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Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Page 4

by C. S. Chatterly

  He moved closer. Her outstretched fingers now brushed against the leather of his pouch. “I was testing you, but I don’t give a bat’s butt about that now.” Draco slowly shook his head. “I want you. No more games. Forget my status, Brynn. I want to hear you use my name. Call me Draco. Right now, that’s who I am. Don’t think of me as a Master Sorcerer, I’m just a man who needs a beautiful woman.”

  Draco briefly closed his eyes and let his head drop back as her wet, warm hand caressed his abdomen. The hand moved slowly downward. He felt the air on his cock when she pulled the leather away. He heard her gasp at the length of his shaft. Then he opened his eyes and saw her staring at his rod with open desire on her lovely face. Then Brynn tossed aside his pouch and offered one hand to him, luring him into the water like some mythic mermaid. There was no guile in her eyes. He saw a woman who wanted and needed what he did. This was no act, no pretense. The challenge between them was momentarily put aside. The look in her striking gaze bewitched him. The need there was overwhelming. He quickly walked into the pool, quickly ducked beneath the water and came up within a breath of her. For a long, long moment he gazed down at her.

  She met and held that stare with her own. “What’s happening?” she whispered.

  “Desire. Need, longing. I don’t know.” He raised his hand and brushed one of her high cheekbones with the back of his knuckles. “By Venus’ light, you’re beautiful!”

  Draco softly moaned. He determinedly pulled her body against his, but gently took a handful of her wet, silken hair and tugged her head back. When her full, wet lips parted he slanted his over hers and ravaged the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She responded magnificently. The kiss went on and on. It burned, scorched and brought up emotions he’d thought long dead. She’d known her response to his suggestion was being judged. He didn’t care. Nothing mattered. Time fell away and there was only her in a universe of swirling, bubbling, warm water.

  Brynn returned the kiss with all the passion she could. No one had ever pulled such longing from deep within her. It was primal, exciting and world-shattering. She could no more stop herself than he could. He was some forest god for the taking and she was there to have him. Who they were, where they came from and the purpose before them became insignificant. Her body ached for him. Her heart soared with emotion she couldn’t yet name.

  When the kiss ended, he placed both hands on her cheeks and stared at her. Then, he lowered his hands to her shoulders and gently ran them down her back to her small, rounded butt. He pulled her even closer.

  She felt his erection push hard into her abdomen. “You’re huge.” She ran her hands over his body. His growling, playful response made her feel empowered. She kissed his chest again and took his left nipple between her lips, suckling it gently until it was as long and erect as she thought it could get. Then, she repeated this caress with the other nipple. When Draco slid one hand between their bodies and found her clit, Brynn moaned loudly and lifted one leg until it wrapped around his left hip. She could feel his long, hard cock resting against that inner thigh. “Please,” she begged.

  “Please, what?”

  “I want you. Now.”

  He smiled down at her. “Are you sure, Brynn? If we do this, we’ll only want more. It won’t stop.”

  She nodded. “I can live with what comes after. Let’s just do this!”

  Chapter Three

  Draco’s intention was to lift her up and settle her on his throbbing shaft—quick, easy and oh-so satisfying. But his apprentice took matter into her own hands…literally.

  As slender as she was, the woman proved to be quite the athlete. Before he could utter a word, she’d pushed him backward until his butt came into contact with a rock. It was slanted in such a way that he could lie back against it if he chose. Brynn wasn’t shy about putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing until he was in a supine position. From there, he heard his own voice shouting in an almost animalistic cry of pure lust. His eyes rolled back in his head as the pupil proceeded to teach the master a thing or two about making love in the water.

  Every cell in his body came alive, but none were as excited as those in his cock and balls. Brynn was laving them with her tongue, separating his rod from his testicles in an almost exploratory fashion. The guttural sound he’d heard was being pulled from his own lungs. He forced his eyelids open and shuddered in expectation. Her green eyes were almost glowing with passion. She gently tugged at his package while alternately licking, caressing and inspecting the entire bundle.

