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Doctor Heal Thyself [Internet Bonds Series Book 5]

Page 19

by Christy Poff

* * * *

  Sheridan gazed out the window—full dark, as some called it. Where has the moon gone, or has my imagination gone haywire? She tried to catch Stasia's attention but all that filled the room were unintelligible whimpers. Stasia tried, too, getting no better results. Then both of them wept, filling the room with desperate sadness.

  Moonlight overtook her corner of the room and she noticed the bloodstain on her corset. She wondered how much blood she'd lost. No matter the amount, she knew it couldn't be good for her or the baby, though if Yelena's plot succeeded, it wouldn't make any difference.

  She'd given up trying to free herself. Yelena had made sure both women wouldn't escape. Looking outside, she saw the grounds of the estate, the home he'd promised her. Ross kept his promises, only Yelena had conspired against them and right now, she held the winning hand. Yelena wanted Ross and Sheridan and Stasia couldn't stop her.

  Nausea brought her thoughts back to the baby. Between morning sickness and other events in her life, Sheridan felt like shit. Frustration overtook her after a second wind pushed her to try to free herself—again, an unsuccessful attempt.

  Sheridan tried again to remove the tape from her mouth but it became a slow process. Why? What have I done to ... No, Ross would find them...

  The room darkened once more, clouds covering the moon.

  Please, help us...

  * * * *

  Stasia couldn't think of anything but ringing Yelena's neck. She heard Sheridan's frustration and her desperate tries for freedom but Yelena had made sure they wouldn't leave this suite.

  If we get out of here, I'll kill the bitch myself!

  She listened to Sheridan's sobs wishing she could do something but restrained the way she was made it impossible to move. She had an idea, hoping it would work.

  Leaning forward in the chair as far as she could, she leaned to one side while shifting the position of her hand slightly. She could reach the edge of the tape and painfully attempted to pull it off her mouth. Sheridan's sobs drove her, Stasia knowing her slave needed her reassurance.

  Stasia believed Ross or one of the others would find them and she needed Sheridan to know this.


  * * * *

  When Ross crossed the room to help Ridge, Yelena moved off to the side hoping Ridge had not seen her face. She slipped Ross's cell phone into her pocket, having already taken the house phone off the hook in the kitchen. No one would be able to get a hold of him. Once the strange assistant to Stasia left, she'd have uninterrupted time with the man she loved.

  Ross had Ridge sit down while he got some ice cubes from the bar and wrapped them in a towel.

  "Here, this should help."

  "Thank you, Master Ross."

  "Stop it, Ross. He doesn't need your attention, I do."

  "Yelena, you did this to him. I can't prove it but I know you did it."

  "Ross, I know you're upset but..."

  "I am not upset. I am out and out pissed off. You know where my wife is and you're playing games with me."

  "Ross, you don't know what you're saying."

  "I do, Yelena. You have my wife and my good friend hidden away. I want to know where they are."

  "I don't know what you are talking about. I was in the city and heard the news and out of the..."

  "Ridge, call Judge Anderson and the police."

  "Yes, sir."

  Yelena pulled a knife and threw it across the room, catching Ridge in the forearm.

  "Don't move,” she said, pulling out a second knife. Ross leaned against the wall, the stress taking its toll.

  "Yelena, stop it."

  "No, I don't want to hurt you but you're not leaving me again."

  "I don't want you, woman. I love my wife and I want to know where she is."

  "She's all wrong for you. We had great times together. We can..."

  "No!” he yelled, pulling the hidden sword from its sheath—his walking stick. Taking her by surprise, Ross crossed the room, holding her with its tip.

  "Tell me what I want to know or I'll ram it through you until..."

  "Ross, no..."

  * * * *

  Stasia finally succeeded in removing the tape from her mouth. She gasped for air, grateful she could.

  "Sheridan, if you can hear me, you have to calm down for the baby's sake as well as your own. Ross will get us out of here."

  A quiet moan told her Sheridan understood her.

