Book Read Free

Sweet on Wilde

Page 5

by Fabiola Francisco

  Beth leaves a little before Parker is supposed to arrive, leaving me alone with my nerves. I’m tempted to take a shot of Jack to relax, but I don’t want to smell of alcohol or let it hit my empty stomach too strongly.

  Fortunately I’m not waiting for too long, and before I know it, Parker is knocking at my door.

  “Hey,” I open and meet his blue eyes. His cobalt spheres roam my body from head to toe, smirking at my boots.

  “Hey, you look beautiful.”

  I blush and grab my jean jacket from the coat hook by the door and say, “You don’t look too bad yourself.” In a pair of faded jeans and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he looks ruggedly hot. I notice his boots and smile. His tousled hair swipes the bottom of his neck, obviously combed by his fingers and nothing more. I smile at his laid-back attitude. It relaxes me and I feel comfortable around him. He looks absolutely perfect without seeming like he’s trying too hard. It’s obvious he’s confident, and this appearance proves it–going out on a first date and he’s just himself.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yes. Let me just grab my purse.” I turn to the hall and grab my purse from the living room. “Okay, let’s go.”

  He leads me to his car, his hand on the small of my back makes my skin tingle. On the outside I’m cool and relaxed, but inside I’m giddy and perky like a teenager who just got a love note from her crush. When I first met Parker that night at Southern after hearing him laugh at what I was telling Jake about the messages I’d received on The Perfect Match I never thought I’d be going out with him on a date. After witnessing his playfulness and protective side, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t drawn to him. Whether I was annoyed or enjoying his company, I was always aware when he was near, sensing his presence close to me.

  He unlocks his pick-up truck and opens the door for me. The moon reflects off the shiny black surface of the truck as I climb into the passenger seat. After he gets in, he begins to drive in the opposite direction of downtown.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask as the soft country song comes from the radio.

  “Nope. It’s a surprise.” His gorgeous smile makes me smile and I relax into the seat, humming to the song on the radio. We’re obviously heading to the countryside.

  “Are we going to play laser tag?” I ask, curiosity brimming inside me.

  Chuckling, he says, “No. Although somehow it doesn’t surprise me that you like laser tag.”

  “Umm… Okay. A bonfire?”

  He laughs again and shakes his head. “Be patient.”

  “How long is the drive?” I make a mental list of all the things we could do that are in the direction we’re heading. We’re going north on highway 171, the dark sky our backdrop and the almost full moon in front of us guiding our path. Parker just laughs but doesn’t respond. I look at him out of the corner of my eye, his focus is on the road and his body is relaxed.

  “Are you going to stare at me until you figure out where we’re going? I don’t think that will help you read my mind.” He looks at me quickly and I blush. I thought I was being slick looking at him using my peripheral vision.

  “Nope, mind reading was never a forte of mine, unfortunately. So what made you move here besides the job? Atlanta is much bigger than Tuscaloosa.”

  “Honestly, the job was a really great opportunity. UA is a great school and their sports teams are excellent. It was too good to let pass. Hopefully, I’ll rise within the team.”

  “Well, assistant coach is pretty good already. Did you play baseball when you were younger?”

  He gives me a sad smile. “Yeah, up until a few years ago I played in the Minors, but a shoulder injury prevented me from continuing my career.”

  “Oh man, that sucks.” He smiles at my honesty and shrugs.

  “Yeah but I actually like coaching,” he says.

  “That’s good. Winfield?” I ask confused. “That’s where we’re going?”

  “No,” Parker says feigning annoyance but his smile gives him away. He keeps driving, further confusing me.

  A few minutes later I see the big rectangular screens as we pull up to a drive-in. “No way! This is so cool!” I can’t hide my excitement.

  “So it’s a good surprise?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  “Good, I was starting to think you preferred laser tag. I almost made a U-turn and took you there instead,” he teases me.

  “Shut up,” I playfully hit his shoulder.

