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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

Page 5

by Mary Rundle

  “Thank you. I promise you I will keep all your secrets. I won’t put my mate or his pack in danger.”

  “Good, because this is now your pack also. Good night.”

  Dylon heard Jackson and Steel leave but he was still staring at his mate’s face, seeking assurances Cody wanted him as a mate. All he saw was Cody’s dark chocolate eyes gazing at him with desire. He couldn’t resist and leaned forward kissing those lips meant just for him. His tongue ghosted over their soft pouty outline before pushing in. Oh, my gods! Dylon groaned, his sounds promptly swallowed by Cody. His tongue sought out his mate’s tongue, twisting around it and sucking it. Holy fuck, does my mate taste great! I can’t wait to get his cock in my mouth!

  Cody was surprised when Dylon kissed him but as soon as his mate’s tongue entered his mouth he wanted more—so much more. Breaking off the kiss, he slid to the floor and lifted the hospital gown Dylon was wearing. He’d felt his mate’s thick, long, hard cock pressing into him while he was sitting on Dylon’s lap and now he could gaze upon it with eager eyes and willing lips. Bending over it, he teased the head of his mate’s cock, licking the sensitive spot below the crown with his tongue.

  He proceeded to lick and nip the length of it until he reached the bed of tightly curled hair at its base. There, Cody buried his nose and inhaled the full scent of his mate. Groaning, he reversed his path until he was once more at the tip. Then he stopped; with the tip of his tongue barely touching the tip of Dylon’s cock, he raised his eyes. Grinning wickedly, Cody hovered for a split second before opening his mouth wide and swallowing the slickly coated rod down his throat, while holding his mate’s hips and forcing them to be still.

  Holy Shit! Dylon grabbed Cody’s head and hung on for dear life. One movement by his mate and he’d be shooting his cum down Cody’s throat as if he was fifteen again. He fought against his orgasm. He wanted more and, by gods, he was going to have it. Taking deep breaths and trying to calm his thoughts, Dylon finally succeeded in stopping his impending eruption. He glanced down at Cody and saw devilry in his mate’s eyes. That fucker! He knew what he was doing to me!

  Once Cody felt Dylon get himself under control, he started again, bringing his mate to the edge only to back off. Time and time again Cody edged Dylon until he felt his mate whimpering and crying for release. Relinquishing his hold on Dylon’s hips and glancing up, with his mate’s cock still in his mouth smiled, giving his mate permission to fuck his face.

  Dylon wasted no time—his hips started to jerk quickly, forcing his cock in and out, building up the friction, feeling his nuts tightening to his body. Then he felt his mate’s finger pressing in on the bundle of nerves surrounding his hole. “CODY, OH FUCK…CO-D-D-Y-Y-Y-Y” Dylon’s scream ended in a howl as his cum shot down his mate’s throat. Holy fuck! Dylon felt every one of his bones liquefy after his orgasm. Slumped with his head resting on the wall, he struggled to breathe while his heart pounded so loudly he was sure everyone in the house could hear it.

  Cody loved the taste of his mate’s cum. After he swallowed the first copious squirts, he held Dylon’s softening cock, and gently squeezed it, coaxing every last drop from it, savoring its flavor with delight. Then, he climbed back into Dylon’s lap and rested his head against his muscled chest, listening to his drumming heartbeats. Inhaling the sweet scent of his mate, Cody felt safe. Closing his eyes, a sigh of contentment escaped his lips.

  Dylon floated on the afterglow of one of the best blowjobs he ever had. Never before had anyone made him feel so completely wasted after sucking him off. He closed his eyes, relishing the scent of his mate, lifting his heavy arms around Cody and pulling him in tight. Great balls of fucking fire! He was so lucky to have found his Fated Mate and if it meant getting beaten senselessly, then he would do it again just so he could be here with the one who was meant to complete him.

  Chapter 6

  “No, I have no idea who took the body. I told you I lost the scent at the edge of the road. Whoever took him did it at least 48 hours ago because it’s a faint trail.”

  “Where are you exactly?”

  “We are about three and a half miles south of the old Blackwood Pack house on the highway that runs past it. He was dumped in a ditch, so I don’t know how somebody would have seen him from the road.”

