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The Roommate Pact

Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  Turning my cell off vibrate, I grab April's keys, stepping into my borrowed heels feeling like a million bucks. I made sure Milo had everything he’ll need and head out for the evening ahead.

  April's Lexus drives like a dream. Much better than hailing a cab, taking the bus, or the subway. I left an hour early just in case I meet the evening rush.

  It took me a half an hour to drive six blocks. Parking in the designated lot, I steal a glance at the time to see I’m still a good ten minutes early. Good. This permits me time to go into the bathroom and make sure I look good and feel great.

  The bathroom in the bar is dark with very poor track lighting. Not that I expect much better. I decide to check my phone and send Chase a text to at least let him know we will talk later. He probably wants to get the last of his stuff from the apartment. I’ve been putting it off but it’s time to give him his shit and be done with it.

  Hovering over the commode while trying to text may not have been the best idea. Just as I am typing out my message, asking Chase what is so important, I lose my grasp on my phone, and my life plops in the porcelain bowl to my horror. My jaw hits the floor as I scramble to decide my best course of action there, but then the unthinkable happens.

  The self-flush sensor senses my movement and proceeds to take my phone out with my pee! Why me? Why did this shit always happen to me? Chase will totally think I am avoiding him, which I am, but my phone is my life line. He will have to deal with my prolonged silence until I get back to April's place.

  Tears threaten to ruin my makeup. “I won't cry,” I whisper to myself. Biting my lip, I try not to freak out over my phone. I only got it three months ago. I am sure my cell phone carrier won’t find my story amusing.

  Fluffing my hair once over in the dimly lit mirror, I mentally prepare myself for the night ahead. “You are a vixen in a sultry dress and you can do anything,” I tell myself with full conviction. “You've got this, Fifi Grey. That leprechaun will not stand in your way tonight.” Just as I utter the words, putting on my favorite mango lipstick, my tube breaks off. I throw my hands up. “Fan-fucking-tastic!”

  Exiting the restroom quickly, I am afraid of what else the night is going to throw at me.

  The Cask and Barrel is a bar located near Devlyn’s apartment and frequented often by his police buddies. This fact alone makes me feel better about meeting a stranger, even if he is a wealthy acquaintance of Randy’s.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk over to the bar, capturing the attention of the bartender. “I’m meeting a Mr. Cross.”

  Her eyes scan over me, silently judging me as if I am a call girl or the like. I shake her off, telling myself she’s only jealous. Lukas Cross is incredibly gorgeous, wealthy, and single. I’m sure women drop at his feet for a chance with him.

  I’m not interested in him romantically, however. I am only interested in a paycheck.

  “He’s over there.” She points to a table then moves down the bar to serve a customer. Her long blonde hair doesn’t move as she walks, stick straight, no personality, much like herself. I guess I am being mean, but I don’t appreciate the way she’d stared at me.

  The bar is what one might expect, a few tables and a stage for live acts.

  Approaching the table, I hope Randy isn’t trying to play matchmaker. I desperately need the job.

  Arriving at a table secluded in the back of the room, Lukas Cross looks all too sexy. Clad in a white dress shirt and black slacks that fit him like a second skin. He stands to greet me and pulls out my chair.

  His dark eyes glitter with a flicker of mischievousness. “Fiona, please, sit. I’ve taken the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Thank you.” I smile. He seems relaxed and easygoing. Part of me was prepared to meet a very domineering man.

  From what I’ve read about him online, he comes off hard and cold, however, his emails were the exact opposite.

  Once I’m seated, he returns to his seat next to me.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I prefer a more intimate setting, and being able to talk without screaming across the table at one another.” He smirks as my cheeks flush pink.

  He’s much more attractive in person. I can’t deny his closeness is overwhelming.

  I grin, my smile dying as my lips meet the cool rim of my wineglass. My mind flashes to Dev. I hope his first day went smoothly.

  “Randy tells me you have experience in sales.”

  “Only retail,” I mumble, unsure of what he has in mind.

