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Second Chance Hope: a paranormal reverse harem academy adventure (Second Chance Academy Book 3)

Page 10

by Ella J. Smyth

  After that, nothing happened. The image of the trees never changed. We sat there until my butt was going to sleep. Finally, I ran out of patience. “What am I looking at?”

  Ms. Farkas’s voice sounded strained as she answered. “Keep watching. You’ll see.”

  Something moved. I focused harder, even though the effort was giving me a headache. A figure sharpened in the shadows. I recoiled so hard, I nearly pulled my hands off the orb.

  Shit, I recognize this. This is Julian and the badger.

  Ms. Farkas didn’t give any indication she’d noticed my reaction. Instead, she said, “Concentrate more.”

  I squinted at the image while the pain in my head got stronger. It helped that I knew what would come next. Julian bent over something that wasn’t clearly visible, and then a large, gray animal with the distinctive black and white head ran across the path. The whole time, I feared I might see myself, but there was only Julian and the resurrected badger.

  “Do you know what you just saw?” The head witch’s voice rang loudly through the darkness.

  “No,” I lied. “I mean, I saw Julian and what seemed to be a badger. Which, by the way, is really cool. Is this some kind of clairvoyant ball? Did I just see the future?”

  In a dry tone, Ms. Farkas replied, “No, this happened yesterday, but I suspect young Julian has been holding out on us.”

  Us? What is she talking about?

  “Yeah, I didn’t know Julian was that good with animals. Aren’t badgers kind of dangerous?” I should get a medal for playing dumb.

  Ms. Farkas removed her hands from the globe, and it stopped glowing. Then the ceiling lights came on. I squeezed my eyes shut reflexively because the light was painful after the prolonged stay in the darkness.

  To try to distract her even more, I said, “That globe thing is really awesome. Can you teach me how to use it?”

  I stared at her with round eyes, pretending to be naïve and harmless. Ms. Farkas ignored my question. Instead, she said, “I think one hour of this is enough for today. How is your head?”

  I grimaced in response. Shots of pain passed across my forehead, pounding in my temples, and making me flinch every few seconds.

  “I know how exhausting this is if you’re not used to it. Have a nap. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”

  I nodded and tried not to throw up on her office floor. The headache thumped in sync with my heartbeat, and my stomach heaved every so often. But before I left, I had one more question.

  “When is Mr. Sibelius returning?”

  Ms. Farkas gave me a strange, secretive smile. As if she knew more than she was letting on, but had no intention of telling me. “Mr. Sibelius has been recalled to his native country, I’m afraid. A family emergency. He won’t be returning.”


  By the time I walked back to my room, I could barely keep myself upright. It wasn’t even lunchtime yet, but I fell into bed and pulled the cover over my head. Thankfully, Slug seemed to know I needed some peace and quiet and didn’t try to jump on top of me as he usually did.

  That evening, I waited for Julian. I was briefly pondering if I should go over to the boys’ room, but Lance had ignored me all weekend. Fucker. He’ll have to grovel for me to forgive him.

  Worse was that Sibelius’s attack had left its mark on me. I was so sick of being scared, but I couldn’t help it. Even though Farkas had told me Sibelius was gone, Lawson and his men were still around somewhere.

  Now that I thought of it, I hadn’t seen them in over a week. Which was a relief on the one hand, but odd on the other. Ever since I’d arrived here, Lawson had patrolled the grounds either by himself or with one of colleagues. Then Lillian had disappeared, and after I’d complained to Farkas, they hadn’t been on their usual patrol routes.

  This was all connected. Whatever was happening at the academy, Lawson was right at the center of it. I was sure he got his orders from Ms. Farkas. Jumping off the bed, I paced up and down, occasionally lifting my feet to avoid tripping over Slug. The giant cat had decided to pace with me.

  No matter how often I told myself to calm down, I was so tense, my shoulders ached. I hated waiting for Julian. When somebody knocked on the door, I jumped and a small yelp escaped me.

