The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3)

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The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3) Page 11

by S. J. Sanders

  On that note, the door swings open and Eral scowls at us from his greater height. More accurately, he is scowling mostly at me and only at Fahuri because she accompanied me to the den.

  “What do you want, Arawl? Don’t you have a portal or a mate to be guarding?” he rumbles at me.

  Eral can be a cantankerous bastard but I cross my arms over my chest, refusing to budge in response to a bit of surly attitude.

  “As you know, I have a psychic bond to the gate thanks to this lovely duty gifted upon me. I would know if anyone passed through so my direct presence is rarely needed unless someone is trying to cross so that I can open the way for them. As for my mate, she is being seen to at the moment by trusted males. That said, I think you should be more worried about the females disappearing beneath your nose than my whereabouts. That is why I am here.”

  Eral sighs, giving in surprisingly fast, and glances around before yanking me inside by my scruff. I yelp angrily and rub the tender spot after he releases me to drop onto one of the couches of the main room. He doesn’t so much as halt his stride as he paces back and forth before the hearth. I wonder how long he’s been at that. Eral is a dour male, stiff with pride and duty... and absolutely no fun, but I have never seen him attempt to wear a path in rock before as he is now. Fahuri perches beside me, her ears tipped to him though her eyes turn toward me in question. I dip my ears with uncertainty, but she seems unsatisfied with this answer because she bares her teeth at me in vexation.

  I don’t know what she expects. I am not a mind reader.

  When Eral doesn’t offer to speak after several minutes, I sigh and take up the gauntlet. “I’ve heard disturbing things since I’ve returned from the human world, brother. This is the first time in the months since we recovered the females from the Warue tribe that I’ve allowed myself the luxury to leave, and when I return, there are females missing. Two the night before the full moon and two others since. What madness is this occurring within our tribe again?”

  He shoots me a disgruntled look, but resignation and exhaustion creep into his features that are alien and out of place on his face. He runs a hand warily through his mane and drops his not insignificant weight onto the other couch.

  “How much do you know about what happened the first time?”

  I shrug, my ears dipping once more in natural mimicry of the gesture. “About as much as anyone in the tribe. No one ever did figure out how the females were transported, and they were caught off-guard and transported in their sleep, so they had no knowledge of how they arrived among the Warue. There was no sign of disturbances around our territory. They just disappeared.”

  Fahuri leans forward. “All the females give the same story. They are attending to their tasks and then an exhaustion sets in that they cannot resist. For my own part, I was in the vaults inscribing the recent births into the book of life. I remember being concerned because several females, pregnant ones too close to their delivery time, were already missing. I was worrying about the mothers and the babes. Then it felt like I descended into a deep fog that numbed my body and made every movement feel sluggish. When I woke, I was in a cell, same as the rest.”

  “There is absolutely no information, not even the smallest clue, to work with,” I add.

  Eral nods, his face pinched. “Precisely,” he growls. “Compelling power and the ability to move between the portal without alerting you or any of the guards in the village, these are the only connections we have.” He eyes me carefully. “What do you know of the alpha anointment?”

  I honestly have no idea. Lore is one of those things I never had the patience to pore over. It is honestly a good thing that I was skipped over for that particular duty in favor of Fahuri, despite it having more prestige than the portal guardian.

  “It is the power granted to an alpha when power is passed directly to him. It isn’t conferred on the secondary alpha, only on the alpha of the tribe once the mantle is passed to him by his sire on his passing and only if he successfully survives the gauntlet of betas who challenge his strength and worth. The anointing gives him influence over all members of the tribe. He can walk unseen by them, command them by the force of his will... But it takes considerable will to use the anointment and it depletes most of their energy. No reasonable alpha would do it any more than he absolutely has to. In any case, how can that even be? The anointment wouldn’t have worked on us if the Warue alpha, Mercol, attempted it. He wouldn’t have even been able to pass through our portal. Anointment would have nothing to do with it in this light,” she offers hesitantly.