  The rest of the interview goes horribly wrong.

  The next thing I know his hand is on my thigh, trying to inch up my dress.

  I smile weakly, grabbing his hand to remove it, but he takes it as an invitation to lean in close and lick the shell of my ear.

  Jerking sideways I nearly tumble to the floor.

  “Listen, buddy, I don’t know what Randy told you, but I’m only interested in a job!”

  “He told me you were desperate for a job,” he says with a smug smile.

  I am desperate for work, but not that hard up.

  And being the take no shit woman the city had turned me into, I splash the wine in his face.

  Appalled, a man at the next table, keeps the incident from escalating any further than my being called a bitch and firm grab of my arm.

  “Let go of the woman,” a strong voice demands full of authority, while flashing a badge in the face of Mr. Cross. When I look up I then I recognize Officer Aiden Genovese, a friend of Devlyn.

  Affronted, Lukas Cross bolts for the door after paying his tab.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. You okay?”

  “Fine,” I answer rubbing my wrist.

  Aiden escorts me to my borrowed car, and I can’t drive to Devlyn’s place fast enough.


  Married to my job. Check. Nonexistent social life. Check. In love with my best friend and unable to date anyone else. Check. Though if I count my upstairs neighbor Mecca's cat hanging outside my window on the fire escape, then I have a gorgeous pussy purring for me.

  Thursday will be my first official day with my new unit. I’m the newest member of the Elite Emergency Services Unit. I’m damn proud to be a part of New York’s finest. I’m prepared. I’ll be patrolling Central Park West in street clothes, checking for suspicious behavior. After the recent attacks in Chelsea, the city is doubling our efforts to thwart any potential danger. I did a walkthrough of my route earlier today. It wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be, since the sun was peeking through the clouds. Tomorrow, other members of my unit will be spread throughout the span of the parade route. Some ready to take down any threat from the rooftops armed with their sniper rifles. Others armed with radars to detect bombs as they swept the streets. The cool autumn air was heavy in my throat this morning as I breathed in my surroundings, reminding me of what I protected.

  A heavy knock sounds at my door, breaking me from thoughts of the job. Glancing at the clock, whoever it is they are an hour early. Opening the door, I come face to face with a teary-eyed Fiona.

  “Hey,” I say, pulling her into a hug, rubbing my hand across her back.

  My nose brushes against her hair, she smells so good.

  “I’ve had the worst day ever,” she cries into my shoulder.

  Kicking the door shut behind her, I lead her to the couch. “Sit, I’ll pour while you talk.”

  She sniffles and smiles meekly. “You know I don’t drink.”

  “You do tonight, no ifs or buts about it. We’re celebrating, remember?” I wink as she wipes away her tears.

  After grabbing the bottle from the freezer and our shots, I sit next to her. Fiona kicks her heels off and curls her legs under her.

  “Drink,” I order, thrusting the glass into her hands.

  She tosses it back making a sour face.

  “Whoo! That packs a punch.” Her face all twisted and contorted as she speaks.

  “So, tell me about your
day from hell.”

  “Where do I start…let’s see my car battery was stolen, I flushed my phone down a toilet, and my potential boss tried to feel me up over drinks. Oh, and let’s not forget my electric was shut off, and I will be kicked out of my apartment any day now.”

  “Fiona,” I reply, shaking my head, reaching for the whole bottle. “All fixable things,” I tell her.

  She groans. “You’re always saving me.”

  “It’s what I do. I serve and protect,” I joke.

  “Is that what you tell the damsels in distress you save?” She mocks.

  I start to tell Fiona she’s the only damsel worth saving but think better of it. We slept together once, and it was a disaster. She puked in my bed, and I spent the night taking care of her.

  “Tell you what. Your car is a piece of shit. Slap a for sale sign on it. You don’t really need it. Take that money and save it. As for your apartment…you can move in with me.”

  Her doe eyes widen. “Live with you.”

  “Sure, I work a lot and you need a place until you get back on track. We’ll make a pact. A roommate pact to keep things from getting awkward.”

