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A Master for Christmas (Magical Me Book 1)

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by Aline de Chevigny

  Grinning he pulled her even closer, stabbing her in the abdomen with his shaft. “Genie loophole, regarding my lamp, my bed and your nakedness.”

  As happy as she was to see Trevino, she needed him to explain that comment. “Please explain how you knew I was naked in your bed?”

  “I saw you through the mirror. I felt your every tear, every caress you bestowed upon my lamp.”

  Sarah leaned back to look him over. “You watched me? I send you away to your parents and you spent your time watching me?”

  “I love you.”

  “You…Trevino, don’t you want to be with people like yourself? Don’t you want your freedom?”

  Scooting up closer to her, he grinned sexily. That was the very same grin she’d fallen for the very first time they met. The day he’d talked her into buying his lamp as a Christmas present for herself from an antique dealer. The day she learnt that all things supernatural and magical weren’t fantasy. The day she fell in love with the big handsome Genie. “Trevino?”


  One word, announced with more surety than she’d ever felt in her life. “No?”


  “Then what do you want?” This was why she’d stayed single. She just didn’t understand men, be it mortal or magical.

  “Silly woman, I want you. I always have, ever since the day I saw you from my lamp standing above me. When you touched my lamp I knew, I wouldn’t be taking my Jin test just yet. I had to meet you and see if my feelings were accurate.” Cupping her cheek, he kissed her softly. “Marry me, Sarah.”

  “You know that can’t happen, you’re immortal and will be beautiful forever. I won’t…not that I ever was. My hair is too red, and I get blotchy when I cry.”

  Trevino tsked her and closed the distance between them again, then pinned her beneath him on his bed. “I gave up advancement for you because I thought you were the most alluring and beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. You Sarah, were my Christmas present that first day we met. I’ve thought this through and you my love have two options.”


  “Yes two, you could use your last wish to make me human…”

  “No, never! I’ve already told you that and it’s non-negotiable.”

  Kissing her lips softly, he smiled. “…or you could use your last wish to become immortal and be mine for eternity. If you’re curious for my opinion, I vote for the later. Sixty years with you is just not long enough in my estimation.”

  She was crying again and she hated it. Trevino was willing to give up his immortality, his family and his power just to be with her. Yet he’d rather make her immortal like him so he could love her for the rest of his life. How could she decide? The quiet understanding in his eyes, combined with the obvious arousal against her thigh made decision making difficult. She needed time to think, she couldn’t concentrate with him so close for the first time in weeks. “Can I decide later?”

  “I’d be insulted if you didn’t take your time deciding, you always think through all your important decisions. It’s part of what I adore about you. You probably have a million questions about immortality and what my world is like.” He answered.

  He understood, that was more than she deserved. “Will you help me word the wish once I decide? No matter what decision I make.”

  “I promise,” Trevino narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Unless you try to rid yourself of me again. In that case I’ll do everything in power to trick you into being mine forever, even if that means becoming mortal.”

  Laughing she slid her arms down his back to cup his ass. “Wouldn’t dream of it, not that I could get rid of you even if I tried. You came back the last six times I tried, even when I used force to make you go away.”

  Trevino laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Well I do know how much you like that cartoon about the cat that keeps coming back.”

  “I admire his persistence, he knows where he belongs. I wish I were that confidant.” She replied defensively, no one understood her fixation with that damn cat, none but Trevino.

  “Stubborn persistence, my love is the only thing that breaks through your defenses. If you tried to send me away again, I’d only find a way to come back. Even if I had to break every rule and law we Djinn have. That of course would result in my getting stripped of my powers and cast me out of my home or land me in my lamp for eternity being used to grant nothing but sexual wishes. Which in turn would slowly change me into an incubus, at which point I’d come back to you and…”

  She’d been laughing so hard at his tale of downward spiral she couldn’t breathe. “Stop…please stop. I give, you win. I won’t send you away, I couldn’t take the guilt for hardships you’d be put through.”

  “Good, because an incubus needs lots and lots of sex, and you’d never leave the bedroom again.”

  Wiping away her tears, Sarah squeezed each cheek in turn. “Speaking of sex, make love to me my sexy Genie. I’m feeling a sudden need to be ravished.”

  Chapter 5

  “Carlo have you seen your brother?” Jenelle asked worriedly.

  “Not since he left for earth and his Master.” The air around him cooled to the point of freezing at his words. His mother was not happy.

  “How did he get there eldest of my offspring? The girl would never waste her last wish on calling him back to her if it meant losing him forever!” She asked coolly, warning him to answer carefully.

  Carlo grinned. “He went to her under his own power. She was in his room, in his bed, naked and crying true tears of longing onto his lamp. Trevino used the back door; to return to the woman he loves. I believe he is going to propose marriage and give her the choice of how.” He knew his words wouldn’t make his mother any happier but he’d never dreamed she’d lose her temper so severely. Thunder clapped and shook the walls of the residence.

  “If I lose my child to mortality because of your misguided…”

  “Jenelle, Carlo meant no harm. He only wished to aid his brother and stop the pain he felt. You know Carlo has the gift of empathy.”

