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Romance: Motorcycle Club Romance: Outlaw Biker's Baby (Contemporary Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (Bad Boy MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)

Page 56

by Tia Siren

  Thomas’ answer was curt. “Get out of the car.”

  She all but scrambled to obey him, caught between intense arousal and fright at his firm tone. The moment the chill air hit her, she shivered – but Alice didn’t have long to be cold. Within seconds, she was wrapped in Thomas wool trench coat, and the man’s arm was once more leading her away.

  It wasn’t until they were inside of the warmth of a cozy third floor flat that the man finally rounded on her, his dark eyes blazing. “Let me tell you something, Alice Cantor: That is not bloody all.” The young woman inhaled sharply at the molten fire in his tone. “If you’re carrying my child, that means you will not bloody well walk around in freezing temperatures without proper clothing. You’re not going to starve yourself for the sake of your studies, and you are not staying in that bullocks little flat across town that barely has decent heating. You’re staying here, with me, where you belong.”

  For a moment, Alice struggled with words, utterly flummoxed. So he…he wanted the baby? He wanted her? “I…you…dear, God, Thomas! I’m not a child! You can’t order me around!”

  “Oh?” The immense man arched a brow dangerously. “Watch me.” He snatched for her, and a soft scream escaped her as he caught hold of his jacket, yanking the heavy material from her. Alice bolted for the nearest escape, which happened to be a long hallway. Though she had no idea where she was going, her heart hammered in her chest, and anticipation and fear mingled on her breath. She tried the first door on the left and found it locked. With a low gasp, she tried the next door, only to find a half-full linen closet.

  By that point, Thomas was almost upon her, and her only outlet was the door at the end of the hallway.

  Of course, the dark room turned out to be the master suite, complete with an immense, stately bed and dark, masculine furniture. It was just as she’d imagined Thomas’ bedroom might be – though she hardly had time to contemplate the fact as the door shut behind her with a snap. Whirling, she gasped to find his imposing form blocking her only exit, his expression thunderous.

  Backing against the nearest wall, Alice attempted to calm her fluttering pulse, even as she warmth building in her lower extremities. “Thomas…” She attempted to warn him breathlessly, “Don’t you dare.”

  “Nay,” The man answered her in a low growl, prowling towards her like a sleek, dark cat, “but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love

  Over the nasty sty…”

  The sudden, embarrassing gush of wetness between her thighs made her gasp as Thomas closed the remaining gap between them in two long strides to press his mouth hungrily to hers.

  Christ, how had she denied herself this for so long?

  Thomas tugged her lower lip between his teeth to suck devastatingly, and a low moan escaped her. Alice’s arms were instantly around his neck as she arched against his hard form in an attempt to fuse herself to his warmth. He smelled like vanilla and sweet musk, of everything good and dangerous in the world all at once.

  It was like he sipped every breath she took from her, nipping and sucking at her mouth until her lips parted to allow him entrance. When his tongue surged inside to tangle with hers, she groaned his name, her fingers sliding through the thick softness of his dark hair.

  His stubble rasped across her cheeks and chin as he lowered his mouth to her throat to suckle at her pulse point ravenously. In a swift motion, he jerked her sweater from her shoulders before working her shirt up and over her head to drop to the floor carelessly. “Alice…” He groaned lowly against her throat, his mouth sweeping over the hollow just above her collarbone before he bit down deliciously at the junction of her neck and shoulder. “Christ, Alice.” His hands slid beneath her skirt, up over her bare thighs before lifting her up and against the wall.

  The young woman folded her legs around his waist reflexively, whimpering as he pressed his impressive erection against the aching core of her.

  Almost every night for the past six weeks, she had lain in bed, her mouth clamped tightly shut to stifle her cries as she touched herself remembering how deliciously Thomas had filled her. “I need you.” The dark-haired man insisted, his hands finding the fastening of her bra to loose it before her breasts filled his hands. Alice’s dark nipples pebbled almost immediately, and Thomas wasted no time in lowering his head to take one between his lips to suckle powerfully.

