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Dark as Cole [The McAlisters of McKenna Downs 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 9

by Zoey Marcel

  He scoffed, tapping the snowy railing. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Well, I like you.”

  Aiden smiled. “Good to know.”

  “Aren’t you gonna ask about my resolutions?”

  “You’ll tell me anyway.”

  Justin grinned. “How did you know? I’m gonna work out even more, eat better, and get extra hot for Jasmine. You know, my puma girl that I talk to online?”

  Aiden rolled his eyes. “Everyone knows who she is. You talk about her enough.”

  “She keeps wanting to wait to meet. I get it. She wants this to be special, but I can only take so much waiting.”

  “Forget her. She could be stringing you along, shaggin’ other men.”

  Justin frowned. “You think?”

  “Ah, sure.”

  “Well, screw that. I’m gonna go find a soft little cutie tonight and end this dry spell.”

  Aiden gripped his arm lightly, stopping him. “On the other hand, she could be testing you.” His hand lingered on Justin’s arm for a moment before he moved it. “If you fuck someone else you could lose her.”

  “That’s true. We’re not exclusive or anything. I just … I have needs.” The boy buried his face in his arms before jerking his head up and dusting the snow off his nose. “Brr!”

  Aiden smothered a chuckle.

  “Do I look like a snowman now?” Justin asked.

  “More of an eejit.”

  The fella gave him a light shove and Aiden shoved him back, smiling when he staggered a bit.

  “Oh yeah? Is that how it is?” Justin wadded snow into a ball.

  Aiden eyed him coolly, lips quirked in warning. “You’ll regret that.”

  “Not as much as you, though, huh?” The boy relented and set the misshapen ball on the railing. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Psych!”

  Aiden blocked his arm, but some of the snow from the crumbling ball still flew up into his face.

  Justin giggled and dodged him. “I regret nothing!”

  Aiden grabbed him from behind and scooped snow off the railing. “How about now, boy?”

  “Nope.” Justin squealed when Aiden dumped snow down his shirt. “Freakin’ brr! Not fair. Oh no! I only got you once.”

  “That’s why it’s revenge, isn’t it?” Aiden dropped more snow into his shirt, this time down the back. “I get you back twice as hard.”

  “That’s as bad as it gets, right?”

  “Well, that depends,” Aiden murmured into his ear. “Do you regret it?”

  Justin’s swallow sounded vulnerable, succulent. “No.”

  Aiden inhaled his hair, being discreet about it. He smelled amazing, felt so good in his arms. With them bending forward like this that tight little ass was flush against his groin.

  “No?” Aiden whispered, reaching for the snow-covered railing.

  “Oh no! Regrets!” Justin giggled. “So many of them.”

  Grinning, Aiden let go of him. “So you’re sayin’ I was right?”

  Justin gave him a mock scowl. “Fine, you were right, you gloating bastard.”

  Aiden gave him a “Seriously” look, water bottle in one hand. He used his free one to palm the snow.

  “I mean, you awesome, handsome rascal, you. Of course you were right about me regretting it.” Justin gave him a sheepish grin.

  Aiden relented and took a drink.

  “That watch looks great on you,” Justin said shyly.

  Aiden capped his bottle again and glanced down at the silver watch Justin had given him last week on the night before Christmas Eve. He’d said it was an apology gift for wasting the money Aiden had given him to help Justin pay his bills. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.

  “Who got it for you?” Justin teased.

  “Someone who can’t throw snow worth a damn.”

  The lad slapped his arm. “So you bought it for yourself?”

  Aiden pinched snow in his fingers and then flicked it onto Justin’s hand, smiling when he chortled. “You know it was you. I haven’t told Shane.”

  “Thanks. I don’t need my family knowing that I wasted your money.” Justin turned giddy, coy almost. “I keep that wooden cow you gave me on a shelf in my room. You wanna see?”

  Aiden looked over his shoulder, relieved the door was closed. “I told you that was something I carved for my son years ago. He’s grown now, so I gave it to you.”

