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Lawful Good Thief

Page 21

by T L Ford

  This latest month of sitting on the foredeck, however, was starting to make him insane. His muscles were stiff from inactivity. He needed to move. He stood and walked to the other side of the bow, all two steps worth, and stretched. Angela glanced back at him. Quickly, he seized the opportunity. "Milady, wouldn't you like to go for a walk? We could see how Wade is doing?" She raised an eyebrow at him. He grinned, "And Robyn. She is supposed to be teaching you how to be a lady."

  "Do you think I've not learned how by now?"

  "Oh, no, Milady. I was merely suggesting we go do something. I'm sure that's a great perch and all, but as your bodyguard, I need to get up and move around some."

  "You don't need to stay here with me. We're on the ship."

  "On a ship where the captain has threatened to throw your things overboard, as well as Robbie. Though technically he's your thing also, as am I. That's not too stable of your father. And don't think we haven't seen how Jamil looks at you every time he spots you. That man wants you dead."

  "I can handle both Jamil and my father. Go wander around if you'd like."

  "With respect, Milady, you've not been aware of anything going on around you for a month now. You need to pull yourself together and practice for Siedes. The mastery test will be upon us before you know it."

  "I'm aware of everything on the ship, Kent. Jamil is in the galley, reading. My father is hiding in his cabin, taking a nap. Robbie is sleeping. Robyn has been working on the letters G and H for the last hour. Wade even managed to write his name earlier."

  "You can't know that."

  "Observation, Kent. I've been listening. I've even heard each time you've shifted, run your fingers through your hair, and each time you scratched that bug bite on your leg." She paused, cocking her head to the side and listening. "Though I've still not been able to hear Robbie when he walks."

  "Of course not. He's wearing magical shoes of silence. I wish I owned a pair."

  She swore.

  "Hah. Observation, indeed," he teased, but he knew he didn't need to guard her on the ship so closely anymore. "Come on, Milady, let's go visit with Robyn and Wade?"

  "I have a better idea. You want exercise?"

  He hesitated only fractionally. He nodded. Anything had to be better than this sitting, right?

  "Let's go have a talk with Jayden, then." The First Mate would at least listen to her.

  A short time later, the crew had lowered and secured the sails, strung up small-weave fishing nets across the ship, and run additional free-swinging lines. The crew enthusiastically set to the task of swimming and having a spontaneous party. Everyone awake (and those that were woken up by the noise) took turns swinging from the masts out into the water. Robyn declined, saying such things were not for ladies, though she had Kent take Wade for a swim-lesson.

  Kent took the boy's hand and led him over to the edge, where they'd lowered a knotted line. Wade still didn't speak to anyone except Robyn, but Kent figured when he finally got around to marrying Robyn, Wade was going to be his son by default. "There isn't anything in the water more scary than what you've already lived through, Wade," Kent told him. The boy held on around his neck as he climbed down, and Kent held his hand while treading water and showing the boy how to do the same. The water was only mildly chilly.

  Above him, he saw Angela swing out and dive, spinning out into the air much farther than the others. She swam back to the ship, passed Kent and Wade with a brief greeting, and climbed back to the ship for another turn. Wade looked pale. "What's wrong, Wade?"

  "When's she going to take me to her Master?" his whisper was barely audible.

  "Is that what you're worried about?" Kent asked. "She's never going to. All that nonsense about you as her payment was just so she could get you out of there. Not all Masters are like Guildmaster de Red Cliff. You're free, Wade. In fact, I want you, me, and Robyn to be a proper family. Would you like that? I'm going to ask Robyn to marry me when we get back to Merryweather."

  Wade's eyes were wide. He nodded.

  Kent saw Angela swing out in a wide arc this time and half-fall/half-roll into the net instead of the water. When she sat up, shook her hair out, and began to climb back for another try, Kent turned his focus to teaching Wade the fine points of swimming. Kent saw that the constant underlying tension in the boy was starting to let go. If they'd only have guessed the boy's fears sooner. The kid had to have been terrified.

