deny me that will you, vackra?" Stefan asked as he guided us towards the street to catch a cab.

  Nodding absently, I walked along with him. I was doing my best to conceal my thoughts from Stefan until I figured out how to best explain the situation to him. Logically, I knew Stefan was going to rub our relationship in Aidan's nose tonight, just as Aidan would happily do the same. Unless I let Stefan in on my past with Aidan, he was going to be in for one hell of a shock.

  "What did you mean when you said you could not see?" Stefan’s question interrupted my train of thoughts. I watched as extended his arm in the air, hailing a cab. As one pulled to a stop in front of us, we slid inside the backseat.

  Stefan barely acknowledged the cab driver as he spoke in his lightly accented voice. "The Tippler on W. 15th by Chelsea Market."

  The cab pulled away from the curb into traffic. Glancing down, I'd never let go of his hand. His long fingers were entwined with mine. Switching to mental talk, I rested my head against his shoulder. "I'm having trouble reading humans. Normally I'd know if Aidan was calling me. I couldn't see anything...his plans, that he was calling me. Stefan..."

  He was quick to interrupt. "Are you able to read vampires? Tonight with the phone call could have been nothing."

  "I've only been around Lukas and Anna and they are both voids. I can read my brother's thoughts and mind but not his future. And when I’m with you our bond enables me to feel everything so I can’t count you in the equation."

  "You and your brother share a genetic link. Lukas, Anna and I all share a blood link. And our blood bond is very strong." Stefan's lips twitched. A surge of lust hit me from Stefan, unfurling quickly throughout my body. It strengthened when he reached over with his free hand and cupped my cheek, leaning closer until our lips almost touched. "Ah, you have more secrets to tell me. What more do I need to know?"

  Lowering my eyes to our joined hands, I drew in a deep breath. I didn’t want to do this, but I knew I had to. I never thought my past would come back to bite me in this way.

  Stefan grew anxious at my apprehension. “I could pick it from your mind, yet I would prefer you to tell me yourself.”

  "I just didn’t expect to have to ever tell you about this. It’s awkward. There's something you don't know about Aidan and me," I thought to him. "We dated a few times. It was nothing serious. I lived here for a few months over two years ago and he was persistent. He kept asking me out and I thought it might be different."

  Stefan slumped back against the worn plastic of the seat. He stared vacantly out through the scratched partition of the taxi. "Did you fuck him?"

  My guilt flooded our connection, along with a heavy dose of regret. "Yes. I should have told you earlier. I was hoping it wouldn't come up but we're on our way to meet him and you needed to know.”

  I couldn't resist delving into his mind. He was conflicted. He was jealous, angry and resigned. His hand tightened around mine possessively.

  "Did you love him?" He spoke aloud, his melodious voice steady. His thoughts were in a disarray as he tried to reign his tumultuous emotions under control.

  "God, no! Like I said, Aidan and I went out on three very casual dates two years ago. I was lonely, Stefan. Aidan is a nice guy and I could easily block him. I thought..." My voice wandered off and I licked at my lips. "It was the night I swore off dating and men. When we were.. together he was already planning on introducing me into his lifestyle."

  Stefan's eyes flashed as he focused back on me. I’d grabbed his interest. "His lifestyle?"

  Why did explaining my sexual past have to be so unnerving? "He wanted me to do things. Dominate and humiliate him. He liked to be a submissive."

  Stefan snorted humorously. His thoughts were filled with thoughts of me in a leather outfit and a whip, flogging him into submission. "We are not exactly gentle when we are together."

  "There’s rough and then there’s what Aidan wanted. Trust me. When you and I are together, it's like we're one being," I whispered. I had to fight the urge to crawl onto his lap, burrow tightly against him and forget about meeting Aidan. Stefan released my hand, wrapping his arm around my shoulders until we jerked to a stop in front of Chelsea Market.

  Stefan slipped a finger under my chin and tilted my face up to his. His blue eyes searched my face. “I wish you had explained this to me earlier. You have a past, just as I do. I cannot be angry at you for your past sexual relationships with other men, as much as it pains me to even consider them. We are together now. We need to move forward and not let pettiness come between us.”

  Stefan released me and opened the door, unfolding his large frame from the taxi. He smiled tenderly and offered me his hand again.

  "Promise me you'll be nice to him,"

  "Again, I promise nothing. I only will assure you I will do my best to be civil," Stefan advised. His hand was still stretched out, waiting for me.

  Staring up at Stefan, I studied his handsome face. He was facing my past head on and I’d never have to face his. Solveig had been killed by the Council centuries ago and more than likely his other conquests were either dead or wouldn't be making an appearance and forcing me to play nice.

  He was stronger than me. I wasn’t sure I could be so accepting of facing one of Stefan’s exes.

  "Let's meet Aidan." I grabbed his hand and we headed down the steps, entering the basement bar.

