The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)
Page 13
As if in answer, there was a slight rustle behind her.
“Fair maiden, thou art a beauty to take away the breath of any man, in dreams or otherwise,” came a deep but familiar voice. “Any man who doesn’t notice is indeed a fool.”
Turning with a smile, she gazed silently at the man who’d recently become the prince of her dreams. Dashing as always in black, the warmth of his blue eyes now filled with appreciation and tenderness as they met her own.
Before she could speak, Dominick stepped closer to take her hand, kissing it gently, his eyes warming her with their gaze. “Now do you see just how versatile my powers can be?”
“Yes,” she replied. “I’m amazed by it all.”
“There’s still much more I could show you,” he said softly, not relinquishing her hand. “If you’ll let me.”
She blushed, through a smile. “I’d like that,” she whispered. “I want to experience everything with you.”
Dominick’s expression changed only slightly, becoming more tender if possible. “Then we shall, beginning tonight, my lady,” he assured her, pulling her into his embrace. Glad to feel the strength of his arms about her once more, Julianna nestled her head against his chest comfortably. So much that she nearly fell forward when he abruptly pulled away. “Now, come, my lady. The gathering awaits.”
Her eyes narrowed in confusion. “Gathering?”
“Oh, didn’t I mention my unpredictable nature?” he asked innocently, snapping his fingers. “Knew I forgot something. Well, there’s nothing to be done about it now, nor I suspect in the future either. You’ll just have to trust me.” Extending his hand towards her, Julianna took it warily, allowing him to tuck it under his arm.
“I thought you didn’t like tongue-waggers.”
“I don’t,” he agreed, “but since this is a mere dream, I find it highly unlikely we’ll find ourselves in a newspaper tomorrow. Therefore, we can do anything we want to, and let their tongues wag until they fall out.”
Julianna laughed at the imagery as he led her up the stairway to the open door of the ballroom. The man nodded once to Dominick before announcing their names, moving aside for them to enter. Glancing about, Julianna could see that this room was different from the mirrored one they’d visited previously, with a large dance floor in the center, surrounded by smaller tables. However, once again, people wore clothing dated back a century, conversing as before.
Patting her hand as he caught her staring at the many couples whirling about the floor as they danced, Dominick led her towards them without a word. As before, she initially protested, but he countered this easily, leading her into the appropriate steps.
In no time at all, she was enjoying herself, smiling up at her companion as he squeezed her hand in admiration. After that, the lights became as stars to them, and the other people seemed to disappear. Neither noticed the sudden attentiveness they’d drawn from the crowd.
When the dance finally ended, Julianna’s face was flushed a soft pink and she looked quite breathless.
And altogether beautiful, Dominick thought.
He wasn’t the only one to notice, as several pairs of male eyes lingered upon her.
Sighting a table where others were drawing punch from a bowl, she gestured towards it. “I know you’ve got unending stamina on the dance floor, but some of us rookies get thirsty,” she told Dominick. “Would you mind?”
“Not a bit,” he replied. “This night, your every wish is granted, my lady.” He kissed her hand lingeringly before departing, earning a very dreamy look indeed from her. If this was any indication of what the rest of the evening would be like with him, she was looking forward to whatever else lay in store.
“Angels do roam this world, and need not have wings,” said a slightly familiar voice behind her. Turning, her eyes widened as they fell on three elegantly dressed men, led in front by the one who’d spoken.
“Daffordshire?” she mouthed in disbelief.
The other man nodded, amusement on his face. “Ah, you remember me then, Miss Sherborne,” he told her. “I heard your name announced, along with your partner Westbrooke.” He fairly hissed the last.
“You’re quite correct, sir,” she replied, with a nod. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be getting back to him.” The other men instantly came around to block her way.
One of whom, a darker-haired man who seemed a few years her senior, cast her an appraising glance before smiling. “There would seem to be no rush, since the ladies here must choose several dance partners, before rejoining their original ones. Perhaps we can make your decision easier.”
