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Romance: Motorcycle Club Romance: Outlaw Biker's Baby (Contemporary Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (Bad Boy MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 29

by Tia Siren

  She hoped that he would never think of it again.

  She woke the next morning with no clue when she had even fallen asleep. She went through her normal breakfast routine. The apartment was quiet because Bree had left much earlier. She enjoyed not rushing through her shower, making an egg with two pieces of toast and sitting at their small table to eat, scrolling through her Facebook on her phone for the latest news and updates from her friends. The clock on her phone said she had fifteen minutes before she had to leave in order to get to class on time. That was more than enough time. She and Bree had specifically requested this apartment because it was walking distance to school.

  She searched for Dallas in Facebook and found him. She sent him a friend request but doubted he was online. His profile picture showed a very old woman wearing a pink nightgown in a wheelchair. Her heart melted. His grandmother. The old woman was smiling into the camera, despite the medical equipment that surrounded her and the obvious pain she was feeling. Her hands were clenched together. Rachel wanted to reach into the picture and give her a hug.

  The cover photo behind his profile picture was a landscape view of the football field, an action picture from one of the games. She spotted him immediately and realized she had been watching him whenever she went to the games.

  Rachel didn’t want to lose track of time. She pushed the button on her phone to close out the screen and stood up from the table. She drank down the last few swallows of the orange juice she loved so much and put her glass and plate in the sink.

  “I’ll get to you guys later.” She murmured, turning back to finish getting ready. All she had to do was brush her teeth and get her shoes on.

  An hour and a half later, she was able to check her phone again. She didn’t usually go on Facebook during the day, but she wanted to see if he’d accepted her friend request. He hadn’t. She tried not to be disappointed. Maybe he went online even less than she did. She remembered that he’d said to text him if she wanted to start working so she went to her messaging and typed in his number.


  She stared at her phone, anticipating a response. When she didn’t get one, she got a little worried. Was he still mad at her? She really hoped not.

  Chapter Four

  It wasn’t until after her last class that she heard back from him. He apologized for not responding right away. His cell phone was off during the morning because he had forgotten to charge it the night before and he’d been busy with his grandmother while it was plugged in. His afternoon classes were over, and he was ready to do some research with her.

  She felt a flood of relief when she got his text and realized that she was thinking about him way more than she expected. She bit her bottom lip while responding to him. Bree, sitting next to her in class, noticed.

  She leaned over and whispered, “Class is almost over, lover girl. Can’t that wait?”

  Rachel looked at her through narrowed eyes but couldn’t help giggling. “Exactly what is that supposed to mean?”

  Bree raised her eyebrows. “You two. We could tell last night something was brewing with you guys. I’m so glad you made up.”

  Rachel giggled again. “I’m glad he took my apology with such grace. He’s a nice guy.”

  “And smart, too. You can find them on the football field too, you know.”

  “So I’ve noticed.”

  “So are you going to meet with him later?”

  “I plan on it. We’ll probably meet in the library and use the computers there.”

  “You can use mine at the apartment if you want.”



  Rachel nodded. “I think I’ll meet him at the library first. There might be some research that requires looking in actual books.”

  “No way.”

  They both laughed.

  “Yes, way. I want to look up a few things that I read in last month’s classes.”

  “Surely you can find anything you want online,” Bree said just as the bell rang out for the end of the period. Both girls shoved their tablets, pens and worksheets in their backpacks and stood up.

  Rachel shook her head. “No, actually, some research is harder to do online because there are so many websites out there, and some information is bogus.”

  “That’s true.”

  “I know what books I want to look in. I’d probably have to pay to access them online.”

  “Another good point. So will I see you at the apartment later then?”


  Bree smiled. “On second thought, let me just see what I can find to do. Give you guys some…quiet time…to study.”

  They both laughed again and filed out of the classroom with the rest of the students.

  “So I thought what we’d do…” Rachel dropped her bag on the floor next to the chair and looked up at Dallas. “Is search for a couple of books we can use, make some copies, put them on some poster board and use a laser pointer or a long pointer to explain what the phrases and terms mean.”

  “That sounds good.” Dallas nodded, dropping his bag next to hers. “But they’re not all words that describe body parts and stuff. What do we do about the other words?”

  “Like which one?” Rachel had her worksheet out in front of her, scanning the words they needed to use. “And do we have to do all of them?”

  “I think so. I don’t know why Mr. Flynn would give us a list and then not have us do some of them. Besides, doesn’t it say something at the top of the list?” He came around to stand behind her and gazed down at the list over her shoulder. She was completely aware that he had moved so close to her, and her heart began to pound. She was afraid she was blushing, and the thought made her cheeks burn even more. She kept her head down so he couldn’t see. When he reached around to point at the writing at the top of her page, she thought she might faint.

  “Look, it says we are to make visual references and/or display models of all pertinent words. What the heck is that supposed to mean? We have to decide which ones are the pertinent words?”