  “Orion’s balls, that’s unbelievable!” Draco finally managed to utter through clenched teeth.

  “You have balls like a well-bred bull. They hang when you walk, don’t they?” she asked softly.

  “I’ll let show you sometime. Just keep it up, you little fireball!” he commanded.

  Brynn ran her palms up his inner thighs to his packed abdomen, then leaned forward and stuck her tongue in his navel. Then her fingers sifted through the golden blond curls just above his penis. “So, you’re a natural blond.”

  He grinned, but never had the chance to make a coherent response. Another cry was forced from his lungs when she parted her lips and took his entire shaft in her mouth. The woman’s throat was silken, warm and heavenly. He gripped at the rock with his fingers and thrust upward to give her more to suck.

  She slid her mouth off his cock and released it with a decidedly loud popping noise. “Have you been a bad, bad wizard?” She coaxed. “Have you been teasing your new apprentice, testing her ways that might dangerous?”

  “Keep it up, you little minx ―”

  She gently spanked the cock, then slid her hands to the base of his balls and gently pulled. “Oh, you’re the one keeping it up…Master.”

  With his shaft still slightly stinging from her punishment, Draco couldn’t move. It was more realistic to say that he didn’t want to move. If she wanted to play games, let her. He was the recipient of some of the most exciting sex he’d ever had in his life. While the women he’d laid with could get playful, none had ever taken control like this and it was driving his body to flame.

  Brynn nuzzled his package, suddenly ducked beneath the water and came up with her hair streaming.

  He watched as she took the entire thick mass of her hair, laid it on his chest and then began to tease his nipples with the ends. She slowly dragged her wet mane down his body and literally wrapped his genitals in it, bundling them in the ball of soft, wet curls.

  “Do you know what I like?” she asked.

  “What…what to you like?”

  “I like to have my nipples thoroughly sucked. Then I like a man to kiss all the way down my body and lick my clit until I cry out his name over and over.”

  “Then what would you like?” he panted.

  “I like it when he takes me from behind. I could really use a good pound-and-thrust…know what I mean?”

  His body was on fire. The woman knew exactly what to say to make him burn. “Pull my balls and suck them some more,” he ordered, “then I’ll give you anything you want.”

  She caressed his huge, thick rod while running her tongue over his balls. As she continued to lick them, her hands went up his body and her fingertips traced lightly back down his hard torso.

  He felt heat everywhere she touched. It was as if her fingers were shooting some kind of energy along his muscles, making his flesh sensitive to the very air around them and the water in which they played. Feeling the need to release, he suddenly sat up, slid off the rock and pulled her up against him.

  Brynn opened her mouth for the fiery, impassioned kiss. Her tongue and his touched briefly and then entangled. His warm hands slid down her back to her butt and massaged the muscle there deeply. She could smell some kind of woodsy scent on his skin, a mixture pine, musk and sandalwood. “I love the way you smell,” she whispered when the kiss finally ended. “It’s like you live in the forest—you smell clean and alive.”

  “And you smell like flowers in spr
ing,” he quickly replied, “like moonlight, starlight and it’s as if you’ve bee kissed by a touch of sassy cinnamon.”

  As she gazed up into his eyes, something changed. His expression softened and he brought his lips down to her left shoulder, leaned her back over one forearm and began to gently suckle her nipples. Brynn felt warm, electric tingling in her clit and moaned softly. Her pussy was actually throbbing with need. Even in the warm water, she could feel the moisture between her thighs readying her body for his thick cock’s entrance.

  “Say my name,” he commanded quietly before resuming his tonguing exploration of her breasts and nipples.


  “Louder. Say it loud and clear, as if you own me!”