Ill at ease with their smothering attitude, Julianna tried unsuccessfully to look past the men to find Dominick.
“If it’s Westbrooke you’re looking for, you’ll not find him easily,” Daffordshire drawled casually. “You see, he has a habit of partnering as many women as he can, both on the dance floor and off.”
Blushing furiously, Julianna whirled to face him. “Look, Mr. Daft-in-the-Head, if you say one more word against my companion, I’ll crack that empty skull of yours.”
Daffordshire merely laughed, nodding towards the dance floor. The other men ‘gently escorted’ Julianna, pushing her towards the grinning man who caught her easily. “Why, Miss Sherborne, I’m so happy to see you’ve had a change of heart.” Clasping her hand tightly so she couldn’t flee, he slithered closer. “Perhaps I won’t be as foolish as your earlier partner to relinquish you for the evening.”
“You labeled yourself a fool as soon as you opened your mouth, let alone started tormenting innocent women,” hissed a voice full of barely controlled anger.
The younger man shot Dominick a look of disgust. “Out of the way, Westbrooke. This one’s not yours anymore.”
“Don’t think I’m yours,” hissed Julianna, ceasing her struggles just before kicking his unguarded leg.
Dominick nearly laughed upon witnessing her familiar mode of attack, but his anger at Daffordshire was too strong. Even before the pained man recovered, he’d pulled Julianna behind him, clasping her hand upon his shoulder.
“It would appear the lady has other plans,” he said with a smirk.
“We’ll see about that!” snapped the younger man. “If you value this wench so much, prove your mettle with a duel!”
“Wench?” gasped Julianna.
Before she did the predictable thing of striking out at him, Dominick blocked her intentions gently.
Glaring at Daffordshire, he folded his arms. “You know, it takes a complete chowderhead not to know when to take ‘no’ for an answer from a woman. Do other women know of your clams for brains?” Growling viciously, Daffordshire eyed the sword on his ally’s waist, unsheathing it while drawing the crowd’s shocked surprise. Dominick merely chuckled. “I do believe the clams are a bit feisty today and need taming.” Gesturing to the side, someone tossed a sword into his hand, which he caught easily. “Now then, Lord Daffy, shall we commence?”
The other man needed no more coaxing, lunging forward to instigate Dominick’s defense. He parried the attack easily, never losing his look of amusement as the bout grew more heated. Seeing that the older man seemed to be toying with him, and that all the others knew it, Daffordshire nervously loosened his collar.
“What’s the wench to you anyway that you can’t share her, Westbrooke?” he demanded.
Dominick’s eyes twinkled dangerously. “I’m not a man open to such things. And especially regarding the lady I assume you’re referring to, let’s just say I’m too fond of her to share her with the likes of you or any other man.”
Daffordshire sneered. “After you lose this bout, you’ll have no choice but to relinquish her to me this night.”
All amusement left Dominick instantly. His stance became aggressive, forcing the younger man backwards. “Win or lose, the lady has a mind of her own,” he hissed, “but right now, I wish to see you lose, if only to pay back your ill remarks towards her.”
He jabbed at Daffor
dshire where he was vulnerable, not striking the man, but causing him to drop his sword and leap backwards sharply. The irritated younger man never noticed his close proximity to the fireplace.
Eyes widening as he felt the flames lick up behind him, burning his unprotected posterior, Daffordshire leaped away with a bellowing cry.
“Touché,” Dominick replied smugly.
Still afire, Daffordshire shouted to his bemused allies for assistance, cursing their inattentive nature as they scrambled for the punch bowl. Picking it up, they sped back to their friend, tossing the contents all over him, fairly drowning him in punch while dousing the flames.
Unfortunately for the soaked man, the slick bowl slid from their grip, smacking Daffordshire firmly on the jaw as it knocked him to the floor.
When it became evident that the downed fencer was conscious enough to swear with a frenzy, several of the onlookers burst out laughing, while Dominick gave the man an exaggerated bow.
