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Bound by Desire (Ravage MC Bound Series Book Two)

Page 12

by Ryan Michele

  Emery pulls away, wiping the wetness from her face and sucking in air, trying to pull herself together. “Well, this isn’t good.”

  “She’ll beat it, Emery. Gotta be strong for her and hold your shit together around her.”

  “Right. I’m transferring here to community college.”

  As much as I hate the thought, Mom will want it. “But you stay in school.”

  “Yeah, I will.”

  “Come on.”

  She rises, takes my hand, and pulls me out the front door, around the back, and to the old swing. This swing has been around for years and probably knows more secrets than anyone can count. I even spent my fair share of time out here, sitting and looking out over the yard. Our parents’ home sits on an acre and a half with trees around it.

  This swing was a calm among the storm more times than I can count. It’s also a place where I’d take my hits when no one was home, making those great feelings take a turn.

  Starting the drugs was a huge mistake, one that I’ll never live down. Doing them here was another mistake. I tainted this place with them.

  Emery sits and I follow, the wood creaking under my weight. It’s old and in dire need of some care. I make a mental note to try to do that for my mom. She loves this swing, and it means a lot to her. Again, it’s the least I can do. All it needs is a good scrub, some poly, and WD40.

  “Are you staying for good?” Emery asks, looking out among the trees.

  “Can’t answer that. One day at a time.”

  Being here is a risk. I can only hope that he’s moved on.

  “Guess it’s better than nothin’.”

  We sit out on the swing for an hour, and I learn several things about my sister’s life at school. It’s as I expected. Going from people all around you to no one is a difficult thing. Now, though, that the decision is made for her to come home, she’s a little unsure about it. My reassurances she’ll be alright get me a smile.

  Lunch is tense. Sitting at the table again after four years of being absent knocks me somewhere deep. A place I’ve locked up for many years. Looking around at my parents and sister, though, it starts to shatter. It takes everything in me to keep it from bursting through.

  Emery talks enough for everyone, telling our parents about her life and what her decisions are from this point on. My dad gets this soft look on his hard face when she talks. I’m glad she has that. She’s got the whole daddy’s little girl thing down pat.

  Leaving isn’t easy, but at five, I’m ready for a break. I drive by a couple of properties and somehow end up in Rylie’s driveway.

  Rylie’s door opens as she walks out. Fuck, she’s hot. Dynamite distraction.


  Chapter Fourteen

  “This is a surprise.”

  Deke says nothing as Brewer barks. Instead, he wraps his arm around my waist, lifting me and connecting his lips with mine. He kisses me deeply, roughly, and hard, while I hold on to the side of his head.

  The door slams as he pushes us into the house, slamming my back against the wall with a thud.

  When Brewer jumps up, I hear Deke snap his fingers. I look over to see Deke pointing to the floor. Brewer moves away and sits. Good boy.

  Deke doesn’t relent with me, though, and something tells me that rough is how this is going to play out. I’m totally down with that.

  With one hand, he clutches my wrists and holds them above my head. The loss of them only turning me on more as I melt into the wall. He moves his body closer, pressing me deeper into the hardness behind my back.

  Our lips tear at each other, teeth crashing and breathing sparse.

  Then he releases me, saying, “Clothes off now.” And I kick my jeans off in a hurry, watching as he undoes his pants, not taking them all the way down before he rolls a condom on.

  He brings his hands to my hips. “Hands to the wall, ass tipped up.”

  Brewer whines.

  “Brewer, out!” Deke commands, and sure enough, little taps of his nails can be heard throughout the place.

  I comply, turning around and earning me a slap on the ass that sends fire through my core. He presses my thighs together tightly, angles out my hips, then he’s inside of me.

  This position is acutely tight, and I try to clutch the wall, unable to get any kind of a grip. What I wouldn’t give for a damn shelf or something so I could have leverage. Instead, I put my hands flat on the wall and thrust back as he comes at me, giving and taking. Same as him.