  "Relax, my pet. I command it,” Stasia said, hoping to get through to her slave. The last thing she needed was more stress, especially being pregnant.

  "Sheridan, think of Ross. When he sees his wife again, I want you as horny as hell and aroused. Do you understand?"

  Sheridan's muffled groan gave her the answer she needed to hear.

  "Good girl."

  She heard noises from the opposite side of the door.

  "Help us, please!” she screamed. “Please..."

  * * * *

  Sheridan listened to Stasia, her body relaxing as she obeyed her mistress. Thoughts of seeing Ross caused the arousal Stasia commanded. She ached for her husband, needing him. Stasia's voice calmed her, soothing her—something she needed.

  She heard the noise coming from outside the room and Stasia's screams, praying help had come. She hoped Ross would be the one to come through the door but, at this point, anyone but Yelena would be welcome.

  Sheridan closed her eyes, praying for the best.


  * * * *

  While the hands moved the huge pile of junk away from the front of the door, Warren took Major on a hunt for another entry. As he'd thought, he found a second entrance used by servants who changed the linens and cleaned the room so they would not bother the guests.

  Taking a quick look, he found fresh footprints in the dust while Major seemed to find a faint trace of Mrs. Beckham's scent. Finding the door locked, he kicked it in, gaining entry to one of the larger guest suites which had not been used in decades. Covered furniture, cobwebs and other signs of neglect met him.

  Telling Major to sit and stay, Warren pulled his Glock and cautiously searched the room. The first room empty, he went into the sitting area of the bedroom.

  "Unit one to all units. I'm in the last room of the unused end of the old wing. I have both ladies and need help getting to them. Tell Mister Beckham I've found them."

  "Unit two to one affirmative. Be advised, the boss is out of contact on both cell and landline."

  "Find out why and make sure he's all right."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Unit one out."

  Warren found Stasia first, hurrying to release her.

  "Go to Sheridan first, she's in worse shape."

  Warren nodded, then located Sheridan. First, he freed her ankles then hands, her body falling into his arms. He cautiously removed the tape from her mouth, Sheridan gasping.

  "You've got to stop Yelena..."

  "My orders are to find you and..."

  "Please, he has to know,” she cried, coughing.

  "Unit one to all units—I have them both. I need to warn Mister Beckham about Yelena."

  "She's with him right now. We have an injured party but can't get into the room,” Unit Seven reported.

  "We'll be right there,” he advised. He freed Stasia, who went directly to Sheridan.

  The hands finally got into the room, wanting to get the two women out of the old wing so they could go help Ross.

  "Mrs. Beckham, can you walk?"

  "I'll be fine. Go get that madwoman away from my husband!"

  "Yes, ma'am,” he said, running out but leaving several hands with them.

  "My pet, are you all right?"

  "Not as long as that bitch is with him."

  "Come on and let's get out of here,” Stasia urged, guiding her slave from their prison.

  It took a few minutes, but they finally approached the doorway to Ross’ office. Stasia gasped seeing Ridge with a switchblade in his arm.

y heard the argument between Ross and Yelena, Yelena doing her best to change Ross’ mind. The sound of the sword being unsheathed sent chills up their spines as it echoed through the quiet mansion.

  "Tell me what I want to know or I'll ram it through you until..."

  "Ross, no...” Sheridan begged. “She's not worth your going to jail."

  "Listen to her, Ross,” Stasia pleased.

  Warren crept into the room, his gun drawn.

  "Put the knife down. I'm putting you under arrest."

  "You can't! You're no cop!"

  "Yelena, do it now and make it easier for all of us."

  "Not until I get what I came for,” she cried as Chief of Police Scolari entered the room.

  "And what would that be?” he asked quietly while several armed officers backed him.

  Ross lowered the sword, stepping back.

  "She wants me and this house. She tried to murder my wife and our friend."

  "Judge Anderson filled me in."

