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Sweet on Wilde

Page 9

by Fabiola Francisco

  “I guess I should clear my calendar.”

  “You better. Come by practice tomorrow and you can see the team. Number 23 isn’t your type, so I won’t need to worry about you running off with him,” Parker teases back, recalling the worse date he’s ever been on. “We’ll go to dinner after.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ve never been to a team’s practice before. It’s like getting the inside scoop.”

  “Are you dating me to get the inside stuff for a rival team?”

  “You figured me out.” I shake my head, feigning disappointment.

  “Too bad, I was hoping to cover some bases with you.” He leans in and kisses me gently.

  We pull away from each other and I’m drunk on his breath. Being a perfect southern gentleman, Parker walks me to my door. It’s probably another excuse to steal a kiss, and I willingly give it to him.

  “I’ll call you later,” Parker says.

  Once inside my house, I continue to daydream about a tall blonde with comforting cobalt eyes.

  I lock my car and make my way towards the field where Parker instructed me his practice would be taking place. The closer I get to the field, the more the sand from the field fills the air. Squinting through my sunglasses, I look around for Parker as I approach the field. “Looking for someone?” A young guy asks, not hiding the fact that he’s looking me up and down with appreciation.

  Shifting uncomfortably, I say, “Yeah, I’m actually looking for Parker…” I realize I don’t know Parker’s last name. I add, “He’s an assistant coach.” That should clear it up.

  “Oh yeah, follow me.” The player leads me towards the field and off to the side where a few others are doing drills. “He’s right over there.” My gaze follows where he’s pointing to, and I see Parker talking to a few players.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “No problem.” He makes his way back to his side of the field and I notice his t-shirt has the number 23 imprinted on the back. Laughing to myself, I make my way to Parker.

  He comes jogging up to me as he sees me, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. “Hey.” He looks gorgeous in faded jeans and a University of Alabama tee with a cap shadowing half of his face. Seeing him out here with the team, I can really appreciate how much of an athlete he actually is. He looks confident and right at home.

  “Hey. I thought you said number 23 wasn’t my type,” I tease him.

  “I take it you met Turner. I saw him walking you over.”

  “Yeah, I guess I did. Didn’t catch his name. Will he be at the Halloween party?” I can’t help but keep teasing him.

  “No chance. Besides, he’s not even legal to drink. Not man enough for you.”

  “So… Who should I pursue at the party?”

  “Me.” Simple response, but the intensity in his eyes shines. I squirm. Although we’re teasing, the truth behind his one-word answer makes it known I’ll be there with him as more than just a date for the night.

  “I think that’s already happening.”

  “Good.” He gives me a peck on the lips and loosens his hold around my waist to hold my hand. I hear a few guys laugh and cheer at the show of our affection but I choose to ignore it. I’m sure I’m blushing though. Guys can be so immature at times, especially college boys.

  “Come on.” Parker leads to show me around, pausing to explain some of the drills and to introduce me to the other coaches. I watch as Parker interacts with the students that are part of the team and how he discusses certain plays and techniques with them. It is obvious he is respected and well liked. The players joke around with him, but pay close attention to the advice he gives. I even see him pitch a couple of times.

  I may be falling for him a little more with how this afternoon is going. Seeing him in his own environment, although a professional one, just emphasizes the kind of person he is and the passion he has for his career and just life in general. He does not try to act more important or put down any of the players just because he played in the Minors. He also does not look at this job as a second choice because he needed to settle for less than he had bargained for. He definitely doesn’t let his ego get the best of him.

  I’m sitting in the dugout watching the rest of practice and taking in the emotions swimming inside me. I could really see a future with Parker. A future that always seemed unreachable because of the assholes I’ve come across and my dating track record as of late. I have immersed myself in the bakery, my one true love, and just assumed finding forever with someone would be second. I guess you can say I gave up. I am actually grateful to Emily for making us keep this silly promise to do online dating because it got me out there, even with the weirdoes and unsuccessful dates.