  “Thomas!” She cried out sharply as he circled the hardened nub torturously with his tongue before toying with it delicately. Arching against him, she pressed his head more firmly to her chest in an ardent plea for more, and he groaned indulgently, complying with a soft nip to her aureole.

  Alice rubbed against the man shamelessly as he moved back and forth between her breasts, teasing one nipple with his tongue and teeth until she was all but writhing in desire before moving onto its twin. His ministrations left her struggling to find her release, her toes curling as he exploited her sensitive flesh.

  Alice was so wrapped up in the sensation that she didn’t notice her lover had carried her to his bed until her bare back lay against the comforter. Supporting himself on strong forearms, he plumped a breast high to the heat of his mouth once more, and Alice’s fingernails curled into his shoulders as she moaned softly. “Thomas please…”

  “Oh, not yet,” He growled lowly against her stomach, working his mouth hotly down over each one of her ribs. “Not until I’ve tasted every part of you, darling. Then, maybe, I’ll let you have my cock.”

  So he intended to kill her then.

  Lifting her bottom half with one hand, Thomas whisked her skirt away, revealing her plain cotton panties – gone nearly transparent with the evidence of her desire for him. At the sight of her gleaming inner thighs, the dark-haired man licked his lips sinfully, and Alice shuddered. Tucking his fingers in the elastic hem, he worked them over her hips slowly, snapping the shining threads of her arousal left in their wake one by one.

  Once he had effectively retrieved her panties, he brought them to his nose to inhale deeply, making her squirm when his gaze darkened. “These knickers are mine,” He informed her firmly before tucking them into the back pocket of his slacks. “You’ll go without for the rest of the night so that I can have you where I want you, when I want you. Is that understood?”

  Alice couldn’t have refused him if she’d tried. She would have given almost anything at that particular moment to keep him touching her.

  She nodded quickly, her lips parting to answer him – only for a loud cry to replace the words on her lips.

  Thomas had taken each of her thighs in a firm grip, spreading them wide so that his mouth could cover the entirety of the heated desire between her legs. His tongue covered her in a long lap before his mouth fastened onto her clit to suck gently, leisurely.

  Alice gasped, her hands finding purchase in his hair once more. She couldn’t decide if she wanted him closer of if she wanted mercy – the man’s mouth was just as skilled at tasting her as it was giving life to British literature – and she didn’t know how long she would last.

  He kissed along her outer lips before his tongue dipped into her, advancing and retreating in a slow, sultry rhythm that all but drove her mad. There was, however, nothing Alice could do with the death grip the man had on her hips, except thrash and moan. As she felt her pleasure building, Thomas’ ministrations grew more and more voracious. He nipped and sucked at the tiny bead of pleasure between her lower lips, roughly mouthing her between the legs until she was all but screaming, begging him for release.

  And he gave it to her.

  With a flick of his tongue, Alice’s orgasm crashed over her with enough force to steal her breath and leave her trembling in its wake. A long, indulgent sound of satisfaction rumbled against her, and she moaned as Thomas lapped at her leavings hungrily. When he finally straightened, his chin glistened with proof of her climax, and she flushed darkly as he drew a thumb over his lower lip lingeringly, his gaze locked with hers. “D
ivine…”He murmured almost reverently, his hand moving down to cover what his mouth had just neglected.

  When two fingers slid into her drenched passage, Alice whimpered, raising her hands to tug Thomas’ mouth down to hers. When she tasted herself on his lips, her inner muscles clenched reflexively against his invasion, and he groaned. “Oh, sweet…I’ve missed you so bloody badly…”

  Impatiently, Alice ripped at the buttons of his shirt, yanking it from his slacks almost before she’d finished. It only took seconds before she’d bared his chest to her gaze, and at the sight of the leanly defined muscles there, a breath of awe escaped her. Somehow, his body was almost more decadent than the last time she’d seen it.

  She let her fingertips follow the trail of sparse dark hair from the center of his chest, down over his abdomen and then, finally beneath the waistline of his slacks. When she attempted to undo the button, Thomas caught her hands firmly, raising them to kiss each wrist in a heart-rendingly tender gesture. He pinned them above her head, spreading her thighs once more to settle between them as he gazed down at her, his stare unyielding. “You’re pregnant,” He stated lowly, his tone intimate in the large room. “With my child.”

