The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3)

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The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3) Page 9

by S. J. Sanders

  “I am still in control and will be for a while yet. Do not worry. I will make sure you are safe before it becomes too great.”

  “Okay,” I breathe. “You make a good argument for me keeping your room for tonight.”

  “Two nights,” he amends. “After that, I will kick you out to the couch.”

  I hum as a thought occurs to me. “Will Jinx be all right with his roomie going through a sexual rage?”

  Arawl pauses with uncertainty. “He should be. I imagine that Rashi will take similar precautions. This is not new territory. It is something that is drilled into us. Eral will make sure that Fahuri is safely sealed in her room before he locks himself in his. Everything will be fine.”

  “Okay,” I say as I allow him to tug me out of the bedroom and back into the hallway.

  “Now let us go see if there is anything left for us in the kitchen,” he says lightly as if the entire conversation and sexual tension just moments before in the bedroom never happened.

  I can’t dismiss it as easily. His revelation was both frightening and strangely arousing. I recall the way he took me and when I tried to imagine it in his true form that is so much larger, I squeeze my thighs together. I have no doubt that he smells my arousal, but he pretends to ignore it, so I try to as well.

  We walk into the kitchen and the aroma of roasted meat hits me, making my mouth water. On the table is a platter of meat, around which sits a loaf of bread, a jug of some kind of drink I imagine, some sort of congealed berry something in a bowl that I suspect is probably a dessert, and a small plate of cheeses. My stomach growls and Arawl grins at the sound. Pushing me gently into a chair, he generously loads a plate with food and sets it in front of me before setting a mountain of food on his own plate.

  We eat silently across from each other, neither of us attempting to make conversation. There seems to be nothing that can be said to follow what had already been spoken between us and we can’t seem to find a way to transition out of that moment. It certainly lingers in my mind, and I’m still thinking of it after we finish our meal while Arawl goes around the main room lighting the candles with a long stick lit from the hearth.

  I watch him out of the corner of my eye, wondering just how much longer it will be until his control finally breaks. I doubt it will be much longer. Every now and then, I see his muscles clench and his large frame shudder. Part of me wants to push him hard and watch as all of his restraint crumbles around him. I want to see him lose control, even though I know I shouldn’t. It’s such a compelling desire that I have to remind myself he doesn’t want me in order to leash my desires.

  “Arawl, it has been a long day. I think I’ll head to bed now.”

  He glances up at me from in front of the hearth where he’s been staring into the flames for the last several minutes after he lit the candles. He doesn’t look surprised. Instead, his expression tight, he nods.

  “Do not forget to set the bolt on the door,” he reminds me in a low voice.

  “I won’t forget,” I reply. Before leaving, I slip over to the front door and sketch my ward over it. It flares brightly once before settling into the wood. Satisfied that he too will be safe, I walk out of the room... and away from Arawl.

  My stomach turns and sweat breaks out over my skin as my body rebels against my sensible decision. My hands are shaking by the time I enter his room and my belly clenches at the scent of him everywhere. Trembling, I push the door shut. It’s heavy as hell and I have to throw my body weight against it. I grunt and curse it under my breath until it finally swings closed. The bolt slides easily into place, much to my relief.

  I stand there before the door, inspecting the solid barrier separating us. Through the door, I can hear the growl coming from the living room and a loud thunk. I am not sure if something was thrown or if it is just Arawl’s large body dropping onto the furniture. Regardless, the frustrated snarls and growls have me backing away toward the bed. I strip, slide into the bedding, and try to get comfortable, my eyes never leaving the door. I fall asleep to the low sounds echoing through the den, the blankets pulled up tightly around me.

  I wake in complete darkness. Not even the gentle glow of the moon shines through the window above me. I tense as I hear a crash against my door as if something heavy is flung against it over and over again until it recedes with a loud, anguished howl. It sounds pained, angry... and lonely. That loneliness touches something within me. I can understand the pain and anger rising out of the sexual frustration, but the loneliness of an abandoned male calling to his missing mate tears at me. I slide out of bed and take a step toward the door, and then another.