  Justin scrolled through the pictures on his mobile phone. “I’m grown.”

  “You still love cows.”

  “Who doesn’t love cows?”

  Aiden got a toasty, jittery feeling in his stomach. He wasn’t sure why. Attractions never did that to him. At least Justin seemed convinced that the Christmas gift he’d given him in secret had been originally intended for his son.

  “See?” Justin was beaming as he showed him the picture of the carved cow in his room.

  Aiden smiled. “You talk to it, don’t you?”

  Justin smirked, putting the phone in his pocket. “Do I look like the kind of guy who talks to inanimate objects?”

  Aiden stared him down, a slow, accusing smile crawling up.

  “Yeah, I totally do.” Justin gave him a guilty, crooked grin. “I love him. It’s almost midnight. I’m gonna go back inside.”

  Aiden watched him walk away, antennae bobbling. He was like an adorable wee bug in the snow.


  The boy looked back at him and put the stopper in the door to keep it open. Soft music played in the background, evocative of another era. It sounded like the song was starting since it had been quiet when the door first opened. The door to one of the private rooms was open. Someone must be playing a CD in there.

  Justin came back to him. “Yeah?”

  “You haven’t told anyone about that cow I gave you, have you?”

  “No. I promised you I wouldn’t.”

  “Money was tight. I couldn’t afford to buy gifts for the staff. I needed a way to rid myself of the wooden cow. You understand?”

  “I know. It meant a lot to me, though,” he said softly.

  Aiden’s gaze roamed over his face. Justin looked breathtaking standing there with the snow coming down on him. That ridiculous boy-band bleach that topped the natural dark brown underneath, the spikes that saved his hair, those beautiful hazel eyes, such soft lips—it all did something to him.

  “I like this song,” Justin whispered, staring up at him.

  Aiden listened, still gazing at him. The music that had set the mood was shattered by the lyrics that accompanied it. The song was “Can’t Help Falling in Love.”

  He closed off. “You don’t wanna miss the countdown.”

  Justin blinked like he’d been shaken awake. “Yeah.” He trudged toward the door. “You should totally call your son. Just be chummy with him. Leave the past in the past.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good for you.” Justin kicked the doorstop aside and went inside, letting the door close behind him.

  Aiden stood alone in the quiet, moon-soaked night. He felt lighter now, peaceful. The view wasn’t a desolate winter wasteland pinned beneath an onyx sky of pointlessness like it had been minutes ago. It seemed softer now, innocent and soothing. The blackness was ever-present, but that blanket of white purity radiated with a light that kept the darkness from having complete dominion.

  After a moment he pulled out his mobile phone and dialed his son.

  * * * *

  In February Justin walked into the coffee shop. It was time for a latte and some flirting with the barista. She was short, curvy, and Asian. She had choppy black hair above her shoulders and an attitude that went on for days. There were times she flirted with him and seemed like a sweetie. There were other times he thought she might take his head off with her bitchy snapping. She reminded him of his mom.

  He figured they could be friends. He still talked to Jasmine online, but she was going to school out of state and kept putting off meeting him. It was drainin
g and his cock didn’t like it. He had needs.

  Enter that cute little barista, Cat Rivera, spitfire and likable bitch. She lived in Stone River or maybe it was Philip or Wall. Whatever. She lived somewhere, but she worked at the coffeehouse here in McKenna Downs.

  He took his coat off, shaking off the dusting of snow on it before tossing it into a booth. He took his hoodie off, too, that way she could see the glory of his guns. Okay, so he was lean for a guy, but he was still toned. He had abs. Oh yeah, and his arms were strong.

  She’s looking.

  He made a show of stretching his arms so she could see his flexed muscles. Who wouldn’t look at his magnificent bod?

  He pretended not to notice the way she watched him and smiled, but he so did.

  Oh yeah, she digs this.

  “I’m having coffee with Greg Friel. We’re discussing business. What of it?” a woman snipped into the phone.

  Justin’s attention homed in on the cop sitting in the booth next to his. He recalled Aiden saying that his brother’s name was Greg.