  The Tippler was hidden underneath Chelsea Market. High-vaulted ceilings, exposed brick and old wood gave the bar its own personality. Stefan steered me into the darkened tavern, his large hand resting on the small of my back. Glancing around the expansive space and the thick crowd
, I looked for Aidan. I finally found him, tucked away in the corner. He was nervously watching the door but he hadn't recognized me. Had I really changed that much?

  His hand lowered to brush against my ass possessively. “You have changed but likely he is expecting you to be alone.”

  "There he is. Let's just be nice and go home," I thought to him. Shooting him a sour look over my shoulder, I used his favorite word that he used to bend me to his will. "Please."

  “I assure you that I will be on my best behavior, vackra.”

  Scrutinizing him briefly, I huffed and shook my head. His idea of good behavior and mine differed greatly.

  “C’mon, Romeo.” We weaved among the other bar patrons to Aidan’s table and I slid into the chair across from him. His eyes widened as he took in my appearance.

  "Josie? Oh my god! I didn't even recognize you. You look great!" Aidan stuttered timidly. I wished I could say the same for Aidan. Dressed in a faded black t-shirt and v-neck sweater, he had a scarf wrapped around his neck. His caramel hair was longer than it had been two years ago, tumbling over his shoulders in a messy disarray. His blue-gray eyes were hidden by his smudged, heavy black rimmed glasses. He attempted to stand until he noticed Stefan slide into the chair behind me. His heavy arms wrapped around my shoulders possessively as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

  I might as well get this over with before it became a pissing match. "Aidan, this is my boyfriend, Stefan Lifsten."

  Stefan loosened one of his arms from around my shoulders and offered his hand to him. "Aidan. I have heard about you."

  "You must be Josie's boyfriend." Aidan shot me a meaningful look, then pointedly looked back at Stefan, grudgingly shaking his outstretched hand. "I didn't know you'd be joining us tonight..."

  "Josephine and I were out when she had the pleasure of receiving your call. I did not want to miss the opportunity to meet her editor," Stefan said smoothly, his voice sounding more accented than usual. If Aidan knew Stefan better, he’d know that what Stefan really meant is that he didn’t want to pass up the chance to rub our relationship in his face.

  Aidan's mouth opened and closed twice. "I'm more than her editor, you know. I'm also an old friend."

  Stefan's lips curled back in a scornful smile that exposed every one of his gleaming white teeth. "It appears we are all more than we seem."

  "Stefan, can you get us a drink?" I interrupted. Stefan ripped his shark-like stare away from Aidan and gave me a questioning look. "A Screwdriver would be great."

  Stefan inclined his head and stalked towards the bar. His imposing figure cut through the crowd, men and women alike stopping to gape at him as he passed them. I couldn't blame them. He was impossibly beautiful with his Nordic good looks and impressive form. His tight sweater accentuated the dense musculature of his chest and arms, his tight jeans stretched the long length of his legs. I might have sighed aloud longingly as I admired him leaning across the bar to place our order.

  Aidan watched his departure along with me. He spun around in his chair to look at me accusingly. "So that's your type? Thor? Did he leave his hammer at home?"

  Frowning, I adjusted my ponytail and shifted in my seat. "Mature much, Aidan? Jealously doesn’t become you.”

  "You think I’m jealous of Thor? Uh, no. I'm only jealous that you're with him," he admitted softly. "What's happened to you? You look...different. I mean, you look beautiful. You just look different. I mean, different in a good way."

  For being a book editor, he struggled with carrying on basic conversation. That hadn’t changed either. I shrugged and clasped my hands together on the tabletop. "It's been two years, Aidan. People change."

  Aidan adjusted his glasses and ran his fingers nervously through his hair. “I know. When you left, I was angry for a long time. I don’t think you ever really gave us a chance, Josie. I think we could be really good together if you’d just try.”

  Thankfully, I glanced up to see Stefan heading towards the table with two drinks in his hands. He placed one down in front of me and sat down in the chair beside me. His sharp, critical eyes swept over Aidan. His mind was moving at warp speed, assessing how to best face his much weaker adversary.

  "Vackra, remind me to ask Lukas if it is a new fashion statement for a man to wear scarves,” Stefan asked a little too loudly, motioning to Aidan’s brightly patterned scarf. “If so, I should consider adding them to my wardrobe. I am sure they come in handy for other activities. Is that right, Aidan?”

  Aidan's face flushed four different colors of red and I wanted to bang my head against the table. Instead, I picked up my drink and swallowed half of contents in two gulps.

  "Would it be more manly if I wore one of your horned helmets instead?” Aidan shot back angrily.

  Stefan leaned forward across the table. His apparent disdain for Aidan was barely concealed. "Our people did not have horns on our helms. Du är en självbelåten liten jävel."

