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Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Page 9

by C. S. Chatterly

  She smiled, stood on her toes and kissed his chin lightly. “I know what you mean.”

  He took a deep breath and pulled her into his embrace. “If you keep that up, I’ll forget we’re supposed to act professionally and quit having sex.”

  In his arms, she murmured, “Draco, we really should strive for a more professional and platonic relationship. I don’t want to be treated differently than any other apprentice. I-I apologize for my behavior before—that’s what happens when you mix business with pleasure. You know?”

  “You’re sure you’re not angry with me now?” He said it more as a confirmed observance than a question.

  She gazed up at him. “I don’t know what’s happening between us. When you’re not around me, I think I can hold you off. But then, you walk into a room and…every good intention goes straight down the tubes. C-could it be possible that someone cast a spell on us both?”

  He softly laughed. “There is no such spell and you know it. We just strike sparks off each other and feel emotions that have probably been lost from our lives for a long time. At least, that’s what I believe.”

  He saw her shiver as a cool breeze blew through the garden. Draco immediately pulled her closer. When she didn’t resist, he shoved better judgment aside and held on tight.

  “Draco…if you sent me away a thousand times, I’d come back. I’d know you were only getting rid of me because you think it isn’t safe.”

  “It isn’t,” he confirmed again.

  She brought her arms up and looped them around his neck. “You could never send me far enough away. I’d always come back.” She briefly bowed her head and shook it in frustration “Stars above…I should be stronger where you’re concerned. When it comes to magic, I have the strength to resist that damn black book and the many secrets it holds. When it comes to you, on the other hand, I’m a blithering idiot! I forget every vow I made to keep my hands to myself. I should walk back to my room and lock the damn door.”

  “I hear you, Brynn! But I seem to be on this same comet-ride with you.”

  Draco relinquished the last bit of his control. He couldn’t even have a meal or an evening walk with the woman without desiring her in a thousand different ways. He slanted his mouth over hers and let the hot exchange take him to a place and time where his responsibilities meant nothing. She returned his kiss with all the energy of an exploding star. His mind told him to get her out of his life, his heart wouldn’t let her walk more than ten feet away. If a man’s common sense could be ruled by his libido, then what good was having any sense at all?

  “Let’s go inside,” Brynn suggested when his mouth left hers a fraction of an inch. “If I’m gonna break a promise to be professional, my room is a warmer place to transgress. Besides, I could light candles for us and show you some of my magic.”

  “I have a feeling I’ll never refuse you anything, apprentice. I leave it up to you.”

  “Oh, that’s great. Make me the weaker party,” she joked.

  Draco followed willingly. What else could he do? His need of her was the same as his need for air. He could find a way to get her out of his life tomorrow…or perhaps the day after. But not tonight.

  * * * * *

  From the other side of a garden gate—near where Pendragon and his little apprentice chose to tryst—Bane leaned back against a tree and nodded. Now he had not only a means for revenge, but a way to stab at Pendragon’s heart. He began to consider a new plan. This one was so much better than anything he’d previously devised for the Master Sorcerer. He had to stifle his laughter. Black magic, not chance, had put him exactly where he needed to be. He knew how to destroy Draco Pendragon.

  * * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Brynn had lit her candles and was in the arms of her lover. He was warm power, everything she’d ever dreamed of in a man. Purposely, she let her palms trail down the open vee created by his jerkin and took the time to tease his nipples with her fingertips. When she lifted her arms to put them around his neck, he grabbed the bottom of her blouse and pulled it over her head. Then he massaged her breasts for a long moment, kissing her neck and face as he did so. His hands slid to her belt, untied it and tossed it aside. Her skirt was next to come off. Draco knelt before her, pulled it to the floor and Brynn stepped out of the garment, glad that she’d dusted her skin with sparkle-powder that would glow in the soft light of her room. She wore no undergarments and was now unclothed. Draco stood. She dropped her had back and enjoyed his hot tongue as he thrust it into her mouth and teased a response from her own. It was a prelude to the night before them. Draco’s caressing hands were driving her to distraction, but she broke the embrace to lead him to her warm bed. She quickly helped him out of his jerkin, belt, skin-tight leggings and boots. The last piece of clothing, if one could call it that, was his pouch. She took a long moment to caress its bundle-covered contents before untying the hip strings. Her gasp echoed off the old stone walls when his cock burst forward and out of the pouch, like a soldier at attention.

