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Mastering Darkness

Page 30

by Kate Wendley

  Her aura was still pulsing, and there were no spikes that would alert him to a lie, but there was a sudden strengthening of the flow. Her fear was subsiding and in its place were the beginnings of anger.

  “And for the record, you promised to teach me about your world, but when I needed answers the most, you vanished. That’s not being a man of your word.”

  He didn’t normally fall for taunts so easily, but her accusation left out an important detail. The memories of his fury the night of her attack shot through him as if the wound were only moments fresh. “Are you referring to before or after you kissed Ethan?”

  “Anthony.” Her hands slapped flat against his chest and she held them there. “Ethan and I have never shared an intimate kiss. If any kissing ever happened between us, it was nothing more than a peck on the forehead, like an older brother to a younger sister. That’s all.”

  Her aura was still angry, but it was smooth flowing. No spikes to indicate a lie.

  He backed up in disbelief, and her hands fell away. She had to be tricking him. There was nothing but mind games between them at this point, and this was another one. Still, he should be able to see her lies.

  He barked out, “Repeat yourself.”


  “Tell me you’ve never had a relationship that was more than friendship with Ethan.”

  She took a deep breath and his fury grew. She was most likely thinking about how to trick him again. His eyes trailed to her chest as he waited for her to say something. She was taller and a little heavier than the Master Vampire, Isadora, who’d recently come to town. But Kaia was human. If he were to reach inside her and grab her heart like he’d done that night with Isadora, it would be so much easier. Her bones would break more quickly, and she’d probably die from the shock alone of his hand materializing in her chest cavity. He wouldn’t even need to squeeze her heart to get his point across to her, though he did wonder how different hers would feel…

  In a calmer voice, Kaia said, “Anthony, Ethan’s a good friend of mine. Nothing more.”

  Again, there was no spike in her aura, and the pulse of it was calming. There was still fear in her, but it was lessening. The color in her cheeks was even slowly returning. That was dangerous. Whatever trust she had in him was hazardous to her wellbeing.

  She carefully stepped closer and put her hand on his crossed arms. “Anthony, I didn’t come here to fight with you. I miss you. And… I know you have some ideas in your head about me, and I want to talk about them. I can do all the talking if you want, but I need to say some things, and then… then you can decide what you want.”

  He glared at her as his muscles tensed and released over and over again under her hand, but she didn’t let go, and he didn’t pull away. Why, he wasn’t sure.

  “First off, the person who coached me on how to get you out here to at least listen to me was one of the four people you said you trust with your life. That person cares about you, just like I do.”

  “Zach.” He’d be the only one of the four that she’d recently talked to, or that would even willingly talk to her. He could feel him outside on the front step, now that he paid attention. He turned his head to look at the jaguar, but his eyes gave nothing away. Even the connection they shared was curiously strained. Sebastian stood beside him, his closed off expression the same as always.

  Anthony turned back to Kaia.

  With a tremble in her voice, she said, “Baby, it hurt my feelings that you didn’t believe me about just being friends with Ethan, but after seeing how he acted last night, it’s obvious he’s trying to get under your skin for some reason, and I’m stupidly in the middle of it. I want you to know, I didn’t know he was using me to get at you.”

  Ah, here was the game. She admitted she was in the middle of whatever was going on. But her words were twisted in just the right way to say something without giving anything away. “Using you to get at me. Is that all our relationship was really about?”

  A flicker of shock jerked her head back, but then her expression calmed.

  “Will you uncross your arms please?”



  He huffed, but did as she asked, and she picked up his hand. Her warmth seeped into him as she pet and caressed him, and sometimes just held him as she watched him. “As my restitution, I want to talk to you about two things. Ethan, and my past. Will you allow me to talk about these things?”

  He frowned, but gave her a tight head nod. He didn’t want to hear any more about Ethan, yet he did. Why was she so staunchly supportive of the bastard? And Anthony knew he should take his hand back from her, but her touch felt too good. Just a little while longer and he would.

  “First off, I don’t want to beat this topic to death, but I’m furious with Ethan for using me like he did last night. You had personal business at the ranch and if you didn’t want me there, I shouldn’t have been there.” She squeezed his hand. “You shouldn’t have been there either, fighting and getting hurt, you big jerk. But you’re the Master here, and I guess if that’s part of your job, well, just don’t get hurt, ok?”

  Her soft, sweet scent was all around him by this point, and with her touching him like she was, and acting like she cared about him, it was hard to keep memories of their time together at bay. His perfect recollection chose this time to bombard him with snippets of all the times he felt loved by her, but his growing connection to his vampire side still held a strong sway on his emotions.

  She was far too close and comfortable with him for her own good…

  She seemed to sense it, too, because her voice trembled again. “Ethan is a bad example, but I have to tell you this. You’re the Master of Atlanta, and you take care of a lot of things. You’re responsible for a lot, and that’s your role for the community. But to me, you’re just Anthony. You’re my man, not my Master. We should be equal in each other’s eyes, not demanding things from each other. That’s not how this works.” She pointed between them to emphasize her words, then put her hand over his heart, and his hand over hers.