  “Shit,” Rudy knew any driver of a big rig would have been able to see the body since the ditch wasn’t that deep. “Fuck! Did you at least cover him up with something like leaves or dirt to hide him?”

  “No, you told us to just dump the body. We did what you said.”

  Rudy rolled his eyes at the sheer stupidity of his lead enforcer. He really needed to hire one with brains but in the meantime, said, “I’ll call you back shortly. Don’t go anywhere.” After hanging up, he slammed his fist on the desk. Fucking Dylon. Why the fuck did his old man have to be a big shot? Rudy sat back and stared at the ceiling, pondering what his next step would be.


  Cody had fallen asleep again in Dylon’s arms after sucking his mate’s brains out through his cock. When his mate’s arms fell away, hitting the couch with a dull thump, he woke, immediately missing his warmth and security. Remaining still, he listened to Dylon’s even breathing signaling his mate was asleep, finding comfort in the sound. Ever since the massacre, Cody found it difficult to achieve deep sleep, fearful of having another vision. Instead, he spent each night tossing and turning fitfully causing him to wake tired. He hid it well from his brothers, especially from Colton and Carson with whom he shared a mind link. Thank fucking goodness the Shaman taught him how to partition his mind, so he could hide his visions all these years.

  But since the brutal killing of his family, it was getting harder and harder to do. And that meant he was getting less and less sleep since he was on edge trying to make sure no one found out. Now that had changed and his mate knew, along with Jackson, Steel, Colton, Ian, and Mystia. That alone should have set his teeth on edge especially after a lifetime of hiding who he was but all he felt was a calmness with his wolf. Something he hadn’t had felt for a very long time.

  He knew it was because his mate had accepted him. Hell,‘accept’ was too weak a word for how my mate reacted. He fucking regarded me as the best thing since free porn on the internet. What will he say when I tell him what I must do? Will he agree to go with me? Will he still think I’m okay when I get my gift? Shit, please Fates, please make him want me, I beg you. I need him. Cody curled his body against his mate, seeking all the warmth he could soak up.

  Dylon opened his eyes halfway before closing them again. He wasn’t ready to give up the delicious, sated, feeling his mate gave him. He needed to return the favor soon and was enjoying being hugged by his mate when he felt his mate’s body stiffen. “Ma moité, what’s wrong?” he asked, raising his arms to hug Cody.

  He knew he had to tell Dylon—sooner than later—just in case he wasn’t interested in claiming him after finding out. Sighing, Cody began, “I have to leave here and go to Tajikistan.”


  “Because of visions I had. I’m needed there and it’s going to be dangerous, so I’ll understand if you don’t…”

  “Hush, I go where you go. And if you think for one moment I’m going to let you go someplace that’s dangerous without me, well…let’s just say—not going to happen. Is this what you’ve been hiding from me?”

  Cody glanced at his mate before lowering his eyes. “Yeah, it was. I wasn’t sure how you would feel about me with my foresight ability, so I wasn’t going to tell you.”

  “So, why did you change your mind?”

  “I thought you should know the whole story before you tell your father you found and claimed me. I wanted you to know everything, well, except what my gift from the Fates will be, which I don’t know yet.”

  Dylon placed two fingers under Cody’s chin and tilted his face so he could see his mate’s eyes. “Look at me, Cody. I want you to see the truth of my words and the happiness in my soul.” After gaini
ng his mate’s full attention, he said, “All my life, I dreamed of finding my Fated Mate, hoping at each point along the way I would get lucky. I knew the Fates would give me the perfect wolf to complete me. But never…never in my wildest dreams did I dare think I would have such a gorgeous Fated Mate as you. I promise you here and now, there is nothing in this world or the next that will keep me from claiming you. Nothing that will ever keep me from you, now and forever more.”

  Cody gazed intently at Dylon’s face and saw only the truth of his mate’s words. When the realization hit him, love welled up and overflowed his heart filling every nook and cranny of his fragile spirit, rebuilding it until it was reflected in his eyes. He didn’t know it, but he had just gotten his gift from the Fates.

