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Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Page 44

by Sarah Carter

  Kayla snorts. “Do we just implant everything?”

  “Kind of,” Cane replies as he pulls out onto the road. “Tiny, tiny microchips.”

  “Like the one in my leg?” Kayla asks.

  Toby turns around. “In your leg?”

  “Yeah. On the inside of my thigh,” Kayla whispers. “So they can track me.”

  “I knew that,” Toby replies, finally smiling. “But I didn’t know where it was.”

  Trying to stifle his laughter, Cane says, “It was probably put there to be less conspicuous. Not a lot of our kind will look at the inside of your thigh.”

  “I sure hope not,” Kayla retorts.

  There is a heavy, awkward silence, before Jackson leans over the front seats and turns on music. Kayla asks a million questions about Toby and Cane’s training. They answer most of them, but then respond that some of it is a secret.

  Two hours later, Kayla’s stomach growls. “Okay, I’m starving. Brownies will only go so far, and I’m starting to feel twitchy.”

  “We can stop and eat,” Cane replies. “We can charge your car too.”

  He pulls off at the next exit and they head into the restaurant. This time they only have to bribe the owner with a hundred dollars to charge the car. They all sit at a table. Cane looks at his menu, but then asks, “So how long have you been Damien’s girlfriend?”

  She opens her mouth and then closes it. “We aren’t technically boyfriend and girlfriend,” Kayla mumbles.

  Both Cane and Toby put down their menus. “They assigned you members of the guard and you aren’t even his girlfriend?” Toby inquires slowly.

  “Yeah,” Kayla exhales softly, trying not to meet their gaze. “They want to protect me for another reason, I think.”

  “And that would be?” Toby inquires.

  “Don’t tell them,” Jackson murmurs to her.

  Kayla doesn’t say anything. Toby leans forward. “We need to know everything if we are going to protect you. What you tell us goes no farther than this table.”

  She turns and looks at Jackson. He sighs. “She’s a morrae.”

  Cane’s eyes snap to her face. “No way.”

  “I’m a what?” Kayla asks.

  “Morrae,” Toby replies. “An ultimate shifter. How many things have you turned into so far, forty, fifty?”

  “I just started shifting,” Kayla declares, her cheeks burning in embarrassment.

  Toby leans forward. “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t know what we really were. My parents hid it from me. I literally have been shifting for less than two weeks.”

  “That’s messed up,” Cane stutters. “So what…you’ve only shifted into one thing?”

  Feeling scrutinized, Kayla glares and says, “No, I’ve turned into three.”

  “The last morrae I knew turned into seventy-five things. He was slightly annoying. You’re not annoying, so that’s a positive,” Toby interjects, trying to change the subject.

  “What’re you getting?” Jackson asks Kayla, nodding toward her menu.

  She frowns. “I don’t know. I think I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “They have one of those here,” Cane quips. “Maybe even two, a girls’ and a boys’.”

  Kayla laughs. “Really? No, I feel twitchy.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Jackson says. “To watch the door.”

  “Actually, that’s our job now,” Toby states, standing up.

  “I don’t want you to go to the bathroom with me,” Kayla squeaks. “That’s weird.”

  Toby chuckles. “I’m not going to go in the bathroom, just stand outside of it.”

  “I know, but it’s still weird,” Kayla says. “Jackson can do it.”

  “No, he really can’t. We’re under direct orders.”

  With a groan, Kayla stands up. “Come on, watchdog.”

  “Ouch,” Toby quips. “I only choose a dog when necessary.”

  She rolls her eyes and they go to the bathroom. While she is in there, Kayla shifts to expel her energy. The rest of lunch is uneventful. They take a walk outside while the car charges and then continue their drive.

  Two hours later, they are just outside of Vegas. Kayla is sitting on the edge of her seat, not wanting to miss a single second. “I’ve never been here. I’m so pumped,” she squeals.

  “We’re going to the safe house right away,” Toby tells her. “Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s in a residential area.”

  “Why not on the strip?” Kayla giggles. “That would be awesome.”

  Shaking his head, Toby looks out the window. “There it is.”

