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Life's Ratchet: How Molecular Machines Extract Order from Chaos

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by Hoffmann, Peter M.

  Kinetic theory of matter, 133

  Krebs cycle, 193, 194

  Lac-operon, 235–236

  Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 30

  La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, 22–26, 60

  clock analogy and, 25, 214

  denial of soul, 24–25

  irritability and, 24, 34

  rejection of chance, 25–26

  Landauer, Rolf, 131, 132

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 30, 43, 54

  Large Hadron Collider, 241

  Laser trap, 173

  Laser tweezers, 173–175

  Lavoisier, Antoine, 29–30, 39, 193

  Law of energy conservation, 37–38, 40, 41, 70, 74, 126–127

  Law of errors, 54, 55

  The Laws of the Game (Eigen), 66

  Leeuwenhoek, Antonie Philips van, 22

  Leibniz, Gottfried, 21, 37

  Lenoir, Timothy, 32n

  Liber De Ludo Aleae (Cardano), 49

  Liebig, Justus von, 39, 193


  chance and necessity and, 214–215, 246

  clock analogy, 25, 66, 214

  complexity of, 245–246

  defining, 1–2, 3–8, 229–230

  as game of chance, 66

  heat and, 17, 26–30

  molecular machines and, 242, 243–244

  noise and chaos and, 3

  as process, 229–231

  randomness and, 56–60

  See also Living organisms

  Life energy, 3–4

  Life force, 3–4, 9–44, 243

  animal heat, 26–30

  animism, 11–12

  atomism, 13–17

  chaos as, 7–8

  conservation of force and, 36–41

  Darwin and, 41–44

  energy and, 10–11

  irritability and, 34–36

  l’homme machine, 22–26

  mechanical philosophy, 19–22, 30–34

  medicine and, 18–19

  origin of idea of, 11–13

  vitalism, 12–13

  See also Vital forces; Vitalism/vitalists

  Life tables, 53–54

  Ligase, 204

  Liphardt, Jan, 135–136

  Lipid molecules, cooperativity and, 104–106, 107

  Liquids, molecular layers of, 118–120

  Living organisms

  clock analogy, 25, 66, 214

  electricity and study of, 35–36

  as open, dissipative systems, 86–87

  watch analogy, 214–216

  Loose coupling, 159, 160, 162–167

  Loschmidt, Josef, 133

  Loschmidt’s demon, 133

  Lottery, 51–52

  Lubrication, at nanoscale, 98

  Lucretius, 14

  Lysosomes, 169, 170

  Machines, efficiency of, 126–127

  Macroscopic world, order of, 68

  Macrostates, 75–76

  Magic, alchemy and, 18

  Man a Machine (L’homme machine) (La Mettrie), 23, 24

  Mass transport, in snow crystal growth, 102–103

  Matei, George, 118

  Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), 209–211

  cancer and, 234–235

  Matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1), 210

  Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), 234

  Matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP-14), 233–234


  graininess of, 98

  kinetic theory of, 133

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 55, 68, 69, 71, 125–126

  Maxwell’s demon, 128–129, 131–132, 156

  impossibility of realizing, 137

  Smoluchowski’s simplified version, 138

  Mayer, Julius Robert von, 37–38, 137

  Mayow, John, 27–28

  Mayr, Ernst, 94–95, 229, 230, 239

  Meaning, information vs., 222–223

  Mechanical energy, conversion from chemical energy to, 184–187

  Mechanical philosophy, 19–26

  conservation of energy and, 36–41

  limitations of, 31–34

  Mechanism, purpose vs., 41–44


  Galen and, 17–18

  Harvey and, 19–20

  Memory formation, 237

  Mendel, Gregor, 43–44, 61

  Méré, Chevalier de, 50

  Messenger RNA (mRNA), 202, 208, 209

  Micelles, 116

  formation of, 104–105, 106, 107

  Micrographia (Hooke), 4, 22

  Microscope, invention of, 22

  Microstates, 75–76, 77

  Microtubule filaments, 108, 110

  Microtubules, 90, 160, 169, 170

  Mitchell, Peter, 194–195

  Mitochondrion, 169, 170, 192–200

  ADP/ATP and, 159

  Mitosis, 182, 233

  Mlodinow, Leonard, 54

  MMP. See under Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)