“I believe I’ve proven the lady is mine, Lord Daffy. Now you’ll have to excuse us, but do enjoy the punch.” Taking Julianna’s hand, he led her away, earning a grateful hug from her.
As they passed the man who’d loaned Dominick the sword, he returned it with an appreciative nod, while the other man looked as impressed as the rest of the crowd.
His companion smiled when they were on their own again.
“I’m glad you weren’t hurt,” she whispered.
He laughed softly. “Julianna, the only way he could hurt anyone would be if someone tripped on the punch he’s carelessly wasted. Speaking of which, I seem to remember your requesting some.”
“I think I’d rather skip it now.”
Grinning, he snapped his fingers to materialize a sparkling glass. “You were saying, my lady?” he asked, handing it to her.
“Would a thank you be enough?” she asked softly.
He didn’t reply, but kissed her hand, apparently satisfied.
The triumphant duelist took great pride in leading his lady to the floor among the other couples again, earning several smiles of admiration, rather than mere stares. Even so, when the music changed to a slower dance, he escaped with his companion to a secluded corner hidden by a velvet curtain, just beside a window where they could see the stars as they danced.
“Poor Daffordshire,” laughed Julianna. “I doubt the other ladies will easily forget his unexpected singeing by the fireplace, nor his unflattering attitude as he stormed out with his friends.”
Dominick shook his head nonchalantly. “Poor Daffy created his own trouble when he sought to claim you again. And if any of his other friends decide to pull the same thing, I’ll deal with them similarly.”
“You seem to be a fairly capable fencer.”
“I was an attentive learner with a good teacher,” he replied. “It is a talent which comes in handy sometimes where I’m from.”
Julianna caught onto the obvious. “And where is that?”
Sighing once with a smile, he shook his head. “I’ll tell you later, at a more appropriate time.”
Nodding once in resignation, her eyes brightened moments later. “Could you teach me how to fence like that?”
Dominick’s eyes twinkled with amused admiration. “Eager to rout Sir Daffy on your own, are you?” She shrugged, but smiled at the inspired notion. “All right, I’ll teach you,” he agreed. “But even so, allow me to deal with your unwanted suitors. It takes a while to master a sword.”
Gazing up at him with a smile, she shook her head curiously. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
He thought for a moment and then smiled. “I can’t seem to get you out of my mind,” he replied softly. Not expecting his reply, she blushed becomingly, while his arm at her waist hugged her closer. “You look absolutely beautiful tonight.” Before she could blush again, Julianna leaned her head against his shoulder, hugging him too.
All the while, she was conscious of how comfortable she felt in Dominick’s arms, even when his hand loosely began to stroke her back. With closed eyes she smiled, as he pressed several kisses against her cheek, just before brushing her long hair back to kiss her neck.
“Dominick...” she whispered. “You shouldn’t.”
“You labeled me part rogue, remember?” he murmured, moving his hand towards her rapidly beating heart.
“Yes, but...” She broke off as he lightly caressed her sensitive breast, unable to prevent her body’s warm response to his gentle touch. Fortunately, they were in complete solitude from the rest, but even so...
Chuckling softly at her sudden silence, he moved his hand to her waist instead, adding just as quietly, “You’re right, my lady. This isn’t exactly an appropriate place for the type of slow dancing I’d like to teach you.”
“There’s another kind?” she breathed.
Smiling lazily, Dominick’s eyes darkened with passion. “Yes,” he replied, kissing her cheek again, while he slowly pulled her tighter against him. “It’s similar to this, but a bit closer... and without the hindrance of our current attire.” Feeling the evidence of his desire, while blushing at the implication, Julianna was unable to turn away as he cupped her face with his free hand. “Surely you’re not surprised that I want you. I have ever since I first set eyes on you.”