  “Are you Aiden’s brother?”

  Greg looked up at him. “Yeah, why?”

  “Oh my God, hi.” Justin extended his hand.

  Greg tittered, eyebrows quirking and shook his hand. “How do you know Aiden?”

  “I work for him.”

  “Poor devil.”

  He grinned. “No, it’s okay. He’s awesome. Well, sometimes. He has his grouchy days.”

  “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “Well, of course there were drugs involved,” the woman barked into the phone. “If you think that it was oregano, you’re the world’s stupidest fuck.”

  Greg shook his head. “That’s Pepper Donovan. She’s the DEA. We’re working together.”

  Justin gave her a wave, dropping his hand when she squinted at him coolly. “Dogs, huh?”

  Greg scrolled through pictures on his cell phone as he surfed the net. “Yeah, I figured I’d get one for Aiden.”

  “You should get him a pit bull. He loves them. At least, I think he does. He always gets really quiet when he sees one, then he kneels and pets it like it’s some profound moment or something.” Justin felt his insides rising with some kind of ultra-high joy. “I don’t know how to describe it. I think he has a special place in his heart for them. It’s kind of sweet.”

  Greg wasn’t listening. He skimmed through online photos. “Yeah, I’m not gonna do that. I already picked out the breed I’m gonna get him. Check it out. The Chinese Crested. Weirdest fucking dog you’ve ever seen.”

  Justin grinned when he saw the small, brown and white speckled dog with white crazy hair on its head and tufts of white fur around the lower half of its legs like the critter had on bell-bottoms. “That’s so cute.”

  “They’re goofy-looking. It’s a great gag gift. He wants a dog, he’s getting a small, quirky-looking clown dog.”

  “Pinch him off,” Pepper said into the phone. “Scum like that doesn’t deserve to live. The death penalty it is. Now back to the raid.”

  Okay, then.

  Justin focused on Greg again. “So what was it like growing up with Aiden?”

  “Well, I only lived with them in Dublin until I was about seven before he sent me to live here.”

  “Aiden sent you away? Why?”

  “I don’t know. He woke me up in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep, got a bag he’d packed for me, and told me some couple we knew was gonna take me on holiday to America. He told me they’d take me to Disneyland, Sea World, all kinds of good places.” Greg’s air became melancholy. “What he didn’t tell me was that it was a permanent move. The couple was great to me, but I called home because I missed my family, especially Aiden. When he answered the phone he told me that my place was in the States with the couple. When I asked him why, he said money was tight and that my life would be better with them. He told me he loved me and not to ever call again.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. Next time I called I didn’t get through. The number was changed. I didn’t see him again until he moved here as an adult five or six years ago. He had kids and a history he doesn’t talk about. No partner, though.”

  “That’s weird that he sent you away in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep.”

  “I think he just knew that our mother and stepfather wouldn’t want me to leave, so Aiden did it in secret to help out financially. I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if he did it to punish me for Seraph.”


  “This dog we had when we were kids. He was Aiden’s. Our stepfather got it for him as a puppy. Sweet dog, but it eventually turned really aggressive out of the blue. Not sure why. The dog attacked me one day, so Aiden got rid of it. Soon after that he sent me away. Not sure why when the dog was gone. Maybe he went to get him back afterward, although he could have just kept the dog and then sent me away in the first place. Who knows? I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

  “No, you’re good. I love hearing about Aiden.” Justin caught himself.

  Well, that was a weird thing to say.

  Greg gave him a funny look. “Why?”

  “’Cause he’s foreign. It’s interesting.”

  ’Cause he’s Aiden.

  The cop tittered. “Yeah, I used to have a pretty sweet Irish brogue, too. I lost it after years of being here. He hasn’t, though.”

  Justin felt his guts rising and knotting with excitement. “Yeah, it’s a neat accent.”

  Someone cleared their throat next to him. He grinned when he saw Cat standing there.

  “Are you gonna order coffee? If you’re loitering I might have to kick you out,” she joked.

  “Sorry. I got distracted. I definitely want it. Not it. Coffee. I mean, I like it, too.”

