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Weapons of Mass Seduction

Page 21

by Lori Bryant-Woolridge

  “This is the hottest spot in the city,” Nico declared. The two sat shoulder to shoulder, sipping their wine and enjoying the colorful spectacle of the setting sun. After two glasses, Nico put his arm around Becca and stroked her neck as they watched the violet blue sky turn dark over the lake. Becca sat in blissful awe, luxuriating in Nico’s presence and listening to the soothing lap of the lake waves. It was the perfect sensory blend of touch, sight, and sound, and Becca had never seen, nor could she have imagined, such a perfectly dreamy setting.

  “So, gorgeous, I’ve been wanting to tell you something all night,” Nico said, turning to face her.


  “Those lips of yours are driving me crazy. May I?” he asked, leaning in so their foreheads touched but progressing no further. She could smell the wine as his warm breath gently misted her face. She grinned, knowing right then that he was special. Unlike Gil or Mike, Nico had asked permission to kiss her. He hadn’t simply assumed it was okay, and Becca was touched by his thoughtfulness.

  In lieu of a verbal response, Becca brought her lips to his, timidly kissing him, hoping she was doing it right. Did lips have muscle memory? She tried to recall the kisses she’d shared with Gil at the Crème de la Crème. Becca mimicked his movements, and added a few of her own.

  He returned her kiss with the practiced expertise of a sexual vagabond. Nico showered her face with soft, fluttery kisses as he pulled the elastic band from her ponytail, freeing her hair. He pulled away long enough to entangle his hands in Becca’s mane, using his fingers to comb gently through her hair.

  Brushing a wayward lock from her face, Nico began nibbling at her ears and neck. Using his body weight, he gently pushed her back on the blanket, positioning their torsos until they were on their sides, lying belly to belly. The concrete was hard, but after Nico’s long, toe-curling kiss Becca felt as if she were floating and ceased to notice. His kisses continued to release the tension in Becca’s body, leaving her increasingly relaxed and receptive.

  “You really are beautiful,” he whispered, his breath on her ears feeling like butterfly wings. “I’m so glad you found me. It’s like we were meant to be together today.”

  Becca melted under his touch and sensitive words. A slight moan escaped her mouth as he nibbled and sucked on her lower lip. She felt his hands caress her neck, shoulders, and back. And, not sure exactly what to do, she mirrored his actions. It soon became apparent that though inexperienced, she was still effective, as she could feel Nico’s hardness pressing against her leg.

  Nico’s hands migrated to her breasts. Through the silky fabric of her bathing suit he massaged her nipples until they were hard and stood at attention. He gently nipped them with his teeth before slipping the straps down her arms far enough to expose her breasts to the newborn moonlight.

  “Your breasts are beautiful.”

  “Wait.” Becca insisted in a breathless whisper, sitting up. Her list of lovers was a short and undistinguished one, and even though her body was begging to continue, she was hesitant. Shouldn’t they spend more time together before they had sex? More than anything, Becca was afraid of Nico’s reaction when he learned that her come-hither walk and talk was more an act than a lifestyle.

  “What, gorgeous? Tell me what’s wrong?”

  “I haven’t…well…it’s just that I haven’t done this much and, well…what if someone sees us?”

  “Don’t worry. Nobody is going to see us way out here. And on the very off chance that somebody does, they’ll just think that I’m one lucky dude,” he told her while massaging her breasts.

  “I’m not sure we should do this,” she said, trying to maintain her focus.

  “Don’t you like me?”


  “Good, because I like you. Let me show you how much,” he lobbied before replacing his hands with his mouth. He sucked and licked her nipples individually before pushing them together and devouring both in one mouthful. It was an action designed to shake any residual apprehensions, and judging from the aroused moans and close-eyed, dreamy look on Becca’s face, it had done its job. She no longer had the power or the desire to resist him.