  Deke must have a magic cock because I burst, falling face first into the wall, my ass tipped up, giving him an even deeper angle, which he uses to his advantage, finding his own release.

  My knees begin to buckle, but he wraps his arm around my waist, lifts me, and carries me to the couch, sitting me on his lap. I note his jeans never fell all the way to the floor. That’s seriously sexy.

  We sit there for long moments until my brain kicks in. “Gotta go to work.”

  “Got it, babe.” He lifts me off him, rises, and buttons his jeans.

  Watching him, seeing his tight ass move, for the first time in a long time, I don’t want to go to Schade’s to work. I’d rather stay here and have that ass several more times.

  “You at X tonight?” He looks over his shoulder, seeing me staring, and gives me a sexy as hell wink. I don’t hide it, because he’s hot and I don’t give a shit. He’s in my house and just fucked the hell out of me. If I want to stare at his ass, I will and won’t be shy about it.



  I rise and grab my clothes, slipping my underwear on and clasping my bra. “Fight club on the outskirts.”

  He slips on his T-shirt. “You fightin’?”

  It makes me feel good that he believes I can do so in a fight club. That shit isn’t easy, and the people who go in there have balls. Not that I wouldn’t. It’s just not my thing.

  “Nope. Security.”

  “Security at a fight club?” The puzzled look on his face is funny, so I smile as I slip on my jeans.

  “Thought you told me you fight?”

  “We don’t have security.”

  “Schade makes bank. Runs it like an event, bringin’ in people from all over. He’s particular about what happens.”

  “You get a lot of trouble there?”

  “Not too much. There’s somethin’ every night, but nothing I can’t handle. There’s a team of us.”

  His brows rise, and I find it cute, if that’s possible to find on a man like Deke.


  “Yep. Like I said, it’s serious. You wanna come check it out?” The words come out before I realize what I’m saying, and hope flares that he’ll say no. Not because I don’t want him to see it. It’s for the same reason I don’t like Charlie there—the distraction. And Deke is a fuck of a distraction.

  A pang of jealousy niggles inside me. The thought of all those women getting a take on Deke doesn’t make me feel good. Some of the women there will fuck anything and everything. They’ll be all over him like a fly on shit, and I’ll really have to keep myself in check.


  “Sure,” he answers, and my hope dies. I can hack it, though. Having him there and keeping an eye on the crowd, it’ll be fine.

  “Alright. Let me put Brewer out, and then we can grab a bite and go. You wanna ride in the Jeep?”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “I can drive.”

  “Do I have a dick?”

  I chuckle. “Yep, pretty nice one.”

  “Pretty nice?”


  He gives me a smirk, and I wonder what it would be like to get the full-on smile. The one that isn’t reserved or held back. Or maybe I don’t. I fear it would knock me on my ass.

  “I’ll drive.”

  “Is this some macho man thing?”

  “Nope, it’s just a man thing. Get used to it.”

  Part of me wonders if he’ll be around long enough to “get use
d to it.”


  Deke opens the door for me to the local burger joint. As soon as we sit in a back booth, a waitress comes and takes our order.

  It’s a bit strange, because this is something normal. No coming to my house in the middle of the night and fucking. Almost like a damn date.

  I don’t want my mind to go there. Deke doesn’t come off as a dating kind of man.

  “Where are you stayin’? Did you get a place?”

  “Stayin’ with Austyn right now. Need to find a place. Looked today, but that’s the goal for tomorrow.”

  “Guess that means you’ll be stayin’ in town for a while.”

  “For the time bein’.” His response is vague.

  I need to keep in mind that he’s not staying in town, so getting attached to this man in any sort of way isn’t a good thing. Sex. Keep it at sex.

  My last man, Lance, wasn’t adventurous in the bedroom, but he gave decent orgasms. He was attentive to me and fixed things around my house, but there wasn’t a spark. That ignition that I get when I see Deke show up at my doorstep.

  The struggle to keep those thoughts separate from the “just having sex” is getting difficult, but I can do it. Keep it light. I don’t want to push him away, even if it’s just for a quickie. It’ll all work out. It always does.

