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Romance: Motorcycle Club Romance: Outlaw Biker's Baby (Contemporary Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (Bad Boy MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 3

by Tia Siren

  Her luck ran out however shortly after two in the morning. The bar was mostly dead, and she was crouched behind the bar, counting bottles of liquor. When she straightened up, she found she was face to face with Tank, who was sitting on one of the rickety bar stools.

  “Talk to me,” he said. He was almost pleading; his eyes looked softer than she had ever seen them.

  “I think I need to,” she said with a sigh, setting the pad of paper she was using to take inventory on the bartop. She took a deep breath, and it all came spilling out. “I’m pregnant.”

  Tank’s eyes widened. “Is it mine?” He asked.

  Anger flared within Vanessa. “Yes it’s yours, I’m not a cheating asshole, remember.”

  Tank sighed. “I was just asking. I mean, I don’t know what you do all the time. So what, you want money?”

  Vanessa was furious. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere near how she had hoped. She snapped at the man who had so recently been her boyfriend.

  “I don’t want anything from you,” she said, and then she turned her back on him.

  Once again he gave her space, not coming to The Devil Dog. Susan became someone to lean on, and as the days turned to weeks and then months, she was the one who went with her to her doctor appointments, and it was Susan who was with her when she found out she was having a boy. By then Vanessa had a bit of a stomach, and her emotions changed as often as the breeze. As Susan drove her back home she cried, silent fat tears rolling down her cheeks. The older woman hugged her and then drove off, and Vanessa went in.

  A buzz at her door woke her from an afternoon nap. Someone down on the street, wanting to come up. There were only two apartments up the stairs, hers over the hardware store, and one across the hall which sat over a diner. An old man lived there, and sometimes he forgot his key, so that’s who Vanessa assumed it was. She went to the small panel beside her door and pressed the button. Down the hall and stairs the door buzzed, and she heard someone pull it open. She was in the kitchen filling a glass with water at the sink when she heard the knock on her door. She opened it and found herself face to face with Tank.

  “I can be a better man,” he said to her.

  “I don’t need you to be anything,” she snapped.

  “I want to be something. I want to be a father.”

  “You think I’ll take you back?” Vanessa asked.

  “No, I don’t need to be with you to be a father. I want to be a father. I love that baby. And I love you too; I realized that, but that’s not why I’m here. My dad…. He left. I might have turned out differently if he had stayed. Not been arrested five times, not having spent a year of my life in jail when I was nineteen. Things could have been different. I love my club, and I love my bike, but I love this kid more. Girl or boy, I don’t know, but I want to be a dad.”

  “It’s a boy,” she said softly.

  Tank clapped his hands together and smiled. “Are you kidding?”


  “I have to go shopping. Do you want to go?”

  Vanessa smiled, but she shook her head after a moment. “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you later, though, alright. Things are going to be different, alright?”

  Vanessa nodded, smiling despite herself. His obvious joy at having a boy was almost infectious. She shut the door as he turned to leave.

  Tank showed up again that night, carrying in bags of toys.

  “I got him a baseball glove, and a bat,” Tank said as Vanessa watched him dump everything out onto her couch.

  “He’s going to need diapers before he needs a baseball bat,” she said, not unkindly.

  “I know, I know,” Tank said. “Let me have baseball, though, alright?”

  “Okay. How did you get all that stuff here on your bike?”

  “I didn’t ride the bike; I borrowed Dip Stick’s jeep.”

  Vanessa gasped, half jokingly, half serious. “You didn’t ride your bike?”

  “I told you, I can change,” Tank said, and they laughed.

  The next few weeks were wonderful. Tank took an active role in the baby’s life, such as it was while it was still in her stomach.

  One day he was sitting in her apartment, on the couch, while she was modeling the latest in maternity wear.

  “I hate my belly,” she said, frowning. She wore a breezy blouse of sorts, with a soft pastel floral pattern. Tank leaned forward. As different as he had been, he was still Tank. It’s what she called him, and it was probably what she would always call him. The young man looked her in the eye and held a handout. She stepped to him and let him take her hand.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And I have to say, pregnant; you’re even hotter. You give me some… well, I’m just saying, you look amazing.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Thank you for saying that,” she said. Tank nodded, and then stood up. He was inches from her, still holding her hand.