  Craving skin-on-skin contact, Nico once again pulled away, this time to quickly unbutton and remove his shirt and pants. Stripped down to his bathing trunks, he lay on top of her, his mouth and hands moving wildly over the length of Becca’s body. And after awakening every nerve ending between her head and toes, Nico slipped his hand under her skirt, pushed her swimsuit to the side, and let his fingers explore her inner woman. He fingered her gently, judging the scope of her desire by her body movements and vocalizations.

  Becca, feeling wet and ready, remembered the condom Cris had given her. What should she do? Her body was on fire and, looking at Nico’s face contorted with such intense pleasure, she wondered if she really wanted to ruin their first time together with talk of safe sex? She’d just finished her period so she was sure pregnancy was not an issue, but what about all the other stuff? Was there really any harm in doing it unprotected just this one time?

  Always trust your gut. Safe is sexy, so be smart. Pia’s advice raced through Becca’s head.

  “Nico, I have a condom,” she cooed in his ear.

  “You came prepared. You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you?” Nico said, taking the condom from her and quickly putting it on. Within seconds he was back to grinding his pelvis slowly into hers. Nico continued to tease her with his tongue, hands, and penis, his words acting as an additional aphrodisiac for both of them.

  Unable to hold out any longer, Nico slowly penetrated Becca, letting the tip of his engorged penis slip and slide in the juices of her desire. With each thrust he went deeper, enjoying the rub of every crease and crevice of her vagina.

  Nico covered Becca’s mouth with his and he reached down between her legs and wet a fingertip with her juices. While he pumped her, Nico massaged Becca’s clitoris into orgasmic frenzy.

  She swallowed her screams of pleasure while her body erupted into wave after wave of her first orgasm. Nico continued to ride her, his pace becoming more frantic as he approached his own orgasm. Becca looked at him and saw that his eyes were closed and his face was contorted and tense as he rode his way to ejaculation before collapsing on top of her.

  “Oh my God, that was amazing,” he declared, and kissed her on her forehead.

  Becca smiled, thrilled that she had pleased Nico. Snuggled up to his body, she listened to the sounds of the waves and tried to dissect what had just taken place. She didn’t feel as she’d expected she would. She had successfully seduced the hottest guy in Chicago, had lusty, adventurous sex, and despite her inexperience had managed to satisfy him to the point of being called amazing, and yet Becca didn’t feel like a winner. She didn’t understand. Nico had made all the right moves, said all the right things, and brought her to her first rip-roarin’ orgasm, but something was still missing.

  It wasn’t until Becca was at home curled up in her own bed that she realized what that something was. Not once this evening had Nico called her by name.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Pia climbed into the cool conditioned air of Flo’s Navigator, happy to be out of the grueling July heat. She’d flown to Dallas from Houston, where she’d been all week, overseeing production on a cable special featuring Beyoncé Knowles. Florence had generously offered to meet her at the airport so they could spend the afternoon together.

  “Flo, you really didn’t have to pick me up. I could have easily booked a car and met you at the hotel.”

  “That’s not how we do things here in Texas. We take care of family,” Flo said with a wink. “Besides, if you think I’m gonna be hoppin’ on anybody’s subway when I get to New York this fall, you’ve got another thing comin’, missy. Becca and I are expectin’ the royal treatment.”

  “Done. And speaking of Becca, have you talked to her?” Pia asked.

  “Not in a while. What’s that girl gotten her pretty panties in a twist
about this time?”

  “She called me to ask for advice. She’s fallen in total lust with some bartender.”

  “Well, that didn’t take long.” Pia filled her in on the romantic adventures of their young friend, and to Pia’s surprise, Flo listened but spoke very little.

  “Looks like whatever she picked up at the workshop is paying off, though in some ways she seems more confused than ever,” Pia concluded.

  “You know, that WMS workshop went a lot deeper than just teachin’ us how to bat our eyelashes. Seems the more we tap into the sensual side of ourselves, the more confused we get. On one hand we’re feelin’ all confident and lusty, but on the other hand those feelin’s are makin’ our lives hella complicated.”

  “I know mine is, but how so with yours?”