  We enter Schade’s and see Breelyn right away. Her eyes grow wide at the sight of Deke as she looks him up from top to toe, taking in all that is him. And damn, there’s a lot to take in.

  “And who is this?” she asks.


  Her gaze cuts to me. “You been hiding him?”

  I smile. “Yep.”

  “Girl, you do not hide a piece like this.”

  Deke crosses his arms, no doubt not really caring for being called a piece of meat.

  “We’re goin’ in.” I make a move to do just that.

  “You’re talking later. Don’t give a shit if I have to load you on rum. Your ass is talking,” she calls out, and I give her a wave.

  “Friend of yours?”

  “Oh yeah. And she’ll be hounding me down after work or calling me at the ass crack of dawn in the morning. Got two more close ones here, so get ready.”

  He shakes his head as he takes in the space, saying nothing. I wish I could get inside his head and figure out what he’s thinking.

  “You do whatever. I gotta get to work.”

  He lifts his chin as I move off.

  After checking in with Schade, the team, and scoping the area, people begin to pile in. I clock Deke in the back of the place, leaning against the wall. The entire air around him screams “don’t come near me and don’t touch me.” So far, he’s been given a wide berth, but the place isn’t packed yet, and it will be a crush.

  The night goes smoothly, only Jackson getting kicked out so far for starting his usual shit. I haven’t lost sight of Deke all night. Not to mention the women he caught the eye of. They’ve been circling like vultures, and every time one goes up to him, I have the severe impulse to beat the living shit out of them. Luckily, he’s sent each of them away.

  I know I have zero claim to the man, but I still don’t like it.

  Three fights down when the last one takes the cage up in the center. The room is electric, everyone pumped from watching the first three. It seems that the last one always has more of a pump than the first. Could be all the alcohol helping that out. Schade makes a killing on booze. No way he’d ever stop that shit.

  The roar of the crowd and the sounds from the fighters fill the room. Weeding through the people, my body is pushed and pulled. Some make a few grabs, but mostly, I ignore them. That’s what they want—attention. I don’t give it, they get the point.

  A hand grabs my arm, turning me. Another grabs my pussy as lips come down on mine. I break away and kick the guy in the gut, pushing him into the crowd. Good-looking man with dark jeans, a T-shirt, and dark hair, but asshole for thinking he can grab, kiss, and touch me.

  Just as I make my way over to him, ready to show him exactly what pisses me off, out of the corner of my eye, I see Deke storming through, pushing people if needs be. When I say storm, I mean, literally everyone in his path moves feet away from him, noting the anger pulsing off him. He is ready to explode.

  The guy only has eyes for me as he comes back at me, but Deke catches him by the throat. His arm strains as he clenches the man, lifting him clean off the floor.

  Holy shit!

  The guy who touched me kicks his legs and tugs at Deke’s hand, trying to free himself. But with the grip Deke has, it’ll take a hell of a lot more than that to get him loose.

  The strength Deke has is something I’m in awe of. It’s as if he’s a mix of the Hulk and the Rock or something. It’s the clear, controlled rage, though, that’s really getting me. It’s there, but he has it in check. He has a pulse on exactly what he’s doing and each action. It makes me wonder what he’s like in the ring.

  I move up to his side so he can see me out of the corner of his eye.

  “Deke, let him go.”

  Deke stares down at the man who’s clearly about ready to piss his pants. The guy may be aggressive to women, but to men, he’s a pussy.

  Deke pulls the guy to within a foot of his face and growls, “Fuckin’ touch her again, I’ll end you.” With that warning, he throws the guy, knocking several people over in the process. Fuck, this isn’t going to be good.

  “Boys!” I call in, but my guys are already there, helping to settle everyone.

  Deke’s eyes don’t leave the man on the floor until I step into his vision. He tags me around my waist, pulling me to his hard body, bringing his lips down on mine, hard and rough. I take it because I want it.

  He breaks away, looking down at me. “I’m fuckin’ you, no one fuckin’ touches you.” He sets me back, turns to look at the crowd around us, then stalks back to the back of the room.

