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Accession Day, 273-74, 283, 403-4
Act of Supremacy, 186
Acts of Succession, 34, 103, 168
Acts of Uniformity, 103, 186
Albert, duke of Prussia, 169
alchemy, 261
ale, Elizabeth's tastes in, 286
Alencon, Francois, duke of, 295-307,
323-30, 332, 339> 347 Cambrai conquered by, 325 Cecil's support of, 297, 299, 307 character of, 298, 328 death of, 344 description of, 297-98 as Elizabeth's suitor, 295, 300,
304-6, 315-16, 321, 325-29 in England, 303-6, 325-29 as military leader, 298-99, 304,
323-24, 325 in Netherlands rebellion, 298-99,
304, 323-24 nicknamed Frog, 304 opposition to marriage of Elizabeth
and, 299-301, 304, 306-7,
312-16, 321, 325 Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo,
duke of, 143, 274 as military leader, 242, 318 Amsterdam, Dudley in, 344
Anglicanism, see Reformation,
English Anjou, Francois, duke of, see
Alencon, Francois, duke of Anne of Austria, 317-18 Anne of Cleves, 48-49, 60, 110 Anne of Denmark, queen of England
and Scotland, 406 anti-Catholicism, 184-85, 201, 331-38, 367, 390 legalization of, 186, 332 in Scotland, 201 Antwerp, Spanish capture of, 344 architecture:
of country houses, 289-90, 293 of Hampton Court, 222 of Kenilworth, 279 of Woodstock, 132-33 Aristotle, 76
Armada, Spanish, see Spanish Armada Arthur, King, legend of: Kenilworth and, 279 New World and, 322 Arundel, Henry Fitzalan, earl of, 160, 171, 190, 205, 213, 259, 314 conspiracy of, 243-44 as Elizabeth's suitor, 176-77, 188 Ascham, Roger, 45, 56, 58, 69, 75-77, 104
Ascham, Roger, continued character of, 75-76 court criticized by, 230-31 description of, 75 dismissed from Elizabeth's
household, 99, 152 Elizabeth's intelligence respected
by, 76-77 Elizabeth's readings in Greek with,
76, 152-53 Ashley, John, 42, 56, 76, 99, 152 Ashley, Kat (Catherine
Champernowne Ashley), 62, 65, 76, 99, 152, 187, 204 background of, 40-41 death of, 263 Elizabeth's devotion to, 41-42,
87-88, 91-92, 182 Elizabeth's education and, 42,
46-47, 55 imprisonment of, 41, 85-86, 88,
154 as Thomas Seymour's intermediary, 69-74, 79> 82, 87, 89 Ashridge, 40, 113 astrology: Armada disaster predicted by, 365 births predicted by, 13, 18, 19 comets used for predictions in, 160,
276, 313, 355 Edward's horoscope and, 103 Elizabeth's horoscope and, 207,
236, 356 end of the world predicted by,
355-56 navigation science and, 322 Audley End, 289 Aylmer, John, bishop of London, 93,
Bacon, Nicholas, 171
banquets, banqueting houses, 227,
281-82 in Amsterdam, 344 at Whitehall, 321-22 Barnard Castle, 246-47 bear-baiting, 280, 404 beards and mustaches, 228-29, 382 Bedford, countess of, 206 Bedford, Francis Russell, 2nd earl of,
183-84, 215, 263, 291 Bedford, John Russell, 1st earl of,
Bedingfield, Sir Henry, 131-40,
145-46 Berkeley Castle, 291 Bertie, Catherine, duchess of Suffolk,
168 Berwick, Treaty of, 361 Berwick Castle, 95, 185, 202, 238,
3 21 Bess of Hardwick, see Talbot,
Elizabeth Blount, Bessie, 13
Boleyn, Anne, mother of Elizabeth I, 76, 120, 179, 194, 243, 266 character of, 15-16, 25 charges against, 28-29, 32-35 clothing of, 12, 13 coronation of, 11-13 description of, 12 execution of, 28-31, 36-37, 129 incest attributed to, 28, 33 as marquess of Pembroke, 13, 17,
