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Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Page 25

by Sarah Carter

  “Yes, you did. I think that just made you my girlfriend.”

  “No, no boyfriend-girlfriend yet.”

  Damien grins at her. “You can call it what you want, and I will call it what I want. I’ll see you back on the other side.” With that, Damien disappears and so do their surroundings.

  “Kayla, are you going into this too fast?” Jackson asks, putting his hand on her arm.

  “I am not going anywhere too fast or slow,” she replies. “Damien actually likes me, and I like him back. There isn’t anything wrong with that.”

  Jackson sighs. “I didn’t say there was. I just want you to be careful.”

  “I know you want to look out for me, but I’m okay. I promise. I care about you and appreciate your concern, but I can handle Damien.”

  Bringing his hand up, Jackson traces his fingers down the side of Kayla’s face. “I care about you too. I just don’t want you hurt. If he hurts you, I’ll kill him, and then I’ll be in a lot of trouble.”

  Kayla puts her hand on his. “That won't be necessary, but thank you.”

  Pulling his hand away, Jackson whispers, “You’re my friend. I care about my friends. We should get back. Come on.” He disappears. Kayla shakes her head and then closes her eyes.

  The three of them eat dinner together in the kitchen. They eat everything that Jackson bought and Kayla covers her mouth. “Dear Lord, please do not let me blow up.”

  “Your hunger will calm down once you get used to shifting,” Damien reassures her.

  “You guys ate just as much!”

  Putting his finger up, Jackson replies, “We did shift more than you.”

  “True. Well, if I’m staying here, I need to go home and pack some stuff.”

  “I’ll take you,” Damien says, standing up. He reaches out to take their plates when his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. “Hello. Hey, Pops. What? A videoconference now, really? Yeah, fine, I can do that. All right, in fifteen minutes. See you then.” Damien hangs up the phone and looks at Jackson and Kayla. “Can you take her? I have a stupid meeting with the council I have to do. Who knows what they want now?”

  Jackson rolls his eyes and sarcastically exhales. “I guess.”

  Kayla turns and punches him on the shoulder. “You can let me borrow your car and I can go myself.”

  “And have you shift while driving? I don’t think so. I like my car too much.”

  “Come on then, I need to change and pack a suitcase. This is so weird. If you had told me the day we met that I would be moving into your house less than a week later, I would’ve thought you were nuts. I figured we would have killed each other by now.”

  Tapping his chin, Jackson says, “Killed each other or made out like crazy—those would have been my two guesses.”

  Damien says, “I’m glad that neither of those happened. Try not to get into trouble while you’re gone.”

  “We won’t. Come on, stud, let’s go party.” Kayla walks over to Jackson and pushes him.

  Holding his hand to his chest, Jackson goes, “Ooh, stud, Damien, perhaps you should be worried.”

  “There is nothing to worry about,” Kayla retorts. “We’re going to get clothes.”

  “I’ll help pick out those clothes,” Jackson whispers. “And underwear.”

  Kayla yells, “Jackson! Not a chance.”

  “Maybe we should wait until after the videoconference,” Damien interjects slowly.

  She shakes her head. “There is nothing to worry about. Remember, I’ll slap him.”

  “What if I like getting slapped?” Jackson asks.

  “Ew, Jackson, you’re so weird.”

  He pulls out his keys and swings them around his finger. “No, I’m awesome. Come on, let’s go. I do have school tomorrow.”

  “My parents have to call me in as absent for the week. Can you grab my homework from my teachers?”

  “Sure thing. I’ll also shove Jude into a locker and close it.”

  Kayla gives him a look. “We can leave him alone now.”

  “Fine,” Jackson groans dramatically. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Looking at Damien, Kayla says, “Bye.”

  He smiles and walks over to her. Bending down he kisses her gently on the lips. “See you soon.”

  “Okay,” she bashfully whispers.

  Jackson groans and grabs her hand, pulling her out the kitchen door. They put their jackets on and drive to Kayla’s. Kayla blasts music and sings along to it all the way there.