  She complied and felt his lips cover the hollow of her throat. Then she was quickly turned away so that her back was against his broad, muscular chest. His pecs were hard, she could feel his heart pounding in time to her own. Draco’s hands slid down the front of her body, massaging, stroking and caressing every curve and plain. It was as if he was trying to memorize all that he touched.

  Suddenly, she was the one leaning forward on the same rock she’d pushed him onto. Draco was lifting her thighs up and apart in the water just by placing his palms on the backs of them and raising his hands. Her nipples gently brushed the rock she was now leaning over. The sensation was fantastic. And then she felt the tip of his rock-hard cock against her clit.

  “You said you liked being taken from behind.”

  “I-I want to feel your balls slapping against me,” Brynn insisted. “I want to feel everything.”

  Draco used the water to his advantage. With her hands gripping the rock and while her splendid body splayed out on it, all he had to do was move forward and thrust deeply. He did so with passion. His head flung back involuntarily. The heat of her sheath around him was breathtaking. The wall of her pussy began to tighten around his shaft. The luxurious sensation was almost too much. But he held on, wanting to give her the ride of her life. Instead of thrusting forward hard, however, he slowly pushed further inside her tight pussy, then withdrew almost all the way.

  “No! Don’t,” she cried out.

  “You want it slowly?”

  “Yes…no…I-I just want you to make me climax. Please, Draco. I need to come. It’s so good ―”

  “Tell me about it,” he murmured as he thrust back inside her heated, tiny pouch and let himself go. Unable to stop now, he thrust until the head and skin of his cock seemed ready to explode with wonderful sensation. He watched her lift her sweetly shaped ass up off the rock and thrust backward to meet his forward motion. Then he heard her cry out his name just as the gripping sensation around his penis became tighter. Her convulsing sheath took every drop of his seed. It expelled from his body in a fast, hard and wonderful stream. No orgasm had ever been so intense or had lasted so long. He kept thrusting until he heard her cry out again, felt another round of tightening over his cock and knew she was in the throes of a second orgasm. This one left her breathless and clinging to the rock, her back and hips were still involuntarily jerking.

  Draco pulled her off the rock, into his arms and around to face him. For a very long time, he held her. The buoyancy of the warm swirling water was like a lover’s caress on his sated body.

  Brynn leaned back and gazed into his sapphire-colored eyes for a long moment. She said nothing, when he continued to press small kisses against her eyelids, cheeks, shoulders and throat. Finally, he kissed her long and ardently. She returned the contact with soft, passionate determination. “I-I’ve never felt anything like that,” she eventually uttered when he ended the contact.

  “Neither have I,” he admitted. Then, he held her for a bit longer, unwilling to let the encounter end. Sooner or later, however, he knew it had to. The water was too warm, she was too soft and further dallying in this way was far too dangerous. She shouldn’t be on Illusia when even his family wasn’t safe here. “We should get a camp set up for the night,” he said, allowing the more prudent part of his nature take command. “It’s early spring and the weather in the evening hours can get quite cool.”

  “Will you keep me warm?” she asked.

  “You’ll be warm enough,” he answered noncommittally.

  The situation had got out of hand. He knew better than this. She was his pupil, his apprentice. Contact of this kind wasn’t forbidden, but mixing business with pleasure never worked. His job was to find her weakness, to find the one thing that could lure her into opening her black book. During his study of her so far, she’d inadvertently found his weakness. Living life in solitude came with a great deal of loneliness. The reason for that isolation was still at large—he had to get Brynn out of his life before this went any further. Anyone close to him was subject to the threat Bane had made and the man was still out there somewhere. Draco was sure of it.

  He backed away from her, diverting his gaze away from her enchanting green eyes.

  “Y-you only made me call you Master to bait me, didn’t you?”

  “If you knew what I was doing, why did you comply? Something tells me you’re not the kind of woman who’d willingly consent to subservience.”

