Flight of the Maita Supercollection 3: Solving Galactic Problems Collector's Edition
Page 151
"But ... but IT made this fungus!" Givzoo said, looking puzzled. "It produced this H. tabori strain itself. Why would it worry that we would ever come up with the same thing?"
"Because it thought in a pattern that left it billions of spores to experiment with at any one time," Tab replied. "We could work on tens of experiments at one time so we may have never found this. It didn't know that. It knew we were trying various fungi and bacteria so could assume from its own experience that we would come upon this strain fairly soon. There are only half a million or so choices we could make. That was only a few days' experimenting to it. It couldn't know it was half a century's experimentation to us. The fungoid found its own control agent. It must assume we would find it as quickly so it must stop the experiments.
"It knew there are billions of us. You see, it had to work from its own experience. A fungoid can produce billions of spores, thus billions of experiments. There are billions of us. It couldn't conceive of the number of experiments that MUST be going on at any one time according to that extrapolation. It was hopeless. If the thing had logic as we understand the word it would see we hadn't brought many into the battle against it. It could have deduced that only two of the people working here had any real ability to make control experiments so could have extrapolated that very few of us would know how to fight it. All fungoids of a given species would have the same natural abilities, ergo, all animals of a species would have the same abilities. There were several species working against it here.
"Hopeless. Totally, undeniably, hopeless. If it could develope an immunity to that particular bio-engineered fungus it would probably have gone on. It was learning how to use the psy ability very well."
"Then we must experiment with this fungus," Nortich said. "If it meets our requirements we can possibly produce enough spores to spread it over the entire world of Grandish. I suggest we also spread the spores over this entire world as a test. There isn't much to harm here. We'll know quickly if it will work on other worlds and should also give us ample amounts of the spores to seed Grandish."
"Why not just spread it on this continent," Givzoo suggested. "There's no reason to assume any spores have gotten even away from this one area."
"That's true, but only if we find what Zantoo did with the rest of those spores," TR warned. "We haven't located enough for even one of those three vials yet."
"Zantoo never left the immediate area," Nortich pointed out. "We can therefore assume the spores were... oh!"
"Oh?" Volich said. "What was that for?!"
"TR, check requisitions," Nortich said. "I'm looking for the weather...."
"Balloons!" TR expostulated. "Oh, groan! Zantoo was taking wind readings, directions at various levels and speed – with balloons!"
"So we spread our control fungus over the entire planet," Givzoo decided. "Better done than wondered about!
"Nortich, Volich, we want as many samples of this thing to grow as we can find. We have to know if there's any mutational frequency in the engineered bioform. If it's going to mutate into something like Parawandrea we'll have to find a way to stabilize it before we make a problem almost as bad as the one we have.
"Hip hup hope! Let's get at it, team! Time is short for Grandish! Hip hup!"
Tab and Kit helped to gather samples, then went back to TR while the others went to the labs to grow spores.
"I can't find but one other area where Zantoo used those spores. They're both successfully defeating whatever bioforms were put there with them. I think we have to act on the assumption those spores were spread by those weather balloons," TR reported. "I'm growing some of that fungus myself. I want to try something.
"Do you two boobs realize what you did out there?"
"Clue us," Kit replied.
"You casually walked away from a total of three hundred forty nine fungoids, growing and healthy," TR said happily. "Sometimes I think both of you kooks have critical circuits that're defective!"
"And those other patches YOU found?" Tab asked.
"They’re burned to crisp little champignons fritados!" TR replied. "Care for some? They should be tasty. High in quality proteins."
"Great exploding galaxies!" Kit snapped back. "You're mixing French and Spanish! I think you've been spending too much time with Z! You're getting as bad as he is!"
"Meanwhile I'm glad you didn't burn off our test plot with your overbearing and thoughtless manner!" Tab remarked.
"Say what?" TR said.
"Did it ever occur to you that we'll have to know if the new bioform will kill off the growing plants or if it only stops spores from growing?" Tab responded.
"I knew that!" TR snapped back.
"Then you wouldn't have made such a big deal about our walking away from it," Tab replied smugly. "I don't suppose there's a lot for us to do except wait?"
"We might as well go to Grandish to see how our little glass plant is doing," Kit suggested.
"You can give the Grandish a little more pride, too," TR said. "You can report you two were of a lot of use here. Tab will report you were a credit to your race."
"Definitely!" Kit agreed. "We want to use every least opportunity to give the Grandish more self-esteem!"
"Maybe it'll be a perfect time for Mar to drop out of the picture," TR suggested. "That'll put the plant half into the hands of the workers. It'll be an extra point of pride for the Grandish that one of their race has received a hero's commendation, if post mortem, from Emperor Maita."
"Then I'll go back with Kit as Tabori," Tab agreed. "Maita will have to...?"
"Maita will donate a plaque," Kit said, using the thought patterns of the Grandish. "The plant will design a lifesized statue of Klist Mar in which to place the plaque. The statue will be in the lobby of the offices."
"Maybe Looph'll agree to come to Grandish to design the statue!" TR cried. "I think the people there should meet the Parf!"