  “When two people love each other, they can still have disagreements. But they talk to each other to resolve whatever they’re upset about. They don’t ignore each other and just walk away. That’s a demand, baby, not loving communication.”

  “I’ve never demanded…” He grunted in irritation. Dammit. Had he treated her like he was her Master and that she had to do what she was told, or else?

  And why did she keep using the word love? Did she love him?

  A memory of them laughing together while she cuddled into him hit him straight in the heart. Warmth gushed through him at the memory. It was hard not to feel it because she held his hand the same now as she did back then.

  “I love you Anthony, but I don’t answer to you. If you don’t like something, we need to talk about it, and we should talk about it. That’s how love works.”

  He flinched every time she said love, and he could see in her eyes that she wasn’t confident in it either. Whether it was her love for him, or his love for her that she was uncertain about, he wasn’t sure. Either way, he didn’t know what to say, and even if he did love her, he was too far gone to his monster side to keep her in his life. There was no point in pretending this could ever work between them.

  “So, secondly, I realize now how hurtful it must’ve been that I wouldn’t open up to you about my past.” Memories of those abrupt, secretive conversations tore through his mind, and his anger was back. He stepped back and pulled away from her, but she held on tight to his hand.

  “I was scared I’d lose you, baby.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her and felt like gravel was in his throat when he said, “Why?”

  “Because I moved here to get away from my family. And the things they would do. And… and I changed my name. And…” Kaia’s heart anxiously thumped, her breathing sounded like she was about to hyperventilate, and her aura was jumpier than he’d ever seen it.

  “Are you ok?
You’re… not well.” He held her by the shoulders as she fiercely trembled, and for the first time since she’d come here tonight, she tore her gaze from his and closed her eyes. She pressed her back hard against the wall and leaned into it.

  “It’s just… a panic attack.”

  “A panic attack?”

  She waved his words away. “It’ll go away. I’m trying to… tell you about me… ok?”

  “Telling me about yourself gives you a panic attack?”

  “Yes. Talking about my past does.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me that.”

  “Because it gives me a panic attack!”

  He jerked at her raised voice, then burst out laughing. He pulled her close, but she pushed him away.

  “I can’t breathe. Just wait. Please wait. Don’t go yet. Please. I’m not done… telling you…”

  “Shhh. It’s ok. It’s all right.” He leaned into her and rested his forehead against hers, and all his angry thoughts fled in an instant. He finally understood that Kaia hadn’t been hiding anything evil from him. He’d been treating her like he ruled over her, but in reality, she ruled over him. Over his heart and soul.

  She took some deep breaths, and soon her heart relaxed closer to its normal beat, but she still sounded a little winded when she spoke. “Anthony, you have to know this. I will never stop being friends with Ethan. When I moved here, he helped me settle into the city. Sometimes, he even took pity on me and bought me food when I had no money. He’s just a friend, but a good one. Or at least he was. I don’t know what his problem is right now.”

  He sighed and held her close. “He’s my problem, not yours. I’m… sorry.”

  “Can we be sorry together? I should’ve told you more about me. I should’ve−”

  He put a finger up to her lips and gently pressed. “I… miss you, too. But you’re not safe with me.”

  Anger surged through her. “Why not?”

  “Because, Kaia. I’m not human.”

  “I don’t care!”

  He frowned. “There are things about me you don’t know.”

  “I expect that. We’re still learning about each other. But it doesn’t matter because everything I already know about you tells me that you’re mine. As long as we can talk to each other, we can deal with anything.”

  She seemed so sure of herself right now, but when she saw how monstrous he could be, would she still want him? Of course, he’d been monstrous to her tonight already and she was still here.

  He turned and looked at Zach and Sebastian again. His friends didn’t seem ready for him to become an inhuman monster, either. And that’s exactly what he’d been letting himself turn into.

  He faced Kaia feeling like his soul was being laid bare. Again. “I apparently don’t do well with secrets. And I can be moody. Especially when I’m upset about you.”

  She let out her held breath and almost laughed. “Ok. We’ll work on that. And I’ll work on opening up about my past.”

  He shook his head. “I was hurt, yes, but I understand now that you weren’t purposely hiding things from me. I… was more annoyed about Ethan. I was… jealous.”

  She gazed straight into his eyes, smiled, and wrapped herself around him. Her warm body pressed against his brought back so many pleasant memories…

  “No secrets between us, baby. I promise.” She backed up and looked into his eyes. “I love you Anthony Dashiell Foster.”

  “And I love you, Kaia Leona McKay.” Tears filled her eyes.

  Anthony cupped her cheek in his hand and more tenderly said, “That’s not your name, is it?”

  “No. Leona was my mother. The rest is what I chose.”

  “What shall I call you then, my sweet?”


  For the first time in weeks, he smiled.

  “Then I am yours, and you are mine. For as long as you’ll have me.”


  Sebastian felt like a heel as he watched Anthony and Kaia go inside, arms wrapped around each other, looking totally in love.

  Zach nudged him, a look of hope and happiness on his face. It soon fell. “I suppose you still need to get into her head and read her, huh?”

