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KC Frantzen - May the K9 Spy 02 - May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris

Page 11

by KC Frantzen

  “Do too. You moles are exposed! How could you work for that evil Rukan? You don’t know him like I do.”

  “We do.”

  Doubt flickers, then is quickly whisked away by vibrations and an overpowering sound.

  Whopwhopwhopwhop. A helicopter is approaching.

  Good. These traitors won’t get away.

  Miss Sandy looks grim in handcuffs. Agents flank either side while she walks to the helicopter. When others approach Sassy, she snarls making it clear she will follow. They give her space, allowing her to jump in unassisted.

  I’m not sure why, but I start to cry.

  Okay. I do know. Sniffle. They were my friends. I feel like I betrayed them, but they betrayed my family and our country. It hurts, but I’m glad justice has been served.

  The helicopter lifts off, barely clearing the rail headed east. Quick movement on the adjacent rooftop grabs my attention. It’s Rukan’s woman from the plane with Pack Leader… What’s he doing? Aiming a shoulder-fired missile!

  Before I can blink, Sassy dives from the helicopter.


  Flashing teeth – arms striking out – they tumble over the side.

  We race to the edge and peer down to the street. The humans are sprawled in a heap with Sassy’s body crumpled on top.

  As the helicopter rushes away, an urgent voice blasts into my earpiece, “Status report. Update immediately.”

  I do my best to explain, but I’m not completely sure myself.

  Chapter 32

  Alexis leads a group of us to Director’s apartment, sparing him a face to face meeting alone with his mother, at least for awhile. This was difficult enough. Miss Coralee and several agents sweep the rooms and remove box after box of evidence. It’s sad to see the horrified expressions of the neighbors.

  After our debrief inside the Embassy, front door this time, we’re all going to meet at La Solana Café. Miss Coralee has a little more work to do, so she’ll finish up and come later with Mr. Vince. I suspect they want some extra time alone.

  When Alexis and I arrive, Léonce is waiting by the front entrance. They show us to a lovely area on the private patio, set just for us. Since we’re not sure when our friends will arrive, we check out the menu. Alexis orders pepperoni and provolone cheese pizza with garlic breadsticks; Léonce, the fish du jour. I decide on a snail-less meal of bacon, leek and mozzarella quiche. I quite like quiche.

  I lean towards Léonce. “Looks like the gang will disband, now that Pack Leader is… gone.”

  “Oui.” His eyes soften. “Merci May. Papa has justice. Now what for me?”

  “There’s always a reason. Maybe you and Alexis will help each other. You could find good homes, maybe even together.”

  “Possibly, but I should remain to assist those in need.”

  Alexis whispers so softly I barely hear him. “I might need you.”

  Léonce leaps into his lap leaving stray hairs on Alexis’s black tee. I notice Not-So-Dreary Boy doesn’t seem to mind.

  Léonce purrs to me. “And you?”

  “I must finish boot camp then help catch Rukan, but I also want to go home. I don’t know how to tell my family about those… traitors. Miss Sandy will be locked away a long time. Hans will be distraught, Dad and Mom too. I’m not sure how my sister will take the news either. April really looked up to Sassy.”

  Listen – familiar laughter. Our friends have arrived!

  We greet them at the patio entrance. I’ve seen those contented looks before. They each give Alexis a hug, though he seems stiff, and pat Léonce and me on the back. When we return to the table, Mr. Vince first pulls out Miss Coralee’s chair then seats himself. They even order the same thing – Quiche Lorraine and a crisp salad garnished with tiny oranges and almond slivers.

  In spite of the day’s events, or maybe because of them, I relish our time together. I’m concerned about Alexis though. He looks a little lost. He doesn’t join in much, except when they discuss technology.

  During dinner Miss Coralee pats his arm. “Your aunt was relieved to hear about you. She will arrive tomorrow evening to take you home.”

  He looks down at his meal. “Whatever.”

  Mr. Vince says, “You can bunk with me tonight if you like.”

  Alexis nods slightly.