  “I want to kiss you right now,” he said. Before he never would have asked, he would have just done it. Vanessa opened her mouth to tell him that wasn’t a good idea, but instead she said something that even surprised her.

  “Do it then.”

  He did. She closed her eyes and their lips met. She parted hers to his tongue, and their tongues danced together. He pulled her close, mindful not to push against her stomach. His fingers went down, finding the hem of the shirt and tugging it up. She didn’t stop him. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and when the shirt was off and on the floor he broke the kiss and found one of her nipples with his mouth, where he sucked softly upon it. It grew hard against his tongue, and Vanessa felt herself yearning for the man.

  “Bedroom,” she groaned, and he took her hand once more and pulled her in. They kissed once more while his hands cupped her breasts softly. She pulled his shirt off, dragged her nails softly down his chest. She pushed him onto the bed, and then pulled his pants off. He was nude, his cock hard and jutting up from his body. She crawled over him after pulling her own pants off, and dropping her panties to the floor as well, stepping out of them as she got onto the bed.

  She teased him, running her tongue in slow circles around the head of his cock, before finally taking him into her mouth. He groaned and fought the urge to thrust his hips up; He let her stay in control, and she was moving slowly, driving him wild.

  When she took her mouth from his cock it shone in the dim light, most of the light stopped from streaming in through the single bedroom window by a closed blind. Vanessa moved up along Tank’s body, planting kisses as she did so. She kissed just above his unruly bush of pubic hair, up his stomach. Her breasts brushed over his hard cock. She kissed his chest, his throat, his chin. Finally, she pressed her lips to his. She reached down, taking his throbbing member in her hand, and began to jerk him off slowly. Up. Down.

  “I need you,” he groaned, and she smiled. She gave him what he wanted. She rode him, his cock sliding into her tight, wet pussy. His hands were at her breasts, pawing softly. Her hands on his chest as she leaned over. He placed his strong hands on her shoulders, pushed her back. He touched her stomach as she rode, rocking her hips slowly.

  She was coming, it didn’t take her long. She hadn’t been with anyone in the months since she and Tank had broken up. She had too much on her mind. It had just been her at night, with her fingers, with her vibrator. Now he was there, the man she loved. The man who had won her back with his enthusiasm for being a father.

  Her pussy tightened on his cock as the orgasm rocked her to her core. Warm juices flowed out of her, running down the side of his dick. She didn’t stop rocking her hips on top of him, their pelvis’ meeting with soft slaps. She quickened the pace, he reached up and pawed at one breast while his other hand found her hair. He pulled on it softly, causing her to groan and smiled.

  “Fuck,” Tank said as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his cock. His member jumped inside her as he came. He filled her with his hot semen.

  Afterward they lay togeth
er, naked and sweaty and panting.

  “I want you,” Vanessa said. “I want you to be mine. And the baby’s.”

  “I want that too.”

  “What should we name him?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” The young man said. “Tank Jr.”

  Vanessa laughed and slapped his chest playfully. Then she lay her head in that same spot, and together they drifted off to sleep, napping in the late afternoon.