24 Mary Stuart compared to, 362 miscarriages of, 27-28 pregnancies of, 12, 14, 16-18,
27-28 reputation of, Elizabeth affected by,
25, 36-37, 4i, 46, 50, 70, no,
113, 148, 195, 268 unpopularity of, 12, 15-16, 19, 143 wedding of, 14 Boleyn, Edmund, 100 Boleyn, George, 28, 33, 50 Boleyn, Mary, 17, 29, 100, 266 Boleyn, Thomas, earl of Wiltshire,
16, 20 Bond of Association, 359, 362 Book of Common Prayer, 94, 103,
186, 309 Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th earl of,
229-30, 243 Bourne (conspirator), 122 Bowes, Sir George, 247, 249-50 Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk, 16,
18, 208 Brandon, Frances, 203 Brandon, Mary, duchess of Suffolk,
208 Breuner, Baron von, 191 bribery, in court life, 349-50 bride-ales, 281 Browne, Lady, 86, 88 Bruges, Spanish capture of, 344
Bryan, Lady, 25-26, 37-38 Bryant, Alexander, 331-32, 337-38 Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Baron, 293
Cacafuego, 322
Cadiz, Drake's raid on, 365
Henry VIII in, 13 struggle for control of, 158, 162, 169-70, 185, 206, 328 Calvin, John, 275 Calvinists:
in Netherlands, 298-99 in Scotland, 176 Cambrai, Alencon's conquest of, 325 Cambridge University, intellectual
trends at, 56, 75, 310 Camden, William, 230, 273, 296 Campion, Edmund, 331-32, 336-38 Cardano, Girolamo, 103 card-playing, 226, 345 Carew, Peter, 114 Carey, George, 17, 100 Carey, Henry, Baron Hunsdon, see Hunsdon, Henry Carey, 1st Baron Carey, Mary Boleyn, 17, 29, 100, 266 Castiglione, Count Baldassare, 144,
152, 154 Catherine de' Medici, 206, 239, 263,
265, 297, 298, 305, 324, 325 Catholics, Catholicism: conformity of, 308 persecution of, 184-85, 201,
331-38, 367, 390 rebellion of, in northern England,
235-38, 244-50 recantation of, 336 recusant, 333-38, 340, 346, 367 resurgence of, 333-38 see also Reformation, English Cecil, Robert, 133, 385-87, 393, 396,
400, 404-6 Cecil, Thomas, 280 Cecil, William, 168, 187, 192-96, 198-99, 217, 220-21, 254, 280, 294, 333, 35i, 360, 385-86 Alencon favored by, 297, 299, 307 character of, 171, 172, 315 as council member, 171-73, 207-8,
314-15 death of, 395-96, 398
Cecil, William, continued description of, 172 diary of, 172 Dudley opposed by, 190 Dudley as rival of, 193, 195-96 Elizabeth protected by, 196 as Elizabeth's host, 292-93 Elizabeth's marriage promoted by,
190, 258
Elizabeth's mental capacity as viewed by, 175-76
Essex opposed by, 387
health of, 326, 347, 382
home of, 289, 292-93
New Year's gift of, 226
opposition to, 244, 254
power of, 184, 196, 202, 210, 214
Puritans favored by, 311
war feared by, 242, 249-50, 340 chamberers, duties of, 346-47 Champernowne, Catherine, see
Ashley, Kat Chandos, Lord, 133 Chapuys, Eustace, 23, 32, 33, 35 Charles, archduke of Austria, 189-90,
191, 256, 259
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 22, 32, 33, 49, 50, 59
Mary supported by, 101
power of, 68 Charles IX, king of France, 239, 263 charms, against plague, 327 Chateauneuf, Mile., 266 Cheke, John, 55-57, 69 Cheshunt, 74 children, 42-47
abuse of, 43-44