  “When you live in the moment, you start really noticin’ how much life has to offer. Makes you start lookin’ at your own,” Flo explained as she eased onto the highway. “I’m tryin’ to figure out how I got so comfortable livin’ such a small life. I mean, to some folks it might look pretty big—big house, big car, big social life—but really I’m just livin’ large in a really tiny world.”

  “It’s the whole big fish, small pond syndrome.”

  “Yeah, but it’s when you start wantin’ to swim the ocean that things get crazy,” Flo said wistfully. “Suddenly the fishbowl, even if it is an aquarium, just isn’t enough anymore. But enough of this sad-sack crap. How you and that baby doin’? You have to look for it, but I saw that little bump.”

  “I know. It’s hard to believe that I’m almost five and a half months along.”

  “Is he movin’ yet?”

  “I think I felt a little flutter or two, but I’m not really sure. It’s kind of creepy and mind-blowing all at the same time. And I don’t know the sex, so my secretary refers to the baby as Pomegranate or Pom for short.”

  “Sounds like one of those Hollywood baby names.”

  “Her thought exactly.”

  “It also sounds like a nickname a daddy should be comin’ up with.”

  “You sound just like my mother. When she saw the picture of me and Valen in the New York Post after the Reston Walker event, she almost flipped. It took me two weeks to convince her that he is not the father.

  “She doesn’t talk about the baby other than to ask how I’m feeling, but she’ll ask me about any guy she thinks I might have even said hello to. She’s ready to hook me up with anyone, just so long as I’m married before the baby is born.”

  “She’ll come around.” Flo predicted. “Have you told the senator?”


  “So you don’t plan to?”

  “I haven’t decided,” Pia answered, concentrating on the Dallas landscape whizzing by her.

  “Well, darlin’, wait much longer and he’ll figure it out for himself. You can’t keep this a secret forever. I’m surprised he hasn’t noticed the bump yet.”

  “He’s never seen me naked.”

  Flo’s eyes left the road long enough for her to frown at Pia in disbelief.

  “Why are you surprised? Remember me? I’m the one who’s only had sex once in five years,” Pia cracked. “I told him I was celibate. Look, he’s never around and I’m still traveling too. Since our date on the Empire State Building I’ve seen him twice—once at the Walker event and then again for our private book club meeting. It’s been a month since then.”

  “What kind of relationship is that?”

  “A lovely friendship that suits both our purposes at the moment. We talk on the phone at least once every day and e-mail even more. But actually seeing each other is complicated. Valen doesn’t need to be distracted by any press scrutiny over his private life, and frankly, even though I can’t stop thinking about sex now, I’m content to avoid the physical aspect of our relationship. We’re both perfectly happy being pals.”

  “Maybe you can convince your mama of that load of crap, but sugar, this is me you’re talkin’ to. You’ve been blubberin’ for weeks about this man. Even Stevie Wonder could see how far gone you are, and now you’re tryin’ to convince me of this horse manure? Girls in love aren’t satisfied with just phone calls and occasional visits—at least not for long. ’Specially when they aren’t even conjugal visits,” Flo said as she pulled into the parking lot of the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Dallas and turned off the engine.

  “First off, nobody on this side of the car used the L-word. I am just enjoying the feeling of dating and having an interesting man in my life again. Valen and I have the perfect romantic friendship. More than just buds, but none of that messy love stuff.”

  “And that’s enough?”

  “I know it sounds silly, but I love being wooed again. I love that Valen sends me flowers and cards and silly little e-mails to let me know he’s thinking about me. I love watching him on television and allowing myself the tiniest moment of pride, even though sometimes I’m in total opposition to his politics.” Pia smiled through her tears. “And I love that he cares about the country and the world. He has passion for lots of things, especially his work and me. I’ve missed that so much, so even if I can only have it for a couple months, it’s worth it. I’ll store the memories and the feelings, and when I’m up at three A.M. nursing, I’ll let my heart feed off those recollections.”