  “When I checked the movies playing I saw they had The Sandlot on one screen as their oldies movie, so I thought we could watch that.”

  “I love that movie!” I’ve never been to a drive-in but it always appealed to me. Seeing people in movies go to them, I used to imagine what it would be like to go to one and sit in a car as I watched a film.

  “I’m glad. I reserved a parking spot in the center so we’d have a clear view. I thought we could sit in the bed of the truck. Are you okay with that or prefer the cab?”

  “Definitely the bed…of the truck,” I add quickly before it sounds inappropriate. Parker laughs again. I’ve lost count of how many times he’s laughed at my comments or me tonight. I’m starting to think his laughter is a common trait in him and not the insult I had taken it as when we first met.

  Parker backs up into the spot and changes the radio station to the correct one for the movie. He climbs out of the car, grabbing something from the back seat and opening the small window that connects the cab and the bed before walking around. I wait for him on the other side and notice he’s holding blankets under his arm.

  “You wanna grab some food and drinks before we get settled?”

  “Sure,” I say and follow him towards the concession stand, walking side by side as an electrical spark runs through me. This date is perfect. The idea of it is such a surprise. I expected dinner but nothing like this. As far as first dates go, this is a total winner.

  We both order burgers and fries and a cold beer each and make our way back to his truck. Parker lowers the tailgate and helps me climb up. I’m capable of climbing up on my own, but once I place my food and drink on the bed, I reach for his hand anyway as support. The contact was drawing me in so I took it when he offered it, his calloused fingers rubbing against my soft skin.

  I step back and Parker climbs in with practiced swiftness. He lays down one of the blankets on the surface of the bed and we take a seat, getting comfortable, before the movie starts.

  “So, why Savannah? Were your parents from there or something? I’m curious. It’s not often I come across someone whose name is a city.”

  “No, they weren’t but it was my mom’s favorite city. She was a bit nostalgic about it; every time she mentioned it she’d get a far away look. I think it was a special city for her.”

  “You’ve never asked her why?”

  I shake my head, not wanting to bring up the lifeless status of my parents on our first date, but I also don’t want to mislead or keep talking about them like they’re around to ask. “No,” I pause, unsure how to continue. I know it will seem weird that I haven’t asked her if she’s in my life, so he could assume I don’t have a good relationship with them and that’s not something I want anyone to think. I’m sure if my parents were alive, we’d have a great relationship. “My parents passed away when I was young.”

  “Oh,” he looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me. It was a long time ago and I’ve learned to live without them. I don’t need a pity party.”

  He nods his head in understanding. “Have you ever visited Savannah?”

  Grateful for changing the direction of the conversation, I reply with, “No. I have never had a chance to make it out there.”

  “You gotta make the trip over. It’s a beautiful city.”

  “Speaking like a true Georgian.” I bump his shoulder and smile.

  The movie starts and we quiet down, the volume coming in behind us from the cab and w
e both relax into the back of the bed as the movie from my childhood takes me back to easier times and free summer days.

  I’m hyperaware of Parker’s movements, the rise and fall of his chest, and the reflection in his cobalt eyes. A quick shiver runs through my body despite the jacket I’m wearing and the blanket covering my legs, and Parker reaches around me and pulls me into him, his arm resting on my shoulder. Snuggling into his side, I sigh happily, continuing to watch all my childhood heroes embark on their summer journey.

  I hear Parker whisper in my ear, “When I was a kid I used to have the biggest crush on Wendy.” He’s referring to the lifeguard from the movie. Squints determination to conquer her always made me laugh.

  “Really? I used to have a crush on Benny,” I tease back at him.

  “Oh yeah? They used to call me Benny the Jet when I was younger.”

  “I’m sure you were just as good, too.”

  “You have no idea,” his voice whispers in my ear, his breath sending chills down my neck causes me to snuggle closer to his side. His arm tightens around me and I laugh at the scene where Squints starts to make out with Wendy while she’s giving him CPR.

  “I tried that once,” Parker confesses.