  “It’s amazing,” Kayla exclaims, leaning over Jackson. “Check it out. It’s huge!”

  “It is,” Jackson agrees, laughing at her.

  The city sits below them as they drive over a hill. “How far into the city is the safe house?”

  “Only about twenty minutes from here,” Cane answers.

  Kayla is glued to her window the whole time they drive. Finally, they pull into a neighborhood full of mansions, which doesn’t surprise Kayla. They meander through the streets until they pull up to a gate near the end of a street. Cane rolls his window down and places his hand on a plate. Kayla watches a red beam scan his palm and fingers. She raises her eyebrows as the gate opens.

  They drive up to the house and Kayla’s jaw drops. “That isn’t a house, that’s an apartment complex.”

  “We have to accommodate people,” Toby says. “This is one of the larger safe houses. Las Vegas is a tourist spot even for us.”

  “Sweet, does it have a pool?” Kayla asks.

  “Yes.” Toby snorts. “Because that’s what’s important.”

  She sticks her tongue out at him as he gets out of the car.

  Jackson laughs and leans forward to kiss her on the cheek. “You’re fantastic.”

  “I know.” Kayla giggles. “Come on, let’s go.”

  A girl is waiting outside the door for them. “You must be Miss Hendrickson.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla replies awkwardly.

  “My name is Lindsay. I will be your attendant during your stay. I’ll have your bags and everything sent up to your rooms,” Lindsay politely states.

  Kayla points to the car. “Um, I think I can get my own bags.”

  “No,” Lindsay retorts sharply. “You’re a guest of the Merjyet line. You have attendants.”

  Kayla looks at Jackson. “This is silly.”

  He laughs and gestures to the door. “My family doesn’t have attendants. That’s all on your…boyfriend.”

  “Not funny,” Kayla replies, pointing her finger at him.

  “If you would come right this way,” Lindsay instructs, guiding them down a hallway. Kayla begrudgingly follows her through the house. “You’ll be in the upper west wing,” Lindsay declares. “You and Master Damien will be sharing a suite, while Mister Jackson will be staying in the room next door.”

  Kayla puts her hands up and stops. “Whoa, hold on a second. I’m sharing a room with Damien?”

  Lindsay turns around and tilts her head. “But of course. Did you want accommodations of your own?”

  “Doesn’t anyone find it improper that Damien I would share a room when we’re not married?” Kayla asks.

  “No,” Lindsay says. “Do you? If it makes you uncomfortable, we can put you somewhere else.”

  Jackson leans into Kayla. “Listen, I don’t want to say this, but you should stay with Damien. He can protect you, and everyone would have a fit if you stayed with me.”

  “All right,” Kayla exhales. “That’s fine. I’ll stay with Damien.”

  Nodding, Lindsay gestures them through another doorway. Kayla and Jackson follow her until they come to a huge set of double doors. “Here we are,” Lindsay declares, opening the doors.

  “Holy cow,” Kayla squeaks as she walks in. The living room is huge. A large flat screen TV and surround sound speakers take up almost an entire wall, and two fluffy couches face the TV. A dining r
oom table and bar sit in the far right corner. To the left is another doorway. Kayla walks over and looks in, discovering the bedroom. “Well…it’s a king-sized bed, so at least he can keep his hands to himself.” Jackson bursts out laughing and Kayla smiles. She looks around the bedroom, spotting the large TV on the wall in there too.

  The next doorway leads to the bathroom, and Jackson follows her inside. When Kayla sees the inside she grins.

  “Okay, you and Damien are not sharing a room,” Jackson says.

  “Come on.” Kayla giggles. “I’ll use the Jacuzzi bathtub by myself.”

  “And the shower for two people? You think his thoughts are going to be innocent?”

  “Do you think mine are going to be? You and I could always give it a go,” she barely breathes out.

  Jackson scoffs. “I heard that. My head would be on a plate if we did anything. You are the girlfriend of the son of the Merjyet line. I have to be careful what I do.”

  “What, is it like treason?” Kayla giggles.

  “Actually, yeah,” Jackson whispers. “So let’s keep it down.”