  Eral stares at her stonily as the words drop quietly from his mouth. “It would if the betrayal came from our own alpha.”

  Chapter 15


  “There is no way we can prove it.” Fahuri groans, shivering uncontrollably. She doesn’t protest or deny it, though. It is not hard to imagine them doing just that if it profited them, but what could they possibly be getting in return? However, it is still a horrible shock to be forced to come to terms with the fact that they are betraying their own tribe.

  “This is why you’ve been more reticent to their will since returning from the Warue territory. You’ve known!” I accuse.

  I am angry and feel betrayed by Eral. That he knew and didn’t say anything...

  Eral shakes his head. “I’ve had my suspicions, but that was all they were until the females began disappearing against this full moon.”

  “Why would they suddenly start again now? The Warue tribe are no longer in place to act as intermediaries between them and the ogres, and I can’t see Baru or Falo getting anywhere close to an ogre’s cave,” Fahuri points out.

  I agree with her. “Baru wouldn’t be above kidnapping someone, but you are right,” I say. “I can’t see him risking dirtying his fur by stepping into the caverns leading to the ogre villages either. He is far too vain and would think it beneath him.”

  “Falo isn’t much better.” Fahuri snorts. “No, I don’t think we are going to find any answers in our village. They are too good at hiding what they do, especially if Baru is using the alpha anointment.”

  “Do you think Shava knows what is going on?” I ask hesitantly. I don’t want to think that a beloved alpha of our tribe would be in on something so deplorable. Unlike Falo’s mate, who is as hard and as aggressive as her mate, Shava embodies all the qualities that I wish Baru actually had and not just making a pretense of possessing in front of outsiders and diplomatic visitors.

  Fahuri shakes her head vehemently. “Not a chance. Shava has been involved in every part of settling the Warue female refugees who chose to settle among us and has been like a mother and good friend to most females. I can’t see her willingly doing anything that would harm any of us. She is very protective of every female and kit in our village. She knows her mate is a rotten bastard but refuses to leave his side just to make certain that she isn’t replaced with a female as brutal as he.”

  I look over at Eral. “What is your plan, brother? I am sure you have something devised.”

  Eral gives me a chilly smile. “As a matter of fact, I do. But it is dangerous and could get whoever takes on the responsibility expelled from the tribe or killed should they fail. Someone needs to leave for the northern border to look for signs of our females among the ogres. I cannot leave. I have a duty to safeguard our people, which leaves you, though I know how much you shy away from such things.”

  “I will do it,” I growl, hating more and more this male that everyone believes me to be.

  Eral’s smile turns to one of satisfaction. “Do not worry about your duties. No one will be leaving the village any time soon and there is nothing you can do as the guardian when it comes to Baru anyway.”

  I nod and stand in preparation to leave but Fahuri breaks in with a sharp laugh.

  “You are forgetting something, Eral. Arawl can’t go. He’s in the early stages of mate bonding with a divinely fated mate. He has to keep within a reasonable distance to her. If you send h
im, he will suffer incredible pain before his mind finally attacks him, convincing him that he can’t feel her presence because she is dead until madness overtakes him.”

  Eral frowns with concern and rubs his scruff. “A fated mate, after so long? I confess I hadn’t paid much attention when I heard you returned with a mate, Arawl. Fahuri is right,” he sighs. “You cannot go. I will speak among the betas to see who would be willing to lead a scouting party.”

  “I will go,” Fahuri snaps, pushing herself jerkily to her feet. “I may not be alpha female, but as an alpha and from alpha stock, I have a responsibility to the females of our village. Besides, it will be good to pound some ogre face if I get the chance,” she snarls with a malicious smile.

  “If Fahuri is going, then we’re going,” a familiar voice pipes up from the door, and I groan. That male never learns. I glare at Rashi, who stands apologetically behind Jinx. The human in question has his hands on his hips and his face fixed into a stubborn line. Ana stands beside them with wide eyes. Seeing her with them rather than in the safety of our den, I wonder which male I am going to have to allow my brother to kill and which one I get to kill.