  Slug stopped using my leg as a scratching board and gave me one of his patented looks. The one that I interpreted as asking, "Calm down, will you? If anybody has a right to be jumpy, it’s me.”

  I called out before opening, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me.”

  Relieved, I opened the door and fell into Julian’s arms.

  We held each other as if nothing had ever been wrong between us. My boyfriends’ behavior gave me whiplash, but I couldn’t deny the pull towards them every time we were near each other.

  “Julian,” I whispered.

  His arms tightened around me, and he pulled me closer. “I missed you so much.”

  “I only found out you were gone this afternoon. Ms. Farkas told me,” I said, trying not to sound like I was accusing him of abandoning me.

  He kissed my temple."Sorry. I would’ve told you if I could have. But Kiernan insisted I come right away.”

  I pulled back a little. “Why? Did something happen?”

  Julian nodded. My stomach dropped to my feet. He quickly said, “No, nothing like that. Kiernan is fine. But yeah, he found something that shocked him.”

  I waited for more of an explanation, but my boyfriend stayed quiet. Instead, he looked down the hallway, first one direction, then the other. “Let’s go inside.”

  Pushing me into the room, he went to the window and checked outside before pulling the curtains closed.

  I’d been watching him with growing apprehension. “Come on, tell me. What’s going on?”

  Julian sat on my bed and patted the space next to him, asking me wordlessly to join him. Slug followed his invitation and jumped up to snuggle against his arm. Julian stared at the cat with so much confusion, I couldn’t suppress a giggle. “That’s new. Did you train him or something?”

  I shook my head. “No, but the bed is his place. He’s telling you you’re welcome on it.”

  Julian walked his fingers across Slug’s fur, following the grain from his neck to his butt. Slug closed his eyes and seemed to grin, enjoying the ministrations. I allowed the scenario to play out for a while. But finally, I ran out of patience. “Come on, man. Leave the cat and tell me what’s happening. What did Kiernan find out?”

  Julian continued to stroke my pet. “Okay. So, you remember he’s got two dads, right?”

  I nodded. That was one of the first things I’d learned about this weird new world I’d entered. Polyamorous relationships were perfectly normal within the magical community. In fact, according to my boyfriends, people with magical powers were drawn to each other.

  At first, I’d been supremely uncomfortable with the idea of being with more than one guy. After all, relationships were hard enough work without adding several personalities into the mix. I shook off the feeling of overwhelm that was about to settle on me again. “Yes. And?”

  Julian’s head dropped lower as he stared at the ground between his feet. Whatever it was, it was big. “Kiernan found out his two dads aren’t actually his dads. His mom had an affair, and Kiernan is the result of it.”

  I couldn’t help myself and laughed. “Seriously? Like, what? Two guys weren’t enough for her? She had to go and find another one?”

  Julian finally looked up, and the pain on his face made my heart clench. “No, you don’t understand. Kiernan’s father isn’t human. He was an incubus. Kiernan is half-incubus.”

  My jaw dropped, and the room spun. I sank onto Beth’s bed since it was the closest surface. Faintly, I asked, “What?”

  Julian jumped up and hastened to my side. Sitting down next to me, he took my hand. “Look, I know this is a shock. Especially after what you just went through. But he’s still Kiernan.”

  I nodded. The Irish boy had never been cruel to me
. On the contrary. It would certainly explain why he was such a god in bed. Or demon, I thought bitterly. I needed to think about this more when I was alone. Now wasn’t the time.

  Bewilderment was written in Julian’s face as he continued, “There is something else. Kiernan wrote a letter, and I managed to smuggle it inside.”

  “Why would you have to smuggle it? He sent me one just the other day.”

  Julian laughed bitterly. “I suppose he didn’t want Farkas or Lawson to read it. Sure, I’ve got permission to leave the academy anytime I ask. But now I get searched when I come back like every other student.”

  I wanted to make a funny quip about where he’d stuck the letter so security hadn’t found it. But his face wore such a bleak look, I swallowed my words. Had his status with the head witch changed because of me? He caught my worried expression and shook his head like he wanted to get rid of bad memories. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I managed to bring the letter in without anybody finding it.”