  When they get into Kayla’s room, she hauls out her suitcase. “It’s hot pink,” Jackson declares, looking at her luggage.

  “It’s awesome,” Kayla says. “Shut up.” She throws it on her bed. “Let’s see, I need pajamas, clothes, and underthings.”

  “Underthings? I told you I would help pick those out.”

  Glaring at him, Kayla says, “No you won’t. You will turn around when I pack those.”

  “Whatever,” Jackson sarcastically groans. “As for pajamas, I think you should pack some nighties.”

  “Who says I even own those? And what would I need a nightie for anyway?”

  He wiggles his eyebrows. “It would make our hallway encounters much more entertaining.”

  “Shut up.” Kayla giggles. “Go find one of your girlfriends to play doctor with.”

  Jackson sits on her bed, leaning back on his hands. “It’s not like I’ve had sex with a ton of girls. I’m not like Damien.”

  Going to her closet, Kayla starts pulling out some pants. “If I may ask, how many girls have you slept with?”

  “That’s a little personal.”

  “See, that’s what I like about Damien. He answers any question I ask him.”

  “Oh, I see, so that’s supposed to get me to answer that question.”

  Kayla shakes her head. “Nope, we’re only friends. You don’t have to answer any of my inquiries.”

  Jackson sighs. “One.”

  “What?” Kayla gasps, turning around. “What do you mean one?”

  “I have only been with one girl, one human girl.”

  Stuttering, Kayla says, “But…you always made it sound like…well…one…really?”

  He nods. “Yup, three months ago, in defiance of my parents.”

  “Defiance, why, because you were moving here?”

  Nodding, Jackson replies, “Yup. I blatantly did it at home, to piss them off.”

  “I’m not sure what to say about that.”

  “There’s nothing to say. Sure, I goofed around with girls, but it never went anywhere. I did it to make my parents mad, plain and simple.”

  Kayla opens her mouth and then closes it. “Did it work? Did you make your point?”

  “Like you have no idea.” Jackson laughs. “I was in sooo much trouble.”

  Kayla shakes her head. “What an awful way to lose your virginity. Did you at least like the girl?”

  “Sure, but she knew it didn’t mean anything. I was leaving and she knew it.”

  “Jackson, that’s horrible. I mean, at least Damien was doing it because he’s slutty. That just makes you jaded.”

  Jackson exhales and says, “Yeah, I know, but I plan on the next time being special, like, I really don’t think I’m going to be with anyone until I’m in love.”

  “As in, until you’re married?” Kayla asks hopefully.

  Jackson chuckles. “Or until I’m engaged at least, because then I know it’s going to last. I’m not going to be one of those guys who gets engaged and then backs down.”

  “I wonder when I will get engaged. I mean, I want to go to college and everything, but part of me wants to find someone special and do it with them,” Kayla whispers as she puts pants in her suitcase. “Maybe that’s silly because I’m so young.”

  “No, I understand. It’s our age, hormones and everything. Do you think you could do that with Damien?”

  Kayla’s eyes bulge. “I don’t know. I’ve only known the guy for a few days. I kind o
f feel like a kissing slut. I go from never really kissing boys to making out with one I just met, and then there’s you too. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “There is nothing wrong with you. I feel the pull too. I just want to make sure Damien doesn’t pull you in too far.”

  “Will you make me a promise?”

  Jackson nods. “Sure.”

  “If you really, truly think I’m jumping in headfirst too fast, will you make sure I stay grounded?”

  A smile spreads across Jackson’s face. “Yes, I promise to pull Damien back by his hair.”

  “Thank you. I don’t want to lose myself because of pheromones or whatever.”

  He looks at her and says, “Yeah, pheromones make you do crazy things.”

  They stay that way, staring at each other for a minute. “Yeah,” Kayla whispers. “Stupid pheromones.” She turns and goes to her closet. There is silence as she yanks down shirts.

  “I like not having to be a jerk around you,” Jackson finally says. “I can be the real me. It’s nice.”

  “I prefer the real you,” Kayla states, putting shirts in her suitcase. “You’re a wonderful guy. A girl could really get to like you. I’m surprised you don’t have a serious girlfriend.”