  Miss Coralee continues. “The State Department will offer you an internship to study in the US after graduation.”

  He pulls his dark hair back but says nothing.

  Wonder if he’ll take it?

  Alexis seems to think a moment, then quietly says, “Léonce, you’re coming to my aunt’s with me, okay?”

  Our feline friend responds, “Oui.” Then he looks at me. “Purrhaps there is a reason for events.”

  I relish Alexis’s honest smile for the second time since meeting him. It’s a start.

  Miss Coralee chuckles. “May, I’ve been practicing understanding critter, with a little assistance.”

  Mr. Vince winks.

  She says, “Let’s try, May. Ready? The Administrator of Special Services personally wants to see you when you return to boot camp.”

  I didn’t think he knew who I was.

  “He seems to.”

  That’s the proper response. Good job, Miss Coralee. Do you know what he wants?

  “All I know is he wants to see you.”

  I’m probably in trouble after failing the test and getting dognapped. I won’t graduate with my class, if at all.

  “You’ve done an amazing job here in Paris. Not only did you stop what could have been a terrible international incident, but you found the moles. Maybe you’ll get some credit.”

  Maybe. Ms. Schwind did say “Headquarters would take note in final class ranking should a recruit be in on the discovery.”

  Over her shoulder, I notice several bees enjoying the roses. One buzzes to the others then they approach our table and dance. I think it means “Thank you for saving our queen.”

  Can’t be sure, but I should probably say you’re welcome. Je vous en prie.

  Another quick waggle and they return to the blooms.

  We polish off a giant apple puff pastry a la mode, then Miss Coralee coughs to get our attention.

  With a twinkle, she grins at me. “As a special treat from Embassy maintenance, you and your feline friend are invited to Félix Canis Dog and Cat Spa for a day of pampering. They are anxious to make it special.”

  I could use a groom before I go home.

  Léonce tilts his head and miaows, “I don’t know…”

  Mr. Vince takes Miss Coralee’s hand in his. “Sometimes it’s good to enjoy life’s simpler pleasures.”

  She grins at him and flutters her eyelashes. “Right. Like visiting a museum about sewers?”

  Alexis tries to bury another smile.

  I woof, “C’mon Léonce, I’ve never been to one either. It’ll be fun.”

  He doesn’t look so sure.

  I stroll to the waterfall for a drink. “Are you going to take a class or just relax after lunch?”


  “Okay. Relax away your day. I wanted to take the Frisbee session but – how did they say it? ‘We’re attuned to your needs and recommend hydro-massage for your shoulder.’ Guess I will. I don’t need obedience class.”

  I can see him giving me a look, even with cucumber slices over his eyes.

  “After the massage, it’ll be time for the blueberry facial and shea butter paw treatment. Then an oatmeal shampoo, ear plucking, gentle brush comb-out and scissor trim. They’ll grind my nails last thing.”

  The attendant removes the cucumbers as Léonce says, “After talking with another cat, I opted for the ultra-luxury treatment.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Sniff. “Mmmmm, do you smell that?”

  “Oui. Miaow!”

  Two attendants help us to our seats. For Léonce, wild-caught salmon presented in a stainless bowl with little fish-shaped handles. Free range chicken for me in a designer porcelain dish. Se
rved alongside our entrées are organic veggies and brown basmati rice.

  Dee-licious. Much tastier than mole!

  Sigh. Things are going well but I want to go home. Wow. That reminds me of one of Mom’s favorite poems:

  So it’s home again, and home again, America for me!

  And when I get there, I wonder how it’ll go with General Jim?

  Chapter 33

  It was tough to say goodbye to Alexis and Léonce, Mr. Vince and Miss Coralee. I hope we keep in contact.

  Glad I slept on the plane ride instead of fretting how to break the news about Miss Sandy and Sassy to my family. It makes me sad but… there’s always a reason for things.

  I can’t believe the K9 Service brought me to HQ in a limousine. Still, I’m a little nervous. Why does General Jim want to see me? My escort, Edgrr, has said nothing. Hope I’m not permanently kicked out of boot camp. I’ve just got to be on the team that catches Rukan.

