The Cinderella Rules
Page 29
Darby squeezed his hand when he swore under his breath. And here he’d thought his whole world had already been turned on its ass. Had Alexandra never intended to do anything wrong? Had she merely gotten herself in over her head? It was hard for him to fathom her getting herself in a position where she didn’t have the upper hand at all times. Impossible really. “So now what do we do?”
“Does Dad know about all this?” Darby asked. “Wait a minute . . . if you never told him I was here, then that means he thinks you’ve been here all along. Not in Brazil.” She smacked her palm on her thigh. “Shit, Pepper, does he even know you’re working this case?”
She huffed out a sigh and looked a little defensive. “No, okay? He just thinks I’m here helping him out by playing hostess. I told you, he doesn’t want me involved. When he asked me for help here, I could hardly tell him I was already involved, could I? He . . . he has no idea.”
“Oh, great. And when he finds out you’ve dragged me into this, to cover for you, won’t that make for a lovely family reunion. I swear, Pepper, what were you thinking?”
“I just needed someone here until I could get out of Rio. I didn’t know this would happen! And . . . well, I wanted you and Dad to see each other. And, honestly, Darby, how was I to know you’d go and get all involved? Stefan isn’t a threat—or he wasn’t when I asked you to help.”
Darby shuddered. “I don’t know about that. Have you actually met the guy?”
“No. But he’s not interested in you. Or me. He’s just biding time until Dad gets here. You were just supposed to hang out with him. I knew I’d be here before anything important went down.”
Darby shook her head in disgust and stood up. “Fine, then. Have at it. I’m done.”
“No!” she said, alarmed. “First off, you’re going to see Dad with me, Dar. I didn’t get you all this close for that to blow up.”
“Oh, it’s going to blow up anyway! Do you honestly think he’s going to be in a receptive mood when he finds out what we’ve been up to, hm?”
“Darby, come on,” she said, wheedling. “Besides, you’re in this now.” She looked at Shane. “Both of you. We need you.”
“Just who in the hell is we?” Darby demanded. “I think I have a right to know at this point.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“But it’s not Interpol.” Darby waved off her reply and scrubbed her hand over her face before sinking back onto the love seat next to Shane. “I cannot believe I’m even having this conversation.”
Pepper perched on the edge of the chair. “It’s going to be okay. I think I have a plan.”
Darby laughed, sounding only semihysterical as she threw up her hands, then let them slap against her thighs. “Oh. Well, then. No need to worry. Your plan has been working out swimmingly thus far.”
Shane pulled her resistant body against him. His gut was in a knot and a million thoughts were swimming through his brain. He had no idea what Alexandra’s real involvement had been, and the only way he’d ever find out was to nail Stefan. Or help Pepper and company nail him. He wasn’t even sure why it mattered to him so much. But the fact was, his grandmother had been in trouble, deep trouble from the sound of things. And though it made absolutely no sense, it burned his gut to know that she hadn’t had anyone to turn to. “Why don’t we give her a shot,” he suggested quietly.
Pepper beamed at him. “Yes. Thank you.”
“I’m sure she knows what she’s doing,” Shane added. “She is the professional, after all.”
Darby glared at him. “At any other time I’d have been able to give you a list of everything that was so wrong with what you just said. But I’ve got nothing left.” She waved a limp hand at her sister. “Go, Go Power Rangers!”
Pepper smiled and clapped her hands together. “Okay, first thing, I’ll need a costume. Since you’re already in place here, I can be more effective undercover. And a wig! I’ll need that, too. And, oh, yeah, I have a few wires we’ll need to tape on both of you. And then we’ll do something with your hair, Darby, to hide the mike thingie. And your makeup . . . I thought they taught you how to put that on at Glass Slipper? Well, no worries, I can help you out.”
“Oh, God,” Darby muttered, burying her face in Shane’s sleeve. “We’re going undercover. I thought I was already here undercover. Now I’m going to be—”
“Cinderella Spy Barbie,” Shane added helpfully, with a wink to Pepper. “She’ll be fine, don’t worry,” he mouthed to her over Darby’s head.