  Moivre, Abraham de, 54

  Molecular biology, 63–66

  Molecular circuits, 121–122

  Molecular feedback loop, 153–154

  Molecular layers, of liquids, 118–120

  Molecular machines, 94, 122–124

  activation energy and, 146–150

  cancer and, 3

  cellular functions of, 169–170

  chaos and, 7, 138, 145–146, 158, 168, 212, 226, 230, 238, 242

  coupling and, 159–168

  efficiency of, 144

  energy for, 158–159

  enzymes and, 149–154

  evolution of, 218–221, 226–227

  Feynman’s ratchet, 138–141

  free energy and, 157–159

  molecular storm and, 7, 145–146

  molecular tracks and, 154–155

  motion of, 162–166

  power density of, 144–145

  regulation of, 231–233

  reset step, 155–158

  second law of thermodynamics and, 127–128

  understanding life and, 242, 243–244

  See also Maxwell’s demon

  Molecular motors (motor proteins), 160–162, 170–192

  ATPase and, 171–172

  dynein, 170, 171

  kinesin, 170, 171, 176–182

  measurement of, 172–176

  myosin, 170–171, 176, 182–192

  Molecular scale, complexity of, 6–7

  Molecular storm, 14, 72

  creation of snowflake and, 83

  evolution and, 225–226

  free energy and, 83–85

  harnessing energy of, 138–141

  life force and, 243

  molecular machines and, 7, 145–146

  protein shape and, 114–115

  reset step and, 157–158

  role of random thermal noise of, 167–168

  Molecular switching, 220, 237

  cooperativity and, 121–122

  Molecular tracks, 154–155

  reset step and, 156

  tight and loose coupling and, 159–166


  evolution of, 216–217

  purposeful action and, 5

  self-assembly of, 100–115

  statistical mechanics and, 68–69

  Monads, 21

  Monastrol, 233, 234

  Monod, Jacques, 144, 151

  allostery and, 153

  lac-operon pathway, 235–236

  role of chance in history of life, 6, 57, 58–60, 224–225

  Moore, Walther J., 63

  Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 61

  Motility assays, 90


  atomic, 71–73

  Brownian, 56, 71–72, 105–106, 129

  hydrolysis of ATP and, 184–187

  of kinesin-1, 176–181

  loose coupling and, 162–167

  molecular, 160–166

  of myosin V, 176, 182–187

  purposeful, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

  random (see Random motion)

  thermal (see Thermal noise (the
rmal motion))