  He didn’t bother answering. They both knew he did. Whether or not Anthony and her made up, she was still in Ethan’s family. That man hated Anthony with a passion, and it was Sebastian and Zach’s job as part of the leaders of this family to look into anything suspicious.

  Right now, Kaia was top of that list, especially while Anthony was too in love to realize it.


  Ethan pounded the trunk of the giant oak. He’d feel bad for destroying such a beautiful old tree if he wasn’t out of his mind with grief.

  He turned to mist when he heard the slightest movement behind him, then re-materialized when he realized it was just George.

  “Son, what’s wrong? Why are you out here?”

  He wasn’t sure how George found him out here in the middle of nowhere, unless he still had some powers for tracking Ethan since he’d at one time been his Master, long, long ago. That hadn’t lasted long and now it was the other way around.

  Ethan stared at his old Master, this man that looked like Jolly Old St. Nick, and wondered how much to tell him.

  “It’s Sonya.”

  He gave him a knowing look. “I gathered that by your uncharacteristic angst. But why is she on your mind so much now? I thought you’d settled into life here. You have your shifter friends, and the human woman, Kaia.”

  George had adopted Sonya when she was just a child, raising her like his own until she was an adult and demanded to be made vampire, just like him. Ethan joined the family some years after that, fell in love with her, only to watch her be murdered right before his eyes.

  Ethan took a deep breath as he stared at George, his nerves starting to get to him. He might be more powerful than his old Master, but George had always been a father figure to him, especially after Sonya’s death, so he felt guilty for not telling him the truth years ago.

  “Anthony’s dating Kaia.”

  George gave him a look as he exaggeratedly said, “Yes, I heard that. And?”

  Ethan’s heart pounded, making George frown.

  “Anthony looks and sounds just like his father, and now that he’s dating Kaia, I’m going out of my mind.”

  “Anthony’s father? What does that have to do with anything? Besides, you weren’t dating this woman, were you? I thought she was one of your anchors to these times, not your lover.”

  “But I see Anthony too much now that he’s dating her. I see…” He paced back and forth in front of his old mentor, still not sure he should tell him all this.

  George tone was fatherly, yet commanding. “Spit it out, son.”

  He forced himself to look George in the eyes as he said, “The hunter that killed Sonya and the others is Anthony’s father. I turned him vampire after he killed Sonya rather than kill him outright. I thought the hunter would commit suicide once he realized he was something he hated. Instead…” He raised his hands and looked all around himself in disbelief. “Instead he created this community. I’m going out of my mind waiting for him to return so I can finally kill him, and every time I see Anthony all I can think of is how much he reminds me of his father.”

  George’s face paled and his eyes went wide in shock. When he finally came back to himself he seethed, “You turned Sonya’s killer into a vampire and this is his home?”

  Ethan stared numbly at his reddening face and slowly nodded.

  George furiously spat, “If you’re here to kill him, then why haven’t you used your power as his Maker and beckoned him?”

  Ethan’s jaw dropped in shock. “What? Beckon him? I can do that?”

  George curled his lip in anger. “Of course. Haven’t you felt him all this time?” He pounded on his chest. “It should be right here. A feeling in your soul.”

  “No. I haven’t felt him… ever.”

  “Then he’s either dead�

  “He’s not dead. I would’ve heard through the grapevine from Anthony’s family if he was.”

  George cocked an eyebrow. “Then he’s too physically far away for you to sense him. Come. I’ll teach you how to reach out to him and we’ll bring that bastard back here to face justice once and for all.”

  Ethan’s out of control misery finally settled into a feeling of numb rightness. He’d bring an end to the constant pain he felt by forcing Sonya’s killer to endure the same unrelenting torture of seeing someone he loved killed right in front of his eyes.

  His son. Anthony.

  And George would help him do it…

  Abandoned Darkness

  A Forest of Darkness Novel #2

  An Alpha Wolf too wild for love…

  Having the rare ability to read minds won Sebastian no friends in a world full of secrets. Years of being shunned by the very people he’s sworn to protect only reinforces his bad attitude while he cultivates the deadly power of his wolf, keeping it barely contained most days.

  A collision with the sweet woman of his dreams tests his ability to be more than just the angry, brute Alpha Wolf people know him as. But as his nagging fight with the old Alpha heats up, and Sebastian’s own screw up threatens an important friendship, he aches to lash out more than ever.

  Jade’s animal abilities are the weakest in the family, so most days she can thankfully ignore that hated part of her existence. But after crashing into Sebastian, the most powerful, terrifying, and sexy shifter in Atlanta, her jaguar is awake in every good and horrible way, whether she likes it or not…

  Resisting Darkness

  A Forest of Darkness Novel #3

  Getting revenge was supposed to end his pain…

  Ethan was a powerful Master Vampire, he wasn’t supposed to need help. Beckoning home the only vampire he’d ever made in order to exact long overdue justice, Ethan’s link to this killer was driving him mad. As he focused on his plans for what, and who might be left behind once he righted the heart wrenching wrongs of his past, a beautiful new vampire in town threatens to distract him from his mission.


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