  “Ooh, like a secret affair?”

  He kisses her on the cheek. “Yeah, come on.”

  They return to the living room.

  Lindsay smiles at them. “What do you need? Food? Drink?”

  “She needs more Kiej,” Jackson states.

  “And coffee,” Kayla notes. “And a nice, long, hot shower.”

  Lindsay looks at Jackson. “By yourself, I hope,” she mentions, moving her gaze back to Kayla.

  “Excuse me?” Kayla retorts sharply. “You have no right speaking to me this way. What I do is none of your business.”

  Lindsay bows her head. “I’m sorry Miss. I meant nothing by it. Damien just made his intentions known. We have to listen to him.”

  “I will handle Damien,” Kayla replies. “Anyway, I want to take a shower, and I bet Jackson does too. But don’t worry, we’ll do it separately.”

  “Very good, Miss Kayla,” Lindsay whispers, still looking at the floor. “I’ll get your refreshments. Excuse me.”

  When Lindsay leaves, Kayla turns to Jackson. “Damien made his intentions known? What in the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “That I think you should get used to him being your boyfriend.” Jackson sighs.

  “I will make him my boyfriend when I’m damn well ready and not a moment sooner.”

  Jackson shrugs his shoulders. “I’m just saying. You’re under his protection as his girlfriend. You may as well take the title.”

  “Not yet. Maybe I should say something.”

  “No, just leave it,” Jackson suggests. “As long as he’s aware of what’s going on, you shouldn’t have to worry.”

  A guy comes into the apartment with Kayla’s suitcase and clothes. “Thank you,” she says. The guy sets her stuff down and nods. When he leaves, Kayla says, “I should take a shower. I am twelve shades of nasty.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  “Shut up.” Kayla laughs, shoving him.

  He comes back to her and picks her up. “You’re such a pain in the ass, you know that?”

  “Put me down!” she exclaims. Carrying her into the bedroom, Jackson throws her down on the bed. Kayla props herself up on her elbows. “Are you going to have your way with me?”

  He laughs. “No, I was going to tickle you, but that may come across wrong. Go take a shower.”

  “Want to join me?” Kayla giggles, winking at him.

  Jackson groans heavily and turns around. “Can’t hear you!”

  “Whatever,” Kayla yells after him. “I will have to save it for Damien then!”

  Jackson turns and looks back at her. “I will pull him out of the shower by his hair.”

  Kayla laughs. “That wouldn’t be uncomfortable or anything.”

  “Then don’t get naked with him.”

  “You’re no fun,” Kayla sighs dramatically.

  Waving his fingers, Jackson leaves the room. “I’m ignoring you. Bye!” When a minute goes by and he doesn’t return, Kayla gets her stuff and heads to the shower.

  Chapter 21

  When Kayla is finished getting dressed, she opens the bedroom door. Jackson is lying on one of the couches with his feet dangling over the side. Kayla laughs. “You’re too tall for that couch.”

  “I’m too tall for most stuff period,” he replies with a grin.

  “Too tall to ride this ride,” Kayla snips, walking over to him.

  “Oh, I think I could handle you.”

  Kayla runs over and jumps on top of him, sitting on his stomach. “What do you want to do?”

  “Uh, lie here for a little bit. Your lover boy tried to call you, but he got me instead. There was an accident, and he’s stuck in traffic. He’ll be here in an hour or so.”

  “I see,” Kayla replies. “Maybe I should call him.”

  Jackson shakes his head. “Nah, he’ll be here soon enough. I’d like to enjoy your company for a while before you’re too distracted by him.”

  “You’ve spent two days with me,” Kayla teases. “Isn’t that enough?”

  “What can I say, I am glutton for punishment,” Jackson exhales dramatically.

  Reaching down, Kayla tries to tickle him. He just raises an eyebrow in return. “It’s not fair that you’re not ticklish!” Kayla exclaims

  “Actually, I am ticklish, very ticklish, just not on my ribs.”

  “Where then?” Kayla asks, scooting down.

  He shakes his head smiling. “It’s in the no-no area.”

  “Where is it?” Kayla curiously inquires.