  He got up and pulled a white envelope from his back pocket. “I’ll leave you to read it by yourself. Ever since I got back, I feel like I’m being watched. I met Beth outside the dorms, talking to Jamal. So you won’t be alone.”

  “Have you read that letter?”

  “No. I trust you’ll tell me if there’s anything important in it.”

  I was about to close the door behind him, when he turned back and kissed me. His lips felt delicious on mine, but before it was getting too hot, he stumbled sideways. Using the door frame to balance himself, he took a few deep breaths.

  “Yeah, still doesn’t work,” he said with a bitter-sweet smirk. Then he turned and walked away, waving goodbye over his shoulder.

  I was so frustrated, I kicked the door shut. I didn’t know why I thought the outcome would be any different, because having a boyfriend and not being able to get physical with him? That was beyond cruel.

  I groaned in frustration. I’d forgotten to ask him about the badger. I’ll go see him after reading the letter.

  Julian’s behavior had made me so paranoid, I followed his example and checked first outside the window, then the hallway to make sure all was clear. Then I locked the door, settled on my bed, and tore the letter open.

  Mo chroi, my love,

  Being here without you is really hard. I miss you. And now I’m also afraid.

  I found a list in my mom’s desk, which I copied and enclosed. Check out the names and dates. Kenzy’s name is there, and Julian’s.

  The weirdest thing is, it’s signed by Strickland. Look at the date. He signed it only a few weeks ago. Looks like he still works for the academy.

  Please be careful.

  I covered my mouth to hold in the gasp. Strickland. The teacher who’d attacked and nearly killed me when I’d first gotten here. I thought he was on the run, a fugitive from the FBMA. With trembling fingers, I turned the letter over to find more writing on the back.

  Julian probably told you my dads aren’t my biological fathers. I confronted my mom, and she admits she’s been trying to protect me.

  I had a huge fight with her, but she wouldn’t explain why she had that list. She let slip, though, that there’s a secret room underneath the main Academy building which is used by special FBMA forces.

  My mom seemed scared. I think this is much bigger than we ever thought. Julian and I talked, and he’s got no more doubt Farkas is involved in all of this.

  Please be careful. I love you. I’m trying to come back to you as quickly as I can.


  I dropped the letter slowly into my lap and banged my head against the wall behind me. Closing my eyes, I digested the information.

  Strickland was still around. Farkas had pretended he’d gotten away, but if he was still on the Academy’s payroll, she must have known about it. To me, that was proof the head witch was running the entire illegal operation.

  I’d seen a girl suffer a horrifying death on the flash drive Slug had found. As I remembered her agonizing struggle, fear and anger warred inside of me. I was so tired of being afraid and the target of people who either wanted to use me, kill me, or both.

  Another thought struck me. What if the lab we’d seen on the drive was the room Kiernan had mentioned? What if the missing kids hadn’t been abducted at all, but had been killed within the school grounds?

  I needed to find the lab. If I saw it, I could confirm its existence. I had no clue what to do afterwards, but Kiernan’s mom worked for the government, didn’t she? There was no way she was okay with her son being on the kill list we’d also seen.

  Talking of the list—Kiernan had mentioned one in his letter. I picked up the envelope, but it was empty. Had I dropped it? The envelope had been sealed when I’d broken it, so maybe Kiernan had forgotten to put it inside. Damn. I wanted to see that list more than anything.

  There was only one person who might know what had happened to it. I appreciated Julian giving me time and space to digest Kiernan’s letter in private, but I needed to talk to him.

  Newly energized, I hopped off my bed, wrapped a light jacket around me, and made my way to Julian’s quarters.


  Julian had told me to come see him anytime, but after I rapped several times on his door, I gave up. He wasn’t in, and neither was Lance when I checked his room.

  I’d never felt so alone in my life. Kiernan was gone, Lance still hadn’t explained his weird behavior, and Julian was AWOL. On top of it, I’d been feeling antsy all day, waiting for Julian to return from his visit to Kiernan.