  Rachel regained her composure to look at what he was talking about. She scanned the page. “I think he means these. See the asterisk next to these? They are the ones we make visual references about.”

  “How can you tell?”

  She turned her face up to respond, and they were close enough to kiss. He didn’t move back. Her breath caught in her throat. Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips and back up to his eyes. “It’s…They are the only ones that can be displayed. The others are…in need of definition only.”

  “Ok.” He breathed the word, staring into her eyes.

  She swallowed, and he smiled. “So where do we start, Miss Goody-two-shoes?”

  She looked back down and cleared her throat. “I want you to find this book.” She grabbed her bag, pulled out a notebook and jotted down two book titles. “And that one.” She looked up at him. “You know how to find books in the library?”

  Dallas tilted his head, giving her a direct look. She blushed. “I’m sorry. I did it again, didn’t I?”

  He tried to hide his amusement and leaned over to take the paper from her. When he did, his arm brushed hers, and she felt a jolt of electricity. “You’ll learn.” He murmured, putting his lips against her ear through her long soft hair. “I’m smarter than I look.” Her hair smelled like honey and milk. He breathed it in for just a second before turning away from her.

  She watched him as he walked away, his eyes lifted up and looking at the numbers and letters on the sides of the aisles. She was impressed. He was in really good shape. She tore her eyes away from him and looked back down to the list of references she’d jotted down the day before. She had two books to find also. When she found them, and he found his, they would check them out and go to the apartment. The thought made her heart patter and her stomach turn over with nervousness. Maybe it wasn�
�t a good idea to be alone with him so soon. She didn’t really know him.

  But Bree did. She would know whether he was a trustworthy guy. She wouldn’t have suggested they use the apartment and say that she would stay away to give them alone time if she didn’t think it was a good idea and that Dallas could be trusted.

  At that point, Rachel wasn’t worried. There wasn’t anything Dallas could do that would offend her anyway. He was charming and sweet. She was kind of hoping they might get closer anyway.

  Closer but not too close.

  She smiled as she walked up and down the aisles.

  The books were spread on the floor and on the coffee table. Dallas was sitting on the couch, leaning over one of them, a pen in one hand and the other pointing at places in the book.

  “You have the anatomy layout sheet?” He asked. Rachel was sitting on the floor with two books and her tablet, also making notes. Several pieces of poster board sat to one side, waiting to be used. Without speaking, she reached to the side, grabbed a paper and handed it up to him. She kept her eyes on her place in the book so she wouldn’t lose it but the words blurred in her eyes when she felt his hand brush against hers. She looked up at him. He was smiling at her.

  “Thanks.” He said.

  She smiled back at him. “You’re welcome.”

  “How’s it coming along? We gonna do some cut outs or draw the pics?”

  “Are you an artist? Because I’m not.”

  “I’m not that good at drawing actually.” He admitted.

  “Well, I can’t draw a stick figure. We’ll use cutouts and paste them on the poster board instead.”

  “Makes me feel like a kid again. Using paste and cut outs.” He laughed.

  She chuckled. “Yeah, well, it hasn’t been that long since we were kids.”

  “I haven’t been a kid for a long time.”

  “I bet your mom and dad would disagree with you about that.”

  “You’re probably right about that.”

  They smiled at each other in silence for a moment. Rachel couldn’t help giggling. She looked back down at the book to hide her embarrassment.

  “Let’s take a break from this. Let’s get a drink or something.”

  Rachel pushed herself up from the floor immediately. “You want a Coke?”

  “Love one.” He responded, sitting back on the couch, stretching his arms out over it to the sides.

  She hurried to the refrigerator and pulled the door open. When she leaned over to get two bottles out, she heard a low whistle.

  She turned and looked over her shoulder at him, a smile covering her lips. “Was that you?” She asked.

  “I sure hope so.” He said. “Otherwise, you got a ghost in here, and I’ve got competition.”

  She laughed.

  She went back and sat next to him on the couch, folding her legs under her and facing him. “So tell me how your grandmother is doing.” She said, taking the cap off her drink. She took a long drink. The Coke was cool and refreshing as it went down.

  He did the same and then responded. “She’s doing good actually. As good as can be expected. Every time we think she’s taking a turn for the worse, she seems to bounce back.”

  “I hope you don’t mind me asking about her.”

  “No, not at all. I love my grandma. But she’s ready to go. She’s small and frail. And…you’ll like this…she’s a Christian, so she’s always talking about God and stuff, how she’s ready to go to her home in the sky.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I’m sure you are.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Of course not!” He gave her a surprised but amused look. “Why would it bother me?”

  “Just wondering. I like my church. I like to talk about stuff like that. Sometimes it bothers people.”

  He shook his head. “She’s always been that way. So I’m familiar with it. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

  “I’d like to meet her.”

  “I’ll take you there sometime this week. Can’t wait too long. She’s ready to go even if her body keeps hanging on. Once her body is set to go, she will pass. Her mind is ready.”