  With an amused smirk, Jackson replies, “On the very insides of my thighs. Nowhere you’re allowed to touch.”

  Scooting down by his feet, Kayla starts at the insides of his knees. “Here?” He shakes his head and laughs. Kayla’s hands creep up higher on his legs. “Here?” With a raised eyebrow, Jackson shakes his head again. With shaking hands, Kayla reaches up even farther and tickles him. When he doesn’t react, she pouts. “I’m not going any higher.”

  “Too bad for you,” Jackson sighs. “I am really ticklish.”

  After a quick thought, Kayla reaches down at the very top of his thigh and tickles him. Jackson turns and falls off the couch, taking Kayla with him. She quickly pounces back on top of him and starts tickling him again. Jackson can’t stop laughing. “Knock it off,” he gasps.

  “No! Payback!” Kayla yells. “Now who’s a pain in the ass?”

  He grabs her and rolls them over, so he’s on top. Jackson grabs her wrists and holds them against her chest. “No more tickling,” he says.

  Kayla has a huge grin on her face. “Now I know how to get you, though. You just wait and watch, revenge will come.”

  “Don’t start a war you can’t win.”

  Still giggling, Kayla sticks her tongue out at him. “I’ll still get you. When you least expect it.”

  Jackson bends down, his face dangerously close to hers. “I bet you will, but I warn you, retaliation will be brutal.”

  A throat clears. They both look up to see Lindsay standing over them with a tray of food. “I brought you something to snack on until Master Damien gets here.”

  Kayla’s cheeks flame. Jackson stands up and sticks out his hand to her. She grabs it and he pulls her up, releasing quickly. “Thank you for the food,” Kayla murmurs, not sure what to say.

  Lindsay stares at them in what appears to be disapproval before setting the tray down on the table. “If you need anything, you only need to press that red intercom button on the wall by the bar.”


  With one last look, Lindsay leaves the room. Jackson shuts the door behind her. Turning around, he smiles. “I think we’re going to get in trouble.”

  Kayla puts her finger to her mouth. “Shh, they probably have the room bugged.”

  “That would be awkward. What if people…do stuff. Do they watch?”

  “Ewww,” Kayla squeals. “Gross.”
br />   “Maybe you need to keep that in mind while you’re staying here with Damien. It’s better than having your parents in the room,” Jackson states, smiling broadly.

  Crossing her arms, Kayla snidely remarks, “I bet he can turn the cameras off.”

  “Don’t burst my bubble. I want to pretend that you aren’t going to be all over each other.”

  “Fine, he won’t touch me.”

  Jackson turns and mumbles, “I wish.” He sits back down on the couch.

  She walks over and sits down next to him, snagging the remote from him. “I get to pick what we watch.”

  “Oh, great,” Jackson groans. “No soap operas, please.”

  “Uh, no, we’ll find something better than that.” She starts to flip through the channels. “Holy cow, there are hundreds of shows to choose from.”

  Jackson leans back. “You’re going to take an hour to choose something.”

  She stops on a channel and screams. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Where is Damien when I need him?”

  Jackson flinches at her reaction. “What are you getting so excited about?”

  Kayla points to the screen. “It’s Grease! Damien knows all the lyrics. I would force him to sing them with me.” The beginning song starts to play and she immediately starts to sing to it, bopping around.

  He laughs. “You like this movie, I take it?”

  “I love it!” Kayla replies. “This is awesome. How can you not like this movie?”

  “I like Grease. I never said I didn’t.”

  Kayla sighs heavily. “Yeah, but Damien knows all the songs. It would be so much fun to actually have someone to sing it with me. Oh well, I’ll have to do it another time.”

  “That is what would make you happy, to have someone sing it with you?” Jackson inquires.

  “Yes,” Kayla exhales dramatically. Jackson looks at her and then starts to sing along with the song playing on the TV. Kayla gapes at him, shocked that he actually knows the lyrics, and then she starts to sing along with him.

  To her delight, Jackson sings through the whole movie. They laugh hysterically and dance to every song, especially to “Grease Lightening.” Kayla is surprised at how well Jackson can actually dance.


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