"You're like a little kid!" Tab said. "I like the idea – so let's do it!"
TR came in to land on the jetty out from the glass plant. Tab, Kit and Looph waited until people came from the plant toward the ship to open the port.
It was a strange sight that met the Grandish as the group came from the ship, Kit in the lead in the character of Jarj Fel, followed by Looph, the famous Parf artist, who looked like a feathered centaur, though that's truly a poor description.
Tab came last, carrying the plaque. Looph knew the facts of the case and why all of this was being done. The plans were made. She knew Maita and the group on EC well and knew how they worked so would do all she could to assist.
Djin, the two engineers and Veen (?) led the line toward the ship. Kit met them to hug Djin and blurt out suddenly that Klist Mar was dead. The Grandish reacted with shock.
Tab stepped to say loudly enough for all to hear that he had something to say to them all after introducing Looph, the Parf artist whose work they reproduced so very well.
"I never met Klist Mar, but I do feel as though I know him well," Looph said. "I have come at the request of Emperor Maita to pay tribute to this hero, this person who without thought to personal danger gave his very life so the empire and his own world would be a little safer so all would know that Grandish is a caring place.
"The emperor wishes to give to the people of Grandish the commendation in the form of a memorial plaque, one that I was asked to design. Fel said he would wish to have a statue cast of Mar in which to emplace that plaque. He asked that I design that work, also. It is such a small thing I can do to show my awed appreciation for this remarkable person. I am honored to come here and would be even had the emperor and Fel not requested it."
Tab stepped forward.
"Friends, I'll tell you what happened on a world called Kuhlicht," he said. "There was a scientific group there working to find a way to fight a form of plant that has developed intelligence and that wishes to overthrow the empire. It is insane according to our way of thinking.
"That isn't a necessary truth when we consider
that it is very unlike like us. It thinks very differently than do we animal intelligences.
"We were called by Emperor Maita to Kuhlicht because the fungoid had seized the minds of the scientists there. It had killed four students and one of the scientists. It had a way to prevent anything we tried to do to rescue those remaining three scientists. It would destroy them and us, too, if we couldn't find a way in there to get them out.
"The person called Klist Mar went into that place to rescue two of those three scientists. He went in there alone where the scientists were under the mental control of that ... THING ... although they shot at him under the control of the fungoid. He got them out of there and away from danger. He later was able to aid us in finding something that could well be the thing that will save Grandish from devastation by the fungoid.
"He did not have to do anything more, but he put thoughts of self or personal danger aside and volunteered to aid the empire in this, as did my good friend, Jarj Fel, here. He always conducted himself in a way that spurred both myself and those scientists to the effort that will result in our triumph over this thing!
"The fight is not yet over. We believe we have found a way and that victory is now assured, but sad experience tells us that rash assumptions are dangerous things.
"Without the aid of Klist Mar and Jarj Fel there would be no hope of victory at this point.
"In the name of Emperor Maita, protector of the Maitan Empire, I present to Jarj Fel and the people of Grandish this hopelessly inadequate plaque and assurances that Klist Mar's name and the good name of the Grandish race are forever inscribed in honor in the history of the Maitan Empire!"
Kit took the plaque. "I'll tell you how Mar met his end," he announced quietly. "We were working in a laboratory where the fungoid was growing. No one to the point where it took over the planet was aware the thing had anything like that much power. Mar brought the scientists to the ship there, known as TR, so it could heal their bodies and minds from the ravages of the fungoid.
"TR had a great deal to do with the success of the mission, as did Tabori. His modesty won't hide the fact he also placed his own life between that fungoid and the people of Grandish. We're in real danger on this world from that thing, but Tabori can leave and can find total safety.
"He isn't the kind to run from danger. I have found that Tabori is famous throughout the empire. He's a friend and co-worker of Emperor Maita. TRD Sixty, the ship, is intelligent and is a friend and partner to Tabori, not merely some trader ship to be commanded.
"TR had a very large part in this. I consider TR to be my true friend as I feel Tabori and Looph are my friends.
"I digress. I don't like to speak of Mar's death.
"We were working in that laboratory when a sterilizing light beam, tampered with by the fungoid, began to kill everything in there. Mar shoved Tabori out of the nearby door to safety. There were just him, Nortich – one of the scientists – and myself left in the room. He could have gotten out then, but he ran back in to push Nortich down behind a cabinet, then to push her out of the door. I was tied to some equipment I was working on. I couldn't get out of it without help so gave myself up for dead right then.
"Mar didn't then go out of that door to safety, either. He came back in to save me. He had to shove Tabori back out and to bar the door to ensure he didn't come back in senseless sacrifice. He got me out of that harness, we were able to dodge the beam and to get out. We were all safe.
"But he went back into that room!
"There was a small bottle of the one thing we found that might defeat the fungoid. That vial was irreplaceable. If that bottle were to be hit by the beam there might not be time to redevelop the bioform before Grandish was lost. It was developed by the dead scientist and we didn't have his notes. The fungoid had destroyed them. The only way to know what that cure was sat in a little bottle on a bench in that room!