  We have no future.

  He doesn’t want a mate or a family.

  But he needs me, and I need him.

  I slide out of bed and wrap a blanket around my nude body as I walk across the room. Sliding back the bolt, I slowly open the door. He is no longer there. When I press my hand to the door as I push it shut, I can feel the deep grooves where he’d clawed desperately at it. I tilt my head and listen. The main room has fallen eerily silent and, to my ears, my footsteps seem to echo as I step into the hallway. I can see the glow from the main room from where I am standing, and it becomes a beacon as I pad in that direction.

  There’s no other sound, but as I near my destination, a pained whimper reaches my ears.

  As I step into the main room, I slowly look around for any sign of Arawl. At first, I do not see him, until a movement catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. He’s hunched in the shadows in the corner of the room. Green glowing eyes rivet to me, and a low lusty sound comes from him, a sensual rumble that zings up my nerves. Heat coils within me in response, intensifying with every shiver that races over my skin as I watch him slowly rise to his full height. The fire throws his pale fur in shadows so that he almost looks ghost-like.

  “Mine,” he growls, and he steps forward. His hard cock juts up, a vivid red in even in the low light of the dying fire. It bobs with his every step, precum seeping out of its tip. My mouth goes dry.

  “Well,” I say cheerfully to my mate as he stalks closer to me, “you did say that you weren’t sure how well a human would last under your full moon driven lust in this form. Seems to me that it’s just not right to let such questions go unanswered. Scientific curiosity and all... Something every cryptozoologist would be dying to know. I don’t mind taking one for the team.”

  I let the blanket slip off my body and pool on the floor, and he growls with lust, his body coiling with tension until he suddenly rushes for me.

  Chapter 12


  Arawl lifts me up and flattens me against the wall, the force of my back colliding with it momentarily knocking the breath out of me. I gasp for air as I look up into his fierce face. His fangs are partially exposed with the way his lip is curled back and a low, intimate growl rumbles from him as he drops his nose against my skin. He sniffs my neck, pausing every now and then to lap the spot with his tongue before traveling further south until he finally comes to the freshly healed spot where he bit me.

  Awareness shoots through me at the intimate sensation of his hot breath and tongue caressing the spot. He rumbles happily, his body pressing forward against mine. The thick length of his phallus pushes against my belly, nudging me insistently as he continues to lick and nuzzle the spot. Every touch at the sensitive mark sends liquid heat spiraling through me until my thighs are slick with my arousal.

  Arawl growls and grips my thighs in his hands to hoist me up against the wall. A little off-balance now that I’m pinned by him, I grip his mane as he rocks against me. He dips his hips so that his cock slides between the swollen lips of my sex. It’s exceptionally thick, and I whimper as it passes, stimulating every point as it works its way up to nudge at my clit. He tongues my neck again and then I feel a slight pinch as his teeth clamp down to hold me in place, his cock sliding down to nudge at the mouth of my pussy.

  With a low rumble, he thrusts forward, driving into me. I s
queak at the intense pressure as my channel stretches around his girth. The discomfort fades as he finds a pleasurable spot deep within me and nudges at it with each grinding thrust, sending a fresh wave of arousal through me. His fur brushes against my thighs and ass, even the soft, short fur over his belly rubs tantalizingly against me, the feel of it against my sensitized skin adding to the sensual wave washing over me. My cunt ripples around his cock as I give it an experimental squeeze. Above me, Arawl groans and draws back his hips so that I feel his slicked-up phallus slipping out, before plunging into me hard enough to thump my ass hard against the wall. The sting makes me flex hard around him, my toes digging into the fur of his flanks, and we both moan together.

  His claws bite lightly into my skin as he begins to thrust in earnest, his hips snapping in wild desperation to bury himself deep within me. Not one to wait on someone else to bring me pleasure, I lift my hips against him with every thrust, riding waves of pleasure that crest within me. I can feel the sweat sliding off my skin and the burn of seldom-used muscles, but it’s a sweet companion to the pleasure being wrought on my entire body.