“I heard that,” Darby said. “Shoot me now.”
Cinderella Rule #21
Sometimes we’re called upon to perform tasks that fall well outside our comfort zone. Just remember that nothing was ever gained by not trying. And that by succeeding, you ensure yourself a favor to be called in later, at your leisure.
Chapter 21
Darby hurried along the garden path toward the hubbub of the party, cursing when her gown caught for the umpteenth time on the hedges that lined the path.
“I heard that,” came the little voice from the tiny earphone tucked in her hair, just behind her ear.
She startled. “Oh, yeah, this is going to work,” she whispered, tugging at the goddamn corset that was cutting off her breath, before jerking her skirts free. “I jump three feet every time you say something.”
“Sorry.” Then came a soft chuckle. “But I sort of like being right next to you all the time. Even when I’m not.”
Darby paused and sighed a little. She didn’t want to tell him how good that made her feel, how comforting it was, knowing they were connected to each other as they set out to put this insane plan into motion. And to think she had believed that Glass Slipper was the worst thing Pepper had conned her into. Right now, that looked like a four-star vacation.
“Yeah,” she finally whispered. “Me, too.” She surveyed the milling groups, looking for Stefan’s silver-blond mane. She was supposed to have met him at the base of the central staircase, but it had taken longer to get the stupid mike in place than expected. Then they’d had to wait for the local shop to deliver Pepper’s costume, and well, it was a good thing national security didn’t rest on their shoulders, was all she could say. Fortunately the butler informed her she’d only missed Stefan by minutes, but wouldn’t it figure if she’d already missed him making or taking a call.
Her mission was to find Stefan and stick close to him. And, if he excused himself for any reason, to let him go, then check in with Shane and Pepper so they could follow him. Shane and Pepper were in full costume, too, with Pepper wearing a wig and carrying a fan to keep from being recognized. Anything said within earshot of their mikes was being recorded. They also had teeny little cameras. Darby wouldn’t admit it to Pepper, but she sort of thought the little hi-tech gizmos were impressive. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the concept of her baby sister being involved in international intrigue—there would be time for that to sink in when this ordeal was over—though she’d readily admit that Pepper’s number-one weapon was the fact that no one else on the planet would ever believe that about her either.
She sighed. Looking around to make sure no one was behind her, she whispered, “Any word from Inspector Gadget? Where is she?”
“You two do know I can hear everything you’re saying, right?” came Pepper’s whisper in her ear. “I did explain three times how these mikes work. And no mushy talk. If I had to leave Paolo the Wonderstud back in Brazil, the least you guys can do is not rub my forced abstinence in my face.”
Shane chuckled. Darby just rolled her eyes.
“Okay,” Pepper went on. “I’m right across the lawn, in front of Senator Howard,” Pepper whispered. “Oh, my God, Dar, have you seen wife number three? Total trophy. And I don’t know who recommended she wear a costume with a bustle, but someone needs to explain accentuating the positive to her, if you know what I mean.”
Darby couldn’t help it, she stifled a smile and shook her head. Pe
pper Landon, the Josie and the Pussycats version of modern-day counterintelligence.
“Hey, Crouching Cinderella, Hidden Barbie, our target is at three o’clock, using the lap pool as due north,” Shane whispered.
Darby just shook her head. The entire time she’d been bitching and kvetching about the whole thing, Shane had been drooling over all the cool toys. He was loving this whole adventure, but then, why wouldn’t he? Adventure was his middle name. “Okay, Bosley,” she whispered. “That’s a big ten-four.”
“Bosley? Why do I have to play Bosley? I sort of pictured myself more as a Charlie type.”
“No one ever sees Charlie,” she whispered back. “And I plan on seeing a lot of you later.”