Clasping his hand, she nodded. “I’m flattered,” she replied softly. “And in truth, I can’t deny I’ve been attracted to you from the start as well.” She gave the hint of a smirk. “But I suppose that’s not news to you either.”
He shook his head with a smile. “Especially not after our time in the garden, finding we shared similar feelings. If morning hadn’t intervened when it did, there’s no doubt in my mind what would have followed.”
Julianna blushed again, but only for a moment. “And if it had?” she began softly. “Would I have ever seen you again?”
“You really need to ask me that?” he nearly laughed. At the serious look she gave him, Dominick’s own expression sobered with a long pause. “Well, it’s true I didn’t know you as well then as I do now, but…”
“I think I understand,” she whispered regretfully.
“Really?” he murmured. “I don’t believe you do. I was about to say, I had every intention to see you again, regardless. Julianna, do you know how many days I thought of you during the time I spent away from you initially?” She could only shake her head. “I’d estimate it comes to about two months.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. No one remembers a dream companion that long.”
His expression became thoughtful. “You did,” he reminded her softly. “Or do you often chase after strangers by the name of Dominick?”
Sensing amusement rather than ridicule in his words, Julianna smiled. “I suppose you have a point.”
“It’s much more than that now,” he continued. “In the past, I’ve never involved myself with any married woman, since even as a rogue, I have my limits. But with you, even when I was angry over your supposed husband, I found I still wanted to continue seeing you. You have no idea how grateful I was to find you’re not married after all.” His arms swept her against him gently. “Julianna, at first, I returned in order to clear you from my thoughts, but instead my own logic trapped me with the reverse. My feelings for you have only grown stronger.”
“That much, I do understand,” she replied, stroking his cheek before she thought. Dominick raised one surprised eyebrow. “Surely you don’t think I freely kiss just any dream men I come across?” Her eyes twinkled mischievously. “And you being a chivalrous knight.”
“You labeled me a rogue first,” laughed Dominick, “and rogues have more fun.” Leaning closer to prove this, his mouth claimed hers with a fiery kiss that could have set the curtains ablaze. Julianna nearly melted in his arms, murmuring softly as he pulled back to meet her gaze. “Do you mind this knight of yours being a rogue on occasion?”
She smiled up at him tenderly, saying in a whisper, “I’ve become very fond of that rogue. Especia
lly since he insists on protecting me from every disaster one can dream up.”
“My lady, I’d always protect you, at any cost.”
“Then does this mean you won’t leave me forever as you said earlier, my dream knight?”
Dominick gave a low chuckle at her words. “Dream knight?”
She shrugged with a slight pout. “Well, you once said that a knight in shining armor was a bit too unusual these days, and I suppose that’s true, since you might feel stifled by clanky armor.”
“Mmmm, true enough,” he murmured against her cheek. “You might not like it either though, since it’s probably rather uncomfortable for fragile soft-skinned damsels to be hugged by iron-clad knights.”
Julianna sneered once at his appraisal of damsels, before she caught the teasing glint in his eyes. “Since you often act like a knight in my dreams, that title seems appropriate.”
“Fair enough, my sweet lady. And as to your earlier question, I have no intention of leaving you. Not forever, and not this night.”
The desire in his eyes kindled similarly in Julianna’s heart, prompting her to encircle her arms about his neck. “I’m glad, Dominick,” she whispered. “After all, you haven’t yet shown me that other version of slow dancing.”
He smiled slowly. “I know of a quieter place where I could, if you’d care to leave this most fascinating gathering a bit early.”
“I’ll make the sacrifice,” she agreed before she thought.
What was this between them that affected her beyond reason? she wondered afterwards. Would she be the same way if she didn’t know this to be dream? Dominick didn’t give her long to ponder, sweeping her up in his arms as if she weighed no more than a child.
“Just close your eyes then, sweetheart,” he told her softly. “I’ll take us there immediately. As long as you’re sure it’s what you want.”
Shutting her eyes with a smile of consent, she leaned against him. “Teleport away.”