  Embarrassingly, Alice found tears rising to her eyes as she nodded. “Yes.” The words left her on a whisper. “I am.”

  Thomas released his hold on her arms to trail his hands down her bare body – over the lines of her collarbone and her aching breasts to settle on the still-flat plane of her stomach. Slowly, he rubbed over the downy soft skin, his gaze softening to a humbled reverence. “Good.”

  With that, he moved to undo his pants, withdrawing an erection that had Alice catching her breath. Good God, everything about the man was immense…remembering how he’d filled her the last time they were together was almost enough to undo her. Now, having him nudging the engorged head of his beautiful erection against her…it was enough to bring her off on anticipation alone. “Look at me, Alice.”

  At his low command, her gaze jerked up to his, even as she remained acutely aware of the way he teased her. “You’re mine.” He murmured, beginning to slip into her inch by delicious inch. “Mine. Say it.”

  The young woman gasped as he pressed deeper and deeper still. “I’m yours,” His body pressed tightly against hers, and she swore she could feel him touching the womb that grew ripe with his seed. “All yours, Thomas.”

  “Too right you are.” Taking firm hold of her hips, the Brit withdrew only to slide back home in a smooth snap of his hips that drew a cry from his lover. Cupping the back of her neck, Thomas held her against him as he cleaved deep, every thrust drawing a gratified, almost ecstatic gasp from her.

  Alice was already sensitive from her prior orgasm and felt her second climax of the evening approaching rapidly.

  “Mine,” Thomas was growing a mixture of possessive epithets against her ear that drove her wild. “Bloody – Christ – Mine- Jesus- darling – fuck…” His rhythm dissolved into ragged jerking, and Alice all but screamed his name as she felt him press deep one final time before emptying himself into her clenching, wet haven.

  The young woman had no idea how much time passed before she came back to herself, but when she did, she found herself cradled protectively in her professor’s arms, her head tucked under his chin. Taking a deep breath, she relished in how well-loved her body felt – how content she was after weeks of worrying herself into a near frenzy.

  She had, she now realized, worried for nothing.

  All this time, she had been trying to stay away from a man who wanted her just as much as she wanted him – who had pined for not just her body, but the company that completed them both.

  And now they were going to have a baby.

  “God…” The word escaped her on a low breath before she laughed softly.

  “What,” Thomas pulled back to peer down at her sleepily, “Is so bloody funny?”

  Alice smile, kissing him softly. “You. Are you this bossy with all your women?”

  “Woman. Singular.” He corrected her firmly, his hands curling into her behind to pull her flush against him before his expression sobered. “You are the only one, Alice. You have been for a while...and for all my pretty words, I couldn’t find a way to tell you.”

  “Then don’t use words,” She replied gently, cupping his face as she reached down with her free hand to find him already half-hard again. “Show me.”

  Her professor groaned lowly, rolling over, so he ended up atop her, his mouth finding hers. “Pretty, pretty words. My Alice…let me hear them.”



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  Here is a FREE bonus 10.000 word romance story by Blue Sky Books, “Mr. Lance”

  Mr Giovanni The Teacher

  “I’ll have an American Espresso without sugar, please.” Sofia placed her order for the much needed caffeine that she required to get through the first week of her college at University of California, Berkeley. So far nothing had gone like she had planned. UC had been her ultimate dream, pursuing a degree in English Literature and then joining the prestigious Wall Street Journal. This was her goal, and for this she had left everything else behind that once meant world to her; her family, friends and her boyfriend – Michael.

  She ceased her thoughts right there and took a large gulp of burning liquid to distract her mind from running into direction that only brought pain back and made her realize that how lost and lonely she was in present.

  “You are Sofia, right?” a male voice called from behind and she turned to find a Caucasian, tall guy with blond silky hair. She couldn’t remember seeing him around before. “I’m sorry, you have me at disadvantage.” She didn’t want to sound that cold but that was all that came out of her mouth. “I’m Luke Willis. We are together in American History.” He raised his brow, as if he wasn’t happy about knowing that she hadn’t noticed him earlier.