  “What if she chooses mortality?” Jenelle fired back.

  “See I told you they be talking about us.” Trevino announced, kissing Sarah’s hand to calm her trembling.

  “Trevino, thank goodness you’re home. I was worried sick when I heard you’d gone back without telling anyone.”

  Looking from his parents to his brother, Trevino wondered what could have happened in his absence to create such a panic. Sarah was glued to his side, too terrified to move or breathe. This wasn’t the way he wished to introduce his future bride to his family. “Did we have a freak frost this morning Carlo? Your eyebrows are covered in ice.”

  “Nothing serious, just mother having a panic attack at the thought of losing her baby boy. You are the first to fall in love and threaten to leave home after all.” Carlo told him with a grin, wiping the ice off his face.

  “Trevino, maybe this is a bad idea.” Sarah whispered trying to hide in his arms.

  Holding her closer, he kissed a bare shoulder. “Hush love, everything will be alright.” Then turned his eyes on his mother. “Care to explain what’s going on?”

  “Trevino, really…she obviously is against this union, maybe we should reconsider.” Sarah begged.

  The complete terror in Sarah’s voice had Carlo moving across the room before anyone could react. Her fright was so thick, his brother couldn’t stand the emotional pain it was causing him. “Calm your fears little one, mother is just experiencing separation anxiety. She’s never been faced with the possibility of a child permanently leaving her nest before. She most definitely doesn’t dislike you, in fact she’s been saying for years that you’d make a wonderful addition to our family.” Carlo told her, placing a hand on her arm to offer her his strength and calm her fears.


  Carlo laughed softly, and attempted to lighten the mood. “Truly, and if I may say so, if you ever get tired of that bumbling idiot of a broth
er of mine, I am at your disposal for a rebound fling.”

  If he hadn’t felt Sarah’s body relax with each flirtatious word out of his brother’s mouth. He’d be ready to kill him about now.

  “Ask me again in a millennium or two, but I don’t think I’ll ever wish to be rid of this perfect man of mine. He was the first man to ever think I was desirable.” Sarah responded silkily.

  “That’s my girl.” Trevino cooed into her ear, flashing his brother a triumphant grin.

  “Does this mean you won’t make my baby boy give up his immortality?” Jenelle asked, calmness flowing through the room around them.

  Sarah turned towards his mother angrily. It made him proud that she was so protective of him.

  “I would never take something away from Trevino that was such an integral part of him. Trevino without his magic wouldn’t be Trevino anymore. Nor would I part him from his family. It would kill him. Trevino may believe he’s willing to become human, but I know he’d resent me sooner or later for taking those things away from him.” Turning in his direction she buried her face in his shirt to calm herself. “Send me home Trevino. Do what you need to do, pass your test, visit with your family, stay until the wedding if you feel the need, but please, please send me home.”

  Scanning the room around them, he saw the familiar sights of the Louis the fourteen sette, the sofa from his childhood were he lost his lunch the first time he was called from his lamp. The walls lined with bookshelves, each with a little gold plaque engraved with each family member’s name filled with books, pictures and awards. Yet nowhere did he see his family, they’d decided to leave him alone with his love, while he soothed her worries. This place was no longer home to him, Sarah was no matter where she chose to live. “Love, mother meant no insult.”

  Pulling out of his arms, Sarah headed for his shelf to see what had pulled his interest. Stopping along the way, she took in Carlo’s collection of mementos as she passed. A soft frown curved her lips as she realised the value of each photo. She was awfully cute when annoyed, and he couldn’t wait to see her reaction to his wall of fame.


  “Yes love?”

  “Why are there only pictures of me on here? Where are all your other Masters?”

  “What other Masters love?” he teased.

  Planting her hands on his hips, she pierced him with a look that would make lesser men, or Genies tremble. “Trevino Dwin! Don’t you what other Master’s me. Every other shelf here, but your father’s has multiple photo’s, each labelled by name, date and accomplishment.”

  “You my dear feisty woman are my only accomplishments worth noting. I might also point out that once a photo has been added to the shelf, it can no longer be removed. It’s a magical shelf.”

  “You…you…you have our first kiss here, and the first time we met at the antique shop on Christmas Eve…” She was commenting as she went. “This is when I poured massage oil into the lamp and you appeared smelling heavenly and half naked, glistening from the oil. What a heavenly day that was.”

  Slipping his arms around her waist, he smiled fondly at the memory. She was right, that had been a good day. “I remember, I also remember what I wished to do to you that day.”

  “At least you no longer had to live in that tiny space after that day.” She reminded him with a grin.

  “I returned once or twice, but in the end I needed to stop entering the lamp.”

  “Did I ruin all of your beautiful things?” She asked feeling guilty once more.

  “No love, and as proof, I offer you the fact that we made love in the very bed I rescued from the lamp just last night.” He teased.

  Sarah grimaced. “I’m so sorry Trevino, can you ever forgive me?”

  How could he not love a woman who asked her Genie for forgiveness? “Always, but you have nothing to ask forgiveness for, the scent just brought back memories of you, and…”

  “Wish I had known that three years ago. But I had destroyed your home, and I was responsible for making certain you had a new one.” She told him firmly.