  Greg snickered at his babbling.

  Cat smirked. “Naughty boy. Don’t keep me waiting over there. I don’t like waiting.”

  “I won’t.” Justin watched her head back over to the register.

  “That’s a fiery one you’ve got there,” Greg said.

  “Oh, she’s not my girlfriend,” Justin replied. “Not yet, anyway.”

  “Castrate him,” Pepper spat into the phone.

  Both men looked at her.

  “Why would you do anything less? If I were in the Supreme Court …”

  “God help everyone,” Greg muttered.

  Justin smirked, clearing his throat and donning a neutral expression when Pepper glowered at him. “It was nice to meet you.”

  “You, too,” Greg agreed. “Don’t let Aiden ride your ass too hard.”

  His anus quivered. What a thought.

  “Now what the hell do you mean by that, Greg?” Aiden asked from behind him.

  Justin’s pulse accelerated when Aiden gave him a pat on the back.

  “This one needs a firm hand, don’t you, boy?” Aiden stood so close he almost fell to his knees in a fanboy moment.

  “I’m innocent.”

  Cat approached a second time. “Justin, you’re making me wait again.”

  Justin gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I’m ready to order now. So I have two tickets to the movie theater for tomorrow night.”

  She smirked. “You bought them ahead of time?”

  “Well, there isn’t a concert I want to go to right now, so I figured we could go to the movies together, just as friends, unless you had other things in mind. Not that I do, but maybe your mind is dirty. I’m not judging. Is it?”

  She laughed. “You want to be friends, huh?”

  “Yeah, totally. No funny business. Don’t tell your dad we’re hanging out, though. Since we’re just friends there’s no need for that.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, would it?”

  “Pfft.” Justin gave a dismissive wave. “Valentine’s Day. I had no idea.”

  “Well, I don’t have any plans. It does kind of seem like we shoul
d go together.”

  “Exactly. Nothing wrong with two friends innocently going to a romantic comedy together and having dinner. We could even go back to my place to play board games afterward and talk about our dreams.”

  “Sounds shady.” Cat eyed him with a suspicious smile and brushed his arm. “Yeah, we can be friends. Come on over and I’ll make your coffee. Maybe if you’re lucky it’ll come with something.”

  “Like a scone?”

  “I meant my phone number.”

  “Heck, yes.”

  Justin was pretty glad Aiden was there to see him and Cat flirting with each other. He wasn’t sure why, nor was he sure why the guy was watching them so intently and had on his aloof crab face.

  * * * *

  Aiden Friel waited for Justin outside the coffee shop. It wound him up something fierce to see the boy flirting with that cow. He knew why it riled him and he didn’t like it.

  Justin came out of the building, sipping a latte. His mouth was wrapped around the rim of the lid, sucking, tasting. He could imagine that hot, wet mouth sinking down on his cock—those soft lips nibbling, the fella’s moan vibrating on his achy flesh.

  Aiden pulled himself together and approached him in the snow. Goddamn the frigid winter that kept the lad bundled in several fucking layers that shielded his breathtaking body from him. It wasn’t right.

  “What was that back there?” he asked.

  “Where?” Justin looked over his shoulder in confusion.

  Aiden took the cup from him and inhaled. “Your usual?”

  “Yep, the hot version of it. Well, just help yourself, why don’t you?”

  Aiden smiled while he took a couple of swallows before handing the cup back to him. “It’s your fault I wanted it.”

  “How do you figure?

  “You’re the one who told me about the chocolate macadamia nut coffee. You can’t give me a taste and then expect me not to want it.” Aiden kept the smile subtle, pleased at Justin’s blush.

  “So get your own.”

  “Are you gonna answer my question?”

  “What question?”

  “Why did you ask that barista out when you’re already involved with someone else?”

  “Jasmine and I just talk online. She doesn’t graduate until next year. I haven’t met her yet, but we’re gonna meet then. It’s just a long time to expect somebody to wait around for you. I have needs and no guarantee that she’s not seeing other men.”


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