  “Make out with someone giving you CPR?” I look towards him.

  “Kinda. I tried to pretend I was choking so the school nurse would do CPR on me and see if I could make my move.”

  “Did it work?” I laugh.

  “Nah, pointless attempt. I must not be much of an actor. My choking attempts made it seem like I was going to puke instead of choke.”

  Laughing and shaking my head, I say, “I’ve never heard of anyone who tried to recreate that scene from this movie.”

  “What can I say? I was in middle school.”

  “Hopefully your skills improved the older you got.”

  “You tell me,” he says.

  “You’re getting there.” I pat his chest playfully and he grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together.

  “Good,” he leans in and kisses me. At first it’s slow and exploratory, his lips meeting mine and molding perfectly together, yet innocent enough. He releases my hand and his hand moves to my waist, holding me. My hand moves to his hair, tangling with the loose strands at his neck and he moans softly.

  Parker’s tongue invades my mouth, piercing between my lips, causing them to open and give way into the depth of my mouth, licking and tasting me. My tongue enters his mouth, a duel between the two, becoming acquainted in a sensual dance. I moan into the kiss and arch my body towards him, the feel of his arms around me, holding me, adds more intimacy into this kiss. Everything else around us fades into a blur as we continue to test our boundaries, allowing just our mouths to do the talking.

  Parker’s other hand reaches for my waist and he pulls me over him until I’m straddling his lap. He angles my head so he can stroke his tongue deeper into my mouth and I moan. My dress bunches around me and the roughness of his jeans and his erection under them rub lightly over my underwear. It creates a delicious friction and I want to feel more of it, I want to feel our skin touching and burning with raw desire.

  “Fuck,” Parker breaks away first. Our breathing is labored and I feel my face flush. The rise of his chest matches mine, and he places his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

  “I’m pretty sure I reciprocated.”

  His smile quickens my heart even more. “That’s true. Let’s take our time. And finish the movie.”

  “Okay,” is all I can say. I’m still coming down from the high of kissing him. He gives me a peck and turns me around, but instead of placing me back where I was sitting, he rests me comfortably between his legs, his arms draped around me, and I nestle my head back on the crook of his neck.

  My eyes are focused on the movie, but my mind is running wild with thoughts. That kiss was amazing. Wow. My body is still reacting to it as his arms are lazily wrapped around me and I can feel his hardness pressed against my lower back. Parker rests his chin on the top of my head and the intimacy of our position makes us seem like we’re lifelong lovers instead of out on a first date–a confusing and intimidating thought. I’ve resorted to online dating to meet someone when I could’ve met someone in person. Was it me that was closed off, or was it just that the right person hadn’t entered my life yet? And is Parker the right one for me?

  As the movie comes to an end I’m saddened by the thought of having to let go of him and end our contact. After the movie ends, we throw away the scraps of our dinner and make our way back into the truck.

  Silently heading back to Tuscaloosa, I admit this is the best date I’ve ever been on, first or otherwise, and not just because of that heated kiss. Like reading my mind, Parker smiles at me before refocusing on the road and grabs my hand. The feel of my hand in his is peaceful and enticing at the same time. I feel calm yet my heart rate picks up, thoughts of our kiss swimming in my mind. I’d love to feel his body over mine. Not sure B.O.B. will be able to take over a job this big. I want skin, hands, mouths colliding and I want it to be Parker who does it. I squirm a bit, Parker smiles and squeezes my hand. I hope he feels the same spark or something, from our contact. It is a sensation that reached deep within me.

  I swear the ride back home was faster than the drive over to the drive-in. We reach my house way too soon. I’m not ready to release him and go our separate ways. Turning off the engine, Parker tilts his body in my direction.

  “I had a great time tonight. I want to see you again, not just a run-in at Southern. When can I take you out? If you want to go to Southern we will, but I want to go there with you.”

  The smile on my face grows with his words. Touched by his honesty and excited about a second date, I say, “You planned the first date, I’m planning the second one.” I smirk with mischief and he laughs at my comment.