  Flo listened to her friend and wondered if Pia could hear herself talking out of both sides of her mouth. She could deny her feelings for Valen—hell, maybe she really didn’t even realize their intensity, but it was clear as the beans in chili that the girl was in love.

  “Sorry about the waterfall. Hormones,” Pia explained, wiping away her tears. “I cry at dog food commercials these days.”

  “Pia, I know all about bittersweet,” Flo admitted, dropping her comedy mask long enough for Pia to see her pain.

  “Like you were wishin’ for a baby, I was wishin’ that Dan would come home and want me again and our marriage would go on just like it had. Well, I got my wish and now I don’t know if it’s what I want.”

  “Did he change that much while he was gone?”

  “He didn’t, but I did. Hell, at fifty-three years old and after twenty-six years of marriage, all of a sudden I’m horny as a toad. Me, with the grandma bras! Who had seen that comin’?”

  “I saw it in San Francisco when you were flirting with that dentist,” Pia teased.

  “I have to tell you somethin’ I can’t even tell Miriam. Sometimes at night, when Dan’s snorin’ away, I lay there thinkin’, What would my life look like if I hadn’t asked him to come back? And then like you said, I let my heart feed off the memories of what it felt like when Dr. Clay Bickford was lookin’ in my eyes and makin’ me feel like he just wanted to gobble me up.”

  “Call him.”

  “I’ve thought about it, but no. I mean, what would be the point? I am married and I’m tryin’ to make that work. I owe it to myself and to Dan. But sometimes I can’t help but wonder.”

  “Sounds like we really are in the same boat,” Pia remarked.

  “Yeah, so let’s stop rowin’ for a minute and go have lunch before you have to get back to the airport,” Flo said as she checked her face in the mirror before opening the car door. “We can get you a glass of milk and me a martini and I’ll tell you how I was flirtin’ my big behind off a couple weeks ago.”


  “Don’t sound so surprised, sugar. I bagged me two prize steer and won five dollars to boot.”

  “Girl, you’re dangerous,” Pia said, both stunned and amused.

  “As Joey would say, downright nuclear!”

  Pia touched down at LaGuardia airport at 9:36 P.M., and by 10:25 was home lying back in her bathtub, covered in rose-scented bubbles. She was exhausted. Traveling and baby-making was hard work. Pia planned to finish her warm, leisurely bath, read her nightly section of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, then kick back and relax until sleep demanded her body’s full attention.

  She sunk farther into the sudsy wa
ter and, as it was prone to do these days, her mind drifted to Valen. She knew from his earlier e-mail that after a grueling day of campaigning he still had a long night of glad-handing and speech-making ahead of him. She didn’t anticipate hearing from him until tomorrow morning. In the six weeks they’d been “buddying around” together, it had become an endearing routine for her to wake up each morning to an e-mail or phone call or both.

  For the zillionth time, her imagination drifted back to the exact moment their lips first touched. There was something magically delicious about Valen’s kiss, and no matter how many times she thought about it, it still had the same impact and produced the same chain reaction—a lip-biting smile, a belly-warming sensation, and the immediate craving for another and another and another.

  Pia lifted her hand from the soapy water to caress her mouth, reactivating the electric residue of Valen’s lips. Of the thousands of kisses Pia had received in her lifetime, never had a man kissed her with such a soul-connecting quality. And never had a kiss made her so curious to know a man from his core.

  The time was quickly approaching for Pia to make a decision about Valen. She was either going to have to break it off or let him know about the baby. Pia rubbed her slightly protruding tummy, noting that either way, she had only a few weeks left before her secret was revealed to the world.

  The phone rang, bringing Pia back into the moment. She shook the water from her right hand and reached over to pick up the receiver.

  “Hey,” Valen said. His voice sounded strained.

  “Hey. I was just sitting here thinking about you.”


  Pia’s concern level immediately shot way up. Usually, no matter how tired, Valen would respond with some kind of remark that was equally endearing and suggestive. But tonight, despite the usual fatigue that lay beneath every conversation, she could hear a weariness that went beyond exhaustion.


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