  As we round the corner, I look down the long corridor. I passed here in such a hurry, not so long ago.

  Edgrr growls, “Ready, recruit?”

  Gulp. “Yes sir.”

  He keys in a code and General Jim’s office door swings open. After a quick nod, Edgrr steps out and the door closes behind him.

  Here we go.

  The General’s assistant returns my salute warmly. “You’ve had quite the adventure for a new recruit.” He lowers his voice. “We’re all rather proud of you.”

  He clicks a desk device. “General, your four o’clock is here… Yes sir.”

  The assistant shows me in to a lovely office.

  I stand at attention and salute.

  “That will be all, Colonel.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Still holding my position, I look at the vent. His office sure is different viewed from the floor.

  The General notices. I think he notices quite a lot.

  After returning my salute he says, “At ease, recruit,” then motions me to a chair with pawprint fabric. Sniff. Others have been seated before me. Is it really okay to be on the furniture? Sir?

  “Please get comfortable. We have much to discuss.”

  I jump up and face him, then shift position. I’m having difficulty seeing over the desk.

  He retrieves a sofa pillow for me to sit on.

  Thank you sir.


  No thank you sir. I spy the newspaper on his desk, in French. The photo shows some smoke and a bit of building damage but the print’s too small to read from here.

  “Have you seen the coverage?”

  No sir. We left the hotel before the newspapers arrived.

  “I’ll be brief. May, because of your team’s quick thinking, there were few mentions in international news, but as usual, we try to conceal and deflect when it’s a matter of national security.

  “This is a delicate situation. Though you acted in an impetuous manner, your superiors vouch for your integrity and honor. They assure me you want to do the right thing.”

  Merci, I mean, thank you sir. Captain Davis, Ms. Schwind, and Ms. Dutcher are aware of my adventure? Edgrr didn’t growl a word. All he said was Mr. Mackenzie found a more suitable career, missionary I think.

  “As such I plan to share highly classified information. Lives are at stake. Will you keep this confidential?”

  “Yes sir,” I woof.

  “I need some help translating. Stand by.” He swivels towards a slide-away panel revealing several monitors. The one in the center blinks on.

  My fur stands and I stifle a snarl. Sassy!

  In her usual Venezuelan accent she says, “May, ah returned stateside by Medevac and, as you can see by the bandages, ah am still in treatment. They said ah wouldn’t survive, but that’s been said before.”

  I hope my expression is like the stone at the lady Marie’s. But I can’t hold it. I yank back my lips. “You were howling with the anarchists, ‘To the Cause.’”

  Another monitor blinks and Miss Sandy appears, scratches and bee welts still evident. “OSM, our very own Only Small May. You have exceeded our expectations. We are blessed to have you in the Service.”

  My stone face cracks.

  My eyes are misty as I turn to General Jim. I don’t understand!

  He says, “Your persistent drive exposed a deep undercover operation. These operatives, the superior officers who vouched for you–”


  “–report directly to me.”

  Miss Sandy leans forward. “Our challenge now is using what has happened to our advantage so we will not lose years of undercover work.”


  Sassy continues, “We used the mole rumor as cover to infiltrate Rukan’s operation.”

  Sir, is this… true?

  General Jim’s voice is strong. “Affirmative. You were unaware. What you’ve accomplished as a raw recruit is remarkable. With your natural talent for creativity and resourcefulness, you will be formidable when developed.”

  Gasp. I’m so embarrassed. He didn’t need Sassy to help translate, did he. I root under the soft pillow and hide.


  I whimper, “Sir… am I… still… in the K9 Service?”

  “On several conditions. One, you will repeat boot camp next session, and finish. Two, you will apologize to these operatives. Three, you will refrain from rogue missions until confirmed. Is this clear, recruit?”

  “Clear, sir. I will do all of it, sir.” I peek from under the pillow. “Thank you, sir.”

  Miss Sandy laughs the way my brother, Hans, loves so much. “May, you’ve learned to conceal your identity. Almost.”