  “Okay, I’m pretty sure you’re going to take me to play laser tag,” his teasing makes me laugh in return.

  “We’ll see. But I will be at Southern tomorrow.” I throw it out there just in case he’s planning on going.

  “Good,” he says as he leans into me. “I’ll see you there for our unofficial second date.” When his lips touch mine, I get lost in his taste. Nothing else matters. Our tongues become reacquainted as they take the lead in this sensual dance. My body heats up from the slight touches our bodies make against each other. The goosebumps on my skin are a reaction to the heat, a contradiction, but a welcomed emotion.

  I feel safe with Parker, yet burning with passion for him. I also feel his desire for me. This isn’t a kiss he shares with just anyone, and I feel that vibrating off him.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you since I saw you talking to Jake at Southern and hearing you talk about online dating, wondering to myself why someone as beautiful as you would have to resort to that kind of dating to find someone worthy of your time and attention.”

  Speechless, I push back to look at him, my eyebrows scrunched but my smile evident that I’m pleased with his comment. I never would’ve imagined those were the thoughts crossing his mind when I heard him laugh at my situation. The sincerity in his blue eyes pulls me in and I reach up to his mouth, kissing him gently. He growls at the softness of my lips and I moan in response. Our kiss deepens and it’s suddenly like our mouths and tongues are doing more than just kissing. They’re imitating the movements we wish we were doing with our bodies in a more intimate setting than his truck.

  This time I break away, needing to catch my breath and come down from the high. My breathing ragged, I stay close to Parker not wanting to completely sever our connection.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” there is a question in his voice.

  “Yes,” I say, reassuring him. “But for an unofficial second date, until I can plan our official one.”

  “Good. I’m going to walk you in now before I change my mind about taking things slow and lose all self-control.”

  Parker’s honesty catches me by su
rprise and I inwardly celebrate that I affect him the same way he does me. “Okay.” I smile at him.

  He jumps out of the truck and reaches me as I’m making my way down on my side. His hand reaches for my hip to help steady me as I get out of his truck and I mold into him. Reaching for my hand, we make our way up my driveway to my door. Taking it slow, I remind myself of Parker’s words and find my keys in my purse. Unlocking the door, I turn to face him.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I get on my tiptoes and give him a peck on his lips, closing my eyes to take it all in. I don’t remember the last time I felt this type of connection with someone. An instant feel of intimacy and…I’m not sure I have the right words to describe it. A wave crashing down on me, suffocating and exhilarating at the same time, eager to ride it out, yet knowing it’s going to be hard to survive this if I drown.

  Parker runs his thumb down my cheek and over my lips. “Goodnight, gorgeous.” He gives me one last kiss and I open my door. He turns and walks back to his truck as I watch him from the inside of the doorframe. My eyes roam his backside as he walks away and I can’t help but admire his muscles as they flex under his clothes. He climbs into his truck, waves and winks. I smile at him and close my door, making sure I lock it, and then lean my back against it. I’m in so much trouble. If this is how I feel after one date, I’m pretty sure there’s no hope for me after our second and third date. I’m hooked on Parker and he knows it.

  I decided to take Beth up on her offer and take the day off. I work hard, I own the bakery with good staff employed so I can delegate and not have to obsess about being there. Unfortunately, when it comes to my job, I obsess way too much. Some may call me a control freak, I just like to oversee everything and make sure it’s running smoothly.

  Spending a lazy day at home, I relax in bed for way longer than I normally would, reading and brainstorming new recipes. I’m accustomed to waking up early and my body won’t forgive me that fact, but at least I lounge in bed.

  When my stomach won’t last another second without being fed, I peel myself off my bed and make coffee and breakfast. I almost don’t know what to do with all this time and it’s refreshing to not have to think or rush. It’s nice to have the time to just sprawl out on the couch and watch TV. Despite thinking I’ll be bored an hour after being home, I’m surprisingly adjusted to this lazy Saturday.


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