  When the wind finally started to pick back up again later in the afternoon, Kent overheard Angela convince Jayden to leave the nets in place so she could continue to practice jumping. Kent also ended up leaping from mast to mast - "After your poor showing with that pirate ship, you need the practice!" Angela had said. Kent mentioned Wade's fears to her and she immediately sought Wade out to reaffirm the boy's freedom.

  Kent watched her go. He'd been part of the Guild for a long time and had known many thieves. He'd seen evil ones, powerful ones, some just down on their luck trying to make a living. Thinking of De Red Cliff, he'd even seen insane ones. He knew cold killers that enjoyed taking lives, including Robbie. Almost all were greedy. He'd never before seen a guildmember that truly cared for other people. People in that category usually joined the temples and were, as De Red Cliff had taunted, soft. Merryweather's Dauphin, however, was far from that. Kent had watched her practice. She was terrifyingly competent. He knew she was going to make history at Siedes. He had no doubt that one day, she'd change the whole Guild rather than let it change her. He was looking forward to it.

  The ship sailed northward toward Siedes and the future.

  CHAPTER 10: Siedes

  Kevin Bennett, Guildmaster de Merryweather, stood with Guildmaster de Behr, and both their bodyguards, in the large cavern that served as both the Siedes local guildhall as well as the acknowledged center of the Thieves' Guild. In the back, a dais as large as his own hall held an ornate, large throne, as well as several tables and chairs for guests of import such as themselves. De Siedes circulated among those tables, shadowed by his Dauphin, where, among others, Kevin saw the new Guildmaster de Red Cliff, which gave him great satisfaction. Magnificent tapestries covered both the high ceiling and the walls, reducing the volume of what would otherwise have been a deafening roar of over a thousand conversations. Lesser tables, benches, and bars covered about half of the remaining cavern, while the other half was dedicated to the arena area. Archways off the main room led to assorted shops, food places, and somewhere within the maze, the guild's private quarters.

  "Is it just me or is De Loren botching a job of trying to covertly study us?" De Behr observed pleasantly.

  Not looking over at De Loren, Kevin replied, "He is." Probably watching for my Dauphin and wondering if I know about them. 'Hah! Let him worry!' he thought. He wondered himself when Angela would make her appearance. Scott Owen, set to the task, had come in over two hours ago saying that Captain Thomas' ship had been spotted entering the harbor. About time, too. Kevin had expected Angela to get here before him, and he'd been here a week already. Festivities wouldn't start for another five days yet, giving everyone ample time to arrive and socialize before the mastery test, but he'd been more than a little concerned.

  Both Kevin and De Behr's attentions were riveted when the introducer called out, "Jamil, Independent!" He was barely able to make himself heard over the din. Kevin knew for a fact that the announcements did not reach the dais and that a separate person there announced important guests.

  "She should be along soon, then," De Behr predicted.

  Kevin nodded, watching as Jamil scanned the room, saw Kevin, and pointedly ignored him, going off to one of the side rooms.

  "Somewhat rude. Do you think he's still irked that I had him thrown out of my hall?" De Behr inquired.

  "Did you? I didn't know. He's loyal to her father and her father remains resolutely anti-Guild."

  "Must make it rather challenging for him, as he's a thief."

  "I think he'd rather not be one."

  "Ah, one o
f those," De Behr sneered the last word. De Behr's apprentice, Corishm, arrived with drinks for them and took up post a few feet away should his Master need anything else.

  Several other people were announced, and then, "Dauphin de Merryweather. Kent Grey, Merryweather. Robbie Dale, Merryweather."

  Kevin stared in wonder. His street urchin was standing confidently, wearing a long, flowing blood-red silk dress, with gold finishings, sparkling rubies on gold at the bodice's modestly cut neckline, with a matching black silk cloak, trimmed in the same blood-red silk. The cloak's clasp, a blood-dark gemstone set in a buttery gold oval atop a polished black metal, contrasted the bodice in such a way to make the neckline appear lower and her curves extremely alluring. Her blond hair had been sun-bleached to almost white and was partly braided, with lightly curling ends loosely around her shoulders. Kent and Robbie were dressed to match in finely fitted outfits so dark red that they were almost black.