  “Ready?” Parker walks into the dugout and I want to devour him. His arms are glistening and his cap has been turned around, giving me a full view of his face.

  “Yup,” I say standing up and smiling at him.

  “Did you have fun? I know I was busy with practice, but I loved looking over and seeing you sitting here.”

  “I actually did. My dad loved baseball so it was awesome to see how practice works and get a feel for the sport outside of a game. It gives more significance to the work the players put into it. It’s cool!”

  “I’m glad. These kids are working really hard to make it to the top. Do you mind if I stop at home and shower quickly before we head to dinner?”

  “Not at all. Do you want to meet somewhere at a certain time?” I’m unsure if he meant to go with him to his apartment and wait for him or he’ll let me know when he’s ready.

  “Follow me home. We can go in one car to dinner. Do you prefer dropping off your car at home before we head to my apartment?”

  “Yeah, that’s perfect.”

  “Awesome. Let’s go.” Parker walks me to my car before heading to his. He follows me to my house and I drop off my car.

  After I climb into his truck, he says, “Much better,” as he grabs my hand and drives off to his apartment. Our drive is quiet and once we get to Parker’s apartment I’m nervous and excited. I would want nothing more than to just have him for dinner but I know that we should probably go out and eat real food.

  “I’ll be quick. Make yourself at home. Do you want a drink?”

  “I’m okay. Thanks.”

  “I’ll be right back. You won’t even have time to miss me.” His smile is charming and inviting. I smile back at him, not noticing I’m biting my lip until his eyes give me a suggestive onceover. I ignore Parker and turn to look around his apartment. He has picture frames by his TV and I walk over to look at them. This must be his brother and sister with him. They all look so much alike. I look at the next frame and see a couple that I assume is his parents. There’s also a photo of Parker in an Atlanta uniform. This must be from his time in the Minors. His hair is cute shorter, making him look younger.

  I continue to look around his apartment and it’s your typical guy’s apartment–sleek furniture, nice TV, simple décor, and neutral colors. Parker comes out from his room a few minutes after I have taken a seat on his couch.

  “I like how you look here.” He approaches me and bends down to kiss me.

  “You look good here, too.” I hold his neck, keeping him in place so I can devour his mouth. I need more than these make out sessions. I need him, naked, under me or over me, however, but I want to feel that connection with Parker. Yesterday at the bakery was hard enough. And he was definitely hard.

  Chuckling inwardly at my joke, I release Parker and stand up from the couch. “Dinner first,” I say, smiling mischievously. I walk towards his door and Parker stares at me before reaching my side.

  Once we get to the restaurant, we’re seated quickly. I greet our waiter, an older gentleman I’ve known since I was a child, and we chat quickly, catching up on each other’s lives.

  “Do you know everyone in this city?” Parker is amused at my interaction with our waiter and my quick hellos as we entered.

  Smiling, I say, “I
know one or two people around here.”

  “Is everyone going to be watching me closely to make sure I don’t hurt you? Am I going to get hate mail for dating one of the community’s favorite girls?”

  “You might,” I shrug and smile.

  “I don’t plan on hurting you, so I am safe from their scrutiny.” The seriousness and honesty in his voice draws me in as he verbalizes my fear for me. Is this too good to be true and eventually he’ll end up being another asshole? Parker doesn’t seem like that kind of guy, and from the beginning we’ve been honest. At least I think we have. I wasn’t the nicest peach in the bunch at first and my sarcasm is one to hide from, but here we are together, happier than I’ve been in a long time and seriously considering a future with him. Keeping with our playful back and forth and comfortable interaction, we eat dinner.

  Our dinner date was perfect. The more we get to know each other, the more I like Parker. I learned his last name is Wilde, which suits him, and we just relaxed over our meal and drinks.

  As we approach my house, I’m feeling a little nervous. The tension has been building and I can tell Parker feels it too. The decision to make now is whether or not to ask him if he wants to come inside. I’m not sure either one of us will be able to stop once we start up our heated make out sessions…because that’s all we have had so far. Make out sessions like junior high kids.