  Surprisingly, Eral, rather than threatening dismemberment as would be his usual response to an intruder, flashes Rashi an irritated look before staring at the humans nonplussed. “Greetings, Rashi. I see you are traveling with humans today.” His eyes skim over Ana politely but fasten on Jinx. “So, this is the human my sister has been talking about,” he says, scanning him diligently.

  I am not surprised that Eral has more insight on the matter than I do. Fahuri is a sharer and living with Eral she probably shares far more than he is comfortable with. I have no doubt that my brother would be happy to see our sister happily mated and settled so he can enjoy some peace and quiet.

  Jinx smiles widely, his bravado overtaken by the absolute pleasure that breaks over his face. He is almost like an omega in that way. Not even a beta would find it easy to share their emotions like that. Betas and alphas are conditioned to be the strength of the pack, whereas omegas are more often the nurturers. Jinx, however, is an interesting blend between dominant beta and nurturing omega. It is no wonder that Ana leans on him, that Rashi finds him a pleasing counterpart, and that he’s attracted Fahuri’s interest.

  I narrow my eyes on the pair of males thoughtfully. Neither squirms under my appraisal; they meet my gaze head-on. Good. They will need to be strong if going into ogre territory. “Are you sure, Rashi, Jinx, that you are willing to travel beyond the northern border of our land to seek out the ogre caverns?”

  The males look at each other solemnly and as one they nod. “We will be honored to escort Fahuri. To protect her,” Rashi answers.

  “The nights are cold. We can even keep her warm if she would like,” Jinx adds with an inviting smile toward Fahuri.

  Her ears tilt back in embarrassment, but I can see that she is pleased by the way her mouth curves and her eyes shine. Her tail fluffs out flirtatiously before she seems to get a handle on it and tuck it back against her legs. I shake my head. We are orchestrating plans to go into dangerous territory and they are flirting.

  “Besides,” Jinx continues, “humans are smaller than werewolves and aren’t native to this land. We can probably slip into some spots unnoticed. In fact, if Ana goes, she not only has that advantage but packs some powerful magic. Not that I’m too shabby myself,” he adds with a chuckle.

  Wait. What?

  “Ana is not going,” I growl.

  “Why not?” Ana asks quietly. “If females are being randomly attacked in your village, how safe am I? Especially after Baru made his intentions crystal clear to anyone with half a brain. Should I hide in your den every day? Wouldn’t it be better to go north with them and help?” she says with a meaningful look.

  My heart plummets. I know what she means. That we help them and, once the task is done, we see to our own plans. I swallow against the lump in my throat.

  “Right,” I rumble lowly, ignoring the hard glare that Fahuri is giving me. Why is she glaring at me anyway? This is obviously what Ana wants. She can see that for herself.

  Ana pales slightly but smiles stiffly. “Then it’s settled.”

  “Yes, it seems so,” I reply woodenly.

  Eral looks back and forth between us with a suspicious frown before narrowing his eyes on Fahuri, who is making no secret at all of her displeasure with me. I have no doubt that as soon as we are gone that he will be grilling our sister for answers, as the humans would say.

  “Excellent,” Eral says at length. “You have the rest of the day and tomorrow to rest and prepare and get the rest of the heat out of your systems. I will escort you personally out of the village after sundown. If anyone asks, I will just tell them that I am sending a scouting team to investigate the situation along the northern border. I am responsible for such things, so no one will think to question it. I cannot send many of my betas with you without arousing suspicion, but I have a small team of five who will accompany you. I will let them know to prepare for departure. Now, get out,” he growls.

  “Maybe Fahuri would like me to help her pack,” Jinx suggests with a mischievous smile. Fahuri yips out a pleased laugh, not even trying to stifle it this time.

  “I think I have endured enough of this. I am heading out,” Eral grumbles. “If Fahuri wants your assistance that is completely up to her. Just don’t do anything that I will be forced to smell when I return.”