  "You can breathe, De Merryweather," De Behr chuckled.

  Kevin gasped in air. Angela scanned the room, spotted him and strode purposely toward him. She brought a wave of silence with her as people stopped talking to watch her pass. As she got closer, Kevin saw that the bottom of the dress was actually a wrap, with slits all the way up to her hips for freedom of movement with some sort of gold-colored loose pants underneath that flashed in a stunningly erotic fashion.

  She stopped before him and dropped into a perfect curtsey, elegant, graceful, and lady-proper, with her head bowed.

  "My Dauphin," he breathed, trying to regain control of his voice. "Have you done all that I asked?"

  She straightened. "Yes, Master."

  He nodded briskly and did his absolute best to pretend to dismiss her from his attention. He suspected he failed entirely.

  Angela smiled at De Behr, reached into her cloak, and withdrew a small package that contained his ring. She handed this to De Behr and said, "This is the promised payment for the things you gave me on my visit to your hall. Thank you."

  De Behr didn't open it, but put it in his pocket instead. He, too, nodded, but not briskly, just speechless due to a dry mouth. Conversations around the room started back up again, but somewhat louder.

  Kevin bet that would start some serious rumors.

  Angela dismissed Kent and Robbie, who moved off to find drinks, and Angela went to stand next to Corishm. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Corishm," she said to him.

  "And you, Milady. Where did you find that dress? It's breathtaking."

  "Thank you. I made it myself." She grinned, and for a fleeting moment, appeared like an impish young street child again. Pulling back the cloak so Corishm could see the pockets and sheathed throwing daggers, she explained, "I gave it an incredible number of pockets. I'm quite delighted with it."

  "It is, by far, the most incredible thing in this entire room, except for you."

  "Ah, I can't say as I've not seen everything yet." She smiled. For the next hour, she and Corishm stood guard over their Masters and Corishm pointed out the Guild's Masters and their apprentices and Dauphins. Angela tried very hard to avoid looking over-long at De Loren. Her torn heart needed a no-obligation, undemanding, nonjudgmental, entirely understanding soul to lean on just then.

  * * * * *

  Angela unobtrusively shifted her weight to her other foot while listening to Corishm. The ground still seemed to tilt with the ship's cadence as her body was still trying to compensate for the rocking ship.

  Dauphin de Siedes approached them. "My Master would like to speak with you," he said to Angela as he approached.

  Angela looked over at Kevin and asked, "Master, may I?" Technically, De Siedes was in charge in this hall and to disobey him would have a death penalty. Asking even one's own Master if she could obey was something of an anomaly. The Dauphin de Siedes' eyes opened slightly. Corishm swallowed.

  Kevin dismissed Angela with a seemingly uncaring hand wave. She and Kevin had decided that for Siedes, she would confirm at all times that she only did his bidding and did not do anything else, and he would do his best to treat her like furniture. It was all for show. He wanted his fellow Guildmasters to drool with envy at the skill he commanded, and she wanted to make sure that every single person understood that she obeyed and was loyal to her Guildmaster, to prevent casual 'why don't you take him out and become Guildmaster yourself' inquiries.

  Angela nodded to the Dauphin de Siedes and followed him back to the dais, where his Master sat on his throne. She dropped into a very proper curtsey at the receiving line and straightened, respectfully.

  Guildmaster de Siedes looked her over, but did not come over to her, like her Master and De Loren had. "So you are the Dauphin de Merryweather?" Like most thieves, he would not stand out in a crowd. He had mostly brown hair with some gray and a mildly receding hairline.

  "I am, Guildmaster."

  "And you intend to take the mastery test?" De Siedes had final say over who could or could not take the test, being both in charge of this hall as well as the accepted leader of the Guildmasters.

  "My Master has instructed me to do so, Guildmaster."

  "You are too young. Wait until the next cycle so your skill will improve and you will have adequate time to prepare. I appreciate that your Master would like to have his Dauphin fully confirmed by the Guild, but the mastery test is not for mere bed toys who lack adequate preparation. What your Master chooses to do with you in the meantime is up to him. You still have plenty of time left before Guildmaster de Merryweather shall have final need of a Dauphin."