  Dylon’s jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. What a sight! His mate glowed with an aura so bright it was blinding. Soon, Dylon would find out he was the only one who would see this in his mate. In Cody’s eyes, he saw the love his mate had for him already shining brightly as a beam of the silver light pierced his body and heart, tying them together by a life thread only they could see. He looked at the shimmering thread and then at Cody. His heart filled with love and he knew without a shadow of a doubt, he loved Cody with every fiber in his body and would protect him against anyone who tried to harm him.

  Leaning forward, Dylon’s lips met and caressed Cody’s as he felt the bonding start to occur. He knew he would always be physically tied to his mate through the life thread. He deepened his kiss, relishing and loving this new chapter of his life. It was as if everything he did before this moment was merely training for the time when he’d assume his rightful place next to Cody. Pulling his mate tighter to him, Dylon groaned. He would never get enough of him—and that thought infused his mind and body with overwhelming happiness.

  Cody could feel the life thread tying him to Dylon and knew they were now one. His mate’s love flowed back through it to him and soothed Cody’s spirit. The love made him bold and he thrust his tongue into Dylon’s mouth, seeking to know it intimately. Thrust and parry…parry and thrust. His tongue dueled with Dylon’s, each wanting control but neither able to seize it. He felt his cock lengthen, dewy drops beading at the tip, signaling his rising need.

  Finally, Dylon broke away, his chest heaving and his cock hard. Fuck! I need to claim my mate now! But not here! “Ma moité, let’s go to our room where I can claim you properly.”

  He stared at Dylon, eyes blown wide with lust and need, wondering why his mate stopped. Cody’s brain wasn’t processing Dylon’s words. All he knew is his lips weren’t touching his mate’s. Desperate for more, he grabbed Dylon’s face and pulled it to his. Locking his lips back onto his mate’s, he groaned at the flavor he found there. Caressing, pulling and then small bites, Cody ravished Dylon’s mouth.

  Neither heard the knock but when Colton entered the room and cleared his throat, Dylon broke off the most fantastic kiss anyone had ever given him. Hearing Cody’s faint cry, he pulled him close and whispered in his ear about continuing once they were in their bedroom. Colton’s sudden appearance was the reason he didn’t want to fuck his mate in the hospital room. Looking up at Cody’s brother, he said, “We are going to our room in a minute.”

  “Good to know but Jackson asked me to find out if you had called your father yet,” Colton said.

  “Uhmm, no,” Dylon responded.

  Cody could sense his mate’s hesitation and decided to handle the problem. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he handed it to Dylon and said, “Here, you better make the call because Jackson won’t leave us alone until he knows what your father said.”

  “Good call, bro. I’ll just step out. Come and find me when you’re finished talking to your father, Dylon.” Giving a brief nod to both, he left the room.

  “Do you want me to leave too?” Cody asked.

  “Absolutely not! My parents will want to say hello to you…unless you’d rather not.”

  “Nope, I want to be here to say hello. But you won’t forget about keeping Jackson and Colton’s secrets, right?”

  “I promise I won’t say a word.”

  “Okay, then let’s tell your parents the good news.”

  Dylon dialed his father’s number and smiled at his mate while listening to the ringing.

  “Hello? Hello? Who is this?”

  He heard his father’s voice, giving Dylon a sense of relief he was still at home. “Hi Dad, Dylon here.”

  “Where are you? I’ve been calling you for several weeks and you never picked up the phone. We were worried. Just a minute, let me put you on the speaker so you mother can talk to you also.”

  Suddenly, Cody heard a very soft feminine voice, “Dylon, is it you?”

  “Hi Mom, how have you been?”

  “How have I been? Worried over you, of course. Where have you been? Your father called your Alpha looking for you. Is that why you’re calling finally?”

  Dylon groaned inwardly. Shit! What the fuck did that asshole tell my father?

  “Oh, I never got your message because I left my job there. But never mind that—guess what? I found my Fated Mate!” he shouted.

  “Really? Who is it?” asked his father.

  “Oh honey,” his mother cut in. “I’m so happy for you. What’s his name? When can we meet him? Are you coming home? Oh no, we’ll come to you. Franklin, we must go right now. I can’t wait any longer to meet our son’s Fated Mate,” exclaimed Elizabeth, Dylon’s mother.

  “Now? It’s the middle of the night! Can’t we wait until morning, Lizzie?”