  “Dev, you’re too good to me. I can’t, you’ll get sick of me,” she argues.

  “Terribly sick, but I can suffer it, if you agree to cook for me. Starting tomorrow.”

  “But tomorrow’s Thanksgiving. Aren’t you going to your mom’s?”

  “Yes, and so are you now. You can give her a hand in the kitchen.”

  “I don’t cook.”

  I know she doesn’t. However, I also know she won’t agree to stay unless she believes she is doing something for me in return. I’ve loved Fiona since the moment I first laid eyes on her. She was a walking disaster, but she was gorgeous. Still is. The most beautiful woman I have ever known.

  She tucks an auburn curl behind her ear and grins, before sitting the bottle on the side table. “We need rules, if you’re serious about this.”

  “I’m serious,” I agree. I can live temporarily with a woman, a woman I am in love with…can’t I?

  “Okay, no having sex or beating one off while the other is home.”

  I laugh at her rule.

  “I beat it in the shower, so how will you know,” I tease with an evil grin.

  “Eww, Dev. No. Just no. I don’t need to know that. I don’t want to know that.” Her cheeks flush as she averts her eyes from mine.

  “Oh, come on, Fifi. Don’t tell me you’ve never…in the shower.”

  Her hand shoots out. “Stop, I am not discussing this with you.”

  Grabbing her outstretched hand in mine, I tell her, “We’re adults who’ve slept together. We can talk about masturbation. Do you have toys?” I ask raising my brow.

  Jerking her hand back, she punches me. “You’re terrible. You promised you’d never bring that up again.”

  “I lied. Sue me.”

  “This is serious,” she pleads.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I chuckle.

  Looking around my one-bedroom apartment, she questions, “Where will I sleep? I’m not sharing a bed with you.”

  “Who said I want to share my bed with you? You snore,” I remind her, half kidding. She really does snore.

  “I d-d-do not!” She slurs.

  Shit, how much did she drink?

  I look to the now half empty bottle.


  Grabbing the bottle, I take a swig before placing it back in the freezer.

  Fiona is about five minutes from passing out or puking. I fire off a mass text, canceling my party.

  Not that I had many guests coming over, just a few guys from my former unit—Lucian and Andrew.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch; we can rotate nights or something.” I shrug, and when I glance at her she’s already snoring.

  Picking her up, I carry her to my bed, tucking her in for the night with a trash can and a glass of water.

  She’ll feel like hell tomorrow.

  Kicking back on the couch I wait for the pizzas I ordered to be delivered.

  Ten minutes later as I am taking a bite, Fiona races through the apartment.

  “I gotta go check on Milo, I forgot all about him.” She’s dazed and confused.

  “Hey, I’m sure he’s fine. April works long shifts,” I coax, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, steering her back to bed. “You can’t drive drunk. I’m an officer of the law, remember?”

  “You know, you’re kind of cute when you’re being all bossy.”

  “You should see me in my uniform,” I flirt, knowing doing so won’t lead anywhere. We tried that once.

  She buries her face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my aftershave. Her lips brush against my ear, and I should remind myself that this is Fifi and she’s intoxicated.

  “You smell good too,” she murmurs.

  “So, I hear.”

  “You gonna cuff me and read me my rights.” She tugs on my belt loop, reaching for the cuffs I forgot I have on me.

  “Go to bed, Fi, you’re drunk.” This was why she doesn’t drink. When Fiona gets drunk, she gets all touchy and well, horny.

  “Only if you come with me,” she teases.

  “Not tonight, lightweight.”

  Getting her back in the bed, I tell her she needs to sleep it off.

  Fiona gazes at me with a lazy smile and bloodshot eyes. “Goodnight, Roomie.”

  What did I just get myself into? I groan, wiping the back of my neck as she pulls her dress over her head, getting it stuck.

  “Easy, killer,” I say, avoiding the swell of her breasts as they threaten to fall out of their lace cups.

  Pulling her dress back down, I kiss her forehead as she begins to snore again.