  tight coupling and, 160–162

  Motor domain, 232

  of kinesin-1 and myosin V, 176–177

  in kinesins, 181

  Muller, Hermann Joseph, 62

  Müller, Johannes Peter, 38

  Muscle, structure of, 188

  Muscle cells, myosin II and, 187–189

  Mutations, 62–63, 64

  thermal motion and, 225–226

  Myosin, 90, 170–171, 209

  myosin I, 189, 192

  myosin II, 167, 183, 184, 187–189

  myosin V, 176, 182–187, 189, 192

  myosin VI, 192

  myosin VII, 192

  myosin IX, 192

  classes of, 170

  family tree, 190–191

  G proteins and, 220

  superfamily, 189–192, 221

  N terminus, kinesins and, 181

  NAD+, 193

  NADH, 193, 194

  Nanobot, 93

  Nanophysics, 90–91

  Nanoscale, 91–94

  assembly at, 100–115

  energy equality at, 122–124

  scanning probe microscopes, 94–96

  violation of second law of thermodynamics and, 134–136

  Nanoscience, 92–93

  cooperativity, 104–106, 116–120

  entropic forces, 106–110

  hydrophobic forces, 110–112

  molecular switching, 121–122

  physical rules in, 97–99

  quantum-mechanical effects, 99–100

  thermal noise (thermal motion), 100, 122, 123–124

  Nanostructures, creation of, 103

  Nanotechnology, 5, 92

  Natarajan, Arun, 2

  Of Natural and Supernatural Things (Vesalius), 18

  A Natural History of the Soul (La Mettrie), 23

  Natural selection, 41–44

  Natural Theology (Paley), 42, 214

  Nature, La Mettrie and, 25–26

  Naturphilosophie, 32

  Necessity, chance vs., 6–8, 222, 224–225, 243, 246

  Negative feedback, 153

  Neutrons, 84

  Newton, Isaac, 21–22, 36, 37

  Newton’s cannonball, 128

  Noise, life and, 3

  Noji, Hiroyuki, 196–197

  Noller, Harry, 219

  Normal distribution, 54–55

  Nuclear fusion, 84

  Nucleotide bases, 201, 202, 205

  Nucleus, cell, 169, 170

  Octamethyl-cyclo-tetrasiloxane (OMCTS), 118–120

  Oils, 104, 110, 111

  On Growth and Form (Thompson), 7, 57

  The Onion (newspaper), 144

  “On the Nature of the Gene Mutation and the Gene Structure” (Delbrück et al.), 63

  Open systems, 85–87

  Operon, 235–236

  Oral, Ahmet, 96

  Order from order principle, 65–66

  Origin of Species (Darwin), 42, 60

  Osmosis, 211–212

  Osmotic pressure, 105–106

  Özer, Özgür, 96

  Paley, William, 42, 213–216

  Pantoprazole, 232

  Paracelsus, 18

  Particle physics, 241–242

  Pascal, Blaise, 50–53

  Pascal’s triangle, 51–52, 54

  Patil, Shiva, 118–119

  Paulze, Marie-Ann Pierrette, 29

  Perpetuum mobile, 136–137

  Perrin, Jean, 72

  Persistent activation, 236–237

  Pethica, John, 96–97

  The Phenomenon of Man (Chardin), 58

  Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton), 36

  Phlogiston theory of fire, 29–30

  Phosphoglucomutase, 150

  Physical forces, explanation of life and, 60

  Physical rules in nanoscience, 97–99


  biology, 237–240

  evolution and, 60–63

  Rutherford on, 2

  Physics Today (journal), 144

  Plato, 15, 26

  Pneuma, 15, 17

  Points, problem of, 50–53

  Poker, 47–48

  Positive feedback, 153

  Power, 10

  Power density of molecular machines, 144–145

  Preformationism, mechanical philosophy and, 31–32

  Prey (Crichton), 92

  Probability, 47–48

  molecular motion and, 163, 164, 165

  theory of, 48–50

  Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brünn (journal), 43

  Proceedings of the Royal Society (journal), 137

  Proctor, Bob, 10

  Promoter, 206

  Protein folding, 112–115, 223

  Protein shapes, 113–115

  Protein synthesis, 200, 207–209

  Proteins, 107–108

  enzymes and, 150

  evolution of, 217–218

  stability of, 117

  See also Molecular motors (motor proteins)

  Proton-motive force, 196, 197

  Protons, 84

  Pumps, 211–212

  Purpose, mechanism vs., 41–44

  Purposeful motion, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

  Pyruvate, 193

  Pythagoras, 14, 26

  Quantitative analysis, life and, 19–20

  Quantum-mechanical effects, 99–100

  Quantum mechanics, 56, 61

  Quarks, 84, 241

  Quetelet, Adolphe, 54–55


  mutation and, 62, 64

  quantum mechanics and, 61

  Ramanujan, Chandra, 96

  Random motion, 5

  Democritus and, 13, 14

  loose coupling and, 162–167

  Randomness, 46–47, 66, 245

  debate over, 56–60

  molecular scale and, 7

  physics and, 60–61

  protein folding and, 115

  See also Chance

  Random stacking, 79–80


  evolution as, 225–226

  Feynman’s, 138–141

  Reductionism, 4–6, 238–242


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