clothing of, 42
Erasmus on, 44-45
female, education of, 46-47
hazards to, 22
Puritan, 308
Tudor theories about, 42-45
wet nursing of, 21-22 christenings:
of Edward, 41
of Elizabeth, 20-21 Cicero, 56, 76, 136 Clanricarde, earl of, 333 Clarencieux, Susan, 111-12, 170 Clement VII, Pope, 15, 23 Clifford, Margaret, 203 Clifford, Rosamund, 132-33
Clinton, Admiral, 213 Clinton, Lady, 161 clocks, at Elvetham, 293 "close stools," 223-24 clothing, 45, 93, 226, 290
of Anne Boleyn, 12, 13
of children, 42
for coronation ceremony, 162-63, 169, 177
for courtiers, 228-30, 257, 285, 309, 323, 348, 382
of Elizabeth, 92-93, 100, 177, 186, 218, 231, 324, 346-47, 374> 383-84, 389, 399
French, 12
French vs. English, 186, 229
of Mary I, 109
men's vs. women's, 228-29
poisoned, 196
"progress," 285
of Puritans, 309 cloth manufacturing, 23, 278 Cobham, Lady, 264 coins, double rose on, 275 Comedy of Errors, A (Shakespeare),
comets, superstitious reactions to, 160,
276, 313, 355 Congregation (Scotland), 201 contortionists, at Kenilworth, 281 Cooke, Anthony, 58, 168 Cooke, Mildred, 77 Cornwall, riots in, 95 Cornwallis (gentleman usher), 133,
of Anne Boleyn
, 11-13
clothing for, 162-63, 169, 177
of Elizabeth, 163, 168-69, l ll~19
of Man I, 110-11, 178
pageantry at, 178-79
of Philip II, 317 correspondence, doctrine of, 362 cosmetics, 345-46
men's use of, 228-29, 263, 382 council, royal, 171-73, 212-13, 241, 339-40, 347
Alencon opposed by, 299-300, 304, 313-14
Bond of Association drafted by,
359 Parliament vs., 253 counter-evangelism, 336
country folk, plays and pageants of,
277-79, 281 court, court life, 223-30, 345-50
banqueting houses at, 227, 321-22
corruption in, 349-50, 394
of Edward VI, 66, 67, 92-93
entertainment at, 67, 186, 219-20, 227, 274, 281, 296, 321-22, 387, 390, 399
factions in, 257, 387
favoritism at, 350
flirtation in, 349
food division at, 224, 281-82
hazards of, 227-28
intrigue in, 66
masking at, 227, 282
pastimes of, 226-27, 280-82, 309
Puritans at, 309, 311
rituals of, 225-26
see also household, royal; progresses Courtenay, Edward, 112-14, 121-22,
155-56 courtiers:
clothing of, 228-30, 257, 285, 309, 323, 348, 382
debts of, 394
mansions of, 289-93
men as, 347-48
on progresses, 285, 288, 291
wit of, 265
women as, 345-47, 350 Coventry, Mary Stuart in, 247 Coverdale, Miles, 79 Cox, Richard, 55 Crab-Joint, 343 Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of
Canterbury, 14, 32, 35 crime:
attendance at mass as, 186, 332
increases in, 98, 168
in London, 168
as travel hazard, 285 Crofts, James, 114, 120, 128 Cromwell, Thomas, 25-26, 28-29, 34, 37-38, 386
church reform and, 27 Cyprian, Saint, 76
dancing, 226-27, 399
Elizabeth's skill in, 219-20, 226,
267, 268, 304, 309, 390, 401 morris, 281, 308 novelty in, 349
dancing, continued
professional vs. amateur, 349
Puritan objections to, 308, 309, 349 Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord, see
Stuart, Henry Davison, William, 350-52, 361, 363
imprisonment of, 372 Dee, John, 152, 322 Demosthenes, 56, 76, 152-53 Denny, Sir Anthony, 74 De Ojficiis (Cicero), 136 De Quadra (Spanish ambassador), 184, 189, 190, 193-94, 198^9, 204, 214