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Sweetest Sin: Bad Boy Bundle

Page 66

by Delilah Wilde

  “You see that?” I said, “That's money.” Savannah rolled her eyes.

  “Dane, you're being pathetic,” she said, but the guard shushed her. I had him. Security were never paid well. I knew, because one of the many odd jobs I'd had before I'd made it big was in security. This guy was desperate for cash and I took full advantage, “I only carry hundred dollar bills, and by the looks of this stack I have a lot of them.”

  “Yeah, you do,” he said quietly, his eyes transfixed. It didn't seem like that long ago that a few thousand dollars had been a lot of money to me. Now it was chump change and the chump I was hoping to short change was right in front of me.

  “What do we say I let you keep this handcrafted leather wallet and all its contents, eh Tim? Would that appeal to you?” I asked. Savannah was fuming now. I wanted to laugh but I held it in. I hadn't sealed the deal yet.

  “Yes it would Sir, that would be amazing,” he said, “I'd be very grateful.”

  “Dane! Stop this, it's cruel! Come on Tim, let's go,” Savannah grabbed his arm but the guy wouldn't budge. I was winning all right. Maybe it was cruel, but I was enjoying myself and that was all that mattered to me.

  “How grateful would you be Tim? Would you be so grateful that you'd do something for me? A little favor?” I asked. He nodded.

  “Of course Sir, anything you want!” he said and I knew he meant it. I could have asked for a kidney and the guy would have given it to me.

  “That's great. How about instead of taking this young lady out, I take her out instead and you take the wallet home? That way everyone's a winner!” I said. Savannah's state of anger rapidly evolved into total and complete rage.

  “You fucking dickhead, what kind of guy do you take him for?” she asked. Tim gave her an apologetic look.

  “I'm sorry Savannah, you're really nice and all but I've been wanting to buy a new TV for the longest time,” he said, then he looked at me. I tossed him the wallet while Savannah looked on in mortification. Her face was absolutely priceless. I knew already that the bribe had been worth every penny.

  Tim scurried off with the wallet before I could change my mind or Savannah could yell at him. The two of us were left alone.

  She was breathing heavy like a bull, her pretty eyes narrowed into glaring slits. I was in for it and I couldn't say that I didn't deserve it. I expected her to yell but she spoke quietly, through gritted teeth.

  “What. The fuck. Is wrong with you,” she said, but it sounded more like a statement than a question. I shrugged and pulled a pack of cigarettes from the back of my pocket.

  “Wanna smoke?” I asked. She shook her head and continued to glare at me while I lit up, “Are you sure? It might make you less hysterical.”

  “I'm not being hysterical!” she yelled hysterically, “You just paid a guy not to date me you fucking jackass!”

  “So? You only wanted to date him to make me jealous,” I said. I sounded certain though I wasn't entirely sure. If there was one thing I knew from acting it was that if you weren't sure, you had to fake it. I just hoped that I was right. Savannah snorted at my statement.

  “To make you jealous? Look mister movie star, I'm not sure what your people are telling you but the world actually doesn't revolve around you. I don't give a shit if you're jealous or not. That's not my problem. In fact, you're not my problem. My actions have nothing to do with you whatsoever because I don't even think about you!” she insisted. Somehow, I doubted she was telling the whole truth. Why would she be here if that was the case? Obviously there was some interest there, even if it was only morbid fascination.

  “So you admit you know who I am? Finally,” I said and she blushed again. I'd been sure when we'd fucked that Savannah had been totally oblivious to my notoriety. Maybe I'd been mistaken after all. “I know who you are now. I didn't the night we met. I wouldn't lie about that,” she said. Her tone was genuine but she quickly remembered that she hated my guts, “If I'd known who you were I would have left sooner and been a lot better off.”

  “Ouch,” I said, though I wondered if it was true for both of us. This chick was making me feel things and I didn't like it. Still, I never could resist playing with fire, “Anyway, are you done having a hissy fit? Because my car's parked two blocks over.”