  With raised eyebrows, Jackson replies, “What’s the point? Sure, I can date as many human girls as I want, but it’s never going to go anywhere, and there has only been one girl from our race whom I have even been remotely attracted to.” Kayla stops what she is doing and looks at him. Jackson returns her gaze and says, “But we know that won’t go anywhere either.”

  “Can I ask you a question, even though it may make things awkward between us?”

  “Uh-oh, go ahead.”

  She fiddles with the shirt in her hand. “If our parents weren’t trying to shove us down each other’s throats, would you date me?”

  Jackson pauses. “Yes, I would.”

  “I see,” Kayla whispers, putting her last shirt in the suitcase. “Let’s not tell Damien that.”

  “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. The same question goes to you. Would you date me?”

  Kayla looks down and then back up at him. “In a heartbeat.”

  Jackson remains still as he studies her. “Well then, at least we know where we stand.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla breathes out. “I’m going to get pajamas.” She walks over to her dresser. Heavy silence settles around her as she packs the last of her things. Finally, Kayla says, “All right, that’s it. I got my books, clothes, iPod, and shoes. I think we’re good.”

  Standing up, Jackson zips up her suitcase. “I’ll carry this for you.”

  “Thanks. I can’t wait to see my parents. This has been a little crazy. I mean, I’m going to thoroughly yell at them but hug them at the same time.”

  He lifts her suitcase. “That’s good. Let’s head back. I’m tired from shifting without meditating.”

  “Oh, but that was so enjoyable.” Kayla sighs. “Epic is a better word. I could never repay you guys.”

  “I know how you could repay me,” Jackson retorts mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Kayla crosses her arms. “What would you do if I said fine, hmm, Mr. Cocky Pants?”

  Jackson laughs. “I would say okay, let’s go at it. We’re alone in an empty house.”

  “You would not!” Kayla exclaims, giggling. “You are such a liar.”

  “I guess you’ll never know if I am or not,” Jackson murmurs as he walks past her.

  Rolling her eyes, Kayla groans. “Whatever, Jackson.”

  “Oh look, a shower,” he snidely remarks as they walk past the bathroom. “I could get all hot and wet again but keep the towel off this time.”

  “Shut up and go downstairs!”

  He just laughs and carries her suitcase down the steps for her.

  When they get into the car, Jackson sighs and then looks at her. “I want to kiss you right now. I have this undeniable urge to kiss you. Just jump on top of you and have my way, but that has to be the hormones talking, right?”

  “On that note, I wouldn’t mind crawling into your backseat and seeing where it gets us. So, yeah, it has to be the hormones and pheromones all mixed together.”

  “Okay, as long as we understand that's what it is.”

  “Yeah, with these thoughts I’ll need to take a cold shower.”

  Snorting, Jackson says, “Those thoughts of me will be replaced by thoughts of Damien as soon as you get near him and sense his pheromones.”

  “No, usually it’s still you.” She slaps her hands over her mouth, realizing what she just said. “I mean, that came out wrong.”

  “What? You think of me when you’re with Damien?”

  “No, that came out horribly wrong,” Kayla replies. “There have been a few times when you’ve popped into my head, but I think it’s because we are so…I don’t know…attracted to each other.”

  He clicks his tongue. “I think we should end this conversation. We both agreed not to pursue anything, and I don’t want us to attack each other and regret it.”

  “Yeah, the conversation is going to get us nowhere.”

  Jackson starts the car. “It’s just something we can’t control. We need to keep that in mind.”

  “Yup,” Kayla murmurs. Jackson pulls away from her house and they make the drive in silence.

  When they get to Jackson’s house, Jackson stops and looks at her. “Are things weird between us now? I don’t want them to be weird.”

  “Oh! I don’t want them to be weird either. I want us to be able to be honest with each other. So what if we want to tear each other apart? There are other people out there who have been in this situation, right?”

  “Yeah, of course, it only makes sense. We just won’t tell Damien about it.”