  I jerk my hips and cry out as my first orgasm builds with every deep bump of his cock against the sensitive spot near my cervix. I whimper and claw at his fur in a silent demand. I clench my fist around a handful of fur and Arawl snarls, his pace punishing as he ruts into me with a renewed fury. In the back of my mind, I know I’m going to be bruised and sore in the morning, but right now I couldn’t care less. I am sliding into one orgasm and then another bursts over me within minutes of each other.

  It’s a good thing that he’s holding me against the wall because my muscles are tired and my legs feel like jelly. I’m grateful for both his strong hands and the hard wall. There is no way I would have been standing on my own power. I’m not sure how much longer I can go on. My body feels wrung out, and he is thrusting into me as if he has no intention of stopping any time soon.

  With a hiss, I reach around to grip near the base of his thick knot and squeeze it hard. He snarls sharply and rams into me, his pelvis slapping mine. Something feels different this time, and I know exactly what it is. His hard knot has pushed inside of me with that thrust and it grazes the sensitive cluster of nerves with every movement. It doesn’t pull free to give me even the slightest relief. My legs shake as the double interior stimulation takes hold of me and my ass bumps against the wall with an uneven rhythm. My body clenches, seizing up as my culmination shoots through me powerfully. I’m still drifting, barely aware, when Arawl snarls and his hot seed spurts repeatedly within me until it overflows and begins to drip between us. He gives two more slow, deep thrusts and holds himself in place so that the last of his cum can jettison deep within me.

  He doesn’t move for a long while, his cock lodged tightly within me. When it deflates enough to slip out of me, I whimper at its loss. He releases my neck, another spot that I’m certain will sport an impressive bruise from his love bite, and he bathes the area with his tongue for several swipes.

  I know he has mostly recovered his senses by now because he rests his forehead against mine, his green eyes staring into mine intently and yet there’s an undeniable warmth within them despite his impatient sigh.

  “Foolish female,” he reprimands as he peels me off the wall. I’ll be checking in the morning to see if my backside left any permanent marks there. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a dent. He carries me back to the bedroom. The door that I struggled with and cursed at swings open almost effortlessly under his hand.

  With gentle hands, he tucks me into the bed and curls around me within the bedding. I can hear him sniffing at me contentedly before he drifts off to sleep. I follow shortly after, snugly surrounded by a cozy warmth that beats even my best electric blanket.

  We wake several times during the night, the sounds of our rutting filling the den, but I can’t say I mind. One time I even start it when I wake up and, seeing him extruded, I set to touching and licking him until he awakens and rolls me on my hands and knees so that he can take me from behind.

  For the cryptozoologists, I remind myself with a silly smile as I fall asleep yet again.

  When I wake, I am sore in places I never knew I had but I’m not sorry. I grin at the sun peeking through the window above and stretch leisurely as I feel Arawl’s rhythmic breath fanning my neck. I shift my legs and feel the way they stick from the copious amount of semen that has dripped out over them in the course of the night.

  I wrinkle my nose. I need a bath.

  Chapter 13


  In the end, I settle for giving myself a sponge bath with a square of cloth and some of the soap Fahuri left for me. It’s enough to at least clean beneath my arms and breasts where sweat collects, and then to thoroughly wash between my thighs. I go over that spot twice just to make sure I got all the dried semen off me.

  I go out into the living room, leaving Arawl to rest, to build up the fire when I hear a bellow and a loud curse at the other side of the door. I stiffen until a familiar voice shouts through the door.

  “For fuck’s sake, Ana, do you have to use that ward? You know how much I hate it. Makes me feel like someone is trying to shove a hot poker up my ass.”

  As I near the door, I hear an amused rumble follow Jinx’s reproach that I can’t quite make out, but my friend laughs. “Well, having that hot poker in there was a far different and much more pleasurable experience.”