  She sighed.

  “You don't understand women at all, do you Dane?” she said. It was a fair point but then again, what man did? I understood how to get them to drop their panties for me and that was all that mattered.

  “I think I understood you pretty well. I know you like when I suck your clit and finger your pussy,” I said. She bit her lip and I knew I had her.

  “Shut up. I wouldn't set foot in your stupid fancy car if you paid me a million bucks! Not now, not ever!” she insisted.

  Still, I had a way of getting women to do what I wanted...


  Dane was going to drive me home but there would be absolutely no funny business whatsoever. At first I had flat out refused to even take a ride from him, but he got around me. Besides, my feet were starting to hurt in my high heeled boots. What was the problem with taking a ride with him anyway? Yes, he was a complete jerk but at least he wasn't a stranger. In all likelihood he probably wouldn't murder me and dump my body in a river. That would be bad publicity. I was totally safe. At least I would be, as long as I didn't succumb to any advances. That wouldn't be an issue, I decided. My willpower was too strong and sexy as he was, Dane just wasn't sexy enough to break it. He had parked his car in a supermarket parking lot a few blocks away from the movie theater. We somehow managed to get there without anyone recognizing him.

  “Why did you park here?” I asked, in regards to his bizarre choice. His custom painted Porsche looked ridiculous in a lot full of Minivans and SUVs. I was surprised nobody had tried to steal it. “This place does the best taco sauce so I picked some up on the way,” he clicked his key so that the doors locked, “I bought some eggs too. I don't usually eat breakfast but I figured you might want something in the morning.”

  I rolled my eyes and got into the car.

  “Ha ha ha. So you think because I slept with you once that I'm fair game? Well you're wrong. You can take me home and I can get in by myself, thanks,” I said. He started up the car without saying anything but he still had that stupid smirk on his face.

  “So, how long are you going to pretend that it's not exciting to be talking to a movie star for?” he said, not taking his eyes off the road. Christ, it really was true what they said about Hollywood types. This guy was a piece of work. He was even more of an idiot than I had given him credit for. “I know you're in movies, but I wouldn't call you a star,” I said. He seemed pleased by this. “Why's that? Because I'm so down to earth?” he said. I shook my head.

  “No, because stars are usually talented.”

  “Jeez Blondie, I see you haven't lost your edge. You seemed pretty happy with my performance the night I stayed at your place,” he quipped. Damn it, he had me there. Why did I have to be so damn vocal during sex?

  “My name's not Blondie and don't flatter yourself. I can be a pretty good actress when I want to be,” I retorted. My orgasm had been one hundred percent genuine and incredible, but he didn't need to know that. It was fun to see some real doubt on his face for once. However, it was soon replaced with his signature cocky smile.

  “Nah, you loved every second of it baby. Don't lie to me.”

  “Don't call me baby,” I said, “And please talk about something else or just let me get out here. I'm tired of listening to you.”

  Dane rolled his eyes at me but he stopped talking about sex. In fact, he stopped talking altogether. He drove in silence, staring straight ahead. Part of me enjoyed the welcome break from his obnoxious comments, but the other part of me was disappointed. In a weird way, I liked hearing what he had to say.

  “Are you hungry?” Dane asked after a while. That was not what I was expecting him to say. With perfect timing, my stomach gave a low grumble. My day had
been tiring and if I was being honest, I was starving. I needed food pronto. I wasn't about to admit that to him.

  “No, I'm fine.”

  “Savannah, your stomach is making really weird noises. Just admit you're hungry, will ya?” he said. His tone became deeper, more serious, “Look, I know I annoy you, but why don't I make it up to you with dinner? I'm starving and I always feel weird going out to eat by myself.”

  That was strange too. No man I'd had a one night stand with had ever asked me out for dinner. In fact no man had offered to buy me dinner in my entire life thus far without wanting to fuck me. Dane was obviously ready for round two. Well, he could forget about that. I was quite happy to burst his bubble.