  “What are you thinking about?” Parker interrupts my thoughts, looking at me with a crooked grin before focusing back on the road.

  Daring to be honest and going with it, I say, “Wondering if I should invite you in or not.” I raise an eyebrow and give him a lopsided smile while I gauge his reaction.

  “Hmmm…That’s something to consider. Well, I wouldn’t say no to the invitation.” His response is suggestive and I know we are both ready to take that step despite the few dates we’ve been on. The connection we have is something I have not felt before and I’m really tired of B.O.B. and his expensive batteries. He is no cheap date.

  I move closer to him on the bench of his truck, trailing kisses down from his cheek to his jaw to his neck. Planting a soft kiss there, I whisper, “I’d love if you came inside.” It may be a poor attempt at seduction, or it may just work. Either way, I hope he takes the bait and follows suit.

  “You’re making it very difficult to turn down.” His voice grows husky and I know he wants this as much as I do. I do not just want sex, the physical kind, but I also want that intimate connection you feel with someone before, during and after. I crave his touch in my most intimate parts, but I also crave it traveling down my arm, whisper soft against my cheek, and holding me close throughout the night. I crave to feel his arms wrap around me, comforting me and seducing me. I want to wake up next to him and he is the first thing I see in the morning.

  “Good,” is my only response. No other words are needed right now. My fingers softly travel up and down his arm, causing his hand to leave the steering wheel and reach for mine, holding me tightly as his thumb tickles my palm.

  In silence, we reach my house. The air in the car is thick with desire and anticipation.

  “Ready?” Parker’s question is heavy with meaning. Not just ready to get out of his truck, but ready for what tonight will bring, to each other and our relationship. Taking things to a higher level, and bringing more to our relationship than just flirting and dates. This time, the flirting is leading to actions. Actions that will mark me, mark us, and sear with a fire that has been burning.

  “Yes,” I whisper into his truck, reaching up to kiss the side of his mouth. Parker turns his head and catches my lips, his tongue thrusting into my mouth without gentle permission, and taking ownership. I return the kiss with as much fervor, claiming his mouth with my own, letting him know how much I want this, how much I want him.

  Parker’s hands travel down my body, following every curve, gently stroking the sides of my breasts, down to my hips. I crush my body into his side, hands tangling in the loose strands of his hair, and pulling him as close to me as possible. His hands squeeze and flex on my hips, making me squirm. I feel the wetness spread south of my body and heat consumes me. A heat so intense I feel like someone has struck a match and thrown it on me, flames of pure unadulterated desire mixed with emotions I have not felt envelop me.

  “Inside. Now,” Parker says between breaths and kisses. Without another word, I break away and jump out of his truck, the cool air a contrast to the fire burning within, my skin damp from our assault, the breeze drying the proof of our heated embrace. His laugh travels to me in his amusement at my eagerness.

  Reaching my side, Parker’s arm wraps around my waist and spins me before we make it to my door. “I love your enthusiasm, but we’re taking our time.” My breasts swell with desire and I’m pretty sure my nipples are going to cut through my bra. Hot damn, I want him.

  I respond by kissing him lazily, allowing my mouth to explore his with patience and determination, showing him just how patient I can be while enjoying him. Growling, he breaks away. “You’re going to kill me. Open your door.”

  Fishing for my keys, I unlock my door and lead him in. Standing in my entryway, we look at each other, hunger and uncertainty of how to proceed mixed together. Do we just jump into bed? Should I offer him a drink? We both know what we want, why pretend?

  Holding his hand, I lead him into my house. Pulling my arm back and thrusting my body towards him, his hands hold the sides of my face firmly as he kisses me. Looking back at me, he says, “We don’t have to do this tonight. I’d still want to be here with you.”