  The moon’s pale light, shining through my window, reminded me of Beth’s Fae eyes. She’d finally gotten back after talking to her friend. I didn’t know Jamal very well, other than he’d been sharing a room with Luke. Apparently, Jamal had found out today he was getting a new roommate because Beth’s boyfriend had withdrawn from the Academy.

  Beth had burst into tears as she’d told me. I’d gasped at the news. When Kenzy had disappeared, Farkas’s assistant at the time had fed us the same bullshit. She’d even had a letter from Kenzy to prove it.

  It had all been a lie. We didn’t know where Kenzy was, but we knew she’d been taken and sold. And now Luke had disappeared in the same manner.

  A strange calm descended on me. Maybe I finally had enough. After all, I wasn’t completely helpless. Even though the Academy was designed to make us feel that way, constantly stressing the importance to never ever lose control of our magic.

  There was a chance both Kenzy and Luke were held underneath the main building. I wanted, no, needed to find this room. But I wasn’t going to do it alone. I didn’t want to involve Beth. There was a price on her head, plus she had no powers to help her in a fight. But I’d feel a lot better if I could get Julian and Lance to join me.

  I changed into a black top and pants. Then I set out for the boys’ dorm for the second time tonight. But when I arrived at Julian’s room, there was no answer. Now I was becoming worried. There weren’t that many places to go. Julian wasn’t much of a runner, but he did occasionally walk in the forest. Except it was pitch dark. No way would he be stretching his legs by himself where he could fall over and break something.

  I tried Lance’s door with the same result. Where were those boys when I needed them? Swallowing my irritation, I lingered for a few moments, wondering what to do next. But my curiosity had taken hold of me completely.

  With my black outfit, I wouldn’t be easy to spot as long as I was careful. Rubbing my fingers together, I produced a spark, just to test it still worked. The tiny white light jumped from fingertip to fingertip like a little friend, egging me on.

  Newly determined, I left the boys’ dorm and made my way to the main building. All the windows were dark, and there was no sign of anybody lying in wait for me. I walked up to the front door and tried the handle. It was locked. I hadn’t expected anything else. Before I zapped my way into the building, I should probably try the doors first. Just in case any were unlocked.

re the main building connected with the east and the west wing, two narrow cut-throughs allowed access to the back of the Academy without having to walk all around the wings. Moving quietly and stealing glances over my shoulders, I sneaked to the alleyway. It was wide enough for a small wheelbarrow to be pushed through without difficulty.

  The other site of the short tunnel was pitch-dark because the lamplight from the square did not reach there. I cursed myself for forgetting to borrow a flashlight, but when I got to the end of the passage, the moon reappeared from thick clouds. The watery light was just enough to see where I was going.

  Again, I checked both sides and behind me to double-check nobody was creeping up on me. A few steps brought me behind the main building. There was nothing. Just the rough brickwork that looked even more crumbling than at the front. The moon disappeared again, and I had to trail my hand along the wall to move forward.

  Just as I was about to reach the next corner, my toe stubbed against something hard. My eyes had adjusted, and there was just enough light to detect a double door on the ground. I grinned. That had to be an old-fashioned coal chute, like I’d seen in the movies.

  I pulled on the handles, but it didn’t budge. No problem. I concentrated and sent a tiny charge of lightning into the lock, melting the interior mechanism. Then I lifted one wing of the split door and carefully climbed down the stairs.

  My heart was beating in my throat, and my breath whistled in the nightly silence. Even after pulling the door shut behind me, I wasn’t safe. Sure, nobody could see I was in here from the outside, but what if somebody was hiding down here? Waiting for me? What if they kept dogs down here?

  I shuddered, frightened to descend the stairs all the way. The darkness was smothering me. A thought occurred to me, and I hit my forehead with my flat hand. “Idiot,” I murmured. Had I not been practicing making lightning balls not that long ago? It only had to be small, not as big as the one I’d lost control over and nearly torched the building.


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