“Well, there is that. Maybe I—”
“Enough, you two,” Pepper whispered. “I just spotted him. Go get him, Dar. We’ll be close by. Whatever you do, keep him in mike range.”
Darby’s stomach knotted, which, considering it was already being crushed by the corset, made it doubly discomforting. “Pepper, I’m not sure I’m cut out for this. I don’t see why you can’t—”
Pepper’s sigh was audible. “We already went over this,” she whispered. “You’ll be fine.”
“Look who’s giving advice to whom.”
“I’ve always believed you could do anything.”
Darby glanced up then, and made eye contact with her sister, who was about thirty yards to her right, peering over the edge of the lace fan that blocked anyone else from noticing she was talking to herself.
“You won’t let me down,” Pepper said. “You never do.”
Darby just stared into her sister’s eyes, overwhelmed by the enormity of all that had happened in the past couple of hours. The whole concept of how she defined herself and her world had been stood on its ear. Actually, to be honest, that had all started happening during that limo ride with Shane. This was just the capper. She was worried for Pepper and proud of her all at the same time. It was that latter part that had her sucking in what was left of her gut and moving out from her hiding spot behind the hedgerow. “Here goes nothing,” she murmured.
“You’re stunning, Cinderella,” came Shane’s voice in her ear.
She glanced to her right and spotted him joining a small group of guests on the fringe of the crowd. She met his gaze for a split second above their heads. He flashed her a grin, nodded slightly. She smiled, gave him a brief nod, then turned and spotted Stefan, squared her shoulders, and entered the fray.
“There you are,” Stefan said easily, moving away from the guests he’d been speaking with and smoothly turning her toward the rear of the lawn. “Difficult morning?”
Now that she was standing next to him, knowing the full extent of his involvement, and just what was at stake for him, her nerves balled up inside her like a tight fist, and it took all her willpower to smile up at him. “Problem with my costume. I had to have some last-minute alterations.”
He took her elbow in his grasp, and again she realized just how large—and probably strong—his hands were. But then his whole body was quite intimidating. He held her at arm’s length and let his gaze rove over her. She did her utmost not to react. Facing down a stallion in rut? No problem. But Stefan? Although, when she thought about it that way, she supposed it wasn’t all that different.
“They appear to have been quite successful,” he said, gaze locking on hers again after his thorough perusal was complete.
Darby absently wondered how eyes so cool and dark could transmit a look that was so inherently hot. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat, forced herself to focus on her mission. Mission. Dear God, help them all. “Well,” she said brightly, easing her elbow from his grasp. “You seem to have done fine without me. Did I miss anything interesting?” His gaze narrowed slightly and she rushed on. “I felt terrible about abandoning you. I was hoping you’d found some lively conversation to help pass the time or . . . or something.” Lame, lame, she scolded herself.
“Ask him if he’s met anyone he knows,” came Pepper’s whisper in her ear.
Darby jumped a little and Stefan immediately looked concerned. “Is anything wrong?”
She nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. “No, no, just a stray pin the seamstress left.”
“Do you need to go back inside and remove it?”
She tensed, waiting for him to pull out the dimple and offer his personal assistance. But he didn’t. She glanced up at him and realized he was a bit distracted himself. His gaze was skimming the crowds as he moved them toward the house.
Wrong direction. She did not want to go into the main house alone with him. Sure, it was crawling with staff, but all the guests were out here. She felt better outside. Alone in a crowd with him was still intimidating, but it beat the hell out of being alone with him for real. “No, no, that’s not necessary. It’s fine, really.”
“Actually, I think I’m going to step inside myself for a few moments.” He did smile then, and the transformation struck her as it always did.
But, having noticed his distraction, the calculation was obvious this time. He’d switched it on as a means to an end . . . and she didn’t think that end was getting her naked. He wanted to get inside, and he wanted her to think his motives had to do with getting her alone. But it was something else he was after. Another phone call?
“Where I’m from, we’re not used to all this heat.” He fingered his suit. “And while I appreciate the theme, this is a bit warm.”