"Klist Mar, knowing he couldn't possibly survive going to where that bottle was sitting nonetheless WENT to that bottle and tossed it to Nortich at the door. One second later and the beam would have destroyed that bottle. As it was it destroyed Klist Mar, my dearest friend and partner."
Kit stopped, fighting hard to control his voice, then continued.
"Klist Mar sacrificed himself so the Grandish – you and me – could have hope of safety!" he finished proudly.
"The memory of Hero Klist Mar represents remembrance of all that is good in the Grandish race," Looph said. "I will see that his tribute clearly shows that. He sacrificed himself for Grandish, it is true. From what Maita said to me the fungoid would eventually have been able to spread to thousands of worlds. If it ever gets off of Grandish, Tesfort and Kuhlicht we are lost.
"Klist Mar sacrificed himself for all worlds, all peoples everywhere. That is something that will never be forgotten in the Maitan Empire.
"I see much in the Grandish that will not be forgotten. You will be as honored and respected as the Zeenans and Feach and the Mord. It is something of which each Grandish may justly be proud. It is a heritage, a rare one.
"I KNOW! I am a PARF! WE know the pride of respect of the Maitan Empire. Because of a few of our people, the fact we are Parf is enough for others, but there is also a responsibility that comes along with it. If a Parf disgraces himself all Parf suffer. That will be true of the Grandish. I doubt not that you will rise to the reputation and even soar above!
"Even Tabori does not know this, though TR does – since I spoke directly with Maita through its facilities.
"Grandish, because of the heroic actions of Klist Mar and Jarj Fel, something that has almost never happened to any race in the history of the Maitan Empire is to happen to you! Many many worlds have petitioned the emperor to be allowed to join the Maitan Empire. In only two former cases has the emperor petitioned a world to join. Those two worlds are Feach and, of course, New Zule.
The speakers on TR came on. *People of Grandish, this is Emperor Maita speaking. I am asking that Grandish do me the great honor of becoming a partner in the Maitan Empire. It is a thing your ruling council is being apprised of at this very moment. I will anxiously await your reply. The memory of your citizen, Klist Mar, holds a high place in the thoughts, respect and emotions of the peoples of the Maitan Empire. Thank you for your kind attention.*
Kit was feigning awestruck shocked astonishment at the announcement. There was a silence for a moment, then a quiet acceptance by the people. They could all feel the pride.
"Well, my friends, we have a statue to be cast!" Kit announced.
They went to the castle where Looph and Tab were assigned rooms, then went to the plant where Looph spent hours checking over samples of glass. She finally chose the glass that was used as a light carrier in an opalescent pinkish-tan off-white. There was to be a single piece cast to a certain size. It would be a large block that would have to be cooled very slowly to maintain the qualities desired. It was an odd shape and only Looph knew how the cuts were to be made. She had decided to carve the entire statue by hand rather than to cast it from a mold. That was the best way to get the angles right.
Kit and Tab could do little but wait for word from Givzoo. T6 reported it was holding its own against the fungus growths on Grandish.
The first words weren't encouraging. The bioformed fungi didn't harm the already sprouted fungoids. The bioforms didn't seem to have any other drawbacks so far as they could find to this point. They grew only where the fungoid might grow, didn't harm any other important types of plants and didn't produce any pollutants. They actually caused the more rapid deterioration of the rotting stumps and logs, they would grow in acid or alkaline conditions. They would grow in a lot of dampness such as the swamps or in far less damp conditions – even drier than those in which the fungoids would sprout. They also had a somewhat longer spore life than the fungoid.
Now all they had to do was to add something that would get the already growing ones and they had it beat.
Research and Discovery
br /> Veen, who was at the plant to show it to some people who had come from Klormedt, invited Tab, Fel and Looph to come for a stay at the inn. Tab and Kit accepted, but Looph said she must stay at the glass plant to watch the casting of the block.
TR could now openly communicate with T6 as there was no longer so much danger from the radio/holovid transmissions. The light beams or microwaves would be more likely to be intercepted than standard old-fashioned radio because the fungus was quite sensitive to either. It wasn't likely the fungoid could "read" their pulse digitals in any case – if there were any fungoids of a size to have developed receptivity.
TR took control of some of the floaters again to split territories. The Grandish were still sending information which had increased in volume for awhile but had tapered off lately.
Tab and Kit went to Koosd where many people came to express their sorrow that Klist Mar was dead, but also to express their pride that he had conducted himself so very well in the eyes of the empire. Kaer Peld spent some time talking about how warm and caring he had been, yet how quietly strong and brave.
The two spent the first day and night at Koosd, then went to Lope's farm to take the skiff up Flint Creek to seek any new fungoids that may have started to grow, but the adolescents, including Lope's own, were keeping rotting wood at a minimum. None were found.
They then spent another day in Koosd before returning to the plant where Looph said the block was cooling perfectly. She would use a small cutting laser to carve the image, then would polish it by hand. Djin and the engineers designed a pedestal for the statue with various colored lights beneath. The statue would be in the center of a fountain in the entrance to the plant. The fountains would be spectacular in themselves, but wouldn't detract from the feature work in any way – not that a thing built by a Parf COULD be distracted from!