  Sassy yips, “No mistaking you for an undercover operative now.”

  Dear Special Agent,

  Thanks for sharing May’s journey to Paris. YOU are who we do this for! Please be so kind as to leave an honest review on the site where you acquired your confidential copy. That would be such a help.

  We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us on Facebook at and share your latest photos, adventures and ideas there too. And email us any time at

  Keep in mind, we will visit your local public or private schools or groups. Email us for particulars. And look for us at festivals and fairs. It’s always a joy to meet you “in dog!”

  Until we meet again, remember “a prepared puppy is ready when opportunity is provided.”

  KC & May

  Sneak Peek – May the K9 Spy Book Three

  I’m an agent!

  I wiggle my whole self at the thought.

  Oops. Nose print on the window. Better use my whiskers to remove it.

  K9 Spy boot camp was terrific, but it’s time to be home. That is, before embarking on my next adventure, errr… mission.

  As the limo makes a sharp left, I watch from the back seat.

  There’s my house, up the hill! Soon I’ll be in my rightful spot, cuddled with Dad and Mom and Lobbie, my favorite toy. I’ll share my Paris adventures with my sister and brother, too, at least the unclassified parts.

  But first, there’s a stop to make.

  “Mr. Limo Driver, please pull over here. Won’t be long,” I woof.

  The sturdy man sounds impatient. “Do you need to go out, Agent May? You’re almost home.”

  No. I’m ‘improvising and using resources.’ Last time I was here by myself, a hawk attacked. I need to check… uhm… something. Drat. Mustn’t tell everything I know.

  Limo Driver breathes deeply. Tires crunch on the gravel as we stop and he gives me a look. “Your family is waiting and I want to return to mine. Hurry please.”

  Thanks! Won’t be long.

  Click. The door springs open and I leap out. I try trotting through the brush but it’s rough. Nothing quiet about it either. Best use my stealthy cat walk.

  Crickets sing a greeting, but the crows are quiet. Good. No hawks around.

  I stop a moment to recall landmarks. Sniff. The soft southern breeze is dee-
licious. Here’s a speed bump made by a real mole. So interesting how a word can mean different things. When in Paris, I was certain Miss Sandy and Sassy, her K9 partner, were moles – double agents – hiding in Rukan’s anarchist organization. So sure. So wrong. Glad for the chance to redeem myself after I almost blew her and Sassy’s cover.

  Before leaving Headquarters, I mean HQ, Miss Sandy asked me to check out the surveillance drone at her secret shed in the woods near here. The one she replaced recently is not performing correctly. So as my first official act as an agent, I’m to check–

  Honk honk.

  The limo! Must hurry.

  I scramble onto a rock. Hey, there’s the circular clearing. My target should be just past it to the north. I jump down and take off. Sniff. Yep, there’s the shed. And here’s the cement log, with a birdie drone perched on the side like before.

  I wonder if Copperhead Sentinel is around. Can’t believe I missed a big poisonous snake. I must use his proper agent code name when we meet.

  “Ssso, you have returned, OSSSM.”

  I turn and smile, and he smiles back. “CHS, great to see you! Thanks for using the code name Miss Sandy gave me. She still calls me ‘Only Small May’ sometimes.”

  His split tongue flicks between his fangs. “You had sssome excursssion.”

  “Paris was amazing, but I’m glad to be home. Miss Sandy asked me to check something.” I place my paws on the drone’s perch. Sniff. “This is outdated technology, compared to what we used in boot camp.”

  “Older modelsss are sssufficient. Theesse premisssesss are not highly sssignificant.”

  “Miss Sandy thinks this outpost is vital. Who made the swap?”

  “I’m not sssure, I wasss TDY.”

  Temporary Duty. I wonder where, but best not to ask. “So, what am I supposed to check? Something about the drone?”

  The Copperhead watches me, bands on his back changing shape as he coils comfortably on a warm flat stone. “There are two ssscentsss. One comesss ssstraight in along the trail. Another leadsss to the ssshed.”


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