She noticed his costume for the first time. He didn’t cut quite the dashing figure Shane did in his. In fact, something about the waistcoat and vest, complete with watch fob, made him look autocratic and more than a little sinister. Of course, that could be her overactive imagination at work. Although even her imagination could never have conjured up anything as wild as the reality in which she was currently up to her petticoats in.
“I know what you mean,” she said, unable to come out with a direct compliment, though she suspected he was waiting for one. “It’s not my favorite thing, either, trust me.” She laughed a little, wanting nothing more than to ease the steadily building tension. “I don’t know how women managed all these layers. Between the rows of tiny little buttons and this corset—” She broke off, blanching a little. Not exactly the direction she wanted his attention wandering.
“Yes,” he said, his lips curving in an amused smile. “I can see where that could be quite bothersome.” He nodded toward the house. “Would you like to get out of the sun, or would you prefer to stay and mingle?”
“Don’t let him go inside alone,” Pepper whispered anxiously. “We’re too far away to follow him.”
Darby kept a firm grip on her composure. She smiled brightly. “Actually, it is quite warm.” She knew that sounded like an invitation, and managed not to send a panicked look in either Shane’s or Pepper’s direction as Stefan smiled and smoothly took her elbow in his grip once again, and led her toward the sunroom on the far side of the house.
“It’s quite the place,” he commented as they left the crowd behind . . . and her protection with it.
Darby didn’t dare look over her shoulder. She could only hope Shane and Pepper were somehow following them without being noticed.
“Yes,” Darby said, forcing her attention back to him. “Quite.”
“You mentioned before that you’d only just met Alexandra’s grandson. How exactly did the two of you meet?” His tone was polite, casual. His grasp on her elbow was not.
His question took her by surprise. She worked to match his tone. “Why do you ask?”
His gaze touched her like a hot poker. “I see the way he looks at you. I can understand the fascination,” he said, his low voice all but vibrating.
She kept her eyes focused in front of them, trying to figure out his ulterior motive. Did he suspect something? “What exactly are you asking?”
He slowed to a stop, pulled her around so he could look past her shoulder at the crowds they were leaving behind. “
I’m asking if the two of you are . . . involved.”
She looked up at him then, but instead of that hot probing look, she found him glancing past her shoulder. Was this more distraction? His gaze immediately moved back to her, and the hot punch of his dark eyes was surprisingly intense, confusing her all over again. She had no idea why he was really asking, so she didn’t know whether to tell him the truth or not. When he looked at her like that, it was hard to think straight.
“I—I enjoy his company,” she finally stammered. Then, in the acting job of the century, she smiled slowly and laid her hand on his arm and said, “Just as I enjoy yours.”
“Hmm,” he responded thoughtfully. But his eyes had flared for a moment. Only the result had been chilling, rather than inflaming. He moved them once again down the path to the sunroom.
Darby didn’t dare press further, and wasn’t sure where she’d found the balls to press this far. His initial question popped back in her mind and she realized he’d asked about Shane, not as Mr. Morgan, but as Alexandra’s grandson. She blurted out the question that came to mind, as much in desperation to get the conversation shifted away from her and Shane as because she was really curious. “You knew Alexandra? You never mentioned it.”
The pause seemed to stretch out to the screaming point. But when he finally answered, he sounded as casual as ever. “We’d never met. But of course I’d heard quite a bit about her. I was looking forward to the chance to meet her. It was one of the reasons I decided to accept your father’s invitation to meet him here in Washington instead of extending my stay in Europe.”
Stefan wove the truth so seamlessly with the lie that she’d never have suspected he wasn’t completely on the up-and-up. “That must have been a disappointment, then. Will you be heading back to Europe once your business with my father is concluded?”
His attention seemed to shift as they reached the sunroom, and he barely made the attempt to cover his sudden distraction. Quite an obvious shift from just moments ago, but she wasn’t sure how to capitalize on it.