  Jinx places an offended hand on his chest, feigning a playful innocence, while Rashi nudges him with a secretive smile that he shares with Fahuri. She returns it slowly and I decide that I am not interested in remaining a second longer. Let them pass their final moments in relative safety as they like. I really don’t want to know about it.

  I step around them and nudge Ana gently. She looks up at me, startled, and I dare rejection by stretching a hand out to her. To my surprise, her face softens, and she takes it gently.

  “Let’s go home,” I say quietly.

  She inclines her head in agreement and we slip out of the den. I am eager to get her back in mine. It feels like time is now running out on us and I want to spend all of today and tonight building memories that will have to last me the rest of my life.

  We barely make it through the door when I scoop her into my arms. She giggles and leans pliantly against me as I carry her through our den to our nesting room. I drop her gently on the bed and the only movement she makes is to stretch her limbs leisurely, her eyes flaring with heat as her eyelids close to half-mast. She is the very image of a seductive goddess, and my cock, which has been in a state of interest since waking, swells so abruptly that it pushes out from its sheath eagerly. Ana eyes it and licks her lips.

  Keeping my hips well away from her grasp, I grab her skirt in my hands with a devilish grin. “I do believe this must go for what I have planned.”

  Her throaty laughter fills the room as she lifts her hips and allows me to peel it, and the rest of her clothing, off her. By the time the corset and blouse are removed, I am so worked up that I fall upon her and her sighs and moans of pleasure are all I hear as she becomes the whole world to me for this short time.

  There is only Ana with her sounds and flavors, and I devour her like a male starved.

  Chapter 16


  I wake up groggy, my body pleasantly sore, with a heavy arm draped over my chest. Arawl’s fur tickles my nose and I smile to myself. As I lie there beside him, I allow myself to pretend that this is the way I will always wake up, next to him and in his arms. It is a nice fantasy, one that has me snuggling more comfortably against him.

  His arms reflexively tighten around me, and his furry tail resting against my thigh twitches. As good as this feels, we cannot stay in bed all day. The room is already lit up from the window above. It’s already late into the morning. There’s too much to do before we leave tonight, especially since we spent the majority of yesterday in bed... more or less. In any case, there’s somet
hing we haven’t talked about since we were occupied much of the day once we left Fahuri.

  “Arawl,” I say into his fur, one finger gently poking at his belly, “wake up.”

  He snorts, grumbles, and curls tighter around me until I feel like I’m practically wearing him. I’m cocooned in Arawl. I can’t complain much; it’s so much warmer snuggled into him than it is exposed to the chill morning air. The only problem is that this isn’t being productive.

  “Come on. We really need to get up,” I insist.

  “I think where I am right now is the better idea,” he mumbles. He pries one emerald eye open and looks down at me. “I should tell you that following the full moon, usually rest and recovery are the norm for us.”

  “Okay, but not everyone has to go and foil dastardly villains first thing after three days of marathon sex. However, we signed up for this. Now get up,” I hiss as I brace my arms and push against his chest with all my strength. He doesn’t slide, not even a little. Not only does he not slide, his body doesn’t even give in a subtle rocking motion. Nothing. He’s like a lump of granite. He does, however, lift his head, both ears tilted toward me curiously, and stare down at me.

  “What are you doing?”

  I grin up at him. “Trying to move you.”

  An ear twitches. “And you hoped to move me where, exactly?”

  “So close to the edge of the bed that you feel your ass hanging off. That disruption of balance is very persuasive for waking someone up. You’re too fucking heavy though,” I grumble. “Couldn’t get even an inch.”

  Arawl grins and tucks his muzzle down closer. “You are looking for inches, Ana?”

  Oh boy...

  The temptation to linger in bed and play weighs on me. I’m not going to lie. All it takes is even the suggestion, and my body is readying itself to go. But I was also one hundred percent honest with him too. We don’t have time to lounge in bed all day. Choices, choices.


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