  "Yelena, I'm placing you under arrest for the attempted murder of Mrs. Ross Beckham and friend, two counts of kidnapping, assault and criminal trespass. You have the right to remain..."

  "Ross, I'll be back and I'll finish getting rid of them. You don't need them. You need me. Ross..."

  "Ross, are you all right?"

  "Yes, thanks. You showed up and kept me from doing something idiotic,” he said, shaking Scolari's hand.

  "With your new bride? I highly doubt it. She would have centered you and gotten you on the right path."

  Ross smiled, gazing at his wife. She ran into his arms, crying.


  "Sheridan, thank God you're all right,” he said, holding her tight.

  "I love you, Master,” she whispered for only him to hear.

  "I love you, too. Thank God, you're both safe."

  He kissed her, ignoring everyone else.

  * * * *

  Stasia ran to Ridge, holding him while the medic pulled the knife embedded in his arm out. She realized, while facing the thought of never seeing him again, just how much she loved him.

  She remained with him when a helicopter flew him to the medical center for surgery to repair Yelena's damage.

  "Mistress, please don't worry. I'm okay..."

  "I could have lost you tonight. I realized how much I love you and need you before all hell broke loose and I faced never seeing you again."


  "No, my love, slave."


  "Yes, Master Ridge. Slave."

  She kissed him, then whispered to him what she wanted him to do to her once they returned to the mansion. His groan told her everything she needed to know.

  * * * *

  Yelena pled not guilty to all charges but the fact they had been brought by Federal Judge Clive Anderson had her remanded without bail.

  By dawn the next morning, a guard found her dead after she choked herself with a bed sheet.

  Case closed.


  Nine months later

  Sheridan fingered the cross on her diamond and onyx Gothic-styled choker. She could never forget their wedding night once everything had finally been resolved. She stood by the window of the master bedroom of the Spread R Bar Ranch gazing out onto the snow-covered pastures thinking back to all that had happened after their wedding reception.

  Ross spoke with the police chief while Bentley looked at Sheridan's neck and wrists. The cuffs had cut into her wrists after Yelena tightened them and he found some lacerations but Sheridan had more bruising. He put a small dressing on the cut on her neck where Yelena held the knife against Sheridan's throat and opened a wound with a very sharp stiletto.

  Stasia refused any treatment whatsoever until she knew Ridge was all right. She went to the medical center with him and they returned the next morning after spending the rest of the night there for observation.

  Ross finally got his wife all to himself in the wee hours before dawn, refusing to allow her to do anything. He removed her corset and petticoat, calming her about the gown Yelena had taken from her and the bloodstains on her clothing. Sheridan's beauty overwhelmed him, Ross grinning as he watched candlelight sparkling from her onyx and diamond belly piercing.

  Sheridan gasped when he pulled the beautiful piece of jewelry from its velvet box. Her hand went to the white gold collar, the design of the first several rows reminding her of medieval chain mail. Evenly spaced around the lower edge of it, onyx dagger shaped drops fell between diamond drops. In the center hung a diamond-studded cross which seductively led Ross’ eye to her cleavage and more of her beautiful body.

  "I collar you, my beautiful wife, as my complete submissive. As you desire, I lovingly control every aspect of your life. I love you, my slave, my wife, my mistress...” he said, planting kisses on her neck while closing the clasp. He turned her around, impressed by the overall effect.

  Sheridan reached for a box she'd hidden underneath her pillow. She stood, removing his jacket and shirt, leaving him magnificently bare-chested, his rock-solid body driving her crazy. She felt her nipples harden while her pussy clenched, her body needing his touch.

  She pulled out the gold chain she'd chosen at Navarro's and slipped it around his neck.

  "I take you, Ross, as my husband, lover, slave, and above all, my master. With your collar and the one I'm placing around your neck, I swear to be yours and only yours. I love you, Ross."

  Before dawn broke, he had impaled her hungry body on his swollen cock and fucked her every time she wanted him to. When she wanted to suck his shaft, he refused telling her the night was for him to pleasure her and fulfill her wildest desires.