  “I'm not fucking you again, Dane.”

  He wasn't finished pushing his luck just yet.

  “All right, no dinner and no fucking. Just a quick blow job then,” he smirked. I gave him a hard nudge.

  “You're so disrespectful! How do the directors and actors put up with you?” I said. Dane grinned. “Baby, when you're this famous you can act however you want and people deal with it. It's great that way,” he put his hand on my knee and I felt my whole body tingle, “You should try it sometime. I'd bet you'd make a great actress.”

  The thought made me laugh. I was as much an actress as Dane was a gentleman. The thought of being famous held absolutely no appeal to me, unless it was for the clothes I designed. That kind of fame was different.

  “Ugh, no way. I'd hate that!” I said. It was true. Dane was surprised. He clearly hadn't heard someone react so negatively to the idea anymore.

  “Really? Jeez, you really are an oddball. I've never come across a hot young girl who didn't want to be an actress or singer or model or dancer or a mixture of the three,” he said. I shrugged it off, wondering how many models, singers, dancers and actresses that Dane had slept with.

  “Yeah well, I'm not like everyone else. I'm special,” I said. Dane nodded.

  “I can agree with that,” he said, “So if you don't want to model, don't want to sing and don't want to act or dance, what do you want to do? Save the whales or something?”

  He was mocking me and I hadn't even told him yet. What a great guy. Somehow answering his question with 'fashion design' didn't seem any less silly than the whale’s thing. I was under no illusions that it was a hard industry to break into. Most people laughed at me when I told them about my ambitions. It usually didn't bother me, but I knew that if Dane did it would.

  “Yeah, like you care. You're just mocking me.”

  “No, I do care and I'm not mocking, I'm just playing around. I'm genuinely curious. What's your ambition in life?” he asked. I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell a lie. If I told him that I was an engineer or an architect or a scientist he might take me seriously. In the end I knew that I had to tell the truth.

  “I want to have my own clothing label,” I said, as confidently as I could muster. The words still sounded silly coming from my mouth. To my surprise, he didn't laugh at me. He didn't say anything at all, “It might sound silly to you, but I work very hard and I am talented. Very talented actually. So if when I get the right break someday...if I get the right break someday it might actually happen.” “I don't think it's silly,” he said, “I can't really judge anyway. I'm an actor. It's not exactly the most traditional career route.”

  “I guess not.”

  “You know I could probably hook you up with some people who could help you out there. I mean, if your stuff is shit they won't be able to do anything for you but if they like it it might help you a bit,” he said. I held my breath. Had he really just offered me my big break, just like that? Dane dressed well but he didn't seem like a very fashion conscious guy. Would he really have the connections I needed? He was famous. Very famous. He probably had designers from all over the world wanting him to be seen wearing their stuff. It would be great publicity for anyone. They'd probably help him out in exchange for having their suit worn on the red carpet.

  I felt dizzy all of a sudden. It was all too much for me to handle.

  “That's really nice of you Dane, but it's all right,” I heard myself say, “I have to do this myself.”

  “I know, and you would be doing it by yourself. It doesn't hurt to get a helping hand every now and then, you know. Actresses suck director's dicks for roles all the time before they make it big. Fuck, some of them do it even after their big break. It's no big deal,” he said. Ah, so that was what he meant. His offer of help was totally conditional. My mother had always said that there was no such thing as a free lunch. It was only in that moment that I realized how right she really was. Dane would help me, but only on the condition that I sucked his dick or did god only knew what for him. “Ah, you really think I'm that easy to manipulate? God, you're the fucking worst, Dane. You think you can get me into bed because you're famous. When that doesn't work you think you can get me into bed because I'm desperate to be successful,” I said. Dane's mouth opened.

  “No, I didn't mean it that way. I was just using it as an example.”