  Holy shit. Did that just happen?

  Arousal hits me between my legs. I have to admit, that was the hottest thing any man has ever done for me. It’ll piss Schade off, but fuck me.

  “What the fuck is this? Bring your boyfriend to work night?” Schade practically yells at me as I enter his office. “Fuck, Rylie! What was that?”

  Deke did start a fuck of a fight with all the people he knocked down when he threw that asshole who touched me. The crowd didn’t go after him, though. They went after the asshole. We ended up having to protect his ass and carry him out of the place. He’ll be feeling it tomorrow, but that’s his own damn fault. It took a while before we got everything under control. I didn’t mind.

  The entire time, I kept thinking about how ironic it was that I was contemplating taking off a few of the women’s heads, when Deke was thinking the same thing. Difference is, he acted and didn’t give a fuck about anything but his task.

  “We took care of it.”

  “Yeah. Damn, I hate messes.” He breathes out. “He your man?”

  Schade’s taken care of me for the past three years. He’s not one of my girls, by any means, but he keeps tabs on me, like on who I date, and has given his opinion on several occasions. Including, Lance.

  Schade didn’t like him at all. Now I know why.

  “I’m seein’ him.”

  Schade crosses his arms. “He’s a fuckin’ tank.”

  I smirk, knowing he’s damn rock-hard everywhere on his body. “Yeah, he is.”

  “He a fighter?”

  “Yeah, he was back home.” The instant the words leave my lips, I know what his next will be.

  “You bring him to me this week. We need to talk.”

  “About fighting or kickin’ a guy’s ass.”

  A sly smirk comes across his face. “Both.”

  “Don’t give me shit. You’re really not pissed about Deke grabbing the guy? What’s this?”

  “Know him. Or, more to the point, know his old man. He comes in here, I don’t need the Ravage MC breathin’ down my neck. Do I
want him in the ring? Fuck yeah. Around here, Gavelson is a big name and will attract a crowd. Do I want that MC involved? Fuck no. That’s what we need to discuss.”

  Know him. There’s something about that I don’t like. Maybe I’m just curious of what he knows.

  On a shrug, I reply, “I’ll relay the message. But gotta tell ya, Schade, he’s not much for anyone ‘telling’ him anything, so be warned.”

  “Don’t you worry. I know how to handle him.”

  To that, I smile. “We shall see.”

  Schade gives me my cut, I meet Deke by his truck, and then we take off.

  “I should be pissed at you,” I tell him when he doesn’t say much on the drive back to my place.

  “Be what ya want,” he responds. “But I’m tellin’ ya, anyone touches ya, I’ll rip their limbs from their body.”

  A shiver goes down my spine. I have no doubt the man could do it.

  “That’s pretty hot, Deke.”

  “Thought you were pissed.”

  I unbuckle my seatbelt then lean over the console. “I said I should be. Instead, I’m horny as hell.” I reach down and unbutton his jeans. He lifts his hips just a bit, enough for me to get his cock out.

  “That right,” he grunts as I squeeze him hard.


  Sticking my tongue out, I lick from the base all the way to the tip, letting the taste of him sear into my brain. Stroking the mushroom tip of his cock, then dipping into the small slit, I work him up and down. Over and over, I torture him, never putting his cock between my lips, only using my tongue.

  Deke laces his fingers through my hair, tightening and pulling. It makes me smile around his cock. Then he shifts his hips up, wanting more.

  “Suck my cock, Rylie,” he orders.

  Instead of complying, I wrap my lips around the sides of his cock and move them up and down, feeling every ridge and vein. The center console digs into my chest, but the pain is ignored.

  He growls low, his grip getting even tighter. I watch as his abs flex beneath his shirt.

  Some women think sucking cock is degrading, that it makes them less of a woman or gives them a loss of control. Not me. This is the most powerful I feel, being able to bring a man to his knees just by tongue, lips, and hands. Having his body quiver and shake with each movement I make, wanting more and beginning to lose control.


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