  Her body crying out for her master's touch, Sheridan's hand went to her stomach, huge with twins. She ran her hand over it to calm one baby. Her pregnancy considered extremely high risk, she learned she carried twins about four months along, thanks to Bentley's caution.

  Many things happened after their wedding.

  Within weeks, Sheridan closed her practice and the Sun Valley office. She and her secretary, Nancy, made sure all her patients found other therapists then, after record transfers and other necessary tasks had been finally completed, she walked out of the building for the last time.

  She remembered asking Nancy what her plans were.

  "I have an offer from another therapist."

  "Wonderful, where?"

  "Beverly Hills. One of our patients has a friend in the same field and he recommended me."

  "Great, I'm really happy for you. Remember, if you need anything..."

  "Thanks, but you'll be busy with the baby."

  "Never too busy for you. We've been through a lot together."

  Sheridan hugged her, then gave her the office keys to return to the realtor. They left, Nancy to take care of the keys and Sheridan to meet Ross at Anastasia's.

  When she arrived, Ross met her, taking her in his arms and holding her. She felt his strength help to make it easier for her to walk away from a huge part of her life.

  "I know what you've given up and I'm sorry."

  "I'm not. I have you,” she said, then kissed him.

  "Have you considered keeping both licenses in case..."

  "Medical—yes but I'm not sure about the other. I love the idea of helping Bill if he needs me but I'm not sure I'm up to trying to take on anyone else's problems when I'm still working on my own."

  "Doctor, heal thyself?” he asked.

  "No. Submissive, serve thy master."

  "I like the way you think."

  "Where are you?” Ross asked, his voice bringing her back to the present.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. Memories of our wedding night kind of took over."

  "The good ones?"

  "Definitely, plus I keep thinking about closing the office."

  "Do you regret it?"

  "Sometimes but I won't change my mind. I have everything in my life that I want and I don't want any more conflict."

  "My lovely slav
e, do you know what you are doing to me at this moment?"

  "I can see,” she replied, noticing his swelling cock begging for freedom and her touch.

  As large as she'd grown carrying their twins, Sheridan had no trouble kneeling at his feet, though her swollen belly hid her pussy from his adoring eyes. She unzipped his pants and helped him out of them, then took his engorged cock into her mouth, her tongue laving his velvety skin.

  "My slave is a devilish vixen."

  She nodded, feverishly taking his cock deep into her throat. Her hands went behind him, grabbing his firm ass, needing balance. She felt his hand on the back of her head, the heat between them intense.

  "Take me, Sheridan,” he commanded as he filled her. Sheridan took every bit he gave her. He called her name while her nails dug into his skin. Ross drew back, gazing at his wife.

  She gazed back at him, fire in her eyes.


  "Tell me what you want me to do,” he told her while his fingers played in her full mane of hair.

  "I want you to fuck me until I pass out one last time before our babies enter our world."

  "Are you sure..."

  "Please, Ross, I need your cock inside me,” she begged.

  Ross helped her up, led her to their bed and helped her onto it. He spread her legs, putting his cock at the entrance of her hot, wet pussy.

  "Play with your tits, slave. I want you to prick your nipples when I come inside you."

  "Yes, Master,” she purred, her hands at her breasts and teasing her sore and sensitive buds.

  With each thrust, he drove her closer to an edge she'd never encountered before. He drove her to beg for more, surprising them both considering the state of her imminent delivery of their children.

  "Ross, please, harder!” she screamed.


  "Do it! I need your powerful drive. Fuck me, Ross, please...” she cried out.

  Ross did as she pleaded, pounding his cock into her core as he never had before. Somewhere deep within him, a voice tried to get him to ease up but natural lust took over as he fucked his wife filling her. The sound of her screaming his name drove him more as if he feared stopping would lose the feelings between them forever. Silence overwhelmed him, Ross gazing at his wife, passed out while his cock throbbed within her.

  Slowly, he withdrew his cock from her pussy, then slid next to her.


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