  Chapter 6

  “Sarah, I’d like to apologize for my actions earlier. I was worried you would take my baby away from me. A ridiculous notion I agree, but mothers are rarely rational.”

  Her heart rose in her throat at the sound of Trevino’s mother’s voice. Janelle was the last woman she wished to upset. The woman had more power in her tiny finger than she had in her entire body. “I would never take Trevino away from his family that would change a part of him that I love.”

  “See love, I told you she was a keeper. Now let’s sit and allow our son to tell us how they met.” Dwin announced appearing out of nowhere and slipping his arms around his wife’s waist in support.

  “I always knew I liked her you oaf. I just forgot for a little while.” Turning back to them, Jenelle smiled and motioned for them to sit. “Now tell us how you met, I want details if you don’t mind.”

  “Mother, you are well aware that Sarah is my Master…at least until she makes her final wish.”

  The loss of his arms around her as he made his way towards the sofa answered a question Sarah had been asking herself for weeks. And the answer was simple, no she couldn’t live without him anymore. “Humor them Trevino, I’d love to hear your version of the events.” His smile lit up the room and warmed her heart.

  “What my love wishes, she receives. We met on Christmas eve, at an antique shop where Sarah first fell for my lamp. It’s strange how Carlo knew what this one moment would mean to me.” Trevino mentioned softly.

  Sarah wasn’t surprised that his brother had known, his family was close, they cared for each other deeply. She always wondered how that felt, to have so many people care for you. “He loves you, and he does have that ability to know when someone is feeling insecure, speaking of your brother isn’t there another I’ve yet to meet?”

  “I have five other brothers you have yet to meet Master.”

  “Five…are they all as handsome as you? Because I seriously pity the female population if they are. You my sexy Genie are impossible to resist alone, with seven of you around…” She watched his lips turn down in a frown pulling a giggle from her lips.

  “And what exactly does that mean exactly?”

  “Only that you seem to have cast a spell over me as I can’t imagine my life without you in in. Now multiply that by seven and there will be hundreds of broken hearts out there when your brother’s get bored and move on. Don’t even try to tell me that they won’t get bored sooner or later. It’s not all sexy Genies who wish to grant immortality to a woman they love.” Every time she called him sexy, his eyes darkened a little more. She liked knowing he desired her exactly the way she was. “Now finish the story, your parents are patiently waiting to hear how we met.”

  His eyes narrowed suspiciously and yet he walked over to his shelf to look over his photo’s there, almost like he was studying them, trying to remember. “We met on the day I was to take my Jin exams. I looked out of my lamp to make certain the coast was clear and there she was, beauty personified, starring deep into my soul through my lamp, her fingers caressing the curves of the brass so silkily. I was hooked, I had to meet her before I took my exam. I knew that our meeting would determine my future.”

  Her cheeks were burning in embarrassment, Trevino never once told her she was the reason he’d stayed a Genie all these years. “Stop that or your parents will believe I corrupted you.”

  Grinning evilly, Trevino caresses her with his eyes, lord she loved that man.

  “As I was saying, I waited until she put my lamp back on the counter top and turned away to leave, then materialised. I sold her on the points why my lamp would be beneficial to her.”

  Laughing Sarah shook her head, in amazement of his story telling ability. “Beneficial? I don’t quite recall you using those words when you described your lamp, Trevino. Structurally sound, more beautiful than Aladdin’s lamp and worth every cent you’ll spend, were the words
you used. Oh and the most magical Christmas gift a person could ever receive.”

  “It worked, you bought me and took me home. That was my end goal, you wanted me and you chose me.”

  “That’s because you tricked me that day. Here I thought this handsome, normal man wanted to get my attention on Christmas Eve and all you wanted was for me to buy your lamp. I’ll admit I wanted a unique gift to help me forget that no one remembered my birthday…again, but seriously…”

  “I’m unique, and the best damn present you ever got for your birthday.” He told her with a lopsided grin.

  Laughing Sarah slipped into his arms and cupped his face. He looked so impish grinning up at her. “I’ll grant that you are the only person who ever remembers my birthday on Christmas day, every one else is always so worried about how they’ll spend their holidays, but that doesn’t change the fact that you tricked me.”

  “The girl has a point son.” His father informed him, not helping.

  “Whose side are you on?” Trevino asked.

  His arms tightened around her, making her feel loved and secure. Things had certainly changed in her life since she met him. Men had started noticing her, not that she cared. She had a man at home she came to adore very quickly and yet stupidly she was too terrified to act on that attraction.

  Thankfully Trevino knew what he wanted and never gave up on her. “He’s on your side you silly man, even if you won’t admit I’m right.” She teased kissing his lips softly.

  “Hmmm, I like it when you’re confidant about your answers. I get lots of attention, to soothe my fragile ego as realisations that you’re right sinks in.”

  He could be such a ham, but she loved that about him. A look at his parents showed they were just as amused and quite enjoying the tale. Until that moment she’d all but forgotten they were still in the room. “You must think me awfully naïve for falling for his lines that first day.”


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