  “Well of course we’ll leave in the morning but I have to pack now.”

  Dylon and Cody were chuckling at the reaction of Dylon’s parents. “Uh, Mom? My mate is here and would like to say hello.”

  “Oh, my goodness, how rude of me. I’m sorry, of course. I’m just so excited for you.”

  “Mom, Dad, here is Cody of the Blackwood Pack.”

  “Hello sir, ma’am.”

  “None of that ‘sir’ business. My names Franklin or Frank, whichever you prefer, Cody. Glad to meet you.”

  “Oh, hush Frank. Cody, hi, I’m Elizabeth or Lizzie. I’m so happy for you and our son. You don’t mind if we come and meet you, do you? I’ve been praying for this so long. I can’t believe it. I’m going to pack my new dress. Thank the gods I bought it. Oh, my gods, Dylon has a Fated Mate.” Lizzie shouted.

  “Dad, DAD…”

  “Yes son. Sorry, your mother is jumping up and down and yanking the phone.”

  The image of Lizzie’s excitement did it and neither Dylon nor Cody could hold back their laughter.

  “Just a minute. Lizzie, calm down. I need to hear what Dylon is saying.” After several moments of squealing, they heard Dylon’s Mom say, “Sorry Franklin, go ahead. I’ll be quiet.”

  By now, tears from their laughter were rolling down their cheeks. Finally, regaining control, Dylon said, “Dad, I have to speak to Jackson tomorrow about your visit. He’s the Alpha of the Blackwood Pack and Cody’s brother. How about I call you afterward and we can make some plans?”

  “Yes, yes. By all means, call me after you speak with your Alpha. In the meantime, I’m sure your mother will be planning what she is going to bring and will want to go as soon as we hear from you.”

  “Great, talk to you tomorrow. Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too, son. Here’s your mother.”

  “Bye Mom, I love you.”

  “Good-bye Dylon. You too, Cody. Can’t wait to meet you. Love you both.” Lizzie said and then blew kisses.

  “Good-bye,” Dylon and Cody said in unison before disconnecting the call.

  Dylon and Cody stared at each other before bursting out laughing again.

  “I love your mom,” Cody finally sputtered out. “Oh boy, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “She’s my biggest supporter. When I realized I was gay, my father accepted it, but I could see he was disappointed—but not my Mom. She stood by my side and told my father it
was a sign from the Fates that their son was meant for great things.”

  “Wow, she sounds a lot like my mother. My father wasn’t happy to discover his first seven sons were gay. But not my Mom. She went toe to toe with him and told him where he could shove it. She was very feisty.”

  Dylon could see the sadness wash over his mate’s face as he lapsed into silence, thinking about his dead parents. Gathering Cody into his arms, he softly kissed his head and then, leaning his cheek against it he said, “Babe, I’m so sorry about what happened to your family, but I swear, justice will be served on those who caused their deaths.” Then, gently rocking Cody, he continued, “How about we head to bed? I’m thinking we both could use some cuddle time tonight.”

  “Don’t you want to claim me?” his mate’s muffled voice asked.

  “Oh, yes! More than anything. But ma moité, you need some sleep. Since I want you to have the best claiming there ever was, I really think we both should get a good night sleep and then tomorrow, I promise you I will claim you and erase any doubts you have about me wanting to be your mate.” Taking Cody’s face in his hands, he kissed his mate, foretelling the passion their claiming would have. When Dylon pulled back, he chuckled at the dazed look staring back at him. “Come on, let’s go find Colton so we can get to our room and go to bed.”

  Chapter 7

  Rudy reflected on Bruno’s report about Dylon. Fuck! He could be anywhere or better yet, maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll be dead. He mapped out the possibilities of what could happen to the traitor and came to the conclusion Dylon was dead. It was the conclusion that made the most sense. The shape of his face made shifting impossible for Dylon and without medical intervention, the outcome was a certainty. Dylon wasn’t treated by the Silver Point doctor and they killed the Fox River doctor in the massacre so where could someone take him? Maybe a human hospital? No! Impossible! Rudy mentally cursed himself for not making sure Dylon was dead before Bruno dumped him. Reaching for the phone, he called his head enforcer and told him to head back.


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