  What is that pounding? I blink. My eyes don’t want to focus and my throat feels as if I’ve swallowed sand.




  There is that damn pounding again.

  Wiping the crust from my eyes, I throw the covers back. Glancing around the room, I start to freak out until it dawns on me I am at Devlyn’s.

  My legs are stiff as I leave the warmth of his bed. I follow the noise to the kitchen. Dev is wearing a wife beater and navy boxers. He’s cooking breakfast and also talking to a cat.

  “New friend,” I interrupt. “I thought I was your favorite pussy,” I tease him and make a purring sound. “Should I be jealous?”

  He smiles flipping the egg in the pan.

  “Nah, me and Skittles go way back. She eats breakfast with me every morning. Lives upstairs. Belongs to Mecca. I think you’ve met her before.”

  Some of the fog clears from my head and I remember her. “The marathon runner.” She’s pretty and single. “She’s pretty. Is she single?” I raise my brow at him and he frowns.

  “Don’t start with me. Skittles is the only pussy I have time for right now.” He avoids my judgmental glare, sliding a mug across the counter with two aspirin.

  “You make time for me…I’m just saying,” I tease him.

  “You can just say all you want to. I gotta go. You coming to the parade?”

  “No, I need to return April’s car and take Milo out for her. You, however, might think about putting some pants on.” I smirk as he glances down.

  “Right. I have a debriefing after my detail.” He hands me a key out of the Minion cookie jar. “Here, don’t lose it.” He opens the window and Mecca’s pussy goes sauntering up the fire escape.

  “Eat up.” He nods to the omelet he plated moments ago.

  “Yes, sir.” I salute him as he jogs past me to the bedroom to get dressed.

  A minute later he breezes into the kitchen smelling too damn good as he always has, dressed in dark jeans and a grey Henley.

  “I can’t help with a phone until tomorrow, but we’ll get you taken care of. I should be home by two then we can head over to Ma’s together.” Dinner with his family is innocent enough but his Ma has always
been able to see through me. She knows I am secretly in love with her son, no matter how much I fight it. Mrs. Sullens warned me years ago that I had better not hurt him. Hurting Dev is the last thing I want to do; it’s why I stay away.

  “Sounds good.”

  With a feather light kiss to my temple, he’s out the door, and I am left alone with my thoughts. Did he really offer for me to move in last night? Is he crazy? I love the guy to death, but we’ll kill each other. However, on the other hand, where else will I go? I know I could crash with April, but if Randy pops the question…they’ll be moving in together I’m sure. There is no way I am going back home to Kentucky and proving my mom right. She never wanted me to move so far from home. She has never believed in me.

  Finishing my breakfast, I head off to April’s apartment to check on Milo.

  When I arrive, the little nerd is scratching at the door dying to be taken out.

  “Good morning, Milo. Auntie Fifi will take you out as soon as she’s washed her face.”

  I grab my bag from the floor where I left it last night. Dashing to the bathroom, I am eager to be out of this dress and forget my interview from last night.

  I’ll grab a shower after I take the dog out.

  By the time I’ve gotten the dog walked, taken a shower, and stopped by my shitty apartment to change, it’s time to meet with Dev to go to his mom’s. Mrs. Sullens is a trip. The woman is the mother everyone wished they had growing up. She lives to take care of her family. She doesn’t mind telling you exactly what she thinks either.

  Devlyn leans against his 1985 silver Chevy Impala, dressed the same as this morning, only adding a brown leather jacket to the mix. I giggle as I walk toward him. He appears as though he’s stepped out of a 1980s police movie, minus the thick porn star mustache that was popular back then.

  With his hands tucked in his pockets, he grins at me. I have to admit, he has an alluring smile. When he pops those dimples out, I don’t understand how any woman could resist his charm. I don’t understand how the guy is still single in a city as large as New York.

  My heart aches a little, wishing I could see him as more than my friend…wishing I could let myself go there with him. Dev is the sexiest man I know on the outside and inside as well.


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