  When he lay stretched out on her bed and beckoned for her to come to him, she simply sat beside his massive frame and shook her head. “Not yet, but soon,” she crooned. Then, she lifted her right hand and drew energy from the air. A bowl of colored crystals she had placed on her night stand glowed. She lifted her left hand and slowly lowered it again. The candlelight dimmed.

  Entranced by the atmosphere the combined light sources made, Draco ran his hands down his body to his erection and gently jerked himself to get ready, but Brynn placed her soft hands over his to slow his motion. The head of his shaft was almost throbbing with need. He could already imagine her pussy wrapped around his penis. He could almost imagine the lonely years flying by if she could just stay by his side. What a pair they’d make. What wonderful, magical nights they could share if only the threat to his life could be resolved. But he quickly shoved Bane and that man’s vengeful nature to the back of his mind. Tonight was made for loving. If he only had a few evenings like this one, he didn’t want them tainted by thoughts of old hatred. Draco continued to stroke his penis, but a little more quickly. Brynn’s brown hair looked like a soft, shimmering halo around her shoulders and he wanted it tangled with his when they made wild love.

  “I said not yet,” Bryn gently chastised as she pushed his hands away from his cock. “I have something you might enjoy just as much.”

  Draco licked his lips in anticipation. He watched as she reached for a bottle filled with an amber-colored liquid. She pulled the cork from its top and held it out to him.

  “Smell this.”

  Draco rose on one elbow and sniffed. He momentarily closed his eyes to delineate the different, yet subtle odors. “Essence of mint, chamomile…and something else.” He reached into his memory for the other ingredient. “Of course…it’s mandrake.”

  “For sexual pleasure,” she told him. “You of all people should know how it will heighten your pleasure and make you sustain an orgasm longer.”

  He arched a brow and felt his abdomen tighten in response to her words. Of course he knew the uses for the mandrake root. That Brynn would employ it made him shudder in anticipation. “Is this one of your own concoctions?” he softly asked, wanting nothing more than to run his hands over every curve and crevice of her luscious body.

  She nodded. “It’s for personal use. But I’ll share with you.”

  Intrigued by this bit of news, Draco gave her back the bottle. “Show me how you use it. I want to see exactly what you do with it,” he insisted, waiting for her response as he held his breath and gazed at her soft, shimmering skin.

  She smiled, poured a small amount of the elixir into one palm, then spread it on the other by rubbing her hands together. Then, she slowly ran her hands over her breasts.

  Draco watched as she closed her eyes and moaned in ecstasy. Her hands drifted further down to her thighs. She spread her legs wide then massaged her clit with the fingers of one hand. The skin of his cock tightened. This woman was fire and passi
on personified. He craved her the way a thirsty man would crave water.

  “Nice, Brynn. Very nice,” he whispered. He grabbed up the bottle and proceeded to do as she had. The substances she’d combined were exotic and warming. He had the satisfaction of watching the hunger in her eyes grow as he ran his fingers up and down his own cock. “Mmmm…that’s good. I’ll have to see what other inventions you have, sweetness. You must have needed a great deal of self pleasuring to have come up with something this erotic.”

  “A woman knows what she likes.”

  He sat up and placed his hands on her shoulders. Then he ran them down over her chest and gently squeezed her breasts until she gasped in delight. “Let me see if I can’t find out what you prefer…on my own.” That would be one of the greatest pleasures he’d known in a very long time.