  Kissing him back with more fervor, I murmur into his lips, “I want this…with you.” Walking backwards towards my room, I blindly lead the way the best I can, Parker preventing us from bumping into the coffee table in my living room. I open my bedroom door behind me and we stumble into my room, never breaking the connection between our lips. My tongue matches his movements as our hands hold on to each other, touching and running over the other’s body.

  After a few minutes, I break away and look at Parker’s eyes, the blue dwarfed by the black of his pupils. Without breaking eye contact, I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head, revealing his body underneath. My hands travel softly over his torso, feeling each muscle underneath them, up to his shoulders, looping around the back of his neck. My fingers tangle on the loose strands of hair, playing with it. Parker lets out a soft moan, his eyes closing momentarily. When they open, they blaze and I know what’s to come is going to be intense.

  Parker reaches for my shirt, mimicking my movements from a minute ago, and pulls it over my head, his fingers feeling my bare skin. His hands travel the opposite direction mine did, softly touching my shoulders, brushing past my breasts over my bra, my nipples erect at the slight contact, and moving down my torso to my jeans. Thinking he is going to remove those next, he surprises me when his hands grip my hips and pulls me towards him forcefully, crushing our bodies.

  His tongue brushes over my slightly parted lips and invades my mouth in a passionate kiss. His hands move to my ass and firmly lift me onto my bed. Before I can shift, Parker’s bare chest leans over mine, knocking me down on my back, as his lips crush against mine. Holding his weight on his elbows, his mouth moves expertly with mine, and the weight of his hips falls down on mine. Feeling his body over mine, my hands explore his torso, his muscles, and the indentations on his back as he flexes and moves as we kiss.

  His mouth moves down to my neck, nipping and licking my skin, intense heat flows over my body. My jeans are in the way, and I want to reach down and take them off, hoping that being naked would cool me down, but I know that won’t be the case. As soon as my jeans come off, the heat will intensify.

  His kisses continue to move down my neck, trailing outward towards the edge of my shoulder and back to where my neck and shoulder meet before moving further down. Once Parker reaches my breasts, he lowers the cup of my bra and swirls his tongue around my breast before taking my nipple in his mouth. He s
ucks the peak and gently scrapes his teeth over it, causing me to moan. He continues to suck and lick it, and when he’s satisfied, he does the same to my other breast. My upper body is exposed to him, I squirm the only place left for him to explore, the southern part of my torso.

  Without missing a beat, Parker continues to tease me, his tongue trailing down my torso, kissing and nipping on his way.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers in the process and I moan again. He reaches the edge of my jeans, and he teasingly drags his tongue just on the inside of my jeans and my hips buck up towards his mouth. Chuckling, he lifts his body and looks at me. Without breaking his eyes from mine, his hands undo the button of my jeans and he lowers my zipper with deliberate slowness. The fire in his eyes hitches my breath and I wait for him to remove my jeans.

  Moving his body over mine again, his lips catching mine, I lift my hips as his hands remove my jeans. I kick them off from my ankles and open my legs slightly, allowing Parker’s body to fit perfectly over mine. Our tongues are moving together and my hands pull him on me, crushing our bodies, all teasing left aside, I want to feel all of Parker on me and in me. With this thought, I move my hands between us and down to his jeans. Impatiently, I unbutton his jeans and move them off him as much as I can. Parker reaches down and helps me, our lips never stopping their urgent kissing as we peel away one more layer separating us.

  Parker reaches around my back to unhook my bra and pulls it off, our chests completely flushed together and our hips move to the rhythm our mouths have created. After our lips are swollen and my cheeks are slightly tender from Parker’s stubble, Parker pulls away just enough to look at me, the question in his eyes obvious.

  Silently asking if it is okay to move forward, I appreciate his consideration, but I was clear earlier. I want this. Mustering all the courage within me, I move my hand from his hair and snake it down between us, until I reach his cock and palm him. His breath hitches and I reach inside his boxer briefs and wrap my hand around him, moving up and down his shaft. Growling, his hands rip off my underwear and he teasingly moves one hand between my legs, slowly finding my clit.


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