  Kayla nods. “I really like him and he may take it the wrong way. So, yeah, we keep it between the two of us. You’re my friend, and I don’t want to mess that up.”

  “Nope. Let’s go in. I’ll grab your suitcase.” Jackson opens his door and gets out of the car. Kayla exhales loudly as she rubs her forehead.

  When she looks up, Damien is coming out the back door. Kayla smiles and gets out of the car. “Did you get everything you need?” Damien asks.

  “Yup,” Kayla answers. “I’m all set.”

  “Did you bring any lingerie?”

  Rolling her eyes, Kayla says, “I don’t own any. Why would I own any?”

  “Don’t girls like to wear fancy things for themselves? Oh well, I was just hoping.”

  “You wouldn’t be seeing it anyway,” Jackson states sharply. “So it doesn’t matter.”

  Damien laughs. “I was only joking. You protect her like she’s your girlfriend. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  “Enough,” Kayla interjects. “I want to unpack my stuff.”

  “All right, Jackson, you can give me her suitcase.”

  He shakes his head. “I have it.”

  “No, I’ll help her. Please, I would appreciate it if you gave it to me.”

  “Damien, I’m already carrying it. You don’t have to do everything for her.”

  With a groan, Kayla walks over to Jackson and grabs her suitcase from him. “I got it.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Jackson says, grabbing the handle from her. “I’ll carry it for you.”

  Kayla giggles and tries to pull it away from him. “No, give it to me.” Jackson just holds it with one hand and laughs. Kayla pulls as hard as she can, but it doesn’t help. “Give it to me!” she yells, still giggling.

  “Nope, you can fight it as much as you want, but I’m going to win this.”

  “No fair! You’re so much stronger than me.”

  “Tough, now will you let me carry your suitcase inside?”

  Crossing her arms, she mumbles, “Yeah.”

  “I would rather do it.” Damien sighs. “Not that it counts for anything.”

  She walks over to Damien. “You can escort me inside. Th
at’s much better than the suitcase.”

  “Good point,” Damien replies. He bends over and sweeps Kayla up in his arms. “Carrying you is much better.”

  “Damien! Put me down!”

  He shakes his head. “Nope, come on, Jackson, let’s get her inside.”

  Jackson groans and goes to the door. Kayla looks at Damien. “This is silly.”

  “Come on, most girls would be all happy about a strong guy carrying them around.”

  “Am I like most girls?”

  “Definitely not. So you don’t like this at all?”

  Biting her lip, Kayla whispers, “Okay, maybe a little bit; I won’t lie.”

  Damien laughs. “That’s what I thought.”

  With an annoyed look, Jackson holds the door open for them. Damien easily carries her inside. They walk to Kayla’s room with her giggling the whole way. When they get in there, Damien tosses her on the bed. She spins around and says, “Don’t you dare follow me.”

  “Oh,” Damien gets on the bed, “you shouldn’t have said that. Now I’m going to. I want to see how ticklish you are.”

  “No,” Kayla yells. “Jackson, help me!”

  Jackson chuckles. “I’m going to leave the room if you’re going to start rolling around on the bed together.”

  “Why don’t we make it a threesome?” Damien retorts.

  “What!” Kayla screams.

  With a devilish grin, Damien says, “Yeah, Jackson can hold you down and I’ll tickle you.”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  “Oh yeah,” Damien murmurs, creeping closer to her. “Don’t pee in your pants.”

  Kayla closes her eyes and shifts into a dog. Jackson raises his eyebrows. “What are you doing?”

  Wiggling her butt, Kayla barks and jumps off the bed. Damien laughs. “That isn’t going to help. Sooner or later you’re going to have to shift back and then it’s on.”

  With a flip of her tail, Kayla turns and runs out of the room. “Kayla,” Jackson yells. “Don’t break anything!”

  Tearing off through the house, Kayla goes into the sitting room. She runs and ducks down behind the couch. A minute passes before Damien walks into the living room as the akita. He shifts back to himself. “Kayla, you’ll eventually learn that when you’re an animal you can trace the smell of someone else, just like a dog.”


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