  "Respectfully, Guildmaster, I do as my Master bids. He has bid me to take the mastery test and so I shall."

  "Did you just argue with me?" His voice had a clear edge.

  "No, Guildmaster, I was merely requesting your price. My Master asks that I take the test, so I must find what you require to allow me to take it."

  "I require you to age another seven years."

  "Guildmaster," De Loren interrupted, walking up behind her. Now practiced in echo-observation, Angela felt the echoes of his body heat. She did not turn to look at him but instead searched the reflections until she saw him clearly. De Loren continued, "It would be a mistake not to allow her to take the test. Don't let the dress and age fool you."

  De Siedes raised an eyebrow.

  Angela saw De Loren shrug in the reflections. "She passed through my hall on her tour and I have seen her knife throwing. I expect her other skills are also acceptable. We should embrace a Master thief into our numbers rather than have her become frustrated and bitter."

  De Red Cliff spoke up from a nearby table. "I'll also vouch for her."

  De Siedes half-choked and looked over at De Red Cliff. De Loren and De Red Cliff exchanged measuring glances.

  "Now that is surprising." De Siedes emphasized 'that' and rubbed the stubble on his chin. To De Red Cliff, he commented, "Your hall has traditionally fallen on the opposite side of politics from Merryweather. I wouldn't expect you to agree to anything in their favor. Or is it that you desire to watch her splatter into a mess on my floor, if she gets that far?"

  Angela remained silent and expressionless. She and Kevin had discussed this at length, when he was giving her the task to assist with the twisted man's demise. Having De Red Cliff support Merryweather would tip the political balance of the entire Guild.

  "My hall now falls on the side with Merryweather," De Red Cliff announced blandly, "When it makes sense to do so, of course."

  "Of course," De Siedes repeated, wondering how that happened. Red Cliff was by far the most sinister of guildhalls, with the highest concentration of assassins and deadly psychopaths. The man who now rode that throne was not someone De Siedes would be comfortable being alone with. There were certainly undercurrents here that he didn't understand and he didn't like that at all. He'd have to set his Dauphin to finding out what was going on. "Well, Dauphin de Merryweather, it looks like we shall find out if you needed seven more years or not."

  "Thank you, Guildmaster.
My Master will be pleased." She curtsied again, nodded thanks to De Loren and De Red Cliff, and returned to her Master's side where he proceeded to ignore her entirely except to ask her to fetch a drink and food as the evening progressed.

  * * * * *

  Before dawn, they retired to the inn where Guildmaster de Merryweather had set up his traveling lair. Surrounded on all sides, including above and below, Guildmaster de Merryweather led her to his room. When Kevin shut the door, his Dauphin collapsed into one of the chairs, giggling. He turned, looked over at her, shook his head and laughed.

  "Ah, My Dauphin!" he went over and sat across from her on his bed. "You were spectacular! And that outfit! I never imagined such an entrance!"

  "I thought you might lose it there for a moment. I guess this dress looks as good as Robbie said it does." She stood. "Check this out." She unclasped the cloak, set it aside, whisked off the over-skirt, and pulled two strings on the under-robe which tightened the flowing material, hiding the gold, and transforming it into a black bodysuit without disrupting the sheathed daggers or pouches. She reversed the over-skirt, snapped it inside the cloak, reversed the cloak, and put it on. The cloak was now a mottled-night-city gray, uneven and somewhat ratty with its odd layers. "Nearly instant camouflage."

  "Amazing! Your own design?"

  She nodded. "I have something similar for you back at the ship, but I want to fit it to you before you wear it."

  Kevin wasn't too certain he wanted that much finery. He rather liked his comfortable leathers. "How was your trip?"

  "Overall? Mostly dreadful until this last stretch. Don't you ever send me away again. First, there was a horrible governess, and everyone kept trying to get me to leave the Guild. Then we got attacked by pirates. And De Red Cliff had me kill a man and his Dauphin nearly killed me. My father hates me." Angela took off her cloak and draped it on the chair before sitting back down.


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