  He kissed her for a long moment, driving his tongue into her mouth as she drove hers. When her moans of pleasure coincided with her writhing movements against his body, Draco sat on the edge of the bed, patted his thighs in an invitation for her to straddle them. This she did with lightning grace. He lifted her up and impaled her onto his throbbing rod. Her head tilted back and she cried out in pleasure all the way down his shaft. Satin skin touched his. Her body molded to his as if they were statues being sculpted by some unknown hand. If he’d thought this pleasure would evoke images of other women, that scenario was patently impossible. He wasn’t like other men, she wasn’t like anyone he’d ever known. No woman could compare. Brynn was driving thought of every being with anyone else right out of his brain.

  Brynn couldn’t wait to come. Her abdomen was already tightening and the homemade lubricant was dripping down the insides of her thighs. As it had been from the first moment she’d seen him, she was sexually charged by this man. His body and his strength energized her. The woodsy smell of his skin, along with the scent of her elixir, was captivating and mesmerizing. Or maybe it was just the man and the night. She needed him the way she needed air. She bucked up and down as his hands guided her motion from their position on her waist.

  “That’s it, Brynn. Take all of me. I want to feel you tighten around me. I want to you to feel me releasing. Make my body your own, little apprentice.”

  She almost screamed in delight when he placed his hands back on the bed, lifted his hips and her high into the air. All she had to do was grip her own breasts and let him move, in slight jerking motions, up and down. The sudden and almost overwhelming orgasm had her shouting out his name.

  When she did, Draco swore no other man would ever have her. Once again, his mind and his common sense took backseat to his libido. He kept moving, feeling his seed readying. Her exquisite body thrashed against his and her long hair dropped back when her head did. Brynn’s long legs gripped his hips hard as she rode out her pleasure and he felt his own orgasm exploding like a starburst. Every inch of his penis felt caressed, as if it was being sucked up into her pussy. He bucked even harder as she clung to him, using her legs to maintain her position. She finally slumped against him and he held for a long moment. Eventually, he lowered himself to the soft mattress and she fell on top of him, limp and breathless.

  He held her body close to his with one hand while lifting her hair up and off her sweat-covered back with the other. “Is that what you meant to show me, baby? Was this kind of sex the real power in your homemade lubricant?”

  She lifted her head, smiled, then silently dropped it back to his chest again.

  Draco simply laughed and held her tightly. She lay, panting against his body for some time. Finally, he rolled her to one side, spread her thighs and began to kiss his way downward from her abdomen. When his tongue flicked at her clit, she stiffened and squealed in delight. She tasted clean and fresh, like the night air around them.

  Brynn brought her hands up to either side of her head and gripped the pillow there. “More,” she softly begged. “Suck my pussy dry.”

  “I intend to try, sweetness. In fact, I intend to show you the castle tomorrow and make love to you in every room. No piece of furniture will go untouched. That’s if you can still walk once I’m through,” he boasted. But he secretly had no intention of leaving her with the strength to walk out of his embrace. She was all the warmth, sweetness, intelligence and boldness he’d ever desired.

  “Wh-what about my training?” she gasped as his tongue circled her labia and clit over and over.

  “Oh, we’ll get to that. I promise.”

  * * * * *

  Making his way into the castle from beyond the garden gate was no hardship. Bane surmised that Draco had left his domain unguarded hoping he’d try just what he was about to do. But the Master Sorcerer hadn’t anticipated having the unusual distraction of the beautiful little apprentice he now loved.

  Even as he snuck into the castle using stealth only the dark arts could provide, Bane could hear their sensuous cries bouncing off the old stone walls. Their loving would make their unexpected parting that much more painful. He’d let the Dragon live long enough to suffer the death of his lovely lover. But not much longer.

  He crept into the dungeon, found the darkest corner and waited. He let the couple satisfy themselves. They’d soon sleep in each other’s arms and that was the best time to strike.

  * * * * *

  Much later, Draco lay next to Brynn and curled one finger into her pussy. She lifted her hips to accept the caress.

  “I’ve never heard of a man who could keep erections as long as you.”

  “Your pleasure is mine.”