  “I’m glad you choose to take care of her.”

  He shrugged. “Somebody has to help her. My aunt Lil comes to help sometimes too. She does all that intimate stuff a guy like me can’t do. You know, grandma might be old, but she deserves her dignity, right?”

  “Right.” Rachel nodded.

  “You know, you aren’t what I expected.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He reached out and brushed some of her blond hair from her cheek and ran the back of two fingers under her chin. “You’re a lot more relaxed than I thought you’d be.”

  She smiled. “I’m just a normal person. I’m not a prude, you know. I just have my standards. Morals, you might say. Values.”

  He nodded. “I get it. I do, too. But I’m glad Mr. Flynn put us together. It gave me time to meet the real you, not the…the prude I saw in class.”

  She gasped and slapped his arm lightly. “I said I’m not a prude!”

  He laughed and shrunk away from her dramatically. “Ow! Brute!”

  She threw her head back, laughing and put up her fists like she was about to fight him. “I’ll take you!” She threatened him with a smile.

  He came closer and grabbed her small fists in his hands, pulling her closer to him. They were inches away from each other, and she pulled in a sharp breath, looking up into his eyes.

  “You will?” He said softly. “Because I gotta be honest. I would let you.”

  “Would you?” She whispered.

  He moved even closer, so that when he spoke, she could feel his breath on her lips. “I would.”

  The next moment, he was kissing her. She moved into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. Electricity ran through her and took her breath away.

  When he pulled away from her, they locked eyes.

  “You’re beautiful.” He whispered. “And smart. And…you’re awesome, Rachel. Please. Take me. I would love to be yours.”

  “Oh, Dallas. I would love to be yours, too. We are going to do so well on this project.”

  They both laughed and were kissing again moments later, the first kisses of many to come.



  SPORTS Romance – Game On

  Chapter One

  Faith Fisher stood in front of the mirror, running her hands down her sides and over her hips. Her new jeans fit very well. She could see herself walking next to Ethan Ronan, star halfback, at the next after game party. She straightened her glasses, then took them off to see what she looked like without them. But then she couldn’t see. She squinted to try and see better. It didn’t help.

  She sighed and slipped on her glasses again. She needed to ask her mother if she could get contacts. Or she could just buy them herself with her tutoring money. She brushed her fingers through her blond hair, pulling it down in its natural waves over her chest. It came down just below her breasts, which were not too big, not too small, one of the few things she was satisfied with when it came to her body. She didn’t want to think she was frumpy and heavy, but she was a tad overweight, and most of her clothes were not the best style ever.

  In fact, did she even have a style?

  Ethan wasn’t going to go out with her unless she figured out her style and dressed herself up a bit. She turned and threw herself on her stomach on the big bed, kicking her legs up behind her. She half-crawled on the bed and grabbed her cell phone off the night table.

  WHATCHA DOIN? She texted her best friend, Stacy Thorn. Then she set the phone back down and scooted down on the bed to open her laptop and scan Facebook. Her phone beeped almost immediately, and she grabbed it up.


  Faith smiled and texted back that they were definitely still on. She and Stacy were planning on heading out to the beach with half the fo
otball team and some of the cheerleaders on a quick weekend trip. She hadn’t told Stacy about her crush on Ethan, but she suspected her friend new anyway. They had been best friends since grade school, and there was very little they could keep from each other. She didn’t see that they would ever be apart. College was coming up, and they would be attending the same school…just the community college for the first two years. They had both been given two free years as a scholarship because of their grades.

  CAN YOU COME OVER LATER AND WATCH A MOVIE? She texted. She held her phone in her hand and waited for the response.


  She smiled. She dropped back down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. The trip was coming up faster than she expected. It was finally this Friday. She’d been waiting for weeks. She wanted to make a good impression on Ethan. Stacy would help. She would make sure that Faith didn’t come off as some kind of geeky nerd. That surely wouldn’t attract Ethan.

  Stacy came over just as she said, in a half hours’ time. She lived fifteen minutes away by bike ride, but her father brought her over in his car. She came in Faith’s room and tossed her bag on the floor by the bed. She wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her tight. “Faith! You’re looking so good, girl!”

  Faith laughed. “Better than I was yesterday when you saw me?”

  Stacy’s smile was wide. “Yes, of course, darling, yes, of course!” She faked a British accent and rolled her eyes in a haughty manner. “I know you’re as excited as I am about the trip this weekend! And guess what! We’re gonna leave on Thursday instead of Friday!”

  Both girls squealed and Faith bounced on the bed on her knees, clapping her hands. “No way! How did that happen and how come I didn’t know!”

  “You know now! The girls just called and told me.” Stacy was good friends with several of the cheerleaders. She had been on the team during the first two years of high school but gave it up for their junior year to concentrate on her studies. She was brilliant and beautiful at the same time. Faith always felt lucky to be her friend. She had no idea why Stacy remained friends with her despite her popularity.


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