  Stefan sat back in his chair and stiffly folded his arms across his broad chest. His blue eyes turned glacial as he stared fixedly at Aidan, simply waiting for him to make his next incorrect move.

  True to form, Aidan fell into his trap.

  "Would you care to translate since you think you're so smart, Thor? I'm not sure what Josie sees in you unless she’s suddenly developed an attraction to blond meatheads. She must enjoy being the brain between the two of you," Aidan sneered. He drained his beer and pushed his glass away. “Do you drag her around by her hair and grunt?”

  “Aidan!” I admonished.

  "No, let me finish. Allow me to translate for you. I said you are a smug little fucker. As for what Josie sees in me, you would need to ask her. I am sure I make up for all of your shortcomings," Stefan said condescendingly, glancing over Aidan’s much smaller frame. He lowered his head to press a kiss against my temple. "I will wait for you outside. My good-nature is waning and my temper cannot handle your friend. Take your time and finish your drink. I will be waiting for you."

  He pushed away from the table and swaggered through the bar, disappearing out of the bar door in a flash of blond and black. Sighing heavily, I pushed my glass around in small circles on the table, leaving wet rings behind.

  "Here’s the thing, Aidan. I only met you tonight to be nice. I’d like to keep you as a friend, but I’m not sure exactly how that’s going to work since you just insulted my boyfriend, who happens to have more intelligence than you obviously possess. I thought I’d explained that I'm with Stefan now. You and I went on a few awkward dates and had horrible sex one time. Did you think I would be willing to give up Stefan for that? Really?" I drained my drink and stood up to leave. Aidan's hand on mine stopped me. Hadn’t he embarrassed himself enough for one night?

  "Josie...hold on."

  "No. Aidan, I'm calling Belinda tomorrow. I want a new editor," I said, plucking my hand from his. Standing up from the table, I rushed across the bar to the exit. I'd made it to the door when I was halted by Aidan's arms. They wrapped around me and before I could protest, his lips covered mine. I frantically pushed against him as he attempted to tighten his hold on me. Giving him a final shove, I was able to disentangle myself from him. Unluckily for him, he had the unfortunate pleasure of colliding into the solid wall of Stefan's broad chest.

  Staggering backwards, I scrubbed my hand across my lips as if I could wipe away the offending memory of his lips on mine away. It didn't work.

  Even more upsetting was the fact that he had caught me completely unaware. The 'gift' I'd complained about, lamented over and blamed for all of my problems was gone. But I didn't have time to mourn its loss right now. Stefan had grabbed Aidan by the shirt, lifting him off the floor by at least three inches. Before I could fully comprehend what had happened, Stefan had him out of the bar and up the steps to the street above.

  Clamoring after them, I scurried to catch up. Stefan had Aidan pressed against the bricks, his face twisted in a murderous grimace.

  "Did you ask for him to kiss you?" S
tefan directed the question to me but his eyes never left Aidan.

  "No. I was walking out to meet you and he grabbed me," I replied softly. "Stefan, let's go. It's not worth it."

  The rage that Stefan was feeling flared between us. His blue eyes flashed furiously when he fixed them on me.

  "It is worth it to me. He offends me, he insults my heritage and then he adds insult to injury by attempting to reconcile with my mate. He knows we are together, yet he forced himself on you in the bar below." He shoved Aidan harder against the building. "Please do not insult me by suggesting it is not worth it. You are worth it. Our relationship is worth it."

  "You can't kill him, Stefan," I thought to him. Aloud, my voice was barely audible. "I didn't mean it like that. He's just not worth getting this angry over."

  He turned his irate gaze back to Aidan, his scowl marring his beautiful face. "Even now, she defends you. She begged me to be nice to you. I did my best to be agreeable." Stefan's hand once again pushed him harder against the brick. I heard Aidan let out a soft grunt as his back made impact with the wall yet again.

  Stefan let out a soft growl as he leaned even closer to Aidan. "And this is me being nice. I could snap your neck and feel little remorse. You are lucky, Aidan. Another time, a darker alley...I digress. Tell Josephine you are sorry and it will never happen again."

  Aidan swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously. He opened his mouth but no sound came out.

  Stefan slammed him into the brick again. Through clenched teeth, he accented each word. "Tell her."

  His glasses were crooked on his face when he met my wide-eyed stare. "I'm sor-sorry. I just wanted… I mean, I wasn't thinking. Call Belinda and request a new editor. I can't work with you anymore, Josie. It was difficult enough when you were 20 hours away. But seeing you and knowing you’re with him is going to be too hard."

  Sighing, I knew I should feel sorry for Aidan. I should have never agreed to meet him outside of work, let alone with Stefan with me. I assumed Aidan would be on his best behavior once he saw him and understood that we were a couple. Instead, he turned into a bitter man that held on to his imagined hope of a reconciliation that would never happen.


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