  A playful growl follows just as I open the door. Jinx immediately greets me with a smile, though he’s shaking out his hand that he doubtlessly used against the door when he attempted to barge in. Rashi lurks behind him, almost hovering possessively.

  Well, well, well.

  I raise my eyebrows at the males. “This is a surprise.”

  Jinx’s smile widens mischievously as he pushes in. He stops to drop a kiss on my cheek on his way by. Rashi waits politely until I wave him in. Despite being a rude, sexist cur when we first met, I have to say that at least his manners are good. Then again, I imagine entering another werewolf’s den without an invitation is grounds for hasty eviction.

  “Isn’t it, though?” Jinx says happily, his blonde hair flopping over on eye in a manner that more than one girl has found devastating, and probably a fair share of guys too if I’m honest. Jinx has never suffered a lack of eager lovers, regardless of gender. “Poor Rashi here was pretty miserable, and you know how much I like big strong guys—not many of them around who are bigger and stronger than me, unfortunately. We’d already spent much of the day discussing a female he fancies to mate, and now there he was all hot and bothered sporting the most impressive dick I’ve ever seen.”

  My cheeks warm. “Yeah, I am sure it was.”

  Jinx laughs. “I knew it! I told Rashi that there was no way you wouldn’t help Arawl out. It is a hard thing to resist,” he sighs with a fond glance at the other male. Rashi grins back, not the least bit uncomfortable with Jinx’s playfulness. “Anyway,” Jinx chirps, “next thing you know, I’m on my knees paying homage to its impressiveness until Rashi here can’t take it anymore.”

  “Jinx boasts, yet he does not mention that he soon found himself flipped and fucked until neither of us could move. Repeatedly,” Rashi states as his grin turns particularly wolfish, more than it was before on his already very lupine face.

  “So, does that mean you’re... mates?”

  Both males look at me startled. “Well, yes and no,” Jinx says.

  “We both want a female to join our mating,” Rashi explains. “It is not unusual in our species for multiple partners to be mated if that desire is truly within all of them. I have seen the way Fahuri looked at Jinx before she left the gathering. It is similar but different from how she’s looked at me. When I found out that Jinx felt the same sort of pull toward her that I do, and that we feel a bond between each other as well, I knew that the fates had ordained a special mating for us.”

  I stare at the pair, unable to wrap my mind around how quick every
thing has happened. “Are you sure, Jinx?” I ask. “Is this what you really want? We’ve only been here twenty-four hours.”

  “I am sure,” he says with a quiet solemnity that makes me draw back and really look at him. The handsome lines of his face are set as he meets my eyes. “It feels really right, Ana. I look at Fahuri and at Rashi, and I feel right. I feel like I know them and that I need to be with them in every way. It’s a compelling force. I can see why Arawl reacted as strongly as he did. I need them. This is not just lust—I know what lust is. I’ve had plenty of time to be acquainted with lust. It’s like they are a new part of me that I just can’t be without... and I never would have found if it hadn’t been for you and Arawl with all your insane planning. I think you know what I mean, even though you and Arawl want to go through with your stupid idea. It has been a very long time since either you or I has felt something real, I think. I need this, Ana. I believe we both do.”

  Rashi nods. “It is the way among our people. We know our mates. I’ve known Fahuri all my life and have known that she is my mate. I’m just waiting for her to be ready to accept me. And now, I know that Jinx is mine,” he says firmly as his eyes narrow. “I protect and keep what is mine.”

  There was a lot left unspoken in those words, so I just nod along.

  Jinx sighs and rolls his eyes at the male. “I’m not going anywhere, but I am selfish and want you here too. We just need you and Arawl to get your heads out of your asses and we can all live happily ever after.”

  I open my mouth to respond when a dark, menacing voice cuts through.

  “Why are there males in our den?” Arawl growls menacingly.

  “Ah, speaking of Mr. Delightful himself... Good morning, Arawl,” Jinx drawls cheerfully.

  Rashi winces. “I tried to tell him that males do not go into other male’s dens. We socialize in the open air rather than intrude without permission, but he insisted.”


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