  She sighed and shrugged. “I was trying to control my mouth. I can get a little tactless sometimes. It’d be terrible for me to go down in history as the first apprentice to ever fail training the day she met the Master Sorcerer to whom she’d applied. Not knowing how much you’d tolerate, I just crammed the impulse to tell you to shove it.”

  He tried not to break into laughter. This was the truth as he’d suspected it all along. But the reality of the situation still stood there, like a wall between them. There could be no repeating this tranquil, loving scene tonight.

  “What if I told you that I had the power to make you desire me?”

  She blinked up at him and shook her head in confusion. “What?”

  Determined not to let her luscious body sway his intent, Draco propelled himself backward toward the other side of the small pool. Once he was there, he faced her squarely and continued with words that sounded far too harsh even when testing a pupil.

  “I said…what if I have the power to make you sexually amenable?”

  “Y-you wouldn’t do such a thing!”

  “What makes you think so?”

  “B-because…you’re Draco Pendragon. Your family’s reputation ―”

  “My family’s reputation has nothing to do with who I really am,” he insisted. “Surely you know my powers are renowned? How do you think I acquired them? But back to the point…I could make any woman want me in any way I please.” The nonchalance in his voice sounded terse even to his own ears. Draco had to look away. He pulled on a reed and pretended to have more attention for the piece of grass than her.

  “Making someone ‘sexually amenable’ through the use of magic amounts to rape,” she blurted. “You’d have to have access to black magic…your black book…” she let the words trail away.

  He put every ounce of guile he could summon into his next words and stared straight at her with all the coldness he could muster. “What makes you think I haven’t opened it and used its powers? There are spells in the black book that can put planetary leaders on their knees before me. One little apprentice wouldn’t be that hard to tame.”

  She shook her head in denial. “This is another test. You’re saying this to see how I’ll react.” Brynn lifted her chin. “You’ve never opened your black book and you didn’t just bewitch me into making love to you.”

  He looked her over with all the nastiness he could muster. “Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.”

  “Y-you couldn’t control that kind of magic. It would consume you ―”

  “No, the powers can be controlled. It would take a wizard who’s very careful, very crafty and has an understanding of when and how to use such powers. And I can assure you…I’m the man who’s done it!”

  “I-I don’t believe you. And I won’t listen to any more of this.
Pushing my buttons to see how I’ll respond is one thing. Lying in such an outlandish and dangerous way is quite another!”

  He watched her swim to the side of the pool closest to her, then get out and stalk away. Part of him wanted to go after her, assure her that he had been lying just to see her reaction. The more sensible side bade him to stay in the pool a bit longer and let his words sink in. If Brynn believed him capable of such a thing—a wizard on whom all manner of philanthropic honors had been heaped—then this might be the means to see if she could be tempted to open her own book of dark magic. Brynn might do so if for no other reason than to see if she could control the black arts. Sadly, that same excuse had been used by others who thought they wouldn’t be sullied by the dark spells. That was the most serious danger of all—thinking you were man or woman enough to control pure evil. Still, what he’d just done left a sour taste in his mouth and bitterness in his heart that was totally unexpected. He slowly got out of the water and made his way back toward the carriage.

  * * * * *

  When Brynn would have dressed again, Draco came up behind her, grabbed her clothing from her hands and tossed them to one side with his.

  “There’s no reason to dress. We’ll just be bedding down soon anyway,” he explained tersely. He kept his gaze averted from her body and the softness tempting him. He’d put a chasm between them that would almost be impossible to bridge. The Guild had forced him to accept a pupil, but they couldn’t make him keep her there when doing so wasn’t safe. He justified his actions as being necessary.

  Brynn kept her silence but watched him carefully as she ran her fingers through her hair to detangle it. Nothing would induce her to believe he’d actually opened his black book, gained access to its powers and had learned to control them. She didn’t want to accept that he’d use any kind of spell to make her have sex. But the seed of doubt had been planted. The evening for her—the first on Illusia—was ruined.


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