  Table of Contents

  MOTORCYCLE Romance – Outlaw Biker’s Baby

  MAFIA Romance – Owned and Protected

  MAFIA Romance – Bought By the Hitman

  ROCKSTAR Romance – Bad Boy British Rockstar

  BILLIONAIRE BOSS Romance – What the Boss Wants, He Gets

  BWWM Boss Romance - The Russian’s Love Child – Ella’s Story

  BWWM PI Romance- The Billionaire’s Love Child: Keke’s Story

  BWWM MAFIA Romance - The Russian’s Love Child: Nicki’s Story

  SPORTS Romance - My Stepbrother’s Game – A College Hockey Romance

  SPORTS Romance - Not With the Coach

  SPORTS Romance – The Perfect Game

  SPORTS Romance – Game On

  SPORTS Romance – The Coach’s Game

  STUDENT TEACHER Romance – Professor London

  PARANORMAL SHIFTER Romance – The Bear’s Bravery

  PARANORMAL SHIFTER Romance – The Dragon’s Desire

  PARANORMAL Shifter Romance – To Lure a Mate

  WESTERN BILLIONAIRE Romance - A Heart in Trouble

  WESTERN BILLIONAIRE Romance - Gold in Texas

  COLLEGE Romance Collection – College Desires

  MOTORCYCLE CLUB Romance – Outlaw Biker’s Bride

  MOTORCYCLE CLUB Romance – Bad Boy Biker Stepbrother

  MOTORCYCLE Romance – Outlaw Bad Boy Biker

  MOTORCYCLE CLUB Romance - Bad Boy Biker’s Bride

  MAFIA Romance – Owned and Protected

  ''I can't do this. I really can't,'' Cassy said. The house was full of floral tributes to her late father.

  ''You can Cassy. Be strong for Michael. He really needs you now.''

  Cassy smiled at Judy. ''You're the best friend anyone could wish for. Thank you so much for supporting me today.''

  ''And you are the best person I have ever known. Come on, let's go.''

  At St Michael's Church, Pastor Jeffries was waiting for the funeral cortege at the church gate. He hadn't seen Cassy for a while; she didn't come to church as often as her mother and father had done. Her late parents, Douglas, and Wanda, had showered the church with generous financial donations, and he wondered, now that Cassy was head of the family fortune, whether she would be as generous.

  When the hearse and limousines pulled up, Pastor Jeffries noticed what a fantastically beautiful woman Cassy had turned into. Tall and slender with wonderfully curved hips and a generous bosom, she was more elegant than any woman he had ever seen in his congregation.

  ''Cassy,'' he said, shaking her hand. ''I'm sorry for your loss. It must be very hard to lose your mother and father in quick succession.''

  ''It is, but at least, they are together again,'' she said through the black veil.

  Cassy turned to Judy. '' Look how many mourners there are. I hadn't expected this.''

  ''Your father was a well-known man, not only in New York but throughout the US. There isn't a single person in this country that hasn't at some time been to a ToysForAll store. How many stores are there? Six hundred?

  ''Six hundred and three.''

  ''And you will be just as good as your father at running the business.'' Judy held onto her hat as a gust of wind threatened to remove it from her head.

  ''I only wish he'd been around for another ten years. I'm only twenty-two, what do I know about business?''

  ''You have some great people working for you. People who really respected your father and who will help you.''

  ''Michael are you alright?'' Cassy asked. She put her arm around her fifteen-year-old brother.

  ''Okay. Two hundred and seventy-three,'' he said.



  ''Have you counted them all?''

  Michael's head tilted to one side. ''Yes.''

  ''Wow. I really don't know how you do that,'' Cassy said.

  ''Because he's clever aren't you Michael,'' Judy said. Michael didn't answer, he was looking at a plane high above them.

  The service was short and to the point. Cassy hadn't wanted Michael to suffer any longer than necessary.

  ''Men, don't like?'' Michael said when they were leaving.

  ''Which men?'' Cassy asked.

  ''Men under trees. I don't like.'' Michael began to shift from one foot to the other and throw his head around. ''Don't like. Go away.''

  Judy caught them up. She'd been delayed by Pastor Jeffries, who was keen to know whether Cassy would be donating to the fund to repair the church roof. ''What's the matter with Michael?'' she asked.

  ''He doesn't like those men, over there.''

  Judy looked to a line of trees that bordered the cemetery. ''I agree, they are a shifty-looking bunch. You're right Michael.''

  ''He gets like this when he's stressed,'' Cassy whispered to Judy. ''Dad was so good with him, I only hope I can be.''

  ''You're great with him. Autism isn't an easy thing to deal with.''


  ''Tell me how much you want it,'' Igor Ivanovich said to the blonde woman he was pressing against the wall. He put his hand to the hem of her skirt and began to pull it up. ''Tell me, how much do you want my cock?''

  She'd never been with a man like Igor. He turned her on so much that she wasn't able to answer him. She just continued to grind her pelvis against him.

