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Into the Mystic

Page 25

by Garry Hicks

DAY 13

  Now on the boat dock back in Nassau, Steven and Joshua each hold a big brown bag of gold, nothing more. Seth stays for the return trip to Miami.

  Steven, grateful, says, "Well, this is it mates, I’m goin’ home. I got your number, we’ll stay in touch."

  Joshua thanks him. "We owe you our lives. We owe all of you our lives. I will never forget any of you. That boulder I told you two about, both Steven and you Seth, that boulder is gone. I be so grateful to have my life back." Joshua laughs. "I think I'll look for a new more fishin' for me."

  As Joshua hugs each of them, he whispers a "Thank you" in their ear. The others watch as Steven and Joshua mosey away.

  Joshua ambles down a cracked, pot-holed road. Shanties and small businesses surround him, this is a poor section of town. Several people stare at him, stop and whisper to each other. He even nods his head to some. He passes the businesses and continues down the road. He passes overgrown shrubbery, houses that are so run down they look abandoned.

  He continues and finally spots a small, wooden, rundown house. He smiles, stops and stares, letting the vision of his house sink in. The house he had dreamt about so many nights, the house where he and his daughter lived.

  He thinks to himself, 'will she still be here...will she still live here?' Finally, after much hesitation, he strolls to the front door. Not wanting to face the worst, he hesitates, turns around to leave, stops.

  He mumbles to himself, "What be wrong with you mahn? You be thinking about this moment, this very, exact moment, for ten years. What you going to do, leave and not see her. Don't be a fool mahn, grow some and go inside,"

  He finally turns back around, puts his hand on the door knob and stares at it for a few moments. He sighs, takes a deep breath, turns the knob, steps inside.

  He closes the door, stares at Trista as she washes dishes. She senses him. She stops, slow, turns around with a wet bowl in her hand. She drops the bowl, it shatters.

  Trista screams! "Stay away from me, you’re dead, I don’t believe in spirits, go away!

  Joshua laughs. "I’m not dead daughter...I’ve just returned."

  Trista, slow, saunters to him. Fearful, she pokes his shoulder, then the other one, squeezes him arm. As it sinks in he's not a vision, that he's really back, uncontrollable tears fall from both of them.

  Trista, weak, whispers, "Papa!" They hug and squeeze each other tight.

  Trista cups Joshua's face in her hands, not quite believing he's back. Tears roll down her cheeks as she rubs his cheek.

  "So long Papa, ten years...where have you been?"

  "I was a prisoner but it doesn't matter now daughter. I'm back, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to take care of you, make up for the last ten years."

  "I feel like this isn't real. I have imagined this exact moment for so long and, it's really happened."

  "As have I. I thought about you every day and now, here we are." Joshua's eyes tear up. "Never give up on your dreams my daughter, never give up."

  DAY 15

  Lou, Derek, and Kyle relax, drink beer on Lou's back patio.

  Lou asks, "So where’s Brandon?"

  "He’ll be here any time. Jessa?"

  "Same, any time."

  There's a knock on the patio gate door, Derek hops up and hurries over, opens the door. Brandon and Treena enter. Treena spots Lou, a giant smile lights her up.

  Lou stares at her like he's seeing a vision. "Treena?"

  Treena almost screams, "Louis!"

  They rush each other and embrace. The guys look on in confusion.

  Derek folds his arms. "You’ve got some explaining to do Dad."

  Jessa enters from the sliding glass door, closes it, turns, spots Treena, screams! "Treeennnaaaa!

  Treena screams back, "Jessaleena!"

  They rush each other and bear hug.

  Jessa rubs Treena's hair. "Thank the Gods, I never thought I would see you again!"

  Derek, a bit fired up, says "This is way too weird. Dad?"

  Treena holds up her hand. "No, let me. Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Jessalina, my mother's sister."

  The guys glance at each other in disbelief, even shock. Lou puts his arm around Jessa, stares at her, looks back at the guys, smiles. "I guess I never told you the story about my trip to Atargatis Island."

  Thanos strolls on an isolated part of the beach, no one else in sight. The sun is dropping, it's almost to the water as it makes a colorful show in the clouds.

  Thanos is around 40 years old, six foot, thin but muscular.

  He has thick, shoulder length blond hair, bold features, a man that looks like he's in charge at all times. He's dressed like he's ready to go sailing, polo top, white pants and deck like tennis shoes.

  Slow, he strolls, deep in thought.

  He stops, gazes out to sea. He stares up at the sky, then back out to sea. A four foot shark leaps out of the water.

  Thanos pleads out loud. "Two more...please, just two more."

  As his eyes scour the water, another medium sized shark leaps through the air.

  Thanos, optimistic, says, "The sun is perfect...this must be my more..." He looks up to the sky. "Just one more...let the Gods be watching."

  One third of the sun has now disappeared into the water.

  Thanos pleads again. "Please let it be...hurry!"

  As two thirds of the sun disappears, Thanos shakes his head. "I guess it is not to be."

  As the sun drops to where only a quarter of it is visible, a huge, white shark leaps through the air. Thanos extends his arms and clasps his hands together.

  "I have waited over a hundred years for you." he pauses, smiles. "My man child has finally arrived."





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