  “Oh yeah, right. I’m Sofia Hawthorn. Pleasure meeting you, Luke.” She gave him a brief smile and moved ahead. Much to her surprise, Luke followed. “You are a history major, I presume?” He had a very New York accent. Maybe he was from there. She wondered. “English, actually,” she answered. “Yeah? That means we’ll be seeing around each other quite much.” He grinned down at her.

  If she still wasn’t so hung up over Michael, she might have found the good-looking Luke a person to take interest in. But she couldn’t give up her love for Michael yet. Despite the way things had ended, she couldn’t let go. The breakup was all too fresh even after weeks. A desolation took over and her heart weighed like a huge rock. She took another sip from her steaming coffee, a poor excuse to draw her track of thoughts away. Luke kept talking beside her and soon it came to her knowledge that he was originally from Napa Valley. He was a Business major with English Literature and Political Science as minors.

  “You don’t talk much about yourself, do you?” They walked into the hallway towards the lecture hall where their first session of semester for English was due in five minutes. “There is nothing much to talk about.” What could she tell him? That she came here against the wishes of her family, or that her high school sweetheart, whom she had given her heart and soul, disappointed her and asked her to choose between her love and her dreams instead of supporting her decision? No, she couldn’t tell it to anyone. Berkeley was meant to be a fresh start for her and that’s what she was counting on. Though the first couple of days hadn’t been so welcoming, but she was looking forward to the coming time with what little optimism and hope she was left with.

  She settled on the corner seat of third row, away from center, shielded from spotlight. Luke was already interacting with the other girls and guys around. Sofia could tell he was
a social bee; unlike her. She pulled out the small sketchbook from her bag and began to doodle an abstract. All of sudden the chattering and noises vanished and it was pin drop silence around her.

  She looked up from her sketchbook to search the reason and found a tall figure standing. His back was towards the class and his hands were moving swiftly as he wrote something on the white board. Sofia noticed he had a good height of over six feet. His broad shoulders flexed under dark navy jacket he was wearing. She couldn’t make out the shade of his hair from afar. They were a mix of multiple shades of brown. She bent down to take out her notebook when she first heard his voice.

  “My name is Raphael Giovanni and you’ll be with me for English Prose. In the coming class, I want your views on the mentioned books which I expect you have already read, considering the reason you all are here sitting in my class.”

  His voice was deep and commanding with a pitch that wasn’t loud but still could be heard until the end of the room with equal intensity. Sofia when raised her eyes, she stilled at the sight before her. She felt as if all air had been pulled out of her young lungs. Professor Giovanni was handsome to the height that it should be illegal. His face was perfectly cut with strong jaw and well-proportioned nose. His eyes were a shade of emerald and onyx mix together. The flawless white skin on his forehead was slightly squeezed and a couple of strands from his brown hair had managed to escape down from his rest of the brushed back hairstyle. His lips were aligned into a straight line, giving no hint of what was going inside his head. That only complemented to his looks. His tailor-made suit gave away his well-built physique. Raphael Giovanni was trimmed to perfection.

  What spiced up his overall gentleman look was a small piercing in his left ear. Sofia gasped. She felt her own ears turning red as she took her professor in. The blood inside her veins began to pump excitedly. A fire ignited inside her. “Ms. Hawthorn?” His voice rang like a bass note into her ears. She stared at him dumbfounded. Why was he calling her? “Ms. Hawthorn?” he repeated and that’s when she realized that he was marking the attendance. “Yes,” a croaked whisper came out. She cleared her throat and answered again, “Yes, that’s me.” He looked up at her, his eyes collided with hers. “Glad you woke up.” She blushed at his comment. A few snickers rose from back but died down quickly when Raphael threw a sharp look. Holy wet panties, was the man intense? For the first time since leaving her home, Sofia felt things were finally starting to change. She was having hots for her Professor – a very devilishly handsome Professor.


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