  ''Can't answer huh?' he said. In a flash, he ripped her panties from her and put his hand over her vulva. ''I can feel how much, you don't have to speak,'' he said.

  She came three times when he took her against the wall, and countless times during the longest love making session she'd ever had, or was ever likely to have.

  When the gray light of morning began to pierce the thin curtains, Igor got up, showered and dressed. When he was at the door, she woke.

  ''Can I see you again?'' she asked.

  ''I only fuck women once,'' he said.

  When he was gone, she threw the hair-dryer against the mirror and broke both items.

  Dima was waiting in the car outside the hotel. ''And? What was she like?'' he asked.

  ''Useless. Kept complaining she had cramp. I only screwed her for a couple of hours.''

  Dima laughed. His brother was always bragging about his sexual prowess. Dima was jealous of Igor's looks and the fact that women seemed to throw themselves at him. He hardly had to speak to them before they were willing to sleep with him.

  ''Here,'' Dima said. He passed Igor a Beretta handgun. ''Let's go persuade him.''

  ''Let's do it,'' Igor replied.

  Dima drove out of town to what appeared to be a rich suburb. ''Do you get it?'' Igor asked.


  ''Look at these big houses. Fucking politicians. How the hell do they go from being penniless upstarts to super rich in the space of a few short years?'' Igor asked.

  ''You already know. Because they are all corrupt bastards. The US is rotten to the core. Everybody knows that.''

  ''We are no angels, but we, at least, try, to do things honestly,'' Igor concluded.

  Dima laughed. ''Of course, we do. The only difference is, if being honest doesn't work in our favor, we very quickly turn nasty.''

  Dima drove past the gate to the French style mansion and looked at the huge iron gate. There was just one security guard sitting in a wooden hut. He drove a bit further and parked next to the high wall that ran around the property. The brothers got out and with the help of a rope and hook, scaled the wall.

  Mr. and Mrs. Adessi looked like the perfect couple as they lay asleep in b
ed. The bedroom was spacious and smelled of potpourri. Igor wondered if they had had sex the previous evening, Mrs. Adessi seemed to be naked, and her nightdress was lying on the floor.

  Dima nodded, and Igor put the barrel of his Baretta into Mr. Adessi's open mouth. He snorted and opened his eyes.

  ''What the hell?'' he muttered as best he could with a gun in his mouth. Mrs. Adessi woke up and saw Dima standing above her. She screamed and sat up in bed, forgetting that she was naked. She quickly grabbed a sheet and pulled it over her breasts.

  Dima took hold of her arm and pulled her from the bed. He placed her face down on the floor and held a gun to her head.

  ''Mr. Adessi,'' Igor began. ''As you are the head of real estate at the City Administration we would like to make a complaint to you'' Adessi looked at him, terror in his eyes. ''I think you know why we are here.'' Adessi shook his head. ''Oh yes you do. We bid more than anyone for the Old Post Office project. You know that, and we know that. Yet, you gave the contract, not to the highest bidder or even the second highest, but to some sleazy outfit from Alabama. Funny, that's where you come from.''

  Dima put his foot on Mrs. Adessi's back and pressed. She squealed and tried to break free, but it was useless.

  ''We want your guarantee that you will cancel the contract and award it to us. As I said, we won the bidding.'' Igor pulled the gun from his mouth and waited for his response.

  ''Go to hell. Fucking Russians. Think you own the place. Fuck off back to Moscow.''

  ''Not only are you corrupt, you are very rude. Have you ever seen a woman being thrown from an upstairs window?'' Igor said as he nodded to Dima.

  Dima pulled Mrs. Adessi up by the hair and took her to the window. He held her with one hand and opened the window with the other. She screamed as he pushed her out of the window and held onto her by the ankles.

  ''Last chance Adessi. She'll make a terrible mess of your driveway,'' Igor said

  ''Alfons, help me,'' she shrieked. ''Please, let them have what they want.''

  Dima let go of her right leg, and she began to swing to and fro, attached to his strong arms by just her left ankle.

  ''Alright, please pull her inside,'' he said.


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