  She rolled on her side while he situated himself against her back. Spooned together and with her back to his, he pushed his shaft in her vagina. All she had to do was lie there and enjoy as he thrust slowly and caressed her breasts and clit.

  Draco had never enjoyed an interlude so much in his entire life. Every time he took her it was like the first time. The pleasure and fulfilling endings never stopped. He already felt himself readying to spill seed again. Her body stiffened just before she leaned slightly forward and cried out. Her orgasm was strong enough to pull his cock more deeply into her body.

  “So…good,” she heavily panted. “Ohhhh, stars that’s good!”

  He pumped and shot into her, then lay replete and held her until she finally slept. This kind of intimacy was all Draco would ever want or need in life, just to lie with Brynn and love her until neither of them cared about what the future would bring. He lifted one hand and lowered it, using his magic to extinguish the flames. Only the soft glow of Brynn’s crystals remained. They, too, would soon go out after the power keeping them lit dissipated.

  * * * * *

  Outside the room, Bane waited. Over and over he’d jerked himself off as the lovers in the small room played out their passion. Their needy cries echoed off the walls and put him in a state of lustful, secret voyeurism. When they were finally quiet the ardor within his body receded.

  He had to hand it to them. They’d provided him with some very torrid moments as they’d shared sex. But the more entrenched they were in each other’s lives, the more horrible would be the pain of their loss. And that was exactly what he desired.

  * * * * *

  Brynn awoke to find Draco’s body half-draped over hers. She smiled, carefully extracted herself from his sleeping form and dressed in her favorite green leather jerkin, pants and boots. Several times he stirred, but he remained asleep. Before leaving her little room, she turned at the door and smiled at the large, muscular man deeply ensconced within the sheets. She was only leaving him to find Bodie and get some breakfast. All the work she’d done and the sex they’d shared had made her ravenous.

  She no more than cracked the door an inch when a soft voice came from outside it. “Make a sound and I’ll kill him where he lies, and you’ll die at the same time. I can do it, so don’t test me,” Bane barely whispered.

  Brynn saw a long sharp knife being shoved through the crack in her door. The blade was perfectly visible though the interior of her room was darker than the
dungeon beyond. She swallowed hard. The man grabbed her belt with his free hand and propelled her forward. She was suddenly out of her room and all the way to the dungeon doors before she could even react. When they got that far, Brynn was pulled up short by her captor.

  “Open the dungeon doors, step into the hallway, then close the doors behind you,” he softly ordered.

  She did as she was commanded, certain about the identity of this person. She only spoke when the dungeon doors were closed and she and the man were in the hallway.

  “You’re Shadowynde!”

  “I am.” He forcibly turned her body and shoved her against the far wall.

  Brynn felt her back almost snap with the force, but she kept her focus on the pale, thin man with the hollowed eyes and straggly hair before her. His face had a haunted expression. “I won’t let you hurt him. I can call out and the guards will be on you in seconds.”

  “There are no guards. Pendragon wants me here to finish this or the place would be fortified. I know. I’ve done this before. And if you call out, whatever servants are in residence will be die. I promise you.”

  “What do you want from me?” she boldly asked as his knife blade grazed the soft tissue at the side of her throat.

  Bane tilted his head. “No fear. I like that.” He slowly considered the beautiful girl before him. “Do as I say and I might let you live.”

  She wouldn’t bet on that. Brynn tried a different tactic “Leave while you can, Bane. He’ll kill you.”

  “No. My magic is too strong now. I’ll have revenge for my sister’s sake.” He roughly shoved her again and didn’t flinch when her cheek grazed the stone wall. “Make no mistake about it, little apprentice, your presence will give me the very thing I’ve tried to accomplish for years. I can easily put you under my control. But that’s not my plan. I want you coherent. I want Pendragon to know that you’re fully aware of everything I’m doing to you.”

  Brynn held her breath when footsteps sounded in the hall. She saw Bodie round a corner with a dust cloth in his hand.


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