  “Yeah well, I've had plenty of examples of what kind of person you are and I'm not fucking interested. Not for all of the money and opportunities in the world,” I said, “Stop the car now and let me out!”

  “Can you calm your tits? I'm like a block away from your place!” he snapped. There was no way that I could put up with him any longer, even if it was only for another block. I would end up slapping him.

  “If you don't stop the car now I'll jump out of it!” I said. It sounded extreme but I wasn't lying. I needed to get away and I needed to get away now.

  “Jesus! OK, you're fucking crazy so I'll stop,” he said, pulling the car to a screeching halt. As soon as I stepped out the door a flash nearly blinded me. A bunch of men with cameras had appeared from nowhere.

  “How do you know Dane?” One yelled.

  “How long have you been sleeping together? How do you feel about his reputation as a ladies man?”

  “Miss, we're prepared to offer you an exclusive!”

  They were gathered around in such away that I couldn't budge. I couldn't escape. It was like being in a parallel universe. All I could do was stand there, my feet frozen to the ground in shock. Suddenly a hand grabbed mine and I was pulled back into Dane's car. I shut the door as fast as I could and he sped away, the paparazzi cameras flashing violently behind us.

  “I'm sorry about that,” he said, “I don't know how they found us.”

  Driving a Porsche around town didn't exactly help us to appear inconspicuous. I didn't even know that we had paparazzi in our town. I turned to Dane.

  “Why did they want pictures of me? They were asking so many questions,” I said. He nodded, a frown on his face.

  “They tend to do that. I'm sorry. They always want to know who it is that I'm fucking. It's really stupid,” he glanced back in the rear view mirror, “They don't seem to be tailing us but you never know with them.”

  “They want to know who you're fucking? But you're not fucking me, I told you that!”

  Dane groaned in exasperation.

  “I know that but they don't. As far as they're concerned you're the hot news story. I don't know what kind of shitty publications consider the women I'm fucking to be news but there you go sweet cheeks. That's how they work,” he said, before begrudgingly adding, “You could probably get your own reality show now if you wanted.”

  Was he serious? This was all so unreal, but he spoke as if this had happened to him a thousand times before. Those photographers had spoken to me like I was a star. A star they were determined to get a story out of. I had hated every second of it.

  “I don't want a reality show!” I said. The idea of it was horrific. Imagine being followed around 24/7 without being given a shred of privacy. It was inhumane. Dane smiled.

  “Christ, you would never fit in in Hollywood. There isn't a person there who wouldn't give their left kidney for a chance at fame,” he said, “You really don't have an
y interest? Not even getting the chance to wear nice dresses and go to award ceremonies and shit?”

  “I wear nice dresses anyway and I watch award shows on TV. All I want is to be left alone!” I insisted. Dane gave a low whistle. Had he really not met a girl who didn't want to be the next superstar? I found it hard to believe.

  “You really are something else baby,” he said. I wished he wouldn't insist on using his stupid pet names on me. It made me think that was what he called all of his girls. For all I knew he did. Even the paparazzo had called him a ladies man. The last thing I aspired to was to be a notch on some stupid movie star's expensive belt.

  “Don't call me baby. I want to go home,” I said, “It was nice of you to help me out there, but please. Just take me home Dane.”

  Dane shook his head.

  “That's a bad idea.”

  “A bad idea? What the fuck are you talking about?” I said. I hated the authoritarian tone in which he spoke to me, like I was beneath him. Well, I wasn't some silly young groupie.

  “Savannah, this is a small town. I guarantee that the paparazzi will be waiting for us when we get to your place,” he said, “It's just not safe.”

  “I don't believe you!” I said, “You just want me to go home with you so we can fuck again.” Dane rolled his eyes.

  “Don't flatter yourself, princess. I'm trying to help you out here but obviously that means nothing to you. Let's go to yours and see what happens,” he said. I nodded contemptuously. Hopefully when I got out of the car I would never have to see that stupid